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Open House Free For All Game - Need GM's

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 10:22 am
by Greg Diaczyk
Hey all!

I'm trying to set up a gaming section that will be running a series of continuous games that anyone can join in, drop out and rejoin over the course of the Open House.

This is to not only provide open gaming to those who can't find a seat at another event, but to also provide someone a short little jaunt if they miss out on signing up for something, decided to not game for a session and want a break, but changed their mind and wanted something to fill the gap, but above all provide one less excuse to those who say they could find a game to play in ;)

At the moment all I have is me, myself and I and while the trio of us love game mastering, I think our single voice will probably die sooner rather than later and I wouldn't mind doing other stuff at the open house too...

SO! I need a bunch of other G.M.'s to help me out and join in the frey or I'm going to have to religate my Megaversal Free For All into a normal Gaming slot(s).

Those interested can respond here, or PM me with questions/comments.

Also those who are curious the game data is as follows:

Name of the Game: Underseas 2 - Megaversal Free For All!
Palladium Game Line: The setting will be Rifts, Underseas, however potential characters will be from a non-underseas setting (demonstrating use of the "Land Lubber Guide to Undersea Adventuring" in the upcoming Underseas 2 World Book (This is not in Rifts Lemuria, which is supposed to be out in April))
Brief Description:
Minimum and Maximum Player: Any and all!
Length of Game: 3 or 4 hours then a break and then back at it (entire Open House)
Will Pre-Gens Characters be Provided? Yes; All the Classic Rifts Characters will be available as pre-gens, but others are welcome to jump in. Each player will also be able to pic an Underseas Surival Card, this card will provide you will a key "upgrade" to your base character allowing them to better cope with surviving in the undersea community/environment.
Age Requirement: What ever
Day and time you would like to run: All the Time.

Re: Open House Free For All Game - Need GM's

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 2:06 pm
by GMDijarian
I'd really LOVE to help out. But have no way of traveling north and to the Open House, sorry.

Re: Open House Free For All Game - Need GM's

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 11:15 pm
by The Galactus Kid
grmh4464 wrote:The more I read about responses for your open house, the more confused I get. Do you have to travel to get there(no passport) or online in the game rooms-I noticed the game rooms empty and would like to fix this (kinda nervous). What's the date expected for your open house? When is Rifts Undersea 2 coming out so I can brush up to help GM if possible and help my players under water. Have Undersea and C Navy. Will The Cards be in the Undersea2 or equal skills? Also about undersea trading post? (cool) Looking forward to Lumeria.

The open house is at the Palladium Offices. You would have to travel to Mchigan.

Re: Open House Free For All Game - Need GM's

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 9:10 am
by Greg Diaczyk
grmh4464 wrote
The more I read about responses for your open house, the more confused I get. Do you have to travel to get there(no passport) or online in the game rooms-I noticed the game rooms empty and would like to fix this (kinda nervous). What's the date expected for your open house? When is Rifts Undersea 2 coming out so I can brush up to help GM if possible and help my players under water. Have Undersea and C Navy. Will The Cards be in the Undersea2 or equal skills? Also about undersea trading post? (cool) Looking forward to Lumeria.

Sorry if it wasn't clear (I just assumed everyone new what the Palladium Open House was.

Essentailly the Palladium Open House is a special event that happens once a year at the end of April at the Palladium Warehouse in Michigan, USA, if you like outside of the USA you will need a passport to cross the Boarder or to fly in.. This Megaversal Free For All is one of the events I am trying to set up to help those not wishing to commit to a specfic game and want something they can just drop into, join in and start playing. The campagin and characters are simple and designed for a short burst of fun (or longer?).

As for Lemuria, its due out in April and I am really hoping will be out in time for the Open Hosue this year.

Underseas 2 is the current book I am writting and involves all the undersea communities (think all those tiny kingdoms all over North America that seem to be the staple of Rifts, except they are like "space ports" out in Rifts Oceans where groups can campaign or stop off for supplies on another campaign), World Info about the Pacific and Southeast Asia, Pirates of the Pacific, New Navy updates, bases and new equipment and a whole lot more. Some of that material I will be putting into this campaign as a bit of a teaser.

Re: Open House Free For All Game - Need GM's

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 2:59 pm
by Jeffrey W.
I commend you for your idea, Greg. I wish more gamemasters would do this sort of thing for the Open House, but it requires a degree of work and dedication to the game which few gamemasters can meet up to.

Our gaming group did this at Open House 2007, with the "Siege on Arzno" epic game which was all day both Saturday and Sunday. We had 12 to 14 players. Some players would leave to catch a discussion panel or 3 hour game at another table, but would come back to our table later and say that they wasted their time waiting for some movie-trailer length game to get started.

Palladium tried letting us use a five chair card table next to some pallets for a few hours, which was laughable, so we moved to the Open Gaming Area, grabbed up four large tables, and created our own horse-shoe shaped table to attempt to get over some of the noise in the warehouse.

It was a lot of fun, but took nearly 12 months of preparation work.

I intended for everybody to use the pre-generated characters which I provided, but about three of the players insisted on using their own characters. It was a little extra work, but I allowed it, because the goal was for everybody to have fun (even if it caused the gamemaster a few extra headaches).

Rifts D-Bees of North America was published just in time for that Open House, so I was certain to have a couple pre-gen characters ready for the players that weekend, R.C.C.'s which they were unfamiliar with, which added to the fun.

Unfortunately, it's a safe bet that Lemuria will not be available for print before the Open House. Still, those players who participate in your game should enjoy a really nice preview of the book, which I predict will go on sale in late June or early July (and I'm only guessing about those months).

I won't be attending Open House this year, but if I were, I would be at your table!

Jeffrey W.

Re: Open House Free For All Game - Need GM's

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 5:34 pm
by Greg Diaczyk
Thanks for the words of encouragement Jeffrey W.!

Though I an aware of Palladium track record I was told by Kevin he hoped to have it out in the spring, and thus far things look to be inline... but we will definitly see come April :D