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Late night game for POH '10

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 11:20 pm
by J. Lionheart
Alright all, I've been plotting my Open House games, and had this one concept that I'd love to run, but I don't think would work during the day. I'm proposing this as a late-night game for one of the conference rooms back at the hotel, of a ridiculousness scale similar to last year's Rune Weapons game. Let me know if this would be something you're potentially interested in.

Game: Tomb of Munchkins

System: Palladium Fantasy 2e

Tagline: A large group of stupidly powerful characters invade a stupidly deadly dungeon, seeking stupidly valuable treasure, against stupidly bad odds!

Description: Imagine a blend of the classic Tomb of Horrors module with the card game Munchkin, informed by the worst machinations of Grimtooth's Traps, all set in the PF game world. A dungeon of incredibly high difficulty, some might say unfair difficulty, is filled with treasures beyond the wildest imagination. Of course, distinguishing those treasures from the tricks may be a bit difficult! Monsters stalk the players and rig up traps that kill in ways that are simultaneously horrific and entertaining. Survivability is near 0%, but the goal isn't to survive - it's just to survive longer than the others! Wield weapons like the Chainsword, the Gatling Crossbow, and the Death Lute to blast your way through hordes of beasties and rack up treasure. Protect yourself from counterattack with the Uberidium Armor, the Ring of Godslapping, and the Rubber Chicken of Doom! And don't forget your collapsible 11 foot pole! Will you work with the others, or run off by yourself to try and get more loot? Perhaps pretend to work with them, just so they do the dirty work and you can backstab them for it when they're done? It's up to you! Who knows? You may even find yourself face to face with the Turtle of Destiny :twisted: Madness abounds.

Notes: I could probably run this with any number of people - nobody is expected to survive very long! If you die, just grab another character, and come back in seeking vengeance! The game goes on until somebody gets to the final treasure! I'm tempted to try and do this with Dwarven Forge models, but might not be able to, due to the expense of shipping. Last year's prop shipping cost around $120, and this would be a lot heavier than that! I might use cardstock style dungeon floor patterns instead.

So, what do people think? Fun possibility, or lame pipe dream?

Re: Late night game for POH '10

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 8:41 pm
by Carl Gleba
:lol: sounds awesome :ok:


Re: Late night game for POH '10

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 10:42 pm
by Scott Gibbons
Definitely interested!

Re: Late night game for POH '10

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 1:09 am
by J. Lionheart
Delighted to see people still chiming in and being interested :-) I'll work on putting this together so we've got some good (bloody!) times to be had :-D

Re: Late night game for POH '10

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 6:20 pm
by Carmen
Im in! :lol:

Re: Late night game for POH '10

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 2:46 am
by J. Lionheart
Chaos shall be spread far and wide, bwah ha ha! I'll work with my group to get this playtested in advance and make sure things are rocking by the time the OH rolls around.

@grmh4464 - As long as you're not using them at the OH, please feel free to borrow any of the ideas you see here :-) That's one of the joys of the forums, sharing GM schemes!

Re: Late night game for POH '10

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 11:28 am
by Hendrik

awesome idea!

JL, you can count me in.

I still owe you for using your sig on the other board. I love props. So, sweet and simple: I will cover USD 50 of the shipping, if that is any help.

Kind regards

Re: Late night game for POH '10

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 11:32 am
by J. Lionheart
Hey Hendrick :-) Glad to have you aboard.

Thanks for the kind offer to help with the shipping, but that's not necessary :-) I'll make sure to get the stuff there, whatever it turns out to be!

Re: Late night game for POH '10

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 12:09 pm
by Hendrik
J. Lionheart wrote:Hey Hendrick :-) Glad to have you aboard.

Awesome again!

J. Lionheart wrote:Thanks for the kind offer to help with the shipping, but that's not necessary :-) I'll make sure to get the stuff there, whatever it turns out to be!

Re the shipping let's let it stand like this: you will see what it turns out to be, and my word stands for you to take me up on it. Shipping costs are a deevil and such creatures are best fought together.

Re: Late night game for POH '10

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 3:32 pm
by Lucas
oh oh oh i am in....:)

Re: Late night game for POH '10

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 5:28 pm
by J. Lionheart
Welcome back, Lucas :-) Glad to have you again.

I'm chatting with one of my group members, who's a professional artist. I'm probably going to commission the weapon cards from her, so we have visuals for the goofy equipment :-D

Re: Late night game for POH '10

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 2:28 pm
by Eryk Stormbright
lol this sounds like a Great game, I'd love to be in on it. you handing out sheets, or do we bring our own, and I know you said stupidly powerful characters, but is there a limit on how stupidly powerful they can be? :twisted: I can come up with some pretty twisted things hehe

Re: Late night game for POH '10

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 5:05 pm
by J. Lionheart
I'll bring the pre-gens :-) They'll be pretty absurd. I'm actually considering the fact that I might be able to create an excel-based Munchkin Generator. I have some experience creating auto-adjusting character sheets for a different game, I could do it again here without too much trouble. Just have to get the tables built right, and the random will take care of us :-)

Re: Late night game for POH '10

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 3:02 pm
by J. Lionheart

Ok, so sorry to do this at this late point, but I am no longer able to attend.

The POH, the ONE event per year that I schedule way the heck out in advance, and now, due to last minute situations arrising at work, I will be unable to be away for the few days necessary to make it to this incredible thing. CURSES.

Sorry for those who'd expressed interest in my late night game, it obviously won't be going on. I'm going to miss the incredible coolness of Kevin and the gang, and all the sweet games that go on.

/sad :-(

Re: Late night game for POH '10

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 5:30 pm
by Eryk Stormbright
that does blow the big one man, but you have to do what you have to do.. RL kinda has to come first, without it(and the money it gives us) there is no play time. but you will be missed my friend.

Re: Late night game for POH '10

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 5:23 am
by Hendrik
J. Lionheart wrote:AARRRGGGGHH.
/sad :-(

Jeremiah / Evan,

I am very sorry to hear that! :-(

Of course I am sorry not to be able to attend your munchkinistical game but I am much more sorry for not being able to meet you this year and, what is more, that you loose the opportunity to be there this year yourself. Work can be a bugger. I hear you, friend, I have been in that spot all too often myself. That sucks big time. Still, what remains is for me to wish you: success with your work, try to enjoy it although it makes you loose the OH this year!

If nothing else helps: try it "with a spoonful of sugar", hum the melody - childish but always makes me smile! :-D

Kind regards

Re: Late night game for POH '10

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 12:37 pm
by The Dark Elf

I actually wanted to meet J Lionheart. Having Gm'd four woflen for over a decade Ive written J Lionheart (undead hunter) into an adventure as it will have some awe with the players when they meet him.

Oh well :(

Re: Late night game for POH '10

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 2:22 pm
by Scott Gibbons
Crud! I was sooo looking forward to this game. I was gonna claim that Rubber Chicken of Doom come hell or high water. This means you also won't get to see my full life-sized Glitter Boy costume I made for the costume contest. This sucks. Bad Fate! Bad, bad, bad Fate! No more prayers to you. :badbad: