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Aquatic gear

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 5:32 am
by Sgt Anjay
Some designs from the Robotech:Return to Macross comics (specifically, issues 27 and 28) that are useful for running Navy/special forces missions. Especially handy if you're an ASC TC:Navy or Marsh Division troop, and/or have the Dolphin Corps MOS (which should have Pilot:Water Scooters added to it, now that I think about it) :wink:

Basic Sea Sled
A simple one-man propeller driven vehicle built to aid divers and give them increased range and speed. It allows swimmers to explore, scout, and search for much greater distances, an enormous boon to reconnaissance, search and rescue, and salvage operations. It also allows larger subs to drop off combat divers beyond the range of the enemy’s means of detection, while letting the divers arrive at their objective quickly and stealthily with minimal exertion on their part. Sea sleds also allow members of the Dolphin Corps to keep up with their trained charges.
Crew: One
Speed: 15 mph (13 knots) submerged. The sled can be made to float suspended, make sharp turns, rise or sink nearly straight up/down, and travel at a snail’s pace (allows prowl at -10%).
Range: 150 miles
Maximum Depth: 2500 ft. (note: this is deeper than most divers can safely reach)
Bonuses: +5% to piloting skill, +2 to dodge
Statistical Data:
Height: 3 ft.
Width: 3 ft.
Length: 4 ft.
Weight: 200 lbs
Cargo: can pull an additional 300lbs without affecting performance

Swimmer Delivery Submersible (S.D.S.)
A unique take on swimmer delivery vehicles, the SDS was designed to insert teams of divers into hostile waters quietly, as well as supply and assist them on longer missions. Its main innovation is the top-mounted swimmer delivery dome, which acts as a drydock/airlock for the diver team. The divers can enter the dome with any necessary gear from inside the submersible while under water, which can then be filled with water and opened to allow the divers to proceed. The submersible can also partially surface so that only the dome is above water. This allows rafts or small boats to be used in insertion, as well as letting them be extracted by a stealthy vehicle quickly to foil enemy attempts to capture or destroy teams. It also, when combined with its inherent stealth, makes the SDS useful for rescue of personnel such as the crew of sunken ships and downed pilots from hostile waters. Other features include docking clamps allowing it to link up with larger subs. These then can transport it to areas of operation, where it can detach and perform its own missions.
Model type: wet/dry advanced swimmer delivery vehicle
Crew: two – pilot and co-pilot, plus four swimmers with full diving gear
Speed: 30 mph (30 knots) submerged, 20 mph (17.2 knots) surfaced
Range: 450 miles
Maximum Depth: 3500 ft.
Statistical Data:
Height: 12 ft. to top of main body; 20 ft. to top of swimmer delivery dome
Width: 18 ft. main body; 24 ft. from edge of docking clamp to edge of docking clamp
Length: 32 ft.
Cargo: Can stow full diving gear and sea sleds for 6 people, plus one week's worth of supplies and emergency equipment.
Weapon Systems
1. Heavy Torpedoes: Mounted on the bottom of the submersible, these torpedoes are designed to provide some stand-off capability, as well as the ability to destroy any major obstacles impeding amphibious operations.
Payload: 2

Re: Aquatic gear

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 10:30 am
by taalismn
Thanks...we SERIOUSLY need more advanced aquatic equipment, what with the slavage operations on downed Zentraedi ships, covert marine operations, and attempts to build more secure(and concealed) industrial, military, and residential facilities underwater....

Re: Aquatic gear

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 8:18 pm
by Sgt Anjay
An attack submarine, also from the Return to Macross comics, this time issue #12.

Georgia class attack submarine
On the prowl
The UES Georgia fires
As the Global War morphed into the Anti-unification War, the powers that would eventually form the United Earth Government realized that naval development was an absolute priority. Not only was it vital to the world-wide nature of their movement, but the crux of all things had become the crashed alien spaceship sitting out in the open on an island in the South Pacific. In addition, naval vessels were ideal test-beds for a host of technologies to be used in Earth's nascent space fleet. The Prometheus and Daedalus classes are results of this; so is the Georgia class attack submarine.

The Georgia-class incorporates numerous advances in materials, automation, life support, and a host of other areas. The result is superior capability in a smaller, more economical design. The top of the sub is reinforced, allowing it to surface through ice in Arctic and Antarctic waters. A multitude of non-hull-breaching sensors are integrated into the sail, with all data sent to the control room within the belly of the vessel. Also in the sail is a staging area and dry-dock for special operations, salvage, and rescue teams to deploy. The six, front mounted torpedo tubes are capable of firing an array of interchangeable ordnance, from missiles and torpedoes to mines.

Georgias proved excellent vessels for their assigned tasks. They are stealthy, deep diving, and well-armed. They also possess outstanding endurance. Acting both independently and as part of carrier battle groups, especially as escorts to the Prometheus and Daedalus classes, they are a mainstay of the United Earth Defense Force Navy.
Model type: SSF (Attack submarine, fusion powered)

Crew: 60, plus room for an additional 12 (usually combat divers).
Speed: 32.2 mph (28 knots) surface, 40.3 mph (35 knots) submerged
Range: Limited only by onboard supplies and crew endurance; typically 120 days. The Georgia-class is entirely capable of circumnavigating the globe while remaining submerged.
Maximum Depth: 1.5 miles
Statistical Data:
Height: 45 ft.
Width: 37 ft.
Length: 312 ft.
Cargo: Supplies for 120 long deployments (can be stretched longer with extreme rationing in case of emergencies). Special weapons and equipment (to include sea-sleds) for embarked special operations troops, and a small unmanned submersible vehicle in the sail. Small storage spaces for crew’s personal effects.
Weapon Systems
1. Front-mounted Torpedo Tubes (6): The torpedo tubes of the Georgia-class were designed with utmost versatility in mind. Using advanced loading systems, a wide range of ordnance can be fired from them, as needed by the changing dictates of combat. These include sea-to-air missiles, anti-surface missiles (similar except they skim the surface of the water to strike at surface ships, making them harder to shoot down), cruise missiles, and heavy torpedoes. The tubes are also capable of discharging self-laying mines.
Primary purpose: Anti-submarine
Secondary purpose: Anti-surface/Land Attack
Payload: 44 total torpedoes, missiles, or mines; load-out varies depending on mission.

Re: Aquatic gear

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 7:58 am
by MikelAmroni
Not really, although we had this discussion in depth, and it basically came down to "it depends" Southern Cross might have a mini-attack sub (to go along with their very capable aquatic power armor). The UEDF would rely mostly on a veritech variant, or simple veritechs in the water. The UEEF would rely on their general purpose craft. Colonies might have a need for a sub-fighter, especially if it was an aquatic colony (undersea, in caverns access through the ocean, etc).

While it may be cool, aside from a very limited production run, I don't see it being viable. Others have other options. :)

Re: Aquatic gear

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 6:32 pm
by Sgt Anjay
I would go with mini-subs, submersible PT boats, unmanned attack submersibles, but not neccesarily a "sub-fighter". I could see maybe an aquatic colony world making some sort of water-optimized mecha, but I would see those as variants of existing mecha.

The subject of underwater habitation could bring up all sorts of potential ideas though; I've always liked the thoughts behind both the undersea Red Sea Fort from the New World Order book and the Southern Cross's experimental underwater city from the SC book.

Re: Aquatic gear

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 3:26 pm
by taalismn
Conversions of existing stuff, mainly, to speed production and save time....But pulling older designs for civilian equipment, like the 'Deep Jeep' submersible and the like, rebuilding them with MDC materials(making the acrylic 'crew ball' from tougher spacecraft windowpane material, for instance)...and improved powerplants/batteries(would a SLMH engine need an oxidizer to run? Or should we go back to toying with hydrogen peroxide motors?), and adding token systems or piecemeal gear from other sources(manipulator arms from the old VF spare parts bins, VF-1A cutting lasers, machine guns firing super-cavitating ammunition, etc) would also be a common practice...

There's also quite an array of research and military RPVs that could be brought forward...heck, take the programming/AI core from the Ghost RPV and maybe even the basic frame, and build a robosub-fighter from more need to go after those deep targets in person...just drop a load of 'bots in instead, and even if they screw up and shoot themselves half the time, they'll smoke the target out with no loss of life to your own personnel....

Re: Aquatic gear

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 5:31 pm
by Sgt Anjay
Sorry for the necromancy, but while I was divesting myself of stuff I used in my game, I figured I'd throw this in there. Its from the old Return To Macross comics. Didn't stat it out, since I mostly used it as a plot device and a setting, but if anyone out there would like to take a crack or happens to be good at deck plans, certainly wouldn't hate to see it.

Leviathan-Class Submersible Carrier and Guided Missile/Ballistic Missile Sub (SSVG, SSVB)

The Leviathan-class
Leviathan-class Simultaneous Action Module (SAM)

A design of the darkest days of the Global War and kept in use thanks to the threat of overwhelming alien invasion, the Leviathan class (also known as the L-class) is an attempt to combine the best traits of a variety of naval vessels into one war machine.

The Leviathans were largest naval submarines when designed and built. They have a multitude of torpedo tubes, a veritable arsenal of Vertical Launch System (VLS) tubes, room for not just special forces but a full company of amphibious troops, and perhaps most revolutionary a detachable Simultaneous Action Module (SAM). The SAM is capable of separating from the larger main hull and maneuvering into position while the main hull hides or launches a separate attack of its own. Within the SAM are three hangar decks capable of housing short/vertical take off and landing (S/VTOL) aircraft, adding a third dimension to the ability of the Leviathans to both strike at the enemy and defend themselves.

Leviathans come in two configurations. The first, Submersible Carrier/Guided Missile Sub (SSVG), is meant for both domination of the seas and power projection onto land. Its VLS tubes are each filled with multiple cruise missiles, rendering it capable of launching massive volleys at either ships or land targets. These mass launches can overwhelm air defenses, ensuring impressive damage. Followed up by launches of torpedoes, strikes by the SAM's aircraft, or amphibious forces, all-out attacks by SSVG L-class vessels are the very definition of shock and awe.

The second configuration was envisioned as the ultimate deterrent. The Submersible Carrier/Ballistic Missile Sub (SSVB) replaces the vast capacity of the cruise missiles for a smaller, though no less impressive quantity of Submarine Launched Ballistic Missiles (SLBMs). The huge multi-warhead city-buster nuclear weapons are capable of horrendous destruction. Their aircraft are specialized in counter-anti-submarine, as well as possessing fighter-bombers capable of carrying their own nuclear ordnance, letting the Leviathans encompass two-thirds of the infamous Nuclear Triangle: nuclear bombers and nuclear-armed ICBM subs (the third leg of the triangle being land-based nuclear missile silos).

Ships of Class:

Re: Aquatic gear

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 10:15 pm
by jedi078
Since this is on topic I once did a mod for Logan Swimmer Deliver Vehicle (SDV). I have posted this idea elsewhere and if the mods don't have problem with it I'm willing to post the flavor text and what you need to swap the weapons out with, but no actually MDC levels or damages will be listed.

Also if anyone has read a series of books written by Joe Buff there is a a modified Nuclear Attack sub that has an internal ASDS (Advanced SEAL Delivery System) hanger built into the hull.

Re: Aquatic gear

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 10:20 am
by avollant
Question: Where did you got those image?

Re: Aquatic gear

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 10:27 am
by Sgt Anjay
As I said, all the images in this thread are from the Robotech:Return to Macross comic book series.

Re: Aquatic gear

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 6:19 pm
by taalismn
Absolutely nothing wrong with Thread Necormancy, if you inject fresh life into it, as you just did.
Admittedly, I'd love more statistical(but non-game term) detail, but hey, what you got so far is great. :ok:

Re: Aquatic gear

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 6:47 pm
Sgt Anjay wrote:Sorry for the necromancy, but while I was divesting myself of stuff I used in my game, I figured I'd throw this in there. Its from the old Return To Macross comics. Didn't stat it out, since I mostly used it as a plot device and a setting, but if anyone out there would like to take a crack or happens to be good at deck plans, certainly wouldn't hate to see it.

Leviathan-Class Submersible Carrier and Guided Missile/Ballistic Missile Sub (SSVG, SSVB)

The Leviathan-class
Leviathan-class Simultaneous Action Module (SAM)

A design of the darkest days of the Global War and kept in use thanks to the threat of overwhelming alien invasion, the Leviathan class (also known as the L-class) is an attempt to combine the best traits of a variety of naval vessels into one war machine.

The Leviathans were largest naval submarines when designed and built. They have a multitude of torpedo tubes, a veritable arsenal of Vertical Launch System (VLS) tubes, room for not just special forces but a full company of amphibious troops, and perhaps most revolutionary a detachable Simultaneous Action Module (SAM). The SAM is capable of separating from the larger main hull and maneuvering into position while the main hull hides or launches a separate attack of its own. Within the SAM are three hangar decks capable of housing short/vertical take off and landing (S/VTOL) aircraft, adding a third dimension to the ability of the Leviathans to both strike at the enemy and defend themselves.

Leviathans come in two configurations. The first, Submersible Carrier/Guided Missile Sub (SSVG), is meant for both domination of the seas and power projection onto land. Its VLS tubes are each filled with multiple cruise missiles, rendering it capable of launching massive volleys at either ships or land targets. These mass launches can overwhelm air defenses, ensuring impressive damage. Followed up by launches of torpedoes, strikes by the SAM's aircraft, or amphibious forces, all-out attacks by SSVG L-class vessels are the very definition of shock and awe.

The second configuration was envisioned as the ultimate deterrent. The Submersible Carrier/Ballistic Missile Sub (SSVB) replaces the vast capacity of the cruise missiles for a smaller, though no less impressive quantity of Submarine Launched Ballistic Missiles (SLBMs). The huge multi-warhead city-buster nuclear weapons are capable of horrendous destruction. Their aircraft are specialized in counter-anti-submarine, as well as possessing fighter-bombers capable of carrying their own nuclear ordnance, letting the Leviathans encompass two-thirds of the infamous Nuclear Triangle: nuclear bombers and nuclear-armed ICBM subs (the third leg of the triangle being land-based nuclear missile silos).

Ships of Class:


Re: Aquatic gear

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 9:49 pm
by AzathothXy
You could use the Triax Transformable sub as well.

Re: Aquatic gear

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 1:21 am
by Sgt Anjay

Thanks! That was about all the interesting nautical stuff I grabbed from the Return to Macross comics. There probably is more Global War era stuff that could be mined from that series, especially as far as aircraft, but I've never scanned 'em or tried to stat 'em out. And, like I said, I never even fully statted out the Leviathan-class.

Re: Aquatic gear

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 11:45 am
Sgt Anjay wrote:

Thanks! That was about all the interesting nautical stuff I grabbed from the Return to Macross comics. There probably is more Global War era stuff that could be mined from that series, especially as far as aircraft, but I've never scanned 'em or tried to stat 'em out. And, like I said, I never even fully statted out the Leviathan-class.

wow I am sooo interested to see that stuff !!!

Re: Aquatic gear

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 8:18 pm
by Rabid Southern Cross Fan
Zor Disciple wrote:Wonder how much stuff like this could be pulled from the comics.

Quite a bit, in fact. Sure, alot of it needs to be cleaned up to one degree or another, but there is certainly a wealth of material lying fallow in Robotech's past.

Re: Aquatic gear

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 9:51 pm
by taalismn
Certainly, though it's up to fans to gather up those gems, since so much of the stuff would be declared non-canon.

Re: Aquatic gear

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 5:05 pm
by Wildfire
if you want a cool sub check out Macross Zero for one of the anti-unification ones it holds I think 5 veritech

Re: Aquatic gear

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 8:03 pm
by glitterboy2098
josephddm wrote:Are considered canon from HG,all the artwork from these comic-books?.

simple answer: no.
more accurate answer: not really, but there isn't much show canon to prevent the use of the units. it's the stories that tend to be overridded by the show. :)

Re: Aquatic gear

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 8:15 pm
by Sgt Anjay
Yeah, just in this comic series, there was a bunch of stuff; the things I put in this thread were just the ones I statted up to use. I know there were several jets, a couple of helicopters, tanks, and various miscellaneous stuff that could yet be culled. And each of the different comic book series usually had something to offer.

Re: Aquatic gear

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 3:27 am
by Rabid Southern Cross Fan
Sgt Anjay wrote:I know there were several jets, a couple of helicopters, tanks, and various miscellaneous stuff that could yet be culled.

Oooh...I need both helicopter and a tank pic for the Dark Knight MBT. If ya have pics, please share!

Re: Aquatic gear

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 2:34 pm
by Rimmerdal
Been considering a few ideas for aquatic types. Invid, Masters. One day need to type it all out in full.

Re: Aquatic gear

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 7:13 pm
by Sgt Anjay
Ok, here's the game plan. When the ball snaps, everyone go get some obscure/forgotten/original Robotech goodies, and bring it back here for show-and-tell. On three. Ready....break!

Re: Aquatic gear

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 7:34 pm
by Rabid Southern Cross Fan

Re: Aquatic gear

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 8:37 pm
by Sgt Anjay
Dang, you work fast!

Tirolian Legionnaire of the Late Republic, from Robotech:Genesis
Two for one; a flashback to the Global War with a tank and helicopter from Return to Macross #11

Re: Aquatic gear

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 12:11 pm
by Rabid Southern Cross Fan
Sgt Anjay wrote:Dang, you work fast!

That's what us Free Market types do. :-P

Two for one; a flashback to the Global War with a tank and helicopter from Return to Macross #11

Hmm...tank would be good for the Highlander LCT, though I think I'm gonna have to mod the sketch to make the turret armour slope better. The 'copter needs skids, but still better than nothing. Thankees!

Re: Aquatic gear

Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 12:12 am
by Beatmeclever
I have some aquatic gear in my Special Missions Command. So as to not violate policies, PM me for the URL to the SMC if you want it.