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Sea Titan help

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 3:52 pm
by Pox
hello all,

I'm rolling up a Sea Titan (level 11, she's 234 years old) turned Pirate Captain (level 3)(Rifts World Book 7: Underseas, 1st Printing, pgs. 113-115) for the first time to have as a NPC and I was curious about something.

I got to the part where to determine psionics and oddly enough got a 99 to make her a Master Psionic and I figured what the hell...she's a NPC anyways, right? question I pick one of the existing Psychic classes and use their powers and ISP pool or is there a progression chart to how many powers I can pick per level and such?

also...should I adjust her percentages to lower them down because of the psionics? if so...I'll just down grade her to a major psionic cuz I hate working the percentages out again :D

thanks for any help.

Re: Sea Titan help

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 4:02 pm
by Misfit KotLD
I'd just go with an existing psychic set of abilities (Burster, Mind Melter, etc).

Re: Sea Titan help

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 4:05 pm
by keir451
OK, Yes you can be a Master Psionic, unfortunately the Rifts RPG books don't have a chart for the "Master" level, my reccommendation would be to pick one of the Human psychic classes and use it. OR use the old Palladium RPG rules for a Master psionic. A Sea Titan Mind Melter or Burster would be terrifying and Awesome! Don't adjust her skill percentages, consider this part of her training (remember that everyone joins the Junior Navy from the age of 5 on) and there would be other psychics among the populace who could have helped her control her abilities, she'd just have to spend extra time w/ her "Psychics" tutor.

Re: Sea Titan help

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 4:53 pm
by Pox
Thanks for the input so far.

funny thing is...I kind of want to keep going with a master-swordsman and oddly a CJ Carella kick (which is odd with him being one of my least favorite Rifts authors, but that's another topic altogether) and see if I can write her as being enrolled as a Duelist with the Amaki in New Babylon, South America (Rifts World Book 9: South America 2).

Though neither nation says they have any mention of each other in their foreign affairs section, I wouldn't be surprised if Nemo and his ilk have docked there once or twice...he seems like a amicable fellow.

Re: Sea Titan help

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 5:55 pm
by keir451
Nemo isn't likely to let anyone else know of the Ticonderoga, much less know that there is "another" Navy out there, but your NPC might have been there while acting as a "Pirate" or on a recon mission. Just give her paired weapons: swords and you've got your master swordsman/woman idea. Or are you referring to the AmaKi Blade itself, the one that adds to a Psi-swords damage? I tend to play him as a bit of a hard case, and very distrustful of D-bees. p.110 Underseas, "Years of svage battles against alien enemies has taught him to distrust D-bees and supernatural beings, despite the fact that he himself is no longer human."

Re: Sea Titan help

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 8:11 pm
by Pox
keir451 wrote:Nemo isn't likely to let anyone else know of the Ticonderoga, much less know that there is "another" Navy out there, but your NPC might have been there while acting as a "Pirate" or on a recon mission. Just give her paired weapons: swords and you've got your master swordsman/woman idea. Or are you referring to the AmaKi Blade itself, the one that adds to a Psi-swords damage? I tend to play him as a bit of a hard case, and very distrustful of D-bees. p.110 Underseas, "Years of svage battles against alien enemies has taught him to distrust D-bees and supernatural beings, despite the fact that he himself is no longer human."

While your portrayal of Nemo-2 might be vaild, he hardly keeps the Ticonderoga and his Navy a secret (the hidden supply bases of Refuge and Salvation, yes...those are secrets still (pg. 108, right column), but he comes to peoples' aid all the time if needed (pg. 110 under "others")

and I was referring to the Duelist R.C.C. (WB9, pg. 155-157) While the R.C.C. might make you think it's exclusive, the Attribute requirements say:

Master Psionics, M.E. 14, P.P. 13, and P.E. 14...blah blah
Note: In the Amaki's history, only Amaki and trusted humans loyal to the House of the Sword, have been trained as Duelists. blah blah's not really a R.C.C. but Carella screwing another pooch. :-?

Re: Sea Titan help

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 9:50 pm
by keir451
Pox wrote
While your portrayal of Nemo-2 might be vaild, he hardly keeps the Ticonderoga and his Navy a secret (the hidden supply bases of Refuge and Salvation, yes...those are secrets still (pg. 108, right column), but he comes to peoples' aid all the time if needed (pg. 110 under "others")

Yes and No, at least IMO. We don't hear full descritions of the Ticonderoga, so some of his "aid" may be in the simple form of just sinking ships w/ out having to actually let people see the vessel itself. Refuge and Salavation aren't just supply bases they're also cities w/populations of 500,000 and 350,000 respectively.
I know, I know, it's just MY opinion and you're not bound to it at all. :D Just offering food for thought, we don't really know just how much of the Ticonderoga was seen by the CS personnel (tho' in my experience as ex-Navy), you'd have to at least have the conning tower above water for some of the crew to be able to salute the CS ships crew (as per the officers report IIRC). You'd have to be fully surfaced to have the entire crew on deck for a full ceremonial salute.
As for the Amaki Duelist, go for it! She's YOUR NPC so she can be a "super, ultra lightning babe" or whatever if YOU say so. :D

Re: Sea Titan help

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 12:01 am
by drewkitty ~..~
Master Psi classes (off the top of my head)

Mind Mage
Mind Melter
Super-Spy (Psi option)
Mind Master (arguably not a master psi, but the class is greater then a major Psi)
The Psionic Hero (power class)
Dream Makers (I think)
Astral Lords