What Happens in Vegas...

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What Happens in Vegas...

Unread post by Denaes »

Adventures on the way to/from Vegas.

I've taken trips to Las Vegas from LA and there is an exit called Zyzzx Rd (movie made about the Rd: Zyzzx Rd) that is just an exit in the middle of nowhere that is just a 3 mile road.

I stopped there with my gf to releive myself and then we were going to get some action on. I'm sure it was just people, but there were things moving all through the bushes of this abandoned road in the dark. Oh that as scary.

Also on the way there, in the day time you can see an abandoned waterpark/amusementpark on the left (going to Vegas from LA). This looks like a great set for a horror movie at night. Totally abandoned and isolated in the night desert.
Nekira Sudacne wrote:
Nerdbane wrote:Is that canon, or just your interpretation?

cannonal interpretation, since only one way or the other can be correct, and obviously mine is.
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Re: What Happens in Vegas...

Unread post by mrloucifer »

Denaes wrote:This looks like a great set for a horror movie at night. Totally abandoned and isolated in the night desert.

Indeed, there is lots of room for a horrific story here;

-Cannibaistic maniacs living in the park
-something in human in the park
-things living in the bushes that would chase the victim characters into the park
-some death cult or dark god cult performing their rituals in the park (in fact, with a name like Zyzzx... I'd give the dark god that name for an ironic twist.)

the road could indeed go more than 3 miles, but it requires acess to another dimension or the astral plane to find it... and who knows where the road leads?

Lots of potential here. You should open a website and post pictures of this place for those of us too far to see this interesting place.
"Searchers after horror haunt strange, far places."
–H.P. Lovecraft

By night I'm known as Steven Dawes, that "BTS" guy, and the Host of the House of BTS!
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Re: What Happens in Vegas...

Unread post by vika »

Is this Zzyzx Road you tell about?

I like how it appears at the mountain pass.
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Re: What Happens in Vegas...

Unread post by Beatmeclever »

I like how, if you follow the dirt road part of it around, it ends up at Hank's Mountain. The are several oddly straight roads here; like they are runways or something. :eek:
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Re: What Happens in Vegas...

Unread post by vika »

And some plain named Chocolate Drop.

It is interesting to explore there.
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Re: What Happens in Vegas...

Unread post by Denaes »

Given the topics, listed, here is what I'll end up running.

Zzyzx is a goddess (really a demon princes) of luck and has gathered a devoted cult based on the Gifts she's granted followers in the area. Most Gifts are insane luck which allows Zzyzx to feed off the followers emotions. The cult itself resides in the nearby Noels Knolls range of hills/mountains and they live off of luck itself.

The players are heading home from Vegas and have done well for themselves. They're content and actually they're very "high" on the feeling of winning which lasts until the players reach Zzyzx Rd and their car breaks down (or runs out of gas). They spot light to the south, a blue faded light, but a light that would only come from a concentrated human population... or a Ley Line Nexus flaring up with power during a ritual. Other cars are also broken down... maybe 1/10 cars passing through... all people who won big in Vegas or will win big in Vegas once they arrive.

The players are broken down with other families and high rollers and likely will sense something paranormal is behind these events.

What will follow is the players and people just having he worse luck they can imagine. I would impose penalties to die rolls... people getting hurt/dying due to really random circumstances. Zzyzx herself is feeding off their luck and her cult is backing them up. Things should fails in the most absurd ways... unless the players/folk engage in a game of chance. Any wagers will be met with increasingly easy odds of success... maybe a cumulative +1 per each event in a row they leave up to luck.

Turns out that high rollers themselves have been kidnapped and brought to Zzyzx Rd, where they're to gamble high stakes. Maybe of these people feel they've been granted a gift rather than being kidnapped.

Zzyzx herself will not manifest unless challenged to a game, which the cult themselves are pretty much against outsiders doing. luck charms (4 leaf clovers, lucky socks, rabbits feet) will be especially useful and grant a large bonus (or penalty to Zzyzx). She'll submit to a wager... be it leaving the area, luck to the winner, etc. She doesn't have any power over any actual material means of rewards (ie, she can't give you a million dollars, but she can grant you the luck to win a million dollars if you were to make such a wager).
Nekira Sudacne wrote:
Nerdbane wrote:Is that canon, or just your interpretation?

cannonal interpretation, since only one way or the other can be correct, and obviously mine is.
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Re: What Happens in Vegas...

Unread post by vika »

I like this idea. Very good :ok:

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