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What have you done that made a GM...

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 3:35 am
by Zer0 Kay
(Hey Admins if you don't think this belongs her please move it) What have you done that made a GM do a double take and ask "what the hell are you doing?" and after explaining it, it leaves them nodding like "that actually makes sense"?

I was playing PFRPG at POH '09 with Kevin GMing. Brandon was casting magic net on things and everyone would kill it. After it was dead I'd always end up jumping on it and stabbing it a bunch of times. After about the fourth time I did this, Kevin asked me, "What the hell are you doing that for?" I told him "Well I have death trance and I don't know if they do. So I'm just making sure." He nodded thoughtfully, said "okay" and the game went on.

Hey on a side note anyone else on the boards play in that game?

Re: What have you done that made a GM...

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 1:54 pm
by Mallak's Place
When our group was in palladium and my character got a rune weapon for the first time (think is was a Dagger or Short sword) as part of her share of the loot. She put it in a wooden chest and traded it to Alchemist the first chance she for a bunch of scrolls of spells she didn't know, a fist full of gems and several Permanance Runes.
The whole group was like "What are you doing?!?!" Flash forward, the rest of the group lost all the Rune and magic items we found years ago, but my character still knows those spells.

My character has only 3 items that she will go through hell to get back.
* a fist sized Cauldren of Plenty
* her Holographic Personal Computer (From Phase World) that is basicaly her spell book
* The book of 4 Elements- a psudo-Rune item (indestrutable & written in runes, but has no soul in it) that is a small 2"x2" metal book on a segmented metal cord, the books pages holds all the 1st level Elemental spells for all 4 Elements and can be read by it's wearer like a permanant scroll, but the owner must provide the P.P.E.

Re: What have you done that made a GM...

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 6:39 pm
by Dog_O_War
Ever been in a situation where the GM (or in my case the DM) tried to show you a future enemy that you were to fight, but "are supposed to run away from" right now?

On two seperate occations I had convinced the group to overbear them and strip them of their weapons, then we'd kill them.

The DM was always like "what are you doing?" and then was like "I hate you :x "

So a lesson for all you people that pit a single enemy or are pitted against a single enemy, and you otherwise don't think you can win.

Just dog-pile the a-hole.

Re: What have you done that made a GM...

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 12:05 am
by Zer0 Kay
GamerX wrote:Every confrontation try to cast weightlessness. I kept failing but I kept trying. Finally it worked and everyone saw my strategy. My very next spell was Wind Rush. End of confrontation.

You probably had all the players saying huh??? too.

Re: What have you done that made a GM...

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 1:43 pm
by Grafsburg
While it was more of a roleplaying huh??? and not so much a combat or mechanical one, one time my character stole the villain's chamberpot (it was empty) and ran away with it. The GM thought it was so funny that he had said villain be too dumbfounded to do anything until my guy was gone from the building.

Re: What have you done that made a GM...

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 9:40 pm
by Zer0 Kay
OK not me but a ex-friend (turned out to be a back stabbing a-hole) of mine always ran these wacked out characters. This one was a crazy who always collected his fecees and put it into zip-lock baggies. He also skinned a dead elf woman and carried the skin around calling it his girlfriend (we really tried not to learn anything about that. Before all of that in the first game he was asking a GM if he could have blasting caps and the GM, knowing how weird he played his characters he (not the store clerk, the GM) asked him what for and when he got no answer he said no. There was no reason to say no, everyone else was getting rediculously powerful things that you shouldn't have at first level and this guy couldn't get SDC blasting caps. So one of the other guys asked for blasting caps and the GM said OK and gave it to him. The GM being the idiot that he was didn't expect the other guy to turn around and give it to the crazy. The GM burst out into fits saying that he couldn't have them.