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Energy Field Questions

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 5:22 pm
by beatobur
Due to the vague nature of the description of the energy field spell, I am curious if the field is mobile. I've always felt that it was immobile, since one of it's applications was to protect a room.

Opinions? Definitive statements from the brilliant minds out there?

All appreciated.

Re: Energy Field Questions

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 6:17 pm
by PerroMalo
(If I may chime in to clarify a bit, being the player in question)
This would be an energy field cast around an object.

Re: Energy Field Questions

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 7:05 pm
by Nekira Sudacne
beatobur wrote:Due to the vague nature of the description of the energy field spell, I am curious if the field is mobile. I've always felt that it was immobile, since one of it's applications was to protect a room.

Opinions? Definitive statements from the brilliant minds out there?

All appreciated.


Re: Energy Field Questions

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 10:50 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Nekira Sudacne wrote:
beatobur wrote:Due to the vague nature of the description of the energy field spell, I am curious if the field is mobile. I've always felt that it was immobile, since one of it's applications was to protect a room.

Opinions? Definitive statements from the brilliant minds out there?

All appreciated.


it doesn't move once cast, relative to the surroundings.

Re: Energy Field Questions

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 11:04 pm
by Nekira Sudacne
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
Nekira Sudacne wrote:
beatobur wrote:Due to the vague nature of the description of the energy field spell, I am curious if the field is mobile. I've always felt that it was immobile, since one of it's applications was to protect a room.

Opinions? Definitive statements from the brilliant minds out there?

All appreciated.


it doesn't move once cast, relative to the surroundings.

I beleive I said that?

Re: Energy Field Questions

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 11:42 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Nekira Sudacne wrote:
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
Nekira Sudacne wrote:
beatobur wrote:Due to the vague nature of the description of the energy field spell, I am curious if the field is mobile. I've always felt that it was immobile, since one of it's applications was to protect a room.

Opinions? Definitive statements from the brilliant minds out there?

All appreciated.


it doesn't move once cast, relative to the surroundings.

I beleive I said that?

so why I can't say the same thing? so you can be the only font of knowledge?

But then again, I didn't say exactly the same thing. :P

Re: Energy Field Questions

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 12:33 am
by beatobur
SamtheDagger wrote:If it was mobile, the spell would say so. As a general rule, you don't apply a property (e.g. mobility) to a spell effect unless the spell description specifically says to.

Well other then the fact that armor tends to move with a person the armor spells don't necessarily state their mobility. It's why I thought it was a very fair question to ask, since so many things in palladium are so vague.

But I thank you all for your input, I'm going to stick with my gut and call it immobile.

Re: Energy Field Questions

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 4:18 am
by Nekira Sudacne
SamtheDagger wrote:If a spell is placed on a movable object or person, it should be common sense that the spell moves with the object or person unless otherwise indicated (like a spell designed to anchor someone to the ground such as magic net). The energy field spell doesn't target an object or person, it targets an area. Therein lies the distinction.

The problem is, Energy Feild can't be anchored to anything. it has set length, width, and hight. You can place it so it's over something to protect something, but you can't cast energy feild "on" anything.

Re: Energy Field Questions

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 10:09 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Nekira Sudacne wrote:
SamtheDagger wrote:If a spell is placed on a movable object or person, it should be common sense that the spell moves with the object or person unless otherwise indicated (like a spell designed to anchor someone to the ground such as magic net). The energy field spell doesn't target an object or person, it targets an area. Therein lies the distinction.

The problem is, Energy Field can't be anchored to anything. it has set length, width, and hight. You can place it so it's over something to protect something, but you can't cast energy field "on" anything.

Sam-the-Dagger, I think you should of separated your sentences. It looks like NS though you were saying something else.

I'm thinking it should of looked like the below.

"If a spell is placed on a movable object or person, it should be common sense that the spell moves with the object or person unless otherwise indicated (like a spell designed to anchor someone to the ground such as magic net).

The energy field spell doesn't target an object or person, it targets an area. Therein lies the distinction"

Notice I didn't change the words. Just giving them some physical separation so the reader has to pay attention to the changing of the train of though between the two.
Yep I hate it when people just type and type and type w/o giving a break at the changing of ideas in their typing.

Is the son of a teacher so I do comment on the writing formats and grammar. :P

Re: Energy Field Questions

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 8:31 am
by mobuttu
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Is the son of a teacher so I do comment on the writing formats and grammar. :P

Me, as a reader with poor English skills, I'm very grateful for this (seriously). :-)

Re: Energy Field Questions

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 12:14 am
by Nekira Sudacne
Shaidar976 wrote:Here is the text verbatim.

Energy Field
Range: Self or others up to 60 ft. away
Duration: 1 Minute per level or until destroyed
Saving Throw: None.
PPE: 10

The magic creates a protective field of energy that can be placed around the mage, others or an object. The maximum area of protection is about 8 ft., which means it can protect a small room full of people (about 6-8 individuals).

I'd say that if it was created on an object that was 8 ft above the ground suspended by nothing then the field and the object could be moved. Any people inside could move it like a gerbil ball.

If it was cast on a person then some of the 16 ft diameter sphere would be under ground there by anchoring it in place.

Geometry when combined with a dash of imagination can be dangerous, and very exciting.

Unless ofcourse the sphere is immobile, which is the case.

Re: Energy Field Questions

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 3:04 am
by drewkitty ~..~
The text says "8 foot area", not "8 foot radius".

As per the normal interpretation when they say "area" they are talking about, if circular in nature, the diameter.

The diameter is the normal interpretation because to interpret it directly would give the spell ether "8 square feet" or "8 cubic feet".
However, the "8 foot diameter" fits the descriptive text.

Re: Energy Field Questions

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 1:49 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
SamtheDagger wrote:
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:The text says "8 foot area", not "8 foot radius"...

And as I said earlier, any spell with an "area" is fixed in space.

So if you cast it 40 feet above ground, that's where it stays. No "gerbil ball" effect. Very useful for preventing someone from falling too hard or trapping an enemy SAMAS in flight.

I was replying to the 16 foot part of Shaidar976's post.
As I said earlier, the spell is immobile relative to their surroundings. Thus, if they cast the spell inside a plane, the spell stays still relative to the plane, and doesn't shred the plane to bits.
If it is cast outside said plane, then it would be left behind.

Re: Energy Field Questions

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 9:42 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
SamtheDagger wrote:I know what you were referring to drewkitty, I was just using your quote to help me make a point. Although it appears we have a different interpretation of what an area effect spell does. On page 187 of RUE it says "In most cases, once the [area effect] spell is cast and the area of effect established, it can NOT be moved."

I interpret that to be: unless the spell description says otherwise, the area of effect can not be moved. But I am willing to concede that the phrase "[i]n most cases" is somewhat unclear.

I do not disagree with you.
However, magic has a subjective component to it. Which is the reason I brought up the relativity aspect into the discussion.

Re: Energy Field Questions

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 11:04 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
New to the Invented Spells Topic.

drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Air Mines (lesser)
Level 5
Range: special
Duration: 10 min
Saving Throw: none
PPE: 12 (special)
"Have you while taking a flight on your wing board minding your own business not hurting anybody, attracted the attention of some sort of annoying SAMAS or Bugs or Flying Dinosaur? Then I have the spell for you...."
Developed by a mage sick of having to out run or out fly pesky SAMAS trying to shoot him down this spell derived for the the Energy Field spell because of the energy field's immobility.
The spell creates small transparent spheres about a foot apart in a plane 10 meters behind whatever flying device the mage is using. The area covered is 10'+10'/Level squared. Each sphere has only One MDC, but that is usually enough to stop (bringing their speed to 0 kph) anything flying into the mines, doing ramming damage to themselves. Missiles flying through the Field have a 25% chance ( 5 or less on a D20 ) of running into one of the mines.
If the mage wishes to cover more area of the plane, then with expending 12 PPE more, he is able to make a second pattern of mines . However, none of the patterns can overlap.

Air Mines (greater)(just listing the differences)
Level 6, PPE: 14, The mage is able to make the field from anywhere. the Tangental distance to the farthest plane can be no grater then 10 meters. Different patterns can over lap if made in different planes. Can make 1 plane of mines per 2 levels at the same time.