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Forsaken Mage O.C.C.

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 11:59 am
by Soldier of Od
The new O.C.C.s in MoM – hmmm... well, they’re okay. One thing that immediately sprang to mind when reading the text for Forsaken Mage was that this would be perfect for rolling up that elusive Dwarf wizard that many players are hankering for. Like many, I think that it should be possible for the (very) occasional evil dwarf to decide to buck tradition and social prejudices, risking expulsion and/or death to learn magic, bringing back the glory days of the empire! After all, the war was an awful long time ago, even for elves and dwarves. I think at least some dwarves would be thinking ‘what’s so bad about this magic stuff anyway?’ Especially as they ‘love using magic weapons and items’. What hypocrisy – isn’t it the rune magic that they are supposed to have the most problem with? The problem with allowing dwarf wizards as I see it is abuse of the idea by players; I agree that such an event would be a very rare exception to the norm, and a dwarf wizard in every group there should not be. The forsaken mage seemed like a good way of introducing such an idea with an element that makes him different from the average wizard. Then I came to the section on ages - humans are rarely accepted as pupils over the age of 21, and over 40 for elves and dwarves! Hooray, canon evidence that dwarves can become Forsaken Mages! Dwarf wizards here we come!

Re: Forsaken Mage O.C.C.

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 12:34 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
I think that should include trolls as well, then, since their description says they seldom dabble in magic but are not excluded from using it.

Re: Forsaken Mage O.C.C.

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 7:43 am
by Soldier of Od
Maybe I'm missing something, but trolls have always been able to use magic anyway, right? I'm not sure what point you are making, sorry.

Re: Forsaken Mage O.C.C.

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 10:38 am
by Stone Gargoyle
Soldier of Od wrote:Maybe I'm missing something, but trolls have always been able to use magic anyway, right? I'm not sure what point you are making, sorry.

Simply that they fit well into this category.

Re: Forsaken Mage O.C.C.

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 11:04 am
by azazel1024
I wouldn't simply say evil dwarves. You can't honestly tell me there hasn't been a person out there so consumed with curiosity that HAD to do/learn/whatever the thing was no matter how 'nice/wonderful/good' a person was. Pandora's box rings a bell to me.

At any rate, I could see the occasional and rare good/selfish dwarf who would learn magic even if it meant expulsion/revulsion/exclusion from his own people and even knowing what kind of evil they had unleashed in the past. After all, they aren't doing it for evil, they are doing it cause they just can't slake their thirst to find out about it, how it works, how to use it and maybe they'll try and use it for some good along the way. After all, there are non-dwarven mages out there who are pretty good and do good with this magic stuff.

I'd think the numbers would be exceedingly low, like .0001% of all dwarves study magic. Of course evil ones I'd think would be more likely then non-evil ones.

Re: Forsaken Mage O.C.C.

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 11:05 am
by Soldier of Od
Quote: Simply that they fit well into this category.

Oh I see. Yes, I agree. :-D

And good point about good dwarves, az.

Re: Forsaken Mage O.C.C.

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 12:07 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Munchkin Slappin GM wrote:Any race fits good for th Forsaken Mage IMO. The dwarf would make a good one though, lots of playable backstory on why they became a mage. I could evan see the OCC like a self taught savant.

I disagree. Some races are far less likely to have trouble finding a teacher for learning magic, Elves and Humans, specifically. I see it far more suited for so-called monster races.

Re: Forsaken Mage O.C.C.

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 2:48 pm
by gaby
It,s a good way to get Magic from Rifter in the Palladium world.

Any Dwarf that use magic will try to keep ther anontmity and hide ther real Identity to protect his or her relatives or say ther not a real Dwarf but a curse turn them into one.

Find a Hidden Alchemist,s lab would be a good start.

What Rifter,s magic do you want to see become canon?

Re: Forsaken Mage O.C.C.

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 4:09 pm
by The Dark Elf
gaby wrote:What Rifter,s magic do you want to see become canon?

Song Magic but in a re-written format by myself :wink:

Re: Forsaken Mage O.C.C.

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 4:44 pm
by azazel1024
Song magic sounds like some sort of bardish creation :-D

Never trust singers.

Re: Forsaken Mage O.C.C.

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 6:42 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
azazel1024 wrote:Song magic sounds like some sort of bardish creation :-D

Never trust singers.

Quite to the contrary, I think Bardic Magic would be a good addition.

Re: Forsaken Mage O.C.C.

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 2:43 am
by Northern Ranger
I've already made one, a human whose estranged assassin father (one of my mains called Reaper) slayed his master before his training could be completed. So now he uses what he's learned since then to hunt his father, whom he plans to kill in retaliation for ruining his magical training. Oh, what a tangled web I weave!

Re: Forsaken Mage O.C.C.

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 9:54 am
by Stone Gargoyle
Northern Ranger wrote:I've already made one, a human whose estranged assassin father (one of my mains called Reaper) slayed his master before his training could be completed. So now he uses what he's learned since then to hunt his father, whom he plans to kill in retaliation for ruining his magical training. Oh, what a tangled web I weave!

That is a really awesome idea. :ok:

Re: Forsaken Mage O.C.C.

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 11:37 am
by Northern Ranger
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Northern Ranger wrote:I've already made one, a human whose estranged assassin father (one of my mains called Reaper) slayed his master before his training could be completed. So now he uses what he's learned since then to hunt his father, whom he plans to kill in retaliation for ruining his magical training. Oh, what a tangled web I weave!

That is a really awesome idea. :ok:

I do have those from time to time! But thank you for noticing! :-D

Re: Forsaken Mage O.C.C.

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 2:32 pm
by azazel1024
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
azazel1024 wrote:Song magic sounds like some sort of bardish creation :-D

Never trust singers.

Quite to the contrary, I think Bardic Magic would be a good addition.

I agree completely. Heck in some ways I'd love to see the Bard O.C.C. either re-written or have a bardic mage class added. More of an emphasis on entertainment and healing then combat, but maybe a few combat oriented spells in there (but very few). Also some songs simply require a song, other's require a musical insturment with different ones providing bonuses to different song types (or some song require an instrument to cast). Maybe a flute/fife adds a +1 to spell strength for healing songs, maybe a lute/guitar adds +1 to combat spell strength and pipes or fiddle add +1 to enchantment/mind manipulation spell types. Maybe magical instruments that have additional bonuses on top of that or something of the sort.

Re: Forsaken Mage O.C.C.

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 10:32 am
by Hound
I would LOVE for the Ludicrous Magic to become canon- though I know it fits better in modern settings. Barring that, the Blade magic is great for the Fantasy setting and the Blood Magic from the early Rifters makes for a great enemy caster.