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I need help picking a new railgun for my borg.

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 8:41 am
by Starmage21
OR some other physical damage source that uses WP. Heavy MD Weapons.

I bought an NG-404 thinking I could use it with my PS39(Robotic), but somehow skipped over the part where it required a base supernatural PS 30 to use. So now I has a sad that I cant have my (1d6*10)+6MD railgun that shoots at 6,000ft. GM is letting me switch it out via retcon (we're just going to assume the new one is what I always had). I'd like help in choosing the best one.

PS My Combat Cyborg OCC's strength is absolutely capped out (max upgrade AND cyber-doc improvement) at Robotic 39. I've got an NG-202 that I keep loaded with anti-vampire rounds. I need somethin bigger for general use.

Re: I need help picking a new railgun for my borg.

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 9:29 am
by Prince Artemis
PSST, you do know rail guns fall under W.P. Heavy Energy right? :D

Re: I need help picking a new railgun for my borg.

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 9:57 am
by rat_bastard
My recommendation for rail guns is either go Russian or Naruni. Why? Check the shots per trigger pull and payload, Russian rail guns allow twice as many shots.

Re: I need help picking a new railgun for my borg.

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 4:27 pm
by Captain Shiva
Prince Artemis wrote:PSST, you do know rail guns fall under W.P. Heavy Energy right? :D

Yes,despite the fact that it flies in the face of logic and common sense.

Re: I need help picking a new railgun for my borg.

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 6:42 pm
by Mack
Starmage21 wrote:OR some other physical damage source that uses WP. Heavy MD Weapons.

I bought an NG-404 thinking I could use it with my PS39(Robotic), but somehow skipped over the part where it required a base supernatural PS 30 to use. So now I has a sad that I cant have my (1d6*10)+6MD railgun that shoots at 6,000ft. GM is letting me switch it out via retcon (we're just going to assume the new one is what I always had). I'd like help in choosing the best one.

PS My Combat Cyborg OCC's strength is absolutely capped out (max upgrade AND cyber-doc improvement) at Robotic 39. I've got an NG-202 that I keep loaded with anti-vampire rounds. I need somethin bigger for general use.

My advice is to use a Wilk's 1000 Pulse Laser Cannon (Merc Ops, p104). 5D6+3 MD for single shots, 3D4x10 MD for a 3-round pulse, 3000 foot range, and a massive 80 pulses availabe via the generator. Total weight is only 70 pounds, which keeps you mobile.

If you want to stick with a rail gun, then use either the NG-202 or one of the C-40R knockoffs (both found on p226 of the original Rifts Main Book).

Or... there's always the WI-GL20 Automatic Grenade Launcher (Mercs, p105). Gives you the choice of Armor Piercing or Frag grenades, with a 3D6x10 MD burst.

Re: I need help picking a new railgun for my borg.

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 8:15 pm
by Starmage21
Yeah, i'm stickin with a physical damage source like a railgun or AP grenades. I dont wanna be completely nullified by a spellcaster who feels like casting Impervious to Energy, or Impervious to Fire (for plasma weapons).

I might pick up that grenade launcher, its got good range, and hella damage.

Re: I need help picking a new railgun for my borg.

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 8:18 pm
by rat_bastard
Starmage21 wrote:Yeah, i'm stickin with a physical damage source like a railgun or AP grenades. I dont wanna be completely nullified by a spellcaster who feels like casting Impervious to Energy, or Impervious to Fire (for plasma weapons).

I might pick up that grenade launcher, its got good range, and hella damage.

if you are strong and big enough have an operator mate the two.

Re: I need help picking a new railgun for my borg.

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 8:32 pm
by grandmaster z0b
Or the Naruni NE-200 Plasma Cartridge Machinegun (oh wait you just posted that you don't want that.), still 2D6x10 M.D. per 10 round burst...

In regard to the WI-GL20 and its 3d6x10 armour piercing burst: would the armour piercing rules from RUE apply and give a critical hit on an 18 or 19 and triple damage on a 20, or is that only for missiles?

3d6x30 on a natural 20... :eek:

If you go the rail gun try and get some U-rounds imported from Germany :twisted: