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Actual Play Accounts!

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 12:59 am
by Noon
See alot of questions on how to handle X or Y here.

How about some actual play accounts? Tell us about your last game! :)

Re: Actual Play Accounts!

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 1:34 am
by Lenwen
This will be a GREAT thread .. so long as no one tries to get it locked. I hope to see some great posts on here .

Re: Actual Play Accounts!

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 1:37 am
by DhAkael
Start from there and keep on going.
Done in a thumb-nail story style.

Re: Actual Play Accounts!

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 3:09 am
by popscythe
My last game was a playtest, and involved two new rifts players rolling two new characters, IQ to Spd straight down and choosing an OCC based on what they qualified for.

Both whiffed IQ (5) and at least one other stat. They decided to play a Diabolic Burster and a childish Anarchist Mind Melter with some kind of stockholm syndrome involving the Burster. Maybe it was just fear that the guy might burn him to death, who knows.

So after character creation I started them out skirting CS territory, with the idea that they knew "Dead Boy, Bad". They came across a camp of heavily armed bandits/mercs who tried to shake them down for passage through "their" territory and eventually let them inside, on the condition that they keep their business inside the tavern, trading post and whorehouse and "if we catch you doing anything funny, you're gonna get it", etc.

They wander around looking for a way to make some friends (said the Mind Melter, who rp'd like Timmy from Lassie with a learning disability the whole time, the Burster was mostly just getting progressively angry that people kept trying to "fool" him with complicated language") they received a "very generous" offer from the cyborg behind the counter at the trading post for a "great job" that would "work out great" and "get you lots of friends". Go across the street to the tavern and brutally murder the barkeep in public, while exclaiming that "Nobody @#$%s with Sancho!" to send a message to the townsfolk. The PC's claimed (when asked what they did for a living) to be "explosives" which got them a pretty stern reminder that the bar itself needed to stay intact and the whores working there were his property, and that any dead ones were coming out of their pay. Also, if they forgot what they were supposed to say, they didn't get paid either. So, off to the local watering hole they went.

Outside. Revelry in front of the bar. Curious absence of bandit guards that the PCs didn't notice. 40 or 50 pretty rough looking types outside, with another fairly equal number of patrons inside.
Inside. Smoke so thick that only the Burster can see acceptably when standing, and it looks like the help keeps all the pretty rough types outside, inside it's mostly people who are trying to have a talk and be alone in a crowd. Bartender's a tall guy and our Mind Melter Read Aura's him. High PPE levels, not supernaturally evil, probably not human. The Burster drops an MD fire pillar on the back of the bar, trying to hedge the bartender in.

And the crowd goes wild! The roof rips off like a piece of paper with the MD fire under it. Smoke fills the room and people start screaming. The bartender activates his flaming sword tattoo (Ha!) and leaps across the bar for blood, screaming for his guards. Both PCs attempt to remember the line they're supposed to say and one gets it, the other one yells "@#$% SANCHEZ!". People streaming out the front door. Bio-manipulation: Paralysis... Bartender saves. Burster flames on, bartender whips out an ion pistol and backpedals. Ion shots at the Burster while the Bartender tries to find a way out. Bio-Manip: Para... Failed again! Bartender's got an MD force field of some kind, the Burster's plasma bolts wash over him. Guards! Guards! No guards. The Burster drops a fire wall on the door area so that all the annoying people can't get out and has a good laugh. Bio-manip: Para... Success! The Bartender looks very displeased, if only in his eyes bugging out of his head as much as possible while motionless. Burster hits the poor bartender's shield again and turns to start killing patrons. TK a couple hundred pounds of bartender into the MD fire pillar (ten minute duration!) and watch his shield fail. You can't scream while in MD fire, even if you weren't paralyzed... You don't last long enough. A couple of patrons die. Melter can't see, can't breathe... burns most of the rest of his ISP super TK-ing the bar (hopefully) through a fire weakened wall of the establishment... and nearly rolls min damage, does barely enough damage to break through. Melter into the street, burster finishes killing the people (1d6 patrons were remaining, he got them all I do believe) who try to escape and flames off because "whenever I don't cool off before coming out they always know I did it, it's bull@#$%."

Still no guards. Only a few people see them exit the back of the bar, and aren't anyone who really cares. Wander from there directly back to the trading post. Cyborg there angrily accuses them of burning down his new bar, and says they'll need to do at least four or five more jobs for him before they'll have paid him off for that damage, let alone the money they were supposed to get, which has already been deducted from the "burnt the bar down" fee. The Melter pulls a "little kid who's been yelled at" and goes with it, but the Burster gets really angry after the Cyborg reiterates the deal enough times so that he can understand. Flame on. Roll init, Melter, Cyborg, Buster. Bio Manip: Para: Success. Buster fills most of the room with MD fire and the two of them lever the cyborg over into it, smash open one of the display cases and take whatever's inside, and leave.

Guards, having returned after their time bribed to ignore the strong-arm killing of the bartender notice the trading post has burned down too. They inform the PCs that "You guys aren't allowed in town any more, but we'll just take the bounty that was on that Cyborg and call it even if you leave. Now." The PCs were "Leaving anyway, so NYAH!" and walk into the sunset.

And that was it! Made brief, of course. Lots of fun!

Re: Actual Play Accounts!

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 4:36 am
by Shawn Merrow
It's for Nightbane but been posting recaps of my games.

Merrow's Nightbane Game Recaps

Re: Actual Play Accounts!

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 11:29 am
by Incriptus
My phaseworld campaign

I never finished there were still a few runs after what was documented there. . . but honestly the game came to an unofficial end when they attacked a Splugorth Ship Yard and ended up in a fight they couldn't win.

Re: Actual Play Accounts!

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 12:17 pm
by Grell
I have a Ley Line Rifter that performed a ritual dimensional portal opening and ritually sacrificed 150 men already condemned to die. None of us had ever really used a ritual in game as a player driven plot device and generated 1900 PPE to the cause.

And since my character was anarchist to begin with, he didn't really see any moral dilema in sacrificing men who were just waiting to die anyways. He called it "sound allocation of resources" or something like that.

Re: Actual Play Accounts!

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 12:37 pm
by The Galactus Kid

Re: Actual Play Accounts!

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 8:31 am
by popscythe
I like play accounts. Makes me happy.

Re: Actual Play Accounts!

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 1:41 am
by kevarin
Well since my last played game wouldn’t make much sense without the hole story here it is was a fun campaign and it gave me an idea for a new race for the splicers setting and im dyeing to try them out

for the beginning of this story we had a small group of cs soldiers returning to there normal area of operations after being called away during the tolkeen war the unit consisted of one cs special forces soldier the commander of the unit,
one cs commando and one cs psi-ranger.( this is a cs ranger with the psi-powers of a psi-archer ) and a cs juicer played by me for giving pushes in the right direction when i need to.

everything was going fine and they were just about home when there comm channels lit up and there town was under attack
each one was piloting a cs scout rocket cycle and they were 45 min away at top speed so they hit it and made best speed to town and set down just out side of town and made there way in on foot. when they got to the base they found the bases two spider skull walkers destroyed and the bases skelbots scattered around the area ripped in to pieces. the base was empty so they made there way in to town toward the unit leaders house (he decided to live off base ) and what do they find when they get there . one 20ft tall bundle of badness called a Voracious Absorber holding his wife and another person his wife is screaming for help but stops and gets a blank look on her face as she gets pushed inside the VA at this point the commando opens up with his hell fire plasma cannon and the psi-range makes her psi-bow and starts giving cover fire while the juicer runs up to the VA to try and get the leaders wife actually let him grab her hand before the VA swatted him away and smiled dropped the other person and took off down the street and around the corner takes the leader a second to compose himself then they give chase and when they make the corner its gone tracks just stop. nothing but human size tracks from people running down the street they start going down the street very carefully checking down side streets and alleys talking by comm. juicer gets them going on what if she isnt dead and they can get her out somehow so now its head shots only unless they have no choice if they hit the body might kill her if shes still in there after a few min of this they hear screaming coming a few streets over and when they get there its the VA about to make a snack out of a few more people it has cornered at the end of a alley and between them and the VA is the leaders wife standing in the alley about 10ft from the VA when they start down the alley she starts screaming and the VA turns around and the players open up on it do some decent damage befor the wife gets in the way backs up to the VA and is melds back in to it then the VA does the soul blast down the alley and when they come back up from cover its gone again. they start looking for it again at this point the psi-ranger starts saying she thinks the wife is possessed she had that look to her after a few more streets of looking they hear sounds of a battle

since i had the group going the right direction i took this chance to move the juicer out of the group and just concentrate on giving them hell with the va so he ran off to get help and try and use the radio at city hall to get some support headed there way. now when in human form i have the va using blocking powers so it cant be detected so there searching street to street alley to alley and had one small fight with a street gang all the while not thinking that it can be inside the buildings too so the va has been watching them to see how they think it allso knows where there at now and is doing hit and run attacks now it will see where there at and witch way there going and move off in a different direction and fake being hurt or scared. some kind soul always comes out of hiding to help the little girl and then its absorbing time. depending on the number of people it may have changed back to the girl before the team gets there and just hides and watches which way they head off in and goes the other way but it cant leave anyone alive anymore or they might find out what its up to they have caught it feeding twice but it has been deploying the commanders wife to watch its back and has been in 3 fights since then the last one it and the team wasnt expecting (the reinforcements have arrived ) this happened right near the end of our secion but another small group of cs soldiers have shown up the long range scouting unit almost the same makeup as the players team a psi-stalker two commandos and a special forces soldier and they dont care that our commanders wife is in it they want the va dead so now its a race between the growing number of cs soldiers that just want the thing dead and the players trying to save the commanders wife

ok so at this point i picked up splicer’s and i made a few changes to the splicer’s and made a new bad guy race and decided to work them in to this game. so the two cs teams split up and keep searching for the VA little bit of the same as before run and shoot but after awhile the team starts getting low on e clips so start heading back toward the base to rearm. they get about half way there and they hear a hole bunch of screaming and weapons fire and what sounds like dogs barking. they move toward the sounds of battle when at the end of the street they see what i called the meanest dog any of them had ever seen(gore hound) smelling the ground like its following a scent it was big 4ft at the shoulders and looked like it was covered in armor and spikes. at this point it looks up looks down the street sees them growls starts barking and charges the team which decides opening fire was a good idea and they got in a few hits before it got in range and it did a running leap attack and hit the commando knocking him on his butt the fight starts at close range and the hound is doing a decent job on them then a little girl they had seen a few times while looking for the VA walks in to the street and the hound lets out a spine chilling howl and charges the little girl at the same time three more hounds come running from the other end of the street right past the team (didnt even notice them) at that point the team started to move to try and save the girl at that point the girl lets out a roar and changes to the VA ( wife came up with a few new names to call me at this point i told them the VA had been within 20 ft of them about 6 times)

the team is really beat up gear and ammo about shot so they decide retreat is in order so they take off down an alley in the general direction of the cs base. at this point they run in to whats left of the other cs team and two roughnecks they decide to hide and watch the roughnecks are picking over the remains and talking and then move off in the direction of the fight with the VA. at this point they know at least what there after they want the VA for some reason and they have decided that isnt a good idea and have made it back to the base to rearmor and reload at this point i gave them a little help three cs soldiers were at the base have joined them. the team moved out and made there way back to where the fight was going down and find the leftovers of a few hounds and one roughneck after there sd devices went off after the VA had killed them
after a little running around and what not the team gets ambushed and decide surrender is better than being dead and get rounded up with some other people and taken to the edge of town where a hydra transport is waiting to take them away the splicer forces got a sample of the VA's dna andthe soldiers are currently in a transport pod under a dracos winged hydra transport with about 50 other children and adults moving toward splicer controlled lands (Washington and northern Idaho) the cs players never really look around the pod there in and don’t notice the little girl sitting in the back corner with a very mad look on her face

Re: Actual Play Accounts!

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 12:28 pm
by The Galactus Kid
Hey Kevarin, Where is the Psi-archer? I like this expansion of the C.S. ranger and I would like to explore it. You can PM me to avoid de-railing the thread.

Re: Actual Play Accounts!

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 6:58 pm
by Grell
Mutant. Koala. Cyborgs. I love it!

Re: Actual Play Accounts!

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 7:21 am
by Noon
These have been good to read! How about some more!?

Re: Actual Play Accounts!

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 1:52 pm
by Kagashi
Here are the exploits from my group on Explorers Unlimited. We have been maintaining this history for 4 years. ... 24#p113424

Scroll down to see the group history.

Re: Actual Play Accounts!

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 8:32 pm
by Noon
I was kind of looking at that mountaineer - pretty heavily modified! I like the graphics you used to show the internal layout!

Re: Actual Play Accounts!

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 12:41 pm
by Grafsburg
We started a New West/Lonestar game back in like... April or May of last year I think it was. The party consisted of a rogue Psi-Hound Hyena (yeah, hyenas aren't dogs, I know) named Ed, who was also a CS Ranger due to some house ruling, and a Mystic named Weaver. The two met up in a forest outside of a small town called Lonesome Gulch in the northeastern part of Lone Star, and ambushed a Coalition patrol, killed them, and stole their EPC.

So the two went down to Lonesome Gulch to get the EPC repaired and repainted, where they met a mechanic named Goodwrench. The night after their arrival, there was a gunfight at the local (human only) saloon, and the three of them rode out to help the sheriff and her deputies resolve the situation. Ed and a deputy named Junior took cover behind an overturned truck in front of the saloon, while Weaver and Goodwrench took up a position across the street on a roof.

Junior and Ed got pinned down, and Junior got his head blown off. Goodwrench and Ed, both decent sharpshooters, thinned the criminals' numbers a bit, so the bad guys decided to flee in their ATV. Amazingly, Ed got a critical hit on a pulse shot that did 1d6x10 damage. He rolled a 6, causing him to shoot through the ATV's first tire, through the one behind it, and through the building, blowing a decent-sized chunk out of it too. The bandits were pinned down and finished off pretty quickly.

So after that, Ed, Weaver, and Goodwrench get deputized and are sent to go help some farmers pinned down by a Devil Unicorn. Things go bad, Ed loses both his legs in the ensuing fight, and Goodwrench manages to kill the Devilcorn before it can finish Ed off.

They get Ed back to Lonesome Gulch and he's bedridden for now. Fortunately, a Gunslinger named Griffin rolls into town and decides to help the party out. They get a call about a disturbance at a brothel outside of town, and lo and behold when they get there it's being attacked by vampires that the Mistress of the place summoned. Griffin, Weaver, and Goodwrench fight their way through the place with a combination of Griffin's revolver and silver bullets and Weaver TK-ing more silver bullets and wooden stakes at the bloodsuckers.

They clear the building out, though the Mistress escapes. A survey of the place reveals a huge vampire hideout below ground. At this point our GM's hard-drive died, and we had to do a timeskip.

So a few weeks later, the vampires attack the town en masse. Hundreds die, including Griffin and Goodwrench. The Coalition, thankfully, rolls in and establishes dominance. This, however, forces Ed (who's legs were restored by magic) and Weaver to flee in the EPC, through a rift.

They ended up somewhere in the Dakotas, near Tolkeen (the game takes place before it fell), and that's where we left off.

Re: Actual Play Accounts!

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 3:38 pm
by Kagashi
Noon wrote:I was kind of looking at that mountaineer - pretty heavily modified! I like the graphics you used to show the internal layout!

Thanks. TGM is responsible for the graphics. The Westwood sure has gone through quite a few mods since we started playing.