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Altantis's abilities to enhance Armors an weapons.

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 4:23 pm
by Lenwen
Does Atlantis possess the abilities to place any spell or psionic power into armor ?

What about Weapons ?

Or any other object ?

Re: Altantis's abilities to enhance Armors an weapons.

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 4:33 pm
by jaymz
I think its safe to say that you can get virtually anythign and everythign you want at the SPlynn dimensional market, including captial ships if you have the money to get it to rifts earth....

Re: Altantis's abilities to enhance Armors an weapons.

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 4:39 pm
by Lenwen
jaymz wrote:I think its safe to say that you can get virtually anythign and everythign you want at the SPlynn dimensional market, including captial ships if you have the money to get it to rifts earth....

Groovy. Thanks jaymz. :D

Re: Altantis's abilities to enhance Armors an weapons.

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 4:45 pm
by jaymz
Lenwen wrote:
jaymz wrote:I think its safe to say that you can get virtually anythign and everythign you want at the SPlynn dimensional market, including captial ships if you have the money to get it to rifts earth....

Groovy. Thanks jaymz. :D

Well I ain;t no canon source but considering what Splynn is..... :D Hell it's the Splugorth, they'll sell THEMSELVES for the right price :lol:

Re: Altantis's abilities to enhance Armors an weapons.

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 5:37 pm
by Lenwen
jaymz wrote:
Lenwen wrote:
jaymz wrote:I think its safe to say that you can get virtually anythign and everythign you want at the SPlynn dimensional market, including captial ships if you have the money to get it to rifts earth....

Groovy. Thanks jaymz. :D

Well I ain;t no canon source but considering what Splynn is..... :D Hell it's the Splugorth, they'll sell THEMSELVES for the right price :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Altantis's abilities to enhance Armors an weapons.

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 6:00 pm
by Lenwen
None Enviormental Armor.

Helm : 200 MDC.
Psionic Powers : Zembahk (Psionic) Appendage. 92 ISP/ 20 PPE.
- Mask ISP/Psionic's.
- Mask PPE.
- Presence Sence.
- See Invisible.
- Sixth Sense.
- Mind Block Auto-Defense.
- Telekinetic Force Field.
(all at 6th lvl proficencies)

Magic Spells : Zembahk (Magical) Appendage 80 PPE.
- Reduce Self.
- Invisibility (Lesser)
- Aura of Death.
- Globe of Silance.
- Magical Adrenal Rush.
- Fleet Feet.
(All at 5th lvl proficencies)

Style - Ancient Roman style Helm, instead of colored mohawk, Two Zembahk lay lengthwise with the eye of each Zembahk near the face of the Helm, and the tail of the Zembahk's near the back of the neck area.

Chest Plate: 600MDC.
Zembehk (Psionic) Appendage. 92 ISP/ 20 PPE.
- TK Leap.
- TK Lift.
- TK Punch.
- TK Push.
- Sense Magic.
- Telekinesis.
- Pyrokinesis.
(all at 6th lvl proficiencies.)
Style - Ancient Roman Style chest plate, with the Zembahk, in the middle of the back, with the Eye near the base of the neck and the tail end of the Zembahk near the bottom of the Chest plate, near the waist, in the back.

Gauntlets - 200 mdc. (no powers or abilities)

Boots - 200 mdc. (No powers or abilities.)

I know for a fact Splugorthian Bio-Wizardry is able to utilize Zembahk psionic' abilities in weapons, so I have used them here in an armor set.

The Zembahk can even be programmed as per the description of the Zembahk "Appendage" in Rifts: Splynn Dimensional markets description of the Zembahk Appendage.

So I think this suit would be utterly devistating when used with a Bio-Borg. :D

Hence my question about the abilities of the Atlantean's to put such things into armor's / weapons.

Thanks again jaymz.

Re: Altantis's abilities to enhance Armors an weapons.

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 6:12 pm
by Shark_Force
i wouldn't tend to assume that it's going to be easy to find, or necessarily available immediately, personally.

but sure, if it exists, there's good odds you can either find one at splynn market, or find someone who's willing to track down someone who has it, kill that person, and sell whatever it is that you wanted to you. provided you have enough money, of course.

in general, though, unless we're talking about something that is *extremely* rare, it's probably findable... you just have to know where to look.

(or, to put it another: imagine the internet, but without search engines. imagine if, instead of just typing "rifts rpg forums" into google to find this website, you had to, say, type random words into the address bar, like "", "", and so forth. you might eventually run accross this website (and there would probably be websites that consist of nothing more than links to a specialised subset of websites that could speed up your search if you know the names of those websites), but it would certainly not be easy, you'd have to invest some effort in searching.

so, yeah, you can probably buy just about anything (including stuff made by palladium alchemists or using circle magic, which i think would indeed allow pretty much any magic spell placed on a weapon; not sure about psionics, but likely there's something somewhere in the universe that lets you do it with psionics if it isn't found in palladium fantasy world), but first you have to know where to look. odds are good that before you can buy any of the weapons/armor/equipment you want, unless it's *extremely* common, you're going to have to first buy directions or even a guide to get you to the right shop, or else you're going to spend a lot of time wandering around hoping you find what you want randomly.

Re: Altantis's abilities to enhance Armors an weapons.

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 6:14 pm
by Lenwen

I do not think about it like that I am thinking the slave owner had it specifically built for his Bio-Borg. For combat in the arena ..

Re: Altantis's abilities to enhance Armors an weapons.

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 7:14 pm
by Shark_Force
Lenwen wrote:Shark_Force.

I do not think about it like that I am thinking the slave owner had it specifically built for his Bio-Borg. For combat in the arena ..

ah ok, well sure, if you're going to write it into backstory, it's quite plausible. it just means that he's filthy stinking rich (but then again, owning a bio-borg gladiator slave worth millions quite obviously already implies that to begin with).

Re: Altantis's abilities to enhance Armors an weapons.

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 7:40 pm
by Lenwen
Shark_Force wrote:
Lenwen wrote:Shark_Force.

I do not think about it like that I am thinking the slave owner had it specifically built for his Bio-Borg. For combat in the arena ..

ah ok, well sure, if you're going to write it into backstory, it's quite plausible. it just means that he's filthy stinking rich (but then again, owning a bio-borg gladiator slave worth millions quite obviously already implies that to begin with).



Re: Altantis's abilities to enhance Armors an weapons.

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 8:04 pm
by Shadow Wyrm
I treat Atlantis as being able to do whatever they want, but there area of specialty is Bio-Wizardry and Techno-Wizardry.

Re: Altantis's abilities to enhance Armors an weapons.

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 8:28 pm
by Shadow Wyrm
Darkorinth wrote:Arccording the the Splynn book they have very, very little knowledge of Techno-wizardry. It is pretty much exclusively bio-wizardry. Of course they then went an printed several TW vehicles in the same book, so you can take that with a grain of salt.

I still use the origanal WB for most of Atlantis, and have many High Lords who specialixe in TW.

Re: Altantis's abilities to enhance Armors an weapons.

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 8:37 pm
by Shark_Force
Darkorinth wrote:Arccording the the Splynn book they have very, very little knowledge of Techno-wizardry. It is pretty much exclusively bio-wizardry. Of course they then went an printed several TW vehicles in the same book, so you can take that with a grain of salt.

given the degree of reliance on techno-wizardry, and also the fact that techno-wizardry seems to pop up in every last corner of the universe, i tend to ignore comments about techno-wizardry being rare outside of north america. i mean, if insects can figure out how to make it from quick-drying sludge, and some primitive tribe in australia can figure it out, it can't be all *that* rare.

particularly given splynn in particular (as you yourself noted) makes use of a number of TW devices, and also sells them (did you notice that the standard slaver team gear (for the blind warrior women) presented in the old rulebooks is techno-wizardry, for example? and not just TW devices, but advanced TW devices, like their self-recharging armor of ithan amulets which are device level 10, and therefore require a level 10+ techno-wizard to create)

now, i'll freely admit that the splugorth has a much *greater* mastery of bio-wizardry, and of combining the two types of magic together. but they are not by any means incompetent when it comes to plain old techno-wizardry.

Re: Altantis's abilities to enhance Armors an weapons.

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 9:24 am
by ShadowLogan
Lenwen wrote:Does Atlantis possess the abilities to place any spell or psionic power into armor ?

What about Weapons ?

Or any other object ?

While I can't comment on the PSI ability, Spells are a known factor. The Kydian race is typically outfitted with what amounts to TW in their power armor.

Underseas has the War Urchin PA, and Kittani Destroyer PA with Power System as "Nuclear and TW", plus they both have magical features activated by the press of a button. IIRC the Kydian armors in Atlantis WB2 are the same.

Re: Altantis's abilities to enhance Armors an weapons.

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 4:34 pm
by Shark_Force
like i said... the extensive use of TW devices makes me strongly suspect that TW devices are not remotely close to being rare in atlantis.

and also, the fact that they're all over the universe. and have been discovered by multiple separate groups on rifts earth in just the short time it's had a strong magic field. and the fact that true atlanteans (in particular, the ones in manoa) use it, and have gone all over the megaverse. and also the fact that if you go to the three galaxies, they have it there. and the fact that the xiticix have figured it out, as have a tribe of D-bees in australia.

honestly, i really have a hard time comprehending how it can be described as a rare form of magic. it is so blatantly not rare at all.

Re: Altantis's abilities to enhance Armors an weapons.

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 5:14 pm
by Lenwen
ShadowLogan wrote:
Lenwen wrote:Does Atlantis possess the abilities to place any spell or psionic power into armor ?

What about Weapons ?

Or any other object ?

While I can't comment on the PSI ability, Spells are a known factor. The Kydian race is typically outfitted with what amounts to TW in their power armor.

Underseas has the War Urchin PA, and Kittani Destroyer PA with Power System as "Nuclear and TW", plus they both have magical features activated by the press of a button. IIRC the Kydian armors in Atlantis WB2 are the same.

For the Psionic abilities .. one only needs look at the Zembahk Appendage. It can be designed with either Magic or Psionic's in mind for its user.

If it can be mounted on a stick .. (Staves an such)

Why can it not be mounted on a suit of armor ?

Re: Altantis's abilities to enhance Armors an weapons.

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 5:52 pm
by Shark_Force
Lenwen wrote:
ShadowLogan wrote:
Lenwen wrote:Does Atlantis possess the abilities to place any spell or psionic power into armor ?

What about Weapons ?

Or any other object ?

While I can't comment on the PSI ability, Spells are a known factor. The Kydian race is typically outfitted with what amounts to TW in their power armor.

Underseas has the War Urchin PA, and Kittani Destroyer PA with Power System as "Nuclear and TW", plus they both have magical features activated by the press of a button. IIRC the Kydian armors in Atlantis WB2 are the same.

For the Psionic abilities .. one only needs look at the Zembahk Appendage. It can be designed with either Magic or Psionic's in mind for its user.

If it can be mounted on a stick .. (Staves an such)

Why can it not be mounted on a suit of armor ?

or, for that matter, why couldn't you just glue the stick to the armor, assuming for some reason you couldn't just put it there directly?

Re: Altantis's abilities to enhance Armors an weapons.

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 6:17 pm
by AzathothXy
The way I see it, I beleive somewhere it is hinted that TW is similarto/or a primitive form of rune magic. I also beleive bio-wizardry and rune magic are similar as well, using living things to empower weapons/armor/etc. Converselt TW and bio-wizardry are similar, but instaed of crystals BW uses living components. You can thro Cybermancy from Nightspawn in there as well.

Re: Altantis's abilities to enhance Armors an weapons.

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 6:56 pm
by ShadowLogan
Lenwen wrote:For the Psionic abilities .. one only needs look at the Zembahk Appendage. It can be designed with either Magic or Psionic's in mind for its user.

If it can be mounted on a stick .. (Staves an such)

Why can it not be mounted on a suit of armor ?

I am not saying you can or can't do that for psionics. I am just pointing out that from a Spell perspective there are several known examples for what you are asking about. From a psionic perspective I am not aware of anything like that.

Re: Altantis's abilities to enhance Armors an weapons.

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 10:50 pm
by Lenwen
ShadowLogan wrote:
Lenwen wrote:For the Psionic abilities .. one only needs look at the Zembahk Appendage. It can be designed with either Magic or Psionic's in mind for its user.

If it can be mounted on a stick .. (Staves an such)

Why can it not be mounted on a suit of armor ?

I am not saying you can or can't do that for psionics. I am just pointing out that from a Spell perspective there are several known examples for what you are asking about. From a psionic perspective I am not aware of anything like that.

Rifts : Atlantis pg 120-121..
Psionic Rod or Sceptor. (Zembehk Appendage on a stick or sceptor)

Staff of Pacification. (Zembehk Appendage on a long Stick)

Staff of Power, (Zembahk Appendage on another Long stick)

The Precident is there for Zembahk's to be used on Sticks .. Is it possible for them to be added into armor, that is the question. Not to mention the Eye's of Eylor's ?

Re: Altantis's abilities to enhance Armors an weapons.

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 8:53 am
by ShadowLogan
Lenwen wrote:Rifts : Atlantis pg 120-121..
Psionic Rod or Sceptor. (Zembehk Appendage on a stick or sceptor)

Staff of Pacification. (Zembehk Appendage on a long Stick)

Staff of Power, (Zembahk Appendage on another Long stick)

The Precident is there for Zembahk's to be used on Sticks .. Is it possible for them to be added into armor, that is the question. Not to mention the Eye's of Eylor's ?

That I am not sure of. A staff is very simple compared to the other items in question, but there are other approaches that could work now that I think about it.

While reviewing Phaseworld for something else I reviewed Crystal Technology and it allows one to manifest psionic powers they might not ordinarly have, but inorder to use the technology you have to be psychic to begin with. AFAIK it isn't something the Splurgoth have.

There is also cybernetic technology that can give a person psionics (MOM implants and such). If a way could be found to induce those abilities (as long as the items is in contact) without the use of implants, then yes I suppose it is possible in a broad sense.

Re: Altantis's abilities to enhance Armors an weapons.

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 9:06 am
by AzathothXy
You can mount zembahks on people as well.