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Page 47 Rifts Ultimate Edition

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 12:44 am
by MaxxSterling
Page 47 Rifts Ultimate Edition, bottom of page, there is a drawing of a full conversion borg holding a large chainsaw sword. I saw a post before about it, but can't find it. Anyhow, I'd like for someone important to let us know what the stats are. If there were previously no stats, then can they be made please. It looks like an awesome, completely impractical weapon that everyone needs. Thanks. - If there actually are stats, can you direct me to where they are.

Re: Page 47 Rifts Ultimate Edition

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 2:15 am
by Seneca
Just use the same stats as the juicer chainsaw from Juicer Uprising.

Re: Page 47 Rifts Ultimate Edition

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 8:19 am
by Ale Golem
Seneca wrote:Just use the same stats as the juicer chainsaw from Juicer Uprising.

Re: Page 47 Rifts Ultimate Edition

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 3:50 pm
by MaxxSterling
Not good enough. I want actual stats for it. That things gotta do a bit more than the juicer chainsaw... And what does it run off of, duration... etc...

Re: Page 47 Rifts Ultimate Edition

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 4:26 pm
by The Galactus Kid
MaxxSterling wrote:Not good enough. I want actual stats for it. That things gotta do a bit more than the juicer chainsaw... And what does it run off of, duration... etc...

Actual canon stats for it don't exist. If you want stats for it, write them. There will be similar weapons in the sovietski sourcebook.

Re: Page 47 Rifts Ultimate Edition

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 5:01 pm
by MaxxSterling
See, that's the part of this system I don't like. There should be stats for all this stuff. If I wanted to make up stats, then I might as well just make up an entire game system. Thanks all for the input.

Re: Page 47 Rifts Ultimate Edition

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 5:14 pm
by The Baron of chaos
MaxxSterling wrote:See, that's the part of this system I don't like. There should be stats for all this stuff. If I wanted to make up stats, then I might as well just make up an entire game system. Thanks all for the input.

Just a few additiohal notes, so you could not say we have not given yoou some numbers
Most Megadamage chainsaw in Rifts earth do a damage between 4d6 and 6d6 megadamage, never more or less than these extremes(unless a magic runic chainsaw, unheard of except in my games), they consume a lot of energy. Rarely a exceding a few hours.
Changing hilt to make a chinsaw a sword-saw, is not that complicated for an operator.

Re: Page 47 Rifts Ultimate Edition

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 9:25 pm
by Ale Golem
The Baron of chaos wrote:
MaxxSterling wrote:There should be stats for all this stuff.
Changing hilt to make a chinsaw a sword-saw, is not that complicated for an operator.
The existence of Operators and knock offs makes the possibility of stating out every piece of artistically rendered equipment impossible, modifications and style variances account for anything that doesn't already have rules. So it's either a modified WI-C8 Close Combat Weapon System or, if you like, the lower tech equivalent to a large vibroblade.

Re: Page 47 Rifts Ultimate Edition

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 9:50 pm
by grandmaster z0b
MaxxSterling wrote:Not good enough. I want actual stats for it. That things gotta do a bit more than the juicer chainsaw... And what does it run off of, duration... etc...
See, that's the part of this system I don't like. There should be stats for all this stuff. If I wanted to make up stats, then I might as well just make up an entire game system. Thanks all for the input.

What there should be stats for every single thing illustrated? So there should be stats for how much MDC that boot of the Merc soldier has on page 82? If that were the case Palladium couldn't publish any picture that didn't have every single item pre-defined.

Also I don't see why a chainsaw sword would do any more damage than a "normal" shaped chainsaw. One uses two hands and the other uses one. If a chainsaw sword was actually more effective wouldn't that be the way chainsaws were actually made?

Re: Page 47 Rifts Ultimate Edition

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 11:54 pm
by Xar
MaxxSterling wrote:See, that's the part of this system I don't like. There should be stats for all this stuff. If I wanted to make up stats, then I might as well just make up an entire game system. Thanks all for the input.

Needs at least Robotic PS of 30 to operate.
+1 strike, -2 parry.
3D12 + 16 M.D.
critical strike on unmodified roll 18, 19, or 20
20% chance of removing random limb on a critical strike.

I'm important, just ask me, I'll tell ya.

Go nuts.

Re: Page 47 Rifts Ultimate Edition

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 6:29 pm
by Rimmer
To be honest, Palladium in general is very bad for this sort of thing, slapping in a picture for no other reason than it looked cool, pulling some stats out of thin air and calling it a day. For example, the Coalition sky cycle, even in RUE the picture and the stats do not match up, you would be forgiven for thinking that this could have been cleared up by now, but no.

If you are going to play Rifts (or nearly any PB game) sorry to say, but get used to having to do most of it yourself. Stats, Rules, OCC's everything.

Re: Page 47 Rifts Ultimate Edition

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 6:34 pm
by The Baron of chaos
Rimmer wrote:To be honest, Palladium in general is very bad for this sort of thing, slapping in a picture for no other reason than it looked cool, pulling some stats out of thin air and calling it a day.

Well on good sidw palladium books are known for a lot of cool kickass pics.

Re: Page 47 Rifts Ultimate Edition

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 11:25 pm
by Rimmer
OneTrikPony wrote:
The Baron of chaos wrote:
Rimmer wrote:To be honest, Palladium in general is very bad for this sort of thing, slapping in a picture for no other reason than it looked cool, pulling some stats out of thin air and calling it a day.

Well on good sidw palladium books are known for a lot of cool kickass pics.

Really? I see alot of the same pics over and over and over for years and years. Is that what you mean? Alot of a few cool pics? ;)
Snarky coments aside. The Borg on page 49 is about 70% of what convinced me to play rifts at all. It is a cool kickass pic and I think they should use that one more often. LOL

I do think it's ironic that the most badass picture in Rifts depicts a character that has one of the weakest borg guns and a saw/sword that doesn't exist. I remember the conversation going something like;
Me: :eek: I wanna be HIM!
GM: LOL no ya don't.

RIFTS: Recycled Edition ! :lol: