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New Releases

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 8:23 pm
by Mr. Jays
Has anyone heard any updates when Tome Grotesque or Beyond Arcanum might possibly be coming out?

Re: New Releases

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 9:14 am
by mrloucifer
Its a sore subject at this point, but they are on hiatus for the time being. I've mentioned this in older posts, but I can confirm they are NOT forgotten books and Kevin wants to write them himself. But for the moment to keep the company afloat he has to finish other products first.

Ive seen the artwork for the books via Open House (I've taken pics of them for posterity), Ive sat and talked to both Kevin and Alex about their plans with the books (Alex is quite the supernatual enthusist and does tons of research for Kevin on the subject) and Kevin has given me the go ahead to work on a "Victims" book and a "Paranormal" related book that dives into ghosts, entities, ghost hunting and such. In the Rifter #32, there was a sneek preview of Tome Grotesque, giving credit to the work in progress when the Crisis of Treachery began and derailed it.

I know its frustrating to have waited this long for them (I've been waiting just as long), but Kevin still plans to work on them and get them out. But besides the probelm of getting higher profile books out first, these books take a LOT longer than usual to write. I can vouche for Kevin when he says that he'll need at least 3-4 months time to sit down and write each of them out. The books I'm working are taking a lot longer than I expected, especially the paranormal book. And this is from a guy who ran a ghost hunting group for 5 years and still has all the research he collected during that time.

So keep the faith, more books are coming. In the meantime, there are some great BTS materials in the Rifters to make use of and there is a treasure trove of materials throughout the BTS forum here.

Re: New Releases

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 9:28 pm
by Mr. Jays
I suspected as much, and I'm okay with it. Saving Palladium comes first! 8-)

Re: New Releases

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 10:39 pm
by Lord Z
Good summary, Cifer!

Re: New Releases

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 1:14 am
by mrloucifer
Lord Z wrote:Good summary, Cifer!

Thank you Slick, by night known as Lord Z... I try.

Re: New Releases

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 1:08 am
by Gallahan
mrloucifer wrote:
Lord Z wrote:Good summary, Cifer!

Thank you Slick, by night known as Lord Z... I try.

---Thanks, too, from me. It really helps to know the cause of the delay. I suspected that it had to do with that terrible situation that happened, what, 2 years ago already? I completely understand now, and will just be patient and wait for your upcoming books, and then eventually the other two core BTS books.

---Heck, it might be worth it to submit some BTS material to the Rifter, and if they accept it, then it might serve as an appetizer for the main courses to come.

Re: New Releases

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 1:07 pm
by mrloucifer
Gallahan wrote:---Heck, it might be worth it to submit some BTS material to the Rifter, and if they accept it, then it might serve as an appetizer for the main courses to come.

Nearly everything I've submitted for the Rifter is BTS material... Modern Horror is how I roll I guess. :)