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Re: Question about telekinesis

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 6:31 pm
by Nekira Sudacne
HurleyBC wrote:I am brand new to Rifts and I am sure this has been asked before however I have not across this on the forums. If you could point me to a link on the forum or something to help explain that'll work too.

So with telekinesis (not super) can you fire a handgun and aim it like you would in your hand. I understand that you get 4-5 actions per melee round so could this technically be possible? Would this be up to the discretion of the GM or what?

Is there an article that goes into depth on what is and what isn't allowable with telekinesis. Thanks guys!

There is never any explination for what is or isn't allowed with the power, so the only answer to that and all other questions is "GM's call". Several people will be more than happy to share their personal rulings, but nothing's ever expanded on it offically beyond the power you already saw.

Re: Question about telekinesis

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 11:18 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Nekira Sudacne wrote:
HurleyBC wrote:I am brand new to Rifts and I am sure this has been asked before however I have not across this on the forums. If you could point me to a link on the forum or something to help explain that'll work too.

So with telekinesis (not super) can you fire a handgun and aim it like you would in your hand. I understand that you get 4-5 actions per melee round so could this technically be possible? Would this be up to the discretion of the GM or what?

Is there an article that goes into depth on what is and what isn't allowable with telekinesis. Thanks guys!

There is never any explination for what is or isn't allowed with the power, so the only answer to that and all other questions is "GM's call". Several people will be more than happy to share their personal rulings, but nothing's ever expanded on it offically beyond the power you already saw.

Agrees with NS

Re: Question about telekinesis

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 1:00 pm
by Captain Shiva
Unless you are aiming the gun via the sights,I would call it a wild shot,TK or no.

Re: Question about telekinesis

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 12:30 am
by drewkitty ~..~
At the mention of tk and railguns, reminded me of the anime "To Aru Kagaku No Railgun" or "this scientific railgun".

The main character is a girl with a very high level of electrokinesis that lets her manipulate EM fields. Her signature skill/power is to be able to shoot out a coin as if it had been shot out of a railgun or gauss cannon.

Re: Question about telekinesis

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 12:50 pm
by Devjannz
I was reading this and wondered what the consensus was on affecting multiple objects at the same time? What about doing things like hitting switches to make clips/eclips come out of weapons?

I would allow both but at x2 the isp cost for each object/target. (this is similar to how the Split Force ability in SW D20 Revised works).

Re: Question about telekinesis

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 5:48 pm
by Veknironth
Well, if you are taking the TK to pick the gun up and throw it at somoene, then the +3 to strike would apply. If you are using it to discharge a projectile at a target it would be a wild shot. I am sorry, but any attempt to fire an aimed shot (using the sights) with 2 weapons simultaneously is impossible unless you have some special brain and visial processing. Certainly, with training you can overcome this limitation and simulate an aimed shot by point shooting accurately, but that would require the skill.

For the obvious follow up, no, you cannot have that skill and then use TK to dual fire 2 projectiles. It would require such muscle memory to become proficient that using just the TK would not work.

"But, you could throw 2 rails guns at someone."

Re: Question about telekinesis

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 5:19 pm
by Levi
Veknironth wrote:Well, if you are taking the TK to pick the gun up and throw it at somoene, then the +3 to strike would apply. If you are using it to discharge a projectile at a target it would be a wild shot. I am sorry, but any attempt to fire an aimed shot (using the sights) with 2 weapons simultaneously is impossible unless you have some special brain and visial processing. Certainly, with training you can overcome this limitation and simulate an aimed shot by point shooting accurately, but that would require the skill.

For the obvious follow up, no, you cannot have that skill and then use TK to dual fire 2 projectiles. It would require such muscle memory to become proficient that using just the TK would not work.

"But, you could throw 2 rails guns at someone."

This reply is full of win.

Re: Question about telekinesis

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 7:51 am
by Mouser13
I always followed the Old FAQ ruling on teleport object for telekinesis: super. That the person would get a saving throw and you would have to make a strike roll(though it would be easy you need 5 or higher on roll)

Re: Question about telekinesis

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 11:45 am
by The Dark Elf
Here's one for ya.

Could you use TK to STOP a gun from being fired? I was actually thinking more along the lines of stopping the trigger being pulled (especially revolvers) by using TK to keep the trigger in place/away.

Re: Question about telekinesis

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 12:55 am
by cornholioprime
You can use TK to manipulate the trigger on a gun -either to pull the trigger or keep it from being depressed -but that doesn't give you any bonus if you fire the gun that way, since you aren't actually aiming it; by the clear wording of the power, the bonus to hit only applies when you hurl the object.

(Although, HERE'S a possibility for you: what if you are one of those Gunslinger OCCs who can do Trick Shots without penalty -shouldn't that ability at least partially apply to a gun not in your hand?? GM's call, of course. :D )

Re: Question about telekinesis

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 2:39 pm
by Thinyser
cornholioprime wrote:You can use TK to manipulate the trigger on a gun -either to pull the trigger or keep it from being depressed -but that doesn't give you any bonus if you fire the gun that way, since you aren't actually aiming it; by the clear wording of the power, the bonus to hit only applies when you hurl the object.

(Although, HERE'S a possibility for you: what if you are one of those Gunslinger OCCs who can do Trick Shots without penalty -shouldn't that ability at least partially apply to a gun not in your hand?? GM's call, of course. :D )

Imagine it as a special Psi-slinger ability that allows the Slinger to psychically draw, point, arm and fire, one pistol for every 5 levels.
Range: Pistol must be within 10 feet per level and cannot move more than 3 feet from its starting position though it can be tilted on on any axis to point at its target.
Bonus: none at 5th level the Slinger is shooting wild. At 10th level the Slinger can fire two psychically drawn weapons one is wild the other can aim and make called shots and is +2 to strike. At level 15 the Slinger has three weapons one that is shot wild and two that can make aimed and called shots.
10 P.P.E. per melee for wild fired weapons and 15 P.P.E. per melee for controlled weapons.

Should the power be used on a pistol that is in somebody else's possession that person gets a difficult perception check to notice what is happening and then must roll a 15 or higher strike roll to stop the pistol from being drawn, armed and fired. No perception check is given if the slinger only arms and fires the pistol from where its carried, but this only has a 1 in 20 chance of hitting the pistol wearer (natural 20) though is great as a diversion.