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Re: thief/assasin guild names & ideas

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 4:40 pm
by Prysus
Greetings and Salutations. Well, I haven't ever done much with Assassins or Thieves in my games. Since you included both, I will try to include a bit of both. The first is the only Thieves Guild I've ever done. It was actually for a character I was running (yes, I created my own guild as a player for my character, but the GM didn't complain, and the campaign was in a different region so not like they ever came up, it was just for backstory flavor). Some of the details aren't included as they were in his backstory (which is 14 pages long, so I won't include it here). After I will include the limited information I had on Assassin Guilds for my first run as a G.M., though I'll note I did that ... over 10 years ago now. The quality of detail mayb be a bit lacking (I'd like to think I've improved in those years). Hopefully some of these help. Thank you for your time and patience, please have a nice day. Anyways, here it goes ...

Thieves Guild

Guild Name : Crow Thieves Guild
Headquarters : The Crow Bar (a.k.a. Crowbar)

The Crow Thieves Guild is located solely in the Eastern Territories. It is over a hundred years old. For a long time, it was the only thieves guild in their area. However, in the past twenty years they have been rivaled by a newly formed guild known as the Jade Moon. This has led to a long and bloody conflict between the two guilds for territorial purposes. In the past couple of years, the Jade Moon has successfully taken over some of the cities surrounding their main city.

This guild is more than just a place to fence stolen goods or get some information, this is a brotherhood. The members will help one another, make personal sacrifices for each other, fight alongside them, and even at times die for another. It exemplifies the concept of honor among thieves, at least among their fellow members. Though women are not excluded from becoming members, there are none currently, nor has there ever been, in the guild.

Important Members
Guild Name (Private) : Feathered Death
Guild Name (Public) : Scar
Twenty-five years ago, his inner guild name was Butterfly (because of his beautiful looks and graceful moves) and his public name was Smiley. When the former guild leader was leading them to ruin, he stepped in and challenged for leadership. Though he won the duel to the death, it left him with a horrible scar on his face forever ruining his good looks. Despite that fact, he has no shame of this mark and is a symbol of great respect within the guild. It is the reason for his new private guild name, and his public name is a result of his lethal combat style. Ever since he became guild leader, they say his smile has faded a little more each year. The stresses of command have appeared to take their toll on his once happy disposition. His true name has been long forgotten even to him.

Guild Name (Private) : Raven
Guild Name (Public) : Silvermane
He is one of the head lieutenants at the guild. Scar trusts his council greatly. His main skill is as a strategist for the guild, though he is a skilled fighter and thief. There are rumors that he was once a part of the military, but these are unconfirmed. Only Scar may know the truth of the matter. The name Silvermane is a result of his light grey, almost silver, beard. His true name is Alkon.

Guild Name (Private) : Bald Eagle
Guild Name (Public) : Wild
He is a tall, bald headed thief of the guild. He does not have any specialized rank or position, but he is still one of the most experienced members in the guild. Despite his tremendous size he is very quick with great reflexes. The name Wild originates from his wild tactics and unpredictable techniques when pulling a heist. It is also in part due to his, at times, hot temper. After a brutal incident involving the Jade Moon, he now has a long scar on the top of his head. His true name is Jared.

Guild Name (Private) : Falcon-man
Guild Name (Public) : Dragon
The name Dragon comes from the tattoo of a winding dragon around his left bicep. He is the strongest warrior in the entire guild and its enforcer. When something happens that requires a strong arm or lethal repercussions, Dragon is the one they turn to. He is considered Scar's second in command. This is what gave him the name Falcon-man (a variation of Feathered Death). Of all the members in the guild, he seems to have the least honor. That is perhaps the reason he makes such a good enforcer.

1. There are some in the guild that believe Dragon is building up to one day challenge Scar for leadership.
2. Many of the same members believe Dragon's potential betrayal is the reason Scar made him his second, to keep his enemies close.
3. A relatively new rumor is that the true leader of the Jade Moon is the previous leader that Scar defeated. The duel was to the death, so it seems relatively unlikely. However, they insist he either survived somehow or was brought back by some other means.

Assassin Guilds:

Black Rose
“If you wake up one morning and see a black rose on your bed, spend the next 24 hours wisely. For by morning, you’ll be dead. It doesn’t matter if you sail to the farthest ends of the Sea of Despair, or you hide in the deepest chasm of the Nimro Mountain. Once you fall asleep, you won’t wake back up.”

The above was the final words of a Black Rose assassin as he was about to be executed. He spoke them to a member of the royal family who was watching the execution. The next week, that member was found dead and a black rose had been crumpled and thrown in the trash.

They leave a black rose on the bed of their intended victim. Many believe this is to instill fear in the victim and make his last day a living hell. However, in truth, this is to allow the victim a chance to put his affairs in orders. If the victim tries to escape, it is usually just a waste of time because the assassin will follow him wherever he travels. When the victim falls asleep, that is when the assassin while strike. The death will be quick and painless.

The Black Rose has the highest success rate of all the guilds, so their prices are higher than most others. However, they never change their routine. This causes many potential clients, those who want a specialized murder, to go elsewhere for an assassin.

Symbol: A tattoo of a black rose over their heart.
Password: Rest.

The Brood (school)*
The Brood is the most famous training school for assassins. They take in young children as students and teach them how to become effective assassins. After their training is finished, on some occasions before, they are usually sold to a guild. The better the student, the higher the price. Some of the students go off to be private assassins.

Symbol: They wear the patch of the brood on their left arm. The students don’t receive a tattoo until they are sold to a guild.
Password: There is no need for a password since the students are not allowed to leave the grounds, unless accompanied by an instructor, during training.

* - Although this is not an actual guild, it has been included due to its close connection.

The Brood
There is a rumor that the Brood has formed its own assassin’s guild. Most believe that the school hoards some of the students so they can go into business for themselves. However, the truth behind it is that some of the students, most often those not sold, have started their own guild and have kept the name. Since they are still a relatively young and unknown guild, they charge rather low rates.

Symbol: A tattoo of the brood behind their left ear.
Password: None. This still young guild has not yet learned the value of a password.

Raven’s Claw
An extremely successful guild, it ranks only second to the Black Rose. However, their methods are far more flexible. Any method desired can be used to kill a victim considering the price is right. They have even been known to go so far as to capture a victim, and then torture him for days (or longer) just to please a client. If no particular method is specified, the guild will leave it up to each individual assassin.

Symbol: A tattoo of the claw of a raven above the left shoulder blade.
Password: The “caw” of a bird.

Re: thief/assasin guild names & ideas

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 6:02 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
The Blooded Daggers Guild is an assassins' guild which has its home in the Dagger's Cut Tavern, inn and brothel.

The Gut Splitter Assassins' Guild is housed at the Split Gut Tavern and comedy club.

Re: thief/assasin guild names & ideas

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 1:36 pm
by The Dark Elf
Isnt the mafia named after the "almalfi" (spelt right? :-? ) italian coastal region?

Most gangs are named after the areas they "run" (their turf).

I normally come up with the same principal for quick thieves guild names. (ie a Llorn guild might be named "The Sprawlers" or "The Sprawls")

Otherwise I use a symbol that all members can associate themselves by (with a tattoo or certain object on them at all times). (ie "The Black Daggers)

Re: thief/assasin guild names & ideas

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 10:42 pm
by Northern Ranger
The Night Strikers

A guild started by one of my primary characters, an assassin named Reaper. The Guild is called the same thing as the rogues it employs and trains. The Night Stalkers themselves are a hybrid between thieves and assassins and Reapers own, unique moral code. He personally chooses the jobs his people will do which means no killing children, nothing too high profile unless the guild has a reason to get personally involved (i.e. a family link or some such to someone within the guild, they take care of their own) and no contracts taken a very select group of individuals that are on Reapers "do not touch" list. These are the individuals he has adventured with in his long career, they are deemed untouchable. Otherwise, pretty much anything goes. Assassination, spying, thievery, kidnapping... pretty much anything else the client can think of. There is even a VERY select group of Night Strikers that have been trained in rudimentary spell casting. A very dangerous group of individuals.

Re: thief/assasin guild names & ideas

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 12:56 pm
by JuliusCreed
Here's an Assassin's guild I came up with a few months ago. It's also one of the springboards for the Zealot OCC I came up with.

Hand of Anubis
A dark and particularly dangerous guild because not only because of the assassins for hire, but because they are also fully sanctioned by the Church of Light and Dark. All Zealots OCC characters who choose to follow the Church of Light and Dark are fully inducted members of this guild, though they don't neccessarily have to choose Anubis as their prime deity. (there are even Zealots of Ra and Isis in here!) High ranking members of the guild are given a specially enchanted dagger referred to as, appropriately enough, the Hand of Anubis. (described later) The Guild's primary focus is the protecting and furthering of Church interests when the interests of the Church call for a more shady outlook on things. (hence the particularly high numbers of Zealots amongst their ranks) However, they are not above hiring out talent for jobs that aren't exactly church related, though they tend to reserve these jobs for the regular ranks of Assassin.

Important Figures within the Guild
Cardinal Shyalla Cruutree (Human Priest of Darkness level 14) Headmaster of the Guild
A fervent worshipper of the Gods of Darkness, he sees the Hand of Anubis as "his" Guild and does everything within his formidable powers to protect its interests within the church. On several occassions there have been murmurings of disbanding the Guild, claiming it as a symbol of corruptiuon and potential betrayal within the churches ranks. Cardinal Cruutree has stood against these rumblings with a steadfast resolve, citing dozens of occassions where his guild had accomplished with one man what the armies of his church could not. He has put his own reputation on the line many times and always come out on top.
Fretorrin Megravit (Wolfen Zealot of Set level 10) Lieutenant of the Guild
Unofficially the second in command of the Hand of Anubis, Fretorrin is a legend among his bretheren as a Zealot of unmatched efficiency and skill. He has NEVER failed a single mission set before him and has even led large teams of his brother Assassins and Zealots through major assassination campains in the name of his church against political, military and even rival church figures. He was even commisioned with the slaying of a highly ranked member of his own church for the crime of heresy, a mission he carried out without question or hesitation. His only downfall now is his age as he starts pushing the 50 year mark. Ancient by Wolfen standards, he now happily lives a simple existance as a lowly monk, occassionally doling out advice to the new generations, or putting a young upstart in his place when they start getting cocky enough to think they can take the "old dog".
Meghan'da Silverwind (Elf Assassin level 8 ) Guild Assassin
One of the very few Assassins actually trusted with handling church related missions and one of 3 Assassins given a Hand of Anubis dagger (the rest belong to Zealots) Meghan'da is a stunning Elf beauty with silvery-white hair and a smile that could melt your heart masking the heart and soul of a cold-blooded killer. (there are dozens of rumors flying around about her history, one story even claiming she killed her own child without batting an eye) She is a skilled actress capable of playing dozen roles in order to get closer to her targets, ranging anywhere from the frightened and helpless lass in need to the bold and beautiful nobewoman out for a night's passing fancy. Her skills at seduction border on legend with one popular story of her managing to kill a high priest from a rival church by seducing him to get in close to him, then murdering him as they made love. Ordinarilly prefers to work alone, but works well as part of a team if the leash isn't held too tightly. Has the highest respect for Fretorrin, recognizing his wisdom and experience in the field, having witnessed it firsthand at one point. And while she recognizes Cardinal Cruuhtree as the Guild leader, she can't help but feel a bit creeped out by his presence.

The Hand of Anubis Dagger
A major magical weapon it appears as a broad-bladed dagger inscribed with heiroglyphics in gold along the black blade and a golden handle shaped to look like a scorpion's tail wrapping up around the hand of the wielder like a stirrup hilt guard ending in a needle-sharp stinger. When used in combat the "tail" of the handle becomes animated, striking at its wielder's opponent as he does, attempting to sting the victim with every strike. A successful strike with the blade does 2d6 damage. If the stinger hits, the victim rolls a save vs. Lethal Poison. Failure means an additional 5d6 damage, half damage if the save is made. As an added bonus, if anyone picks up the dagger other than its proper wielder, the tail will animate and strike them. This attack can NOT be Parried, but victims can essentially Dodge by dropping the weapon before the tail strikes them. A total of 17 of these weapons currently exist. All but one are accounted for. Cost: NOT AVAILABLE FOR SALE (and before you ask, NO, Uncle Remus does not have the missing one, but he is aware of its existence)

Guild Symbol: A tattoo of a scorpion somewhere on the Assassin's body in any desired size, location or configuration. The only stipulation about it is that it must bear the symbol of an ankh in white on the stinger of the tail. (one Assassin bears this tattoo as a full back piece with the tail coming up over his shoulder. another has it as a simple sillouette on his upper arm) On an interesting side note, Zealots are NOT required to bear the tattoo.
Guild Password: There is no password among the Guild Members. Since the primary bulk of the Guild consists of Zealots, infiltrators and or betrayers are mercilessly hunted down and executed. (they don't even care who sends infiltrators, so you can expect no torturing someone for info like that. Just a quick and clean death, dumping the body off somewhere, usually public, and letting the world find it.)