Super-Soldiers of RIFTS... Which would you become of these :

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Super-Soldiers of RIFTS... Which would you become of these :

JUICER = Hyperion
JUICER = Titan
JUICER = Phaeton
JUICER = Delphi
No votes
JUICER = Maxi-Killer (Bio-wizard)
JUICER = Dragon-Blooded (TW)
CRAZY = Ultra Crazy
CRAZY = Lightning Warriors (china2)
BORG = Cybersliger series (any)
BORG = Ultra Machine Shocktrooper (any)
BORG = Mining borg
TATTOO MAN = Undead Slayer (human)
TATTOO MAN = Monster Man (human)
Total votes: 127

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Super-Soldiers of RIFTS... Which would you become of these :

Unread post by TechnoGothic »

Super-Soldiers of RIFTS... Which would you become of these :

Accept it and Vote for the One on the List provided you Would undergo if Given a Choice or Forced to Undergo (which is most acceptable then).

I going to use the HUMAN ONLY things I can think of. Or State Human for my purposes. So no Atlantian this or Sea Titan that crap.

I'm giving 2 Choices/Selections.
List Which if Choosen
List Which if Forced


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Re: Super-Soldiers of RIFTS... Which would you become of these :

Unread post by TechnoGothic »

I Voted :

Cold-Blooded = Chosen.
BIOTIC = If Forced, is most acceptable to me.

Honestly this was a Tough Question even for me.
I might go Juicer if I needed to. But the drugs...ummm not into drugs though.
I love Cybernetic/Bionics. But unless I had no other choice at all. I most likely never would do it.
ahh, I could come up with reason for both for all of them for myself.


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Re: Super-Soldiers of RIFTS... Which would you become of these :

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JUICER = Phaeton

Then I would try to go full conversion borga afterwards... (can you do that? Is your brain still addicted?)

or try to clone my body... if that tech exists.
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Re: Super-Soldiers of RIFTS... Which would you become of these :

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dante144 wrote:JUICER = Phaeton

Then I would try to go full conversion borga afterwards... (can you do that? Is your brain still addicted?)

or try to clone my body... if that tech exists.

Vote for Borg also then...
otherwise you still have a "Forced"


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Re: Super-Soldiers of RIFTS... Which would you become of these :

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If choosen: Ultra Crazy...sanity is over rated anyway...

If forced: Tattoo Man standard
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Re: Super-Soldiers of RIFTS... Which would you become of these :

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Rogue_Scientist wrote:Gotta go with the Undead Slayer, here.

Not sure what "if forced" means in this instance. I've always found 'borgs like the Cyber Humanoid and Wolfen Quatoria interesting, though, from a RP PoV.

Forced = Someone Takes you, and forces one of the above on you against your will at the time.

Say a Slave trader or a Would-be King has you turned into a Juicer, crazy or whatever to serve in his "military" for his Protection...or sold off into slavery to become whatever against your will for whatever reason.


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Re: Super-Soldiers of RIFTS... Which would you become of these :

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Chosen: Undead Slayer

Forced: Cold Blooded

Undead Slayer is an easy choice; you get power without having any significant drawbacks (Juicer's lifespan, Crazieness, loss of flesh and sensitive touch) and the powers are cool.
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Re: Super-Soldiers of RIFTS... Which would you become of these :

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grandmaster z0b wrote:Chosen: Undead Slayer

Forced: Cold Blooded

Undead Slayer is an easy choice; you get power without having any significant drawbacks (Juicer's lifespan, Crazieness, loss of flesh and sensitive touch) and the powers are cool.

Hate to burst your bubble Grandmasyer z0b...sorry.

Cold-Blooded process can only be done Willing of your own free will. It can not be forced upon you in any way.
Now the Tattooes can be forced....


Hows about being a Tattoo Man Undead Slayer and later becoming a Clood Blooded. not sure if it be done...two types of magics and all. If so..very cool.


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Re: Super-Soldiers of RIFTS... Which would you become of these :

Unread post by The Galactus Kid »

Chosen = Tattooed Archer
Forced = Undead Slayer
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:I'm not sure if its possible, but if it isn't, then possible will just have to get over it.

Ninjabunny wrote:You are playing to have fun and be a part of a story,no one is aiming to "beat" the GM, nor should any GM be looking to beat his players.

Marrowlight wrote: The Shameless Plug would be a good new account name for you. 8-)

ALAshbaugh wrote:Because DINOSAURS.
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Re: Super-Soldiers of RIFTS... Which would you become of these :

Unread post by The Galactus Kid »

The way I look at it, I'm on my way to being a tattooed man myself, so on rifts earth, I'd be able to summon baby jesus to help us. lol.
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:I'm not sure if its possible, but if it isn't, then possible will just have to get over it.

Ninjabunny wrote:You are playing to have fun and be a part of a story,no one is aiming to "beat" the GM, nor should any GM be looking to beat his players.

Marrowlight wrote: The Shameless Plug would be a good new account name for you. 8-)

ALAshbaugh wrote:Because DINOSAURS.
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Re: Super-Soldiers of RIFTS... Which would you become of these :

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If I was injured beyond repair I'd choose to be a borg shock trooper, if not I'd want to keep my humanity and I hate the thought of needles or other foreign objects in me... and I don't know what cold blooded is so I'd choose Tatoo man and I like the Archer concept.
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Re: Super-Soldiers of RIFTS... Which would you become of these :

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If I had to choose - Biotic.

Otherwise a Cyberslinger Borg.
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Re: Super-Soldiers of RIFTS... Which would you become of these :

Unread post by Khanibal »

Undead Slayer (vampire hunter with tats = chick magnet)

Cyborg Shocktrooper. Preferably with the vehicle link. I LOVE the War Chariot.
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Re: Super-Soldiers of RIFTS... Which would you become of these :

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no maxi-man but every other kind of t-man?
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Re: Super-Soldiers of RIFTS... Which would you become of these :

Unread post by sHaka »

If forced - undead slayer
If chosen - standard T-Man

The others affect my lifespan/sanity too much, and I've got two kids to feed!
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Re: Super-Soldiers of RIFTS... Which would you become of these :

Unread post by Lenwen »

Tattoo man Archer ..

Nuthing like being able to silently kill some one from 2100 ft away .. with my arrow's .. which are unlimited in number .. and increase in power as I increase in power ..

I absolutly LOVE .. this class

IF Forced .. a Full Conversion Borg. (absolutly last resort)
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Re: Super-Soldiers of RIFTS... Which would you become of these :

Unread post by Anthar »

Chosen: Combat Borg, live 300 years and be able to switch and upgrade parts.
Forced: T-Man Monster Man, you can create monsters at half PPE cost and use other tattoos at normal cost.
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Re: Super-Soldiers of RIFTS... Which would you become of these :

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undead hunter ftw
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Re: Super-Soldiers of RIFTS... Which would you become of these :

Unread post by Grell »

Chosen: Titan Juicer...Murderwraith

Forced: Combat 'Borg

Runner Up for Chosen: Basic Crazy

Runner Up for Forced: Archangel Shocktrooper
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Re: Super-Soldiers of RIFTS... Which would you become of these :

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IF I had no choice I'd be an Undead Slayer, but since I reject the fact that I have no choice I say I would be none of the above I CHOOSE to be human Special Forces OCC either Mercs or CS.
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Re: Super-Soldiers of RIFTS... Which would you become of these :

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Cold blooded for the win.
Forced (not that i would hate it) a Full Conversion Borg. Heck i would even help with some of the hardware and bio-ware component designs. It's a hobby.
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Re: Super-Soldiers of RIFTS... Which would you become of these :

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keir451 wrote:IF I had no choice I'd be an Undead Slayer, but since I reject the fact that I have no choice I say I would be none of the above I CHOOSE to be human Special Forces OCC either Mercs or CS.

Remember the No Adding rule above. Follow the rules.

Forced = Undead Slayer. (Thats cool, for a Slave, or whatever i guess)

CHOSEN = ___________________
You mean they is No reason ever that would compel you to become a Super-Soldier of some kind. Revenge ? Injury ? Whatever... But you do have a choice in the matter ??


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Re: Super-Soldiers of RIFTS... Which would you become of these :

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I'm amazed how many people would choose juicer conversion and it's ~six year life span.
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Re: Super-Soldiers of RIFTS... Which would you become of these :

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3 whole people is amazing? :p

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Re: Super-Soldiers of RIFTS... Which would you become of these :

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sHaka wrote:I'm amazed how many people would choose juicer conversion and it's ~six year life span.

That's why you become a Murderwraith!
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Re: Super-Soldiers of RIFTS... Which would you become of these :

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Daniel Stoker wrote:3 whole people is amazing? :p

Daniel Stoker

8 by my count :p

..but yes, the fact that anyone would choose juicer augmentation amazes me, but "tough times.." and all that.
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Re: Super-Soldiers of RIFTS... Which would you become of these :

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sHaka wrote:
Daniel Stoker wrote:3 whole people is amazing? :p

Daniel Stoker

8 by my count :p

..but yes, the fact that anyone would choose juicer augmentation amazes me, but "tough times.." and all that.

I quit smoking cold turkey. How hard could detox really be?
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:I'm not sure if its possible, but if it isn't, then possible will just have to get over it.

Ninjabunny wrote:You are playing to have fun and be a part of a story,no one is aiming to "beat" the GM, nor should any GM be looking to beat his players.

Marrowlight wrote: The Shameless Plug would be a good new account name for you. 8-)

ALAshbaugh wrote:Because DINOSAURS.
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Re: Super-Soldiers of RIFTS... Which would you become of these :

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TechnoGothic wrote:
keir451 wrote:IF I had no choice I'd be an Undead Slayer, but since I reject the fact that I have no choice I say I would be none of the above I CHOOSE to be human Special Forces OCC either Mercs or CS.

Remember the No Adding rule above. Follow the rules.

Forced = Undead Slayer. (Thats cool, for a Slave, or whatever i guess)

CHOSEN = ___________________
You mean they is No reason ever that would compel you to become a Super-Soldier of some kind. Revenge ? Injury ? Whatever... But you do have a choice in the matter ??

Chosen = Undead Slayer too. I know there's supposed to be no adding (sigh). It's just that the choices seemed to be too limiting. They're all good in their way but the Spec. Forces is best (to me).
Scariest combo would be ex-Special Forces that was forcibly converted to a T-man or willingly chose to become an Undead Slayer.
All that military training and magic tatoos that turn into weapons that can never be removed. Talk about your "Lethal Weapon".
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Re: Super-Soldiers of RIFTS... Which would you become of these :

Unread post by sHaka »

The Galactus Kid wrote:
sHaka wrote:
Daniel Stoker wrote:3 whole people is amazing? :p

Daniel Stoker

8 by my count :p

..but yes, the fact that anyone would choose juicer augmentation amazes me, but "tough times.." and all that.

I quit smoking cold turkey. How hard could detox really be?

I quit smoking third attempt cold turkey (two epic fails). But every time I eat a bacon butty, I still imagine the sweet pleasure of a roll up chaser.

If smoking let me lift cars, chopstick-skewer house flies and outrun morning commuters (without choking on phelgm after 30 seconds) then I'd be an unrepentant bacon butty munching nic-fiend!

Juicer detox must be like having to give back lottery winnings :(
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Re: Super-Soldiers of RIFTS... Which would you become of these :

Unread post by Thinyser »

Chose either cold blooded or undead slayer and alternatly be fine forced into the other... although I would play along for a bit I would eventually plan my escape and execute what ever plan I came up with ruthlessly and with nothing but success or death as an outcome.

I could live as a slave for only so long.
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Re: Super-Soldiers of RIFTS... Which would you become of these :

Unread post by taalismn »

Choice=Biotic(if I got to choose the powers, I might not be so bad looking, my real life stats might actually IMPROVE, my systems would regenerate damage, and I could hardly be disarmed)
Forced=Combat Cyborg...I figure if I'm going to be subjected to a humiliating, painful, process, I might as well come out a tank who can't be hurt by anything less than serious firepower.
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Re: Super-Soldiers of RIFTS... Which would you become of these :

Unread post by sHaka »

Iron Manticore wrote:
I don't really see why it is so hard to imagine. Lots of people do lots of things that have no guarantees of safety and long-life.

Are you amazed that people enlist in the military? Are you amazed that people enlist in the military specifically to be in combat arms? And during times of war? Are you amazed people sign on to be police officers or fire fighters? Are you amazed the people sky-dive, cliff-jump, race cars, scuba dive, etc? :)

Not at all IM - I'm the black sheep in a forces family and I've always had the greatest respect for anyone who dons a uniform and puts themselves in harm's way. But signing up, whilst a brave risk, isn't a virtual guaranteed death sentence like a Juicer's.

Iron Manticore wrote:
I think living about 6 or 7 years in Rifts Earth is an achievement regardless of your class. You've got dragons and gods running killing things for pete's sake. :)

Agreed :ok:

Don't get me wrong, I love the juicer classes; they're an intrinsic part of the Rifts setting and can be the source of so much drama (and rear-end kicking). I just personally would rather, if I had a choice, go down a route with a slightly healthier prognosis! :-D
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Re: Super-Soldiers of RIFTS... Which would you become of these :

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keir451 wrote: Chosen = Undead Slayer too. I know there's supposed to be no adding (sigh). It's just that the choices seemed to be too limiting. They're all good in their way but the Spec. Forces is best (to me).
Scariest combo would be ex-Special Forces that was forcibly converted to a T-man or willingly chose to become an Undead Slayer.
All that military training and magic tatoos that turn into weapons that can never be removed. Talk about your "Lethal Weapon".

See Special Forces is not a Super-Soldier. Thats just a Normal Soldier or an Elite Soldier. Not super however...

Sure you can be a Special Forces Commando/Ninja/Spartan for all I care before you Chose to become a Super-Soldier or someone forced a Super-Soldier process on you for whatever reasons...

Retired Juicer wrote:Standard T-Man if chosen:
What can I say I love tattoos, got my first one when I was 15. And your telling me they give me powers now?!? I would lose my mind! The slavery thing is a bit of a downer though.

Dragon Juicer if forced:
Why not? Crazy powerful, I already have nightmares. Get to see the world, fight dragons, might even end up living a little longer than most other juicers.

LOL, nope, your Old Tattooes would not have powers. Only those ugly Magic Tattooes seen in the books would be granting you abilities/powers, etc...
Of course those Slavers giving you tattooes may have a way of removing those older useless ones before they give you new ink...


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Re: Super-Soldiers of RIFTS... Which would you become of these :

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TechnoGothic wrote:
grandmaster z0b wrote:Chosen: Undead Slayer

Forced: Cold Blooded

Undead Slayer is an easy choice; you get power without having any significant drawbacks (Juicer's lifespan, Crazieness, loss of flesh and sensitive touch) and the powers are cool.

Hate to burst your bubble Grandmasyer z0b...sorry.

Cold-Blooded process can only be done Willing of your own free will. It can not be forced upon you in any way.
Now the Tattooes can be forced....


Hows about being a Tattoo Man Undead Slayer and later becoming a Clood Blooded. not sure if it be done...two types of magics and all. If so..very cool.

I have the same answer as grandmaster z0b. And the reason that I'd say cold blooded forced would still work is because they say, "look, we're going to do this process to you no matter what, so either you can agree to cooperate with our plan and then live with the cool powers it gives and deal w/ eating your steaks raw. Or you can decide you'd rather die, in which case the process won't work, and you will actually die."

In that case I'd be like, "well, I would rather have become an undead slayer, but barring that I'd probably have picked cold blooded anyway, so it's not too bad. I gladly cooperate with your plan."
"If it's dangerous, do it. If it's suicidal, do it NOW!" -- Graffiti painted outside a Juicer Bar

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Re: Super-Soldiers of RIFTS... Which would you become of these :

Unread post by Lenwen »

T-men (Splugorthian or otherwise) can become powerful enough to take on Robot Vehicles themselves ..

And the tat's can grant powers and abilities .. that can match or exceed most robot's performances ..
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Re: Super-Soldiers of RIFTS... Which would you become of these :

Unread post by Khanibal »

Retired Juicer wrote:and naughty demon school girl...

Are you thinking summoning tattoo or monster-shaping?
"Then one day, I was just walking down the street and I heard a voice behind me say, 'Reach for it Mister.', and I spun around and there I was face to face with a six-year-old kid.
Well, I just threw my guns down, walked away. Little bastard shot me in the ass.”

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Re: Super-Soldiers of RIFTS... Which would you become of these :

Unread post by Crazy Lou »

Mandis13 wrote:If chosen? Cyborg shock trooper from Russia. Crazy powerful, possibility for long life, and the possibility of UPGRADES!

If forced? Mega-Juicer. If you're gonna die anyway (and let's face it, this is Rifts, so you probably will die), do it with some POWAH!

I will admit that leaving lava in your footprints when you're near death is pretty cool.
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Re: Super-Soldiers of RIFTS... Which would you become of these :

Unread post by Khanibal »

Sikulak wrote:don't really remember too many of the details if a lot of those occ's, and don't think i've seen the cold-blooded or biotic occ's, which books were they in btw? i voted undead slayer, (like most people) and the mega-juicer surprisingly uncommon of a choice, of course mega-juicer would be my choice if i was forced into it.

Cold-Blooded is in the Mercenary Adventurers Sourcebook.
Biotics are (I believe) from the Splicers game.
"Then one day, I was just walking down the street and I heard a voice behind me say, 'Reach for it Mister.', and I spun around and there I was face to face with a six-year-old kid.
Well, I just threw my guns down, walked away. Little bastard shot me in the ass.”

-Waco Kid (Blazing Saddles)
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Re: Super-Soldiers of RIFTS... Which would you become of these :

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Khanibal wrote:
Sikulak wrote:don't really remember too many of the details if a lot of those occ's, and don't think i've seen the cold-blooded or biotic occ's, which books were they in btw? i voted undead slayer, (like most people) and the mega-juicer surprisingly uncommon of a choice, of course mega-juicer would be my choice if i was forced into it.

Cold-Blooded is in the Mercenary Adventurers Sourcebook.
Biotics are (I believe) from the Splicers game.

Correct on both counts. :ok:

The nice thing about the non juicer, non crazy options up there is that they don't severely limit the time you can enjoy your empowerment.
"If it's dangerous, do it. If it's suicidal, do it NOW!" -- Graffiti painted outside a Juicer Bar

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Re: Super-Soldiers of RIFTS... Which would you become of these :

Unread post by Elthbert »

Standard juicer, or titian jucier. It is the only form of agmentaiton where you keep both your humanity and your sanity. As such, if in a world such as rifts I think it would be the thing to do. I would concider crazy conversion under the right circumstancs, never cyborg.
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Re: Super-Soldiers of RIFTS... Which would you become of these :

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I must say I find it deeply disturbing that 12% of those here would willingly become quasi undead.
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Re: Super-Soldiers of RIFTS... Which would you become of these :

Unread post by Khanibal »

Crazy Lou wrote:The nice thing about the non juicer, non crazy options up there is that they don't severely limit the time you can enjoy your empowerment.

Yeah he missed the Anti-Monster from WB6
"Then one day, I was just walking down the street and I heard a voice behind me say, 'Reach for it Mister.', and I spun around and there I was face to face with a six-year-old kid.
Well, I just threw my guns down, walked away. Little bastard shot me in the ass.”

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Re: Super-Soldiers of RIFTS... Which would you become of these :

Unread post by Shark_Force »

Crazy Lou wrote:
Khanibal wrote:
Sikulak wrote:don't really remember too many of the details if a lot of those occ's, and don't think i've seen the cold-blooded or biotic occ's, which books were they in btw? i voted undead slayer, (like most people) and the mega-juicer surprisingly uncommon of a choice, of course mega-juicer would be my choice if i was forced into it.

Cold-Blooded is in the Mercenary Adventurers Sourcebook.
Biotics are (I believe) from the Splicers game.

Correct on both counts. :ok:

The nice thing about the non juicer, non crazy options up there is that they don't severely limit the time you can enjoy your empowerment.

psh. crazies don't suffer from their insanities... they enjoy *every minute* of it :P
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Re: Super-Soldiers of RIFTS... Which would you become of these :

Unread post by Khanibal »

You know it's time to kick the crazy out of the group when the voices in his head start talking to YOU!
"Then one day, I was just walking down the street and I heard a voice behind me say, 'Reach for it Mister.', and I spun around and there I was face to face with a six-year-old kid.
Well, I just threw my guns down, walked away. Little bastard shot me in the ass.”

-Waco Kid (Blazing Saddles)
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Re: Super-Soldiers of RIFTS... Which would you become of these :

Unread post by LunarYoma »

Id pick cyborg as my 1st choice, (goin with anti-monster)

forced be the monster t-man
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Re: Super-Soldiers of RIFTS... Which would you become of these :

Unread post by GaredBattlespike »

Forced: Standard Borg [Combat]
Choice: (Not Listed for some odd reason) Headhunter [Partial-Bionic butt-kicker]!!!!!

'Nuff Said! :bandit:
"Save ARCHIE, save the world..."
-Sigging of rungok-
-Scenario 2-
(Demon 1):Woah, the hell happened to you?
(Demon 2):got my ass kicked by some guy with a knife and a handgun
(Demon 1):What? you gotta be kidding me!
(Demon 2):Thats what i was thinking...

anapuna wrote:
i rarely play a mage, but when i do... i do what GaredBattlespike does.

or i am a TW.
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Re: Super-Soldiers of RIFTS... Which would you become of these :

Unread post by TechnoGothic »

I did forget the Anti-Monster didnt I ?? Darn it.
That ONE would have been both my Forced and Choice vote :D


"The best things in life are to crush your enemies, drive them before you, and hear the lamentations of their women."-Conan
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Re: Super-Soldiers of RIFTS... Which would you become of these :

Unread post by Khanibal »

Yeah, nothing like going insane AND nearly croaking before spending the rest of your life at half-power.
"Then one day, I was just walking down the street and I heard a voice behind me say, 'Reach for it Mister.', and I spun around and there I was face to face with a six-year-old kid.
Well, I just threw my guns down, walked away. Little bastard shot me in the ass.”

-Waco Kid (Blazing Saddles)
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Re: Super-Soldiers of RIFTS... Which would you become of these :

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Well, the insanity isn't really that bad, since you probably decided to become an inhuman super killer machine because you wanted to fight SN beings anyway. Obessions are not nearly as bad as most other insanities (except maybe the one for danger).

The rejection chance is very small, and even then the bad effects of a rejection are only a couple months long, during which time you're probably not adventuring much anyway. And you'll eventually recover your full strength; the penalties aren't permanent. The chances of suffering 1 rejection is very low, the chance of suffering 2 are very very low, and suffering all 3 rejections is EXTREMELY INCREDIBLY unlikely. Nearly all anti-monsters will live their full lives without any complications or difficulties at all.

I'd still rather be an undead slayer, but that's just me.
"If it's dangerous, do it. If it's suicidal, do it NOW!" -- Graffiti painted outside a Juicer Bar

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Re: Super-Soldiers of RIFTS... Which would you become of these :

Unread post by TechnoGothic »

Khanibal wrote:Yeah, nothing like going insane AND nearly croaking before spending the rest of your life at half-power.

You must really reread Anti-monsters then.

1st Rejection Test = Temp 1/2 power for months to a year.
2nd Rejection Test = Temp 1/2 power for months to a year.
3rd Rejection Test = Restored Completely to Full Power for the Rest of his/her life which can be forever. They do not Age, can live for thousands of years.

Also their Possible Insanities are not bad. I choose the Hates Vampires one usually. But i have rolled No Insanity with other AMs i've played.


"The best things in life are to crush your enemies, drive them before you, and hear the lamentations of their women."-Conan
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