useful resources for CE games
Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 1:17 pm
i found these recently, and realized they'd be excellent resources for Gm's of chaos Earth games. they'd really help show the kind of plan NEMA and other agencies would be working off for the civilians they rescue.
Anatomy of a refugee camp
Flash based map of the above
the site has lots of information that would help determain what kind of things NEMA and the other rescue groups would be building and seeking out to support the survivors.
this site has lots of useful information from official manuals that can be mined for information. the sections on Feild Fortifications would be particulalry useful for NEMA feild bases and other defenses. the section on Urban combat, both offensive and Defensive would also be good for players to read when playing NEMA troops.
also potentially useful are these feild manuals some of these might not apply to NEMA or Chaos Earth, but they should be useful.
with a new Cold War going on, the US might also have ressurected things like the Civil Defense Emergency Hospital, which was basically a "pre-packaged" medical facility that could be set up anywhere you could find space. you can also bet that they started building (and rebuilding) Fallout shelters and other such survival centers,
does any one else have links that might be useful to players and GM's of Chaos Earth?
Anatomy of a refugee camp
Flash based map of the above
the site has lots of information that would help determain what kind of things NEMA and the other rescue groups would be building and seeking out to support the survivors.
this site has lots of useful information from official manuals that can be mined for information. the sections on Feild Fortifications would be particulalry useful for NEMA feild bases and other defenses. the section on Urban combat, both offensive and Defensive would also be good for players to read when playing NEMA troops.
also potentially useful are these feild manuals some of these might not apply to NEMA or Chaos Earth, but they should be useful.
with a new Cold War going on, the US might also have ressurected things like the Civil Defense Emergency Hospital, which was basically a "pre-packaged" medical facility that could be set up anywhere you could find space. you can also bet that they started building (and rebuilding) Fallout shelters and other such survival centers,
does any one else have links that might be useful to players and GM's of Chaos Earth?