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Super TK Question

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 4:49 pm
by GaredBattlespike
The RUE physical Power of TK states that it cannot be used to have the Psychic pick him/herself up and fly, "due to the weight restrictions, see Telekinesis (Super)". So the text shows that Telekinesis (Super) can be used for a form of Psionic powered flight. My question is this:"What is the Speed Attribute used for this flight? Mental Endurance? Speed? Level times "X" ?

Any help would be appreciated,

Re: Super TK Question

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 7:45 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
The power is basically the same as the ability describes in the physical category of the psionic powers, but greatly enhanced.

This mean that super TK is the TK physical power with a few of the stats upgraded. The rest of the power's stats are the same as the TK physical power.

While the TK physical power mentions flying, the super TK does not. This was probably an over sight.

I would say 50' per APM, max, unless the psi have some sort of armor that blocks the wind, then it might be the power's range every apm.

Re: Super TK Question

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 12:10 pm
by Grell
If I had to rule it off the cuff, I'd say that the flight speed would be equal to the psychics speed attribute and that the flight range is unlimited, but only lasting as long as duration is in effect.

I could be persuaded to even increase flight speed by 50% of the psychics speed attribute to account for the lack of physical movement, but no more than that I think.