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Robotech® New Generation™ Sourcebook

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 9:24 pm

The Robotech® core sourcebook you’ve been waiting for . . . only it’s going to be more than you imagine.
# Rules for using mecha, power armor and technology from all four eras of Robotech. yes very nice
# Kit-bashed mecha and rules for jury-rigging and combining parts from different generations of mecha
yes very nice .
# Freedom Fighter O.C.C.s and resistance organizations. LET SEE THIS ONE
# Rogues and misfits from the three Robotech Wars.
yes very nice
# New weapons, vehicles, mecha and more.yes very nice
# Villains, traitors, bandits, Invid henchmen, adventure and adventure ideas galore.yes very nice
# Written by Kevin Siembieda and Irvin Jackson.yes very nice
# 224+ pages – manga size – $16.95 retailyes very nice – Ships June ( IMPOSSIBLE TO MUCH LAG GOING ON) or July (MAYBE ...... I SAY JANUARY 2011 AT WORST )

Re: Robotech® New Generation™ Sourcebook

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 12:52 am
by Drakenred®™©

Re: Robotech® New Generation™ Sourcebook

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 1:54 pm
by jaymz
I as a completionist I want this book. As for it's usefulness.....not so much.

Re: Robotech® New Generation™ Sourcebook

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 1:59 pm
by Chris0013
I think the most we can get out of this will be setting info as well as the character bios...there are probably some random vehicles or weapons but most mecha has been covered (or will be covered in the Marines book)

Re: Robotech® New Generation™ Sourcebook

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 4:48 pm
by jaymz
gelgoog wrote:mange size sucks

No really, how do you feel about it? :P

Re: Robotech® New Generation™ Sourcebook

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 5:27 pm
by Tiree
Well, we know he doesn't like the Mange. But I think he is really keen on Manga though!

I understand folks dislike of Manga. But I have to admit, I like it. I don't like BESM, and I didn't like it for the size and later didn't like it for the rules. But for Robotech it fits. It fits perfectly for my needs as a commuter. As a GM who is constantly pouring over the books to find some sort of insight.

I would still prefer to have a PDF version of the book over Standard Size. And a Standard Sized version PDF would even be better. I just think complaining about the format is not going to do anything, especially in this medium. Write a letter, not an e-mail. Give a Phone Call, or stop by and talk to them in person. That is how you are going to get any change done.

And just to add - I like the Manga for Robotech, because it makes the books feel hefty at a 200+ page count versus the pamphlets they would be at standard size. They also fit well in my Coat or Back Pocket.

Re: Robotech® New Generation™ Sourcebook

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 7:28 pm
by taalismn
I carry them in my workbag. I miss the old size, but I like the convenience of the smaller's a matter of longa s I don't get to the point where I feel I'm being ripped off on content.

Re: Robotech® New Generation™ Sourcebook

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 9:30 pm
by Lt Gargoyle
i personally prefer the old size. I do not feel that they are ripping me off on the content as the books would be less pages. So i have to agree with taalismn on that one.

I will buy what ever size book it takes to have Robotech back. And to me that is all that matters.

Re: Robotech® New Generation™ Sourcebook

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 9:51 pm
by Chris0013
The only real issue that I have with the smaller size is that you really don't get a decent shot of a mecha unless they give it a full page spread....and not all the mecha get that.

Re: Robotech® New Generation™ Sourcebook

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 9:59 pm
by Lt Gargoyle
Chris0013 wrote:The only real issue that I have with the smaller size is that you really don't get a decent shot of a mecha unless they give it a full page spread....and not all the mecha get that.

Ok I will give on that one to.

Re: Robotech® New Generation™ Sourcebook

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 1:31 am
by FreelancerMar
I think I speak for at least some of the people here When I say that I would Gladly Purchase a full sized version of the previous Manga sized books. I Miss the Full sized books and I want them back.

I would also much rather see the Nuw Generation Sourcebook than the UEEF Marines book. However the way things are going we need to be realistic. There is a chance that we might not be seeing any NEW Robotech Material at all from PB. Guess we will have to wait and see.

Re: Robotech® New Generation™ Sourcebook

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 1:46 am
by dante144
Can't wait!

I wish it would come out sooner. Sounds like I would only need that one. I guess I will have to get the rest!

Excited about books. Many would consider that odd,

Re: Robotech® New Generation™ Sourcebook

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 2:00 am
by Lt Gargoyle
FreelancerMar wrote:I think I speak for at least some of the people here When I say that I would Gladly Purchase a full sized version of the previous Manga sized books. I Miss the Full sized books and I want them back.

I would also much rather see the Nuw Generation Sourcebook than the UEEF Marines book. However the way things are going we need to be realistic. There is a chance that we might not be seeing any NEW Robotech Material at all from PB. Guess we will have to wait and see.

I would rebuy all the Manga sized book in full size as well. And i would rather generations first for a reason, I would like to have the 3 series collection just in case the lic. is ever dropped again.

FreelancerMar, why do you think we will not see anymore Robotech books coming?

Re: Robotech® New Generation™ Sourcebook

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 3:08 pm
by FreelancerMar
I did not say will not, I said there is a "Chance". Big difference. That's just me being a pessimist and a cynic. dont mind me.

Re: Robotech® New Generation™ Sourcebook

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 3:58 am
by Lt Gargoyle
FreelancerMar wrote:I did not say will not, I said there is a "Chance". Big difference. That's just me being a pessimist and a cynic. dont mind me.

I know you did not say will not. But i was just making sure you did not know something the rest of us missed.

Re: Robotech® New Generation™ Sourcebook

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 11:48 am
by taalismn
I'm intrigued by the idea of 'Frankenmecha'ng' alluded to in the New Generation book, but, given how UEEF Marines seems to have slipped again in due date, my pessimism is gaining the upper hand over my enthusiasm.

Re: Robotech® New Generation™ Sourcebook

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 3:55 am
by Lt Gargoyle
taalismn wrote:I'm intrigued by the idea of 'Frankenmecha'ng' alluded to in the New Generation book, but, given how UEEF Marines seems to have slipped again in due date, my pessimism is gaining the upper hand over my enthusiasm.

Sadly so is mine.

Re: Robotech® New Generation™ Sourcebook

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 3:12 pm
by Chris
Dracurian wrote:Have the ideas for Invid R.C.C./O.C.C.s' been scrapped?
I have been hanging out for that bit!!!!

Not official, but, it's something.

Re: Robotech® New Generation™ Sourcebook

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 7:54 pm
by taalismn withdrawl pangs are dying down a bit.

Re: Robotech® New Generation™ Sourcebook

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 10:48 am
by Tiree
I can understand some due dates being missed, especially with a licensed property. I have to admit, the thought of not having a RT Book come out till the end of the year is quite bleak for me. Especially since I was hoping it would end up at the end of last year.

But this really shows you one thing though: Pre-Orders.

If you want a product, that means you got to step up to the plate and order the product via pre-orders. If your not willing to do that, Palladium does not know how many fans want the book. The lower the number, the less time and effort they are going to put into it - because they have other product to sell (and for bigger bucks!)

I have my gripes with the current incarnation of the game. Unlike some - I do like the Manga format (begrudgingly). I am still not sold on a 'Starship Book', unless they are quite detailed deckplans. What I liked most about Marker - he asked for help. He asked for folks to help with his research. I have heard nadda from the new guy writing. Different style, I understand, but it's what I liked about Marker.

Re: Robotech® New Generation™ Sourcebook

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 10:26 pm
by jaymz
Tiree wrote:I can understand some due dates being missed, especially with a licensed property. I have to admit, the thought of not having a RT Book come out till the end of the year is quite bleak for me. Especially since I was hoping it would end up at the end of last year.

But this really shows you one thing though: Pre-Orders.

If you want a product, that means you got to step up to the plate and order the product via pre-orders. If your not willing to do that, Palladium does not know how many fans want the book. The lower the number, the less time and effort they are going to put into it - because they have other product to sell (and for bigger bucks!)

I have my gripes with the current incarnation of the game. Unlike some - I do like the Manga format (begrudgingly). I am still not sold on a 'Starship Book', unless they are quite detailed deckplans. What I liked most about Marker - he asked for help. He asked for folks to help with his research. I have heard nadda from the new guy writing. Different style, I understand, but it's what I liked about Marker.

Only one problem Tiree, Kevin has stated time and time again they do NOT look at pre-orders as a basis to decide what projects they should go forward with next.

Re: Robotech® New Generation™ Sourcebook

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 11:20 pm
by Chris0013
jaymz wrote:
Tiree wrote:I can understand some due dates being missed, especially with a licensed property. I have to admit, the thought of not having a RT Book come out till the end of the year is quite bleak for me. Especially since I was hoping it would end up at the end of last year.

But this really shows you one thing though: Pre-Orders.

If you want a product, that means you got to step up to the plate and order the product via pre-orders. If your not willing to do that, Palladium does not know how many fans want the book. The lower the number, the less time and effort they are going to put into it - because they have other product to sell (and for bigger bucks!)

I have my gripes with the current incarnation of the game. Unlike some - I do like the Manga format (begrudgingly). I am still not sold on a 'Starship Book', unless they are quite detailed deckplans. What I liked most about Marker - he asked for help. He asked for folks to help with his research. I have heard nadda from the new guy writing. Different style, I understand, but it's what I liked about Marker.

Only one problem Tiree, Kevin has stated time and time again they do NOT look at pre-orders as a basis to decide what projects they should go forward with next.

Also look at demand of the previous books....see how well TSC sold and base printing of the additional books on that.

Re: Robotech® New Generation™ Sourcebook

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 11:08 am
by Tiree
firefly01 wrote:Peo -order has nothing to do with it. I WILL never pre-order ANYTHING from Palladium books. When they miss deadlines regularly and always feed you a line of BS like..... it's going to be great, you get a little sick and tired. I have been burned by Palladium and their pre-order crap one to many time, and my fighting with them and my bank to recover the money is almost like watching hand to hand combat.

You do know that a "Pre-Order" item is never charged till the book has shipped. Right?

edit: Or at least a couple of days before it's shipped, but the product is in PB's cold clammy hands.

Re: Robotech® New Generation™ Sourcebook

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 5:42 pm
by taalismn
firefly01 wrote:Disreguard the last. Had a talk with my Dad and he told me it was a mistake. My bad, and hope there is no hard feelings. P.S. ....... Dad is ordering me to tell everyone sorry if I seem a little upset. (Sometimes it kind of sucks to be an Army brat .......)

That's "I'm sorry, SIR!!!" :D

Re: Robotech® New Generation™ Sourcebook

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 5:46 pm
by Chris0013
firefly01 wrote:Disreguard the last. Had a talk with my Dad and he told me it was a mistake. My bad, and hope there is no hard feelings. P.S. ....... Dad is ordering me to tell everyone sorry if I seem a little upset. (Sometimes it kind of sucks to be an Army brat .......)

Never is a sign of weakness.

Re: Robotech® New Generation™ Sourcebook

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 5:52 pm
by taalismn
Chris0013 wrote:
firefly01 wrote:Disreguard the last. Had a talk with my Dad and he told me it was a mistake. My bad, and hope there is no hard feelings. P.S. ....... Dad is ordering me to tell everyone sorry if I seem a little upset. (Sometimes it kind of sucks to be an Army brat .......)

Never is a sign of weakness.

Unless, by apologizing, you are lulling your enemies into a false sense of moral superiority and complacency. Then, it's just mind-gorkery.

Re: Robotech® New Generation™ Sourcebook

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 11:17 pm
by Tiree
firefly01 wrote:Disreguard the last. Had a talk with my Dad and he told me it was a mistake. My bad, and hope there is no hard feelings. P.S. ....... Dad is ordering me to tell everyone sorry if I seem a little upset. (Sometimes it kind of sucks to be an Army brat .......)

Understood - I thought I had pre-ordered my TSC copy (which I did), but I used a 'Gift Card'. Well because I pre-ordered with the 'Gift Card' and checked on it a month or so later, I had used the funds that weren't used for the book!

Long story short, I had to change cards and ended up with two books! One I picked up at the local store, the other online.

Re: Robotech® New Generation™ Sourcebook

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 7:26 am
by avollant
Tiree wrote:Understood - I thought I had pre-ordered my TSC copy (which I did), but I used a 'Gift Card'. Well because I pre-ordered with the 'Gift Card' and checked on it a month or so later, I had used the funds that weren't used for the book!

Long story short, I had to change cards and ended up with two books! One I picked up at the local store, the other online.

So, Double the plaisure!!!! :D :D

Re: Robotech® New Generation™ Sourcebook

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 5:50 pm
by Chris0013
Why would this be such a hard book to put together?? Pull the original, RotM and SOME elements from Lancer's Rockers (pretty much only the network of resistance bases) together and make updates to mecha, skills, etc....then have it proofread before sending to the printer.

Re: Robotech® New Generation™ Sourcebook

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 7:30 pm
Chris0013 wrote:Why would this be such a hard book to put together?? Pull the original, RotM and SOME elements from Lancer's Rockers (pretty much only the network of resistance bases) together and make updates to mecha, skills, etc....then have it proofread before sending to the printer.

it HG that why we must deal with them first wait about a three to five month to proofread then wait three to six to say we want this to palladium books

Re: Robotech® New Generation™ Sourcebook

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 12:54 am
by Chris0013
ZINO wrote:
Chris0013 wrote:Why would this be such a hard book to put together?? Pull the original, RotM and SOME elements from Lancer's Rockers (pretty much only the network of resistance bases) together and make updates to mecha, skills, etc....then have it proofread before sending to the printer.

it HG that why we must deal with them first wait about a three to five month to proofread then wait three to six to say we want this to palladium books

My point is that The New Gen book does not have to start from scratch....they have the main mecha already detailed, personal weapons and armor, as well as a lot of random encounter stuff that can be tweaked. Character profiles as well are there with some tweaking. The writers would just need to sit down with Tommy Yune and hash out how it is "supposed to be" now.

Re: Robotech® New Generation™ Sourcebook

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 3:14 am
by FreelancerMar
Chris013 does have a point here.

The Mecha Stats for both the Invid and the UEEF are already Finished. Ala the TSC mainbook which may be reprinted into the new book for convience. If one has access to the 1st gen rpg books( like I do) it does not take long to Imagine the setting. Of course having access to the Novelization and the Complete Video Collection - Via ADV's Protoculture Collection doesn't hurt things either.

It really would not take much to do a re-write of the first gen Invid Invasion sourcebook updateing the information where neccessary.

Truth be told I honestly do not expect this book to ever see the light of day nor do I expect PB to publish any future Robotech products. I would however like to be Plesantly surprised.

Re: Robotech® New Generation™ Sourcebook

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 2:42 pm
Chris wrote:
Dracurian wrote:Have the ideas for Invid R.C.C./O.C.C.s' been scrapped?
I have been hanging out for that bit!!!!

Not official, but, it's something.


Re: Robotech® New Generation™ Sourcebook

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 9:18 pm
by FreelancerMar

That Link you posted has some nice Info in it. I remember Allowing a stage 5 Invid pilot back in the day with the first gen PB Rpg. However I Found the Number of Skills in the NPC section a Bit Lacking. I used to give the Stage 5 Invid the Rough Equivelant of the REF Veritech Fighter Pilot OCC. Swaping out REF Mecha skills for Ibvid Equivelant's when and where possable. For the Modern Current Gen RT RPG books I would once again give the Rough Equivelant of the Veritech Fighter Pilot OCC. Also swaping out UEEF Mecha Skils for Invid Equivelant's When and where Possable. But that is just me.

Re: Robotech® New Generation™ Sourcebook

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 9:58 pm
by Alpha 11
ZINO wrote:
Chris wrote:
Dracurian wrote:Have the ideas for Invid R.C.C./O.C.C.s' been scrapped?
I have been hanging out for that bit!!!!

Not official, but, it's something.


Yes, great link!

Re: Robotech® New Generation™ Sourcebook

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 3:02 pm
by taalismn
Annnddddd with the latest press release we again drop from the lineup without definite time...I'm beginning to feel like astronaut Frank Poole in 2001... dropping away into the endless night :-(

Re: Robotech® New Generation™ Sourcebook

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 4:07 pm
by Arnie100
What else is new? :(

Re: Robotech® New Generation™ Sourcebook

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 10:35 pm
by jaymz
firefly01 wrote:Guys ..... give it up. Palladium Books is going to fall on its face with Robotech. No new products in how many months, no cover art for the books it said it was working on, only excuse after excuse after excuse if they even mention it at all. Face it guys and gals, Kevin Siembieda just dont give a sh!t about Robotech, the Robotech fans, or anything else but Rifts. HG made the biggest mistake in its history by giving the license back to this idiot and not giving it to a company that was more responcible to its product and fans. Way to go Siembieda, once again you promise big and fail miserable. I hope HG and all future companies that think of working with this company stop and smell the BS Palladium shovels.

Bitter much?

It took a while but at least Alex came out and admitted the Marine book was put on indefinite hold. Didn;t tell us why though we found out why from someone who was at teh OH but at least they came clean. Now.. the dealys with the New Gen book puzzle me to know end since muhc of it woudl just be reiteration and older versions of what was in TSC. Thing is Robotech is Niche as much as we like to think it isnt and Rifts makes money. What does rifts have? everything and then some. New nad revised Vampires will cash in recent popularity and make them more money than Rtech will. Just as Dead reign did when it cashed in on the popularity of Zombies. Zombies have waned thus support for Dr is waning. Its called make money thus make product that makes money, I get it as well as most, but we don;t have t like it or be happy about :)

Re: Robotech® New Generation™ Sourcebook

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 12:40 am
by FreelancerMar
There is also another thing that should be said. PB has Un-Restricted Creative Freedom when it comes to the Rifts RPG line as PB Created and Owns the IP rights to it. With the exception of the Robotech Property, PB is unrestricted with what goes into it's RPG products because it owns the IP rights to all of them.

When it comes to the Current Robotech License, PB's hands are tied behind its back. Espically with Tomy Yune and company, Micro-Managing each and every little thing that goes into each and every rpg book with Robotech in the title. The Previous License Seemd to allow PB Much more Creative Freedom with what went into it's published Robotech material. I do not believe the current holdup to be PB's fault as it cannot publish anything related to Robotech without HG's permission and/or Approval.

Much of the Material that was in the 1st gen Robotech rpg lineup would probably Never be allowed under the current License. Which is a shame because there really is some good creative, imagineative stuff in those old books.

So if one must assign blame, be sure that you are blameing the right folks for the current holdup because I seriously Doubt it is PB that is Holding things up. Espically not this damn long. Do not get me wrong. I am no stranger to PB's delays in releasing their books, but in most cases it was/is usually a 2-3 month delay. Both the Space Ship book and the New Gen/Mospeda book should have been out in 2009. I have no doubt that PB wanted to put them out too so that they can start bringing in the $$$$$ that the release of these books would have generated. The Current holdup is in all likelyhood HG&Company.

It also does not lok like we will see any Robotech Material from PB This year either.

Re: Robotech® New Generation™ Sourcebook

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 1:06 am
by Chris0013
FreelancerMar wrote:There is also another thing that should be said. PB has Un-Restricted Creative Freedom when it comes to the Rifts RPG line as PB Created and Owns the IP rights to it. With the exception of the Robotech Property, PB is unrestricted with what goes into it's RPG products because it owns the IP rights to all of them.

When it comes to the Current Robotech License, PB's hands are tied behind its back. Espically with Tomy Yune and company, Micro-Managing each and every little thing that goes into each and every rpg book with Robotech in the title. The Previous License Seemd to allow PB Much more Creative Freedom with what went into it's published Robotech material. I do not believe the current holdup to be PB's fault as it cannot publish anything related to Robotech without HG's permission and/or Approval.

Much of the Material that was in the 1st gen Robotech rpg lineup would probably Never be allowed under the current License. Which is a shame because there really is some good creative, imagineative stuff in those old books.

So if one must assign blame, be sure that you are blameing the right folks for the current holdup because I seriously Doubt it is PB that is Holding things up. Espically not this damn long. Do not get me wrong. I am no stranger to PB's delays in releasing their books, but in most cases it was/is usually a 2-3 month delay. Both the Space Ship book and the New Gen/Mospeda book should have been out in 2009. I have no doubt that PB wanted to put them out too so that they can start bringing in the $$$$$ that the release of these books would have generated. The Current holdup is in all likelyhood HG&Company.

It also does not lok like we will see any Robotech Material from PB This year either.

As to the part in bold...PB should have had it written into their contract that HG had a specified amount of time to reply after PB submitted the material to them. As well..the reply could not be "we don't like it" but would have to be detailed on what they wanted changed. If they did not recieve the reply or were not provided with detailed notes on what HG wanted then PB would be free to publish as is.

As well, the agreement should have called for TY and HG to provide the information they wanted presented in the books up front.....a complete timeline, what mecha and equipment, organizations (UEDF, UEEF, UEG, Anti-UN, etc...) and pretty much the overall direction for the product for PB to work in the framework of as well as where they would have creative license to develop things.

Re: Robotech® New Generation™ Sourcebook

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 2:35 pm
by neuronphaser
Chris0013 wrote:As to the part in bold...PB should have had it written into their contract that HG had a specified amount of time to reply after PB submitted the material to them. As well..the reply could not be "we don't like it" but would have to be detailed on what they wanted changed. If they did not recieve the reply or were not provided with detailed notes on what HG wanted then PB would be free to publish as is.

You're assuming PB had a leg to stand on during negotiations. PB hasn't been rolling in cash for a while now, what with all the issues they've faced (stolen money, bad economy, layoffs, etc.), and they aren't a top-tier RPG producer any more (they are still one of the bigger ones, but I can't imagine they are within the top 5 any more, by a long stretch).

To be able to negotiate that kind of flexibility is asking an awful lot. Moreover, it was PB that went to HG with the license renewal, if memory serves. So basically they came in and said "Can we get something from you?" to which HG could have said a million different things, and "Yes" didn't have to be one of them.

Chris0013 wrote:As well, the agreement should have called for TY and HG to provide the information they wanted presented in the books up front.....a complete timeline, what mecha and equipment, organizations (UEDF, UEEF, UEG, Anti-UN, etc...) and pretty much the overall direction for the product for PB to work in the framework of as well as where they would have creative license to develop things.

You're also assuming HG even HAS this information. Part of the issues with the retcons appears to be (if my reading between the lines is at all good) that huge portions of the timeline have been mucked with, at least in regards to the Sentinels. It also takes a lot of time to create an in-depth series bible for something, and often those things DON'T touch on the minutiae that an RPG would likely address. In other words, things that aren't important to the currently in-production (or soon-to-be-in-production) Robotech movies/anime/comics isn't a priority for HG to address. Yet, those very things might be the stuff that make RPGs work (blast radius of missiles, how exactly Protoculture works, the full capabilities of the Haydonites). So does HG put off their money-making stuff to work on this minutiae, or do they nitpick a little with Palladium when/if the issues come up (if they don't come up, that's wasted time for HG, which means wasted money).

Re: Robotech® New Generation™ Sourcebook

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 2:42 pm
neuronphaser wrote:
Chris0013 wrote:As to the part in bold...PB should have had it written into their contract that HG had a specified amount of time to reply after PB submitted the material to them. As well..the reply could not be "we don't like it" but would have to be detailed on what they wanted changed. If they did not recieve the reply or were not provided with detailed notes on what HG wanted then PB would be free to publish as is.

You're assuming PB had a leg to stand on during negotiations. PB hasn't been rolling in cash for a while now, what with all the issues they've faced (stolen money, bad economy, layoffs, etc.), and they aren't a top-tier RPG producer any more (they are still one of the bigger ones, but I can't imagine they are within the top 5 any more, by a long stretch).

To be able to negotiate that kind of flexibility is asking an awful lot. Moreover, it was PB that went to HG with the license renewal, if memory serves. So basically they came in and said "Can we get something from you?" to which HG could have said a million different things, and "Yes" didn't have to be one of them.

Chris0013 wrote:As well, the agreement should have called for TY and HG to provide the information they wanted presented in the books up front.....a complete timeline, what mecha and equipment, organizations (UEDF, UEEF, UEG, Anti-UN, etc...) and pretty much the overall direction for the product for PB to work in the framework of as well as where they would have creative license to develop things.

You're also assuming HG even HAS this information. Part of the issues with the retcons appears to be (if my reading between the lines is at all good) that huge portions of the timeline have been mucked with, at least in regards to the Sentinels. It also takes a lot of time to create an in-depth series bible for something, and often those things DON'T touch on the minutiae that an RPG would likely address. In other words, things that aren't important to the currently in-production (or soon-to-be-in-production) Robotech movies/anime/comics isn't a priority for HG to address. Yet, those very things might be the stuff that make RPGs work (blast radius of missiles, how exactly Protoculture works, the full capabilities of the Haydonites). So does HG put off their money-making stuff to work on this minutiae, or do they nitpick a little with Palladium when/if the issues come up (if they don't come up, that's wasted time for HG, which means wasted money).

nN1 :D :ok: :ok: :ok: :ok: :ok:

Re: Robotech® New Generation™ Sourcebook

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 3:40 pm
by MikeM
I had written a fairly nasty post about Palladium and their delays.

I didn't post it because that's not what I want to be about.

I want the New Gen book. I want the Marine's book. It frustrates me that Palladium delays these books repeatedly. They aren't the only gaming company to do so however. I think an explanation on the delays would go a long way to appease some of the anger felt by some people. My concern is that in the Murmurs and weekly updates, Kevin talks about writing, but never anything about Robotech. Does that mean nothing is being done at all with this property?

I wish Palladium all the best, but I am only purchasing their Robotech books from now on.



Re: Robotech® New Generation™ Sourcebook

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 4:15 pm
by neuronphaser
MikeM wrote:I had written a fairly nasty post about Palladium and their delays.

I didn't post it because that's not what I want to be about.

I want the New Gen book. I want the Marine's book. It frustrates me that Palladium delays these books repeatedly. They aren't the only gaming company to do so however. I think an explanation on the delays would go a long way to appease some of the anger felt by some people. My concern is that in the Murmurs and weekly updates, Kevin talks about writing, but never anything about Robotech. Does that mean nothing is being done at all with this property?

I wish Palladium all the best, but I am only purchasing their Robotech books from now on.



To be fair, I think that Kevin does give updates regularly. The issue is this: with Jason Marker laid off, there is no one but Kevin to write for Robotech. Because he's busy writing Rifts stuff, then the answer is "Yes: Robotech is not currently being worked on."

That could change the second he decides to write some Robotech stuff, but obviously that hasn't been the case recently.

It depends how you view things, but I consider Jason to have been the lead Robotech developer at Palladium. Maybe not in official title, but that's what he was doing: developing the new books (New Generation, Marines, etc.). With him gone, and without a person to replace him, all of this work is piled onto Kevin's already hectic Rifts schedule.

Plain and simple: Palladium doesn't have the man-power to carry the number of lines it deals with. They rarely ever had the man-power, but now it's getting worse.

Here's a thought: Dream Pod 9 did the Deck Plans books back for Macross II RPG. Why not do a similar setup where you hire someone else to do the development and writing for Robotech? Clearly, there's money in it, but Kevin doesn't have the time to devote when you consider how much more money he gets from Rifts.

Re: Robotech® New Generation™ Sourcebook

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 10:03 pm
by Tiree
In the latest Press Release, Kevin talks about RT New Gen book. It's one of the books slated for the next 4 months. What that means we don't really know :P

Now I could have sworn there was going to be a Freelancer writing the book. If that is not the case, it could just be a re-hash of Invid Invasion, and I hope it is not. As I pointed out what I would like to see... I am not sure I will.

Re: Robotech® New Generation™ Sourcebook

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 10:17 pm
by Shawn Merrow
Tiree wrote:In the latest Press Release, Kevin talks about RT New Gen book. It's one of the books slated for the next 4 months. What that means we don't really know :P

Now I could have sworn there was going to be a Freelancer writing the book. If that is not the case, it could just be a re-hash of Invid Invasion, and I hope it is not. As I pointed out what I would like to see... I am not sure I will.

The last I heard it was Irvin Jackson (Nightbane® Survival Guide) writing it.

Re: Robotech® New Generation™ Sourcebook

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 10:20 pm
by Tiree
Shawn Merrow wrote:
Tiree wrote:In the latest Press Release, Kevin talks about RT New Gen book. It's one of the books slated for the next 4 months. What that means we don't really know :P

Now I could have sworn there was going to be a Freelancer writing the book. If that is not the case, it could just be a re-hash of Invid Invasion, and I hope it is not. As I pointed out what I would like to see... I am not sure I will.

The last I heard it was Irvin Jackson (Nightbane® Survival Guide) writing it.

And looking at the Pre-Order, it's Kevin.

Re: Robotech® New Generation™ Sourcebook

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 10:26 pm
by Shawn Merrow
Tiree wrote:
Shawn Merrow wrote:
Tiree wrote:In the latest Press Release, Kevin talks about RT New Gen book. It's one of the books slated for the next 4 months. What that means we don't really know :P

Now I could have sworn there was going to be a Freelancer writing the book. If that is not the case, it could just be a re-hash of Invid Invasion, and I hope it is not. As I pointed out what I would like to see... I am not sure I will.

The last I heard it was Irvin Jackson (Nightbane® Survival Guide) writing it.

And looking at the Pre-Order, it's Kevin.

Most likely left off by mistake. At least at this point there has been no official announcement he has been removed from the project.

Irvin Jackson on New Generation Book info

Re: Robotech® New Generation™ Sourcebook

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 11:56 pm
by FreelancerMar
License wise, HG might have said "Either do things our way or you will not get the license back" End of discussion!!! It is basically looking like this is the way it went.

Re: Robotech® New Generation™ Sourcebook

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 10:41 am
by MikeM
I would like to think Mr. Jackson is writing the book and the link Mr. Merrow provides definitely seems to show that is the case. We know from the weekly updates, Kevin is not writing the book.

Why pay for a license that you have no intent on releasing books for? That is just a horrible business decision. I would like to think Kevin is smarter than that.

Here is hoping see the book sometime in early 2011.
