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Something that surprised me

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 11:28 pm
by Scott Gibbons
I had a blast at the Open House. It was great to finally get to meet so many of the writers and artists that have delighted and entertained me, my family and friends for so many years. And it was fun to get a chance to share one of my long-term projects (Rifts Board Game) with people who actually know what a Glitter Boy is! :lol:

One thing that did surprise me though was how many people who were in attendance who weren't on these boards. Over and over I'd ask people what their online name was and they'd respond "Oh, I'm not on the online site." I was a little blown away. Is there something I'm missing here?

Re: Something that surprised me

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 11:37 pm
It could be all the trolls. They have a tendancy to drive away the normal folk. The thing about the minority is it's always the most vocal.

-Mike <8[

Warning: User Warned. - NMI

Re: Something that surprised me

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 2:41 am
by The Dark Elf
Ive been playing Palladium for over twenty years but look at my posts/joining date.

For me its was two things that delayed me:

#1 I can read them without posting. what can I add that others havent already? who wants to know my opinion, who i am to be giving it? (Im not even on facebook as I cant think of anything more boring than my life :? )

#2 The less details i give online the better.

Plus, when you go to the POH everyone knows you as the Dark Elf instead of Herbie which is weird.

Why dont we ask all those not online to do a poll as to why? - D'oh! :clown:

Re: Something that surprised me

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 9:44 am
by Rabbi the Mage
In my case it's just a case of never getting round to it - and the fact that as an IT worker I really should try not to spend my non-work hours in front of a computer (frequently I fail at this....).

Still - now I've started to get to know some of you lot it seems more worthwhile to join in online.


Re: Something that surprised me

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 9:54 am
by Hendrik
Involved Observer wrote:One thing that did surprise me though was how many people who were in attendance who weren't on these boards. Over and over I'd ask people what their online name was and they'd respond "Oh, I'm not on the online site." I was a little blown away. Is there something I'm missing here?

It might just be that forums are not to everyone's liking, and of those that do like the forum, several, just as Herbie said, will remain inactive and not necessarily even have a sceen name (which is not a bad thing).
