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Ratty's Robot Pilot OCC

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 10:03 pm
by rat_bastard
I've stated multiple times that I feel the Robot Pilot OCC is a bad OCC. But I don't really feel that I have gone into detail as to why I feel the way I do and what I thing can and should be done, so I'm going to use this thread as a sounding board on the subject and post what I feel would be a more worthwhile class.

First off lets go with the base class skills
First off, I have a gripe with the OCC having body building as a physical skill, while I don't oppose soldiers taking physical skills body building is the wrong approach. Robot Pilots have almost no connection between their physical abilities and their actual role in combat. Steve Erkle could be a damn effective robot pilot, with the right implants Stephen Hawking could be a damn effective as a robot pilot, Someone who is pumped up could be an effective pilot, but once in the suit they would have no effective advantage over the nerds they used to beat up once in the suit. The genuine physical challenge a Robot Pilot has is fitting in his seat, while PP is clearly valuable and PE allows you to stay in your armor longer PS is largely meaningless. I would replace that skill with general athletics as the primary physical goal of a power armor pilot is not to get too fat to fit into his suit.

Next is the Climbing skill, to which I have to ask: why? Why would climbing be a mandatory part of piloting training? Climbing in power armor or a robot is like prowling, your weight and sometimes awkward shape makes it next to impossible and the movement abilities of power armor often make it unnecessary, how often do you think you climb in SAMAS?

we then follow some good skills and come up to running. running? the only thing more useless than strength to a robot pilot is running speed.

OK, I obviously have issues with the physical skills a robot pilot gets, this is because a Robot pilot's profession has little to do with his own actual physical ability, its only slightly less silly than making a borg do a 1000 crunches a day for a year before letting him get his conversion. Obviously as a professional soldier, some physical training is useful and necessary but skills that do not reflect the actual profession of robot piloting don't make much sense to me.

So here is a list of the skills a Robot Pilot should have:
    Pilot Robot:
    Power armor Combat: Basic
    Radio: Basic
    Heavy MD weapons
    Computer Use
    Sensory Equipment
    Optic Systems
    Weapons systems

Piloting/power armor combat is pretty self explanatory, Radio: Basic is primarily because of the advanced radios robots and power armor have built in. Heavy MD weapons is the default weapon proficiency of all modern weapons hooked up to a suit of power armor. Literacy and computer use are useful for using that great combat computer in that suit. Sensory Equipment and Optic Systems are useful for making the most of the cool perception enhancements (notice the Robot Pilot OCC does not include optic systems). Weapon systems is because the skill it more than a +1 for heavy MD weapons, the sophisticated computers, sensors and radios in robots and power armor combine to make you a ideal forward observer for whatever artillery your team has handy.

The MOS selection is not that much better, For some reason Piloting Helicopters and fighters is shoehorned in to power armor pilots and construction vehicles, because the word "pilot" in the OCC means any piloting skill is applicable.

The other problem I have is the additional combat skills every few levels, because even if you get new one, its levels behind your original skills, making it less valuable to take up these vehicles compared to the robots you started with.

Tomorrow I'll post my updated Robot Pilot OCC.

Re: Ratty's Robot Pilot OCC

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 11:07 pm
by Gamer
I'm not understanding why you think that the O.C.C needs computer operation just because there is a computer on board that coordinates the sensors, targeting computer and weaponry, power core, life support and everything else on board.
Its like giving everyone computer operation just because they have a computer on board their car that monitors their engine why not insist on having electrical generation skill for the pilots because there is a nuclear power core on board as well.
It's not a computer you get to balance your checkbook with, play fallout 3, listen to music, watch movies and god only knows what porn you look at, it's not even a computer you may interact with.
Computer operation skill is for the computers and ones like it you are writing your response to this on right now, not for one that is correlating your sensors, targeting data, weapons, life support and power core into the various readouts in the cockpit so you don't have to, otherwise the robot vehicle would need alot more people to operate it.
Imagine the fun of playing a nuclear power specialist sitting on board a robot vehicle whose sole function is to monitor the nuclear power core.
Just can't wait to roll me up one of those bad boys, can you?

I wish combat computers were the types you could play fallout 3 on, or could listen to music while your hosing insurgents it would have made things more relaxing.

Re: Ratty's Robot Pilot OCC

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 11:58 pm
by Seneca
Gamer wrote:I'm not understanding why you think that the O.C.C needs computer operation just because there is a computer on board that coordinates the sensors, targeting computer and weaponry, power core, life support and everything else on board.
Its like giving everyone computer operation just because they have a computer on board their car that monitors their engine why not insist on having electrical generation skill for the pilots because there is a nuclear power core on board as well.
It's not a computer you get to balance your checkbook with, play fallout 3, listen to music, watch movies and god only knows what porn you look at, it's not even a computer you may interact with.
Computer operation skill is for the computers and ones like it you are writing your response to this on right now, not for one that is correlating your sensors, targeting data, weapons, life support and power core into the various readouts in the cockpit so you don't have to, otherwise the robot vehicle would need alot more people to operate it.
Imagine the fun of playing a nuclear power specialist sitting on board a robot vehicle whose sole function is to monitor the nuclear power core.
Just can't wait to roll me up one of those bad boys, can you?

I wish combat computers were the types you could play fallout 3 on, or could listen to music while your hosing insurgents it would have made things more relaxing.

I agree. Having the skill to hit the on button and keeping track of your H.U.D. doesn't mean your RPA pilot should be able to install programs on his PA's on-board computer.

Guylanda wrote:I was making a detailed Robot pilot NPC but stopped halfway when I realized that Slammers were 20x better!

The physical skills are useless and I find it dumb that they operate giant robots but can't take the mechanical or electrical skills to fix them up proper. :bandit:

I agree with Rat in the physical skills, drop body building and switch general athletics in. Except for running. Any soldier will tell you no matter what your MOS you still have to friggan run. Alot. It is part of basic physical training.

Also a combat pilot does not need, on average, to make repairs to his own PA. That is what the tech-boys back at the base motor pool are for. That is why Slammers are lumped into the head hunter O.C.C. Mercs typically have to take care of their own gear.

Re: Ratty's Robot Pilot OCC

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 6:56 am
by Tiree
I do agree with you in most common sense approach to this. But like some have highlighted, I think the Robot Pilot class should be reflected as a 'Military Robot Pilot' and a 'Civilian Robot Pilot' version.

The Military Robot Pilot would have a bit more physical skills and combat skills outside of their Mecha. This would include some Basic Training type skills like: General Athletics, Running, W.P. Rifles (Energy Rifles?), W.P. Heavy, and probably HTH: Expert.

I think what boils down to is how Skills play a part in Character Concept and in game play. A soldier may trained/need to 'Climb' but should they really have the Climbing Skill? They climb barricades and walls during boot camp, but shouldn't Climbing be more like 'Rock Climbing?' The list can go on also.

Re: Ratty's Robot Pilot OCC

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 7:32 am
by keir451
Robot OCC:
Literacy (+10%)
Pilot Robots/PA (+15%)
Robot Combat Elite (Large Robot vehicles)
Pilot two of choice (+10%)
General Athletics
Read Sensory Instruments(+10%)
WP Energy Rifle
WP Energy Pistol
WP Heavy Robot Weapons
Wilderness Survival(+10%)
Hand to Hand Expert (upgrade to Martial Arts for 1 OCC related)

My reasoning behind a few things; RCE, he should know how to fight in his giant robot car, Nav. is an essential skill fo all pilots, pilot Two of choice-What if his Robot car is busted? Read Sensory Inst.-Duh, You should be able to read your HUD.
Wild. Surv.-Again, What if his giant robot car is busted and he's 1,000 mi. away from the nearest outpost of civilization?
Then 6 MOS and 2 or 3 OCC related and 4 secondary.

Re: Ratty's Robot Pilot OCC

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 11:44 am
by Dustin Fireblade
While I normally love skills, I'm pretty much to the point that if you take some sort of advanced piloting skill (robots, power armor, jet fighters, etc) then you know how to operate everything on board as part of that training.

The Sensory Equipment skill is just way to broad - it covers everything from military to medical to industrial sensors. Weapon Systems same boat - you know how to operate all types of those systems. Last I checked Robot Combat Elite also teaches you to fight as well. Navigation covers all types of vehicles as well - again I can't imagine how broad that might be.

I can see those skills being taught to a Robot Pilot OCC, but I don't think they are really needed for anyone picking up a robot/PA combat skill. I can understand if those skills were taught to members of a dedicated crew member, who wouldn't be involved in the actual piloting.

Re: Ratty's Robot Pilot OCC

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 6:43 am
There should be ROBOT pilot specialized:
• ROBOT pilot man size power armored (ground only )
• ROBOT pilot giant size power armored (ground only )
• ROBOT pilot man size flying power armored
• ROBOT pilot giant size flying power armored (Most liking Phase world)
• ROBOT pilot man size sea power armored
• ROBOT pilot giant size sea power armored
• ROBOT pilot man size space power armored (Most liking Phase world and Rifts Mutant in Orbit)
• ROBOT pilot giant size space power armored (Most liking Phase world and Rifts Mutant in Orbit)

All have unique abilities and stunts, etc, etc

Re: Ratty's Robot Pilot OCC

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 10:01 pm
by rat_bastard
Sorry I have not been as prompt with this as I could be, odd time constraints at the casa del bastard.

OK to start with, the goal here is to make the best basically unaugmented Robot Pilot OCC possible without making something that becomes munchkin and unbalancing.
1. Find Robots and Power Armor: +20% to Find Contraband to find robot vehicles and power armor and spare parts for the repair of power armor. Because of the Robot Pilot's extensive knowledge of robot manufacturers, mechanics and places that deal in secondhand parts the Robot Pilot receives a 25% discount on power armor and robot vehicles and repairs.
2. Bot Maintenance: Often the power armor pilot is away from proper maintenance and savvy pilots learn quickly how to perform minor repairs and basic maintenance on their vehicles in order to keep them working at top efficiency, Robot Pilots suffer no penalty for using skills like basic mechanics, basic electronics or jury rig on robot vehicles and power armor to perform routine maintenance or perform basic repairs. Drastic repairs still require an engineer or even an Operator.
3. Bot Mastery: At first level, the Robot Pilot receives the skill Robot Combat: Elite with three types of power armor or robot vehicle. From first level on, if a Robot Pilot has opportunity to practice piloting any robot vehicle he is unfamiliar with for 20 hours per week for 1d6 weeks the pilot gains the Robot Combat Elite skill with that vehicle style as if he had taken the skill at first level. There is no upward limit to the amount of times this ability can be used and multiple combat skills can be researched so long as the appropriate amount of time is spent.
OCC Skills:
Native Tongue at 94%
Language: Other +20%
Literacy: Native Tongue +15%
Find Contraband +10%
Basic Math +20%
Basic Athletics
Basic Mechanics +15%
Basic Electronics +15%
Navigation +15%
Forced March
Computer Operation +10%
Military Etiquette +15%
Optic Systems +15%
Pilot Power Armor +20%
Power Armor Combat Basic
Pilot: One of Choice +15%
Radio: Basic +10%
Weapon Systems +15%
Sensory Equipment +15%
W.P. Ancient, one of choice
W.P. Modern, two of choice
Heavy Md Weapons
Hth Expert (can be increased as per normal)

OCC Related Skills and Secondary Skills remain unchanged.

Cybernetics: Typically starts with a Headjack and ear implant and usually a linked cyber eye, other cybernetics can be added later but are generally limited to interface implants and vanity items.

Re: Ratty's Robot Pilot OCC

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 11:38 pm
N1 man

Re: Ratty's Robot Pilot OCC

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 8:28 am
by rat_bastard
ZINO wrote:N1 man

I did a google search and apparently N1 is a Russian space rocket...

so thanks?

Re: Ratty's Robot Pilot OCC

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 3:57 pm
by Shark_Force
rat_bastard wrote:
ZINO wrote:N1 man

I did a google search and apparently N1 is a Russian space rocket...

so thanks?

i'm guessing short form for "nice one", but that's mostly just speculation.

Re: Ratty's Robot Pilot OCC

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 8:09 pm
Shark_Force wrote:
rat_bastard wrote:
ZINO wrote:N1 man

I did a google search and apparently N1 is a Russian space rocket...

so thanks?

i'm guessing short form for "nice one", but that's mostly just speculation.

you got IT man :lol: :wink: :ok: :ok:

Re: Ratty's Robot Pilot OCC

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 8:10 pm
rat_bastard wrote:
ZINO wrote:N1 man

I did a google search and apparently N1 is a Russian space rocket...

so thanks?


Re: Ratty's Robot Pilot OCC

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 11:53 am
by Jason Richards
Ratty asked for my thoughts, so he opened this door. :) Welcome to the Jason Richards school of O.C.C. design.

First off, fine work by r_b. I agree with his thoughts, particularly on physical skills.

In my opinion, for a skill to be included in a list of O.C.C. Skills, it must pass the following test: "Every character of this occupation needs this skill." An example of this is, for the above, Pilot Power Armor. It's impossible to function effectively in this profession without that skill. Assuming that this occupation is actually a COMBAT Robot Pilot, the same goes for Basic Robot Combat, Hand to Hand skills, WP Heavy MD Weapons, and a few others.

The second standard that a skill can meet to be included in O.C.C. Skills are those common to every day life for a character in that profession. So, while you don't need to be able to drive a car, do simple math, or read, these are reasonable skills that pretty much everyone has, with few exceptions. Throw those in there.

The third standard that a skill can meet is this: "Every member of this specific profession is taught this skill." This applies mostly to classes tied to a very specific organization or group or culture. For example, while one doesn't NEED the Military Etiquette skill to pilot power armor, every Coalition Robot Pilot is taught it as part of a very organized regimen. This applies to the Running example given, above. You don't NEED Running to be an effective Robot Pilot, tank commander, cryptographer, or sonar operator; it's just something that everyone in such positions in the military are made to do. In my opinion, any such skills should be included in an MOS or otherwise set aside apart from the core OCC Skills.

What are expressly NOT included in a set of OCC Skills are those skills that are USEFUL. Picking up extra skills to aid in the performance of one's job is what OCC Related Skills are for. So, in the above example, I wouldn't include Find Contraband in any form. Would it be useful? Sure. Does every single Robot Pilot have that skill? Of course not.

Palladium OCCs assume that every person has a limited amount of "stuff" you can learn. So, I think it's important to make distinctions between classes that are being learned through self-teaching and adventuring versus those taught in some sort of structured organization. Obviously, you can be a Robot Pilot in Rifts and never have gone to any sort of military training program, be it from a nation, merc company, or private army. Adventurer type classes won't have an MOS, but will just have the most basic, core OCC Skills and then a large number of Related Skills. Characters instructed in a more formal environment will have the core OCC Skills, plus a number of program-specific skills that complement the OCC, and just a few Related Skills on top of that.

Here's how I break down ratty's list:

OCC Skills

Native Tongue at 94%
Language: Other +20%
Literacy: Native Tongue +15%
Basic Math +20%
Computer Operation +10%
Heavy Md Weapons
Hth Expert (can be increased as per normal)
Pilot Power Armor +20%
Power Armor Combat Basic
Pilot: One of Choice +15%
Navigation +15%
Radio: Basic +10%
Sensory Equipment +15%

MOS Skills (Merc Company Training)

Basic Athletics
Basic Mechanics +15%
Basic Electronics +15%
Forced March
Military Etiquette +15%
W.P. Ancient, one of choice
W.P. Modern, two of choice

I removed Optic Systems altogether, as I feel like that skill is not a "use" skill so much as a "repair/build/wrench-on" skill. And I feel like Weapon Systems isn't really applicable to robot armor for the pilot, who already gets the WP and all of the bonuses from piloting and the bot, itself, but it could easily be included.

This class does highlight a pain with the current mechanics, however. In my opinion a Pilot: Power Armor or Pilot: Robots or whatever should be used for all functions of the armor's operation. I think it's silly that you should need a separate skill to work the radio, read the sensor screen, climb, etc. It's one thing if you're using the radio in a truck, which is just a normal radio, but in a suit of power armor, a fighter jet, a tank, or whatever, all of those things are necessary extensions of the skill required to pilot the bot/vehicle. Just my opinion.

Re: Ratty's Robot Pilot OCC

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 12:41 pm
by Jorel
Jason Richards wrote:This class does highlight a pain with the current mechanics, however. In my opinion a Pilot: Power Armor or Pilot: Robots or whatever should be used for all functions of the armor's operation. I think it's silly that you should need a separate skill to work the radio, read the sensor screen, climb, etc. It's one thing if you're using the radio in a truck, which is just a normal radio, but in a suit of power armor, a fighter jet, a tank, or whatever, all of those things are necessary extensions of the skill required to pilot the bot/vehicle. Just my opinion.

I think the general pilot PA/Robot skill should give a lower skill % to those skills, while actually having the radio, read the sensor screen, climb skills would give a better %. Kinda like Acrobatics/Gymnastics does to climb and prowl.

Re: Ratty's Robot Pilot OCC

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 12:53 pm
by Jason Richards
Jorel wrote:
Jason Richards wrote:This class does highlight a pain with the current mechanics, however. In my opinion a Pilot: Power Armor or Pilot: Robots or whatever should be used for all functions of the armor's operation. I think it's silly that you should need a separate skill to work the radio, read the sensor screen, climb, etc. It's one thing if you're using the radio in a truck, which is just a normal radio, but in a suit of power armor, a fighter jet, a tank, or whatever, all of those things are necessary extensions of the skill required to pilot the bot/vehicle. Just my opinion.

I think the general pilot PA/Robot skill should give a lower skill % to those skills, while actually having the radio, read the sensor screen, climb skills would give a better %. Kinda like Acrobatics/Gymnastics does to climb and prowl.

It's not even that, to me. It's that one skill should be all that is required to operate the armor.

Sensory Equipment is one good example. Why should being skilled in Power Armor Piloting also grant the character the ability to read Sonar or medical equipment? If the full Sensory Equipment skill is required to operate Power Armor, then basically that's saying that every Power Armor Pilot knows how to operate an MRI machine.

I just think that you shouldn't need 5 skills to operate one self-contained vehicle. It makes for cluttered game mechanics.

Re: Ratty's Robot Pilot OCC

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 1:16 pm
by Jorel
Jason Richards wrote:
Jorel wrote:
Jason Richards wrote:This class does highlight a pain with the current mechanics, however. In my opinion a Pilot: Power Armor or Pilot: Robots or whatever should be used for all functions of the armor's operation. I think it's silly that you should need a separate skill to work the radio, read the sensor screen, climb, etc. It's one thing if you're using the radio in a truck, which is just a normal radio, but in a suit of power armor, a fighter jet, a tank, or whatever, all of those things are necessary extensions of the skill required to pilot the bot/vehicle. Just my opinion.

I think the general pilot PA/Robot skill should give a lower skill % to those skills, while actually having the radio, read the sensor screen, climb skills would give a better %. Kinda like Acrobatics/Gymnastics does to climb and prowl.

It's not even that, to me. It's that one skill should be all that is required to operate the armor.

Sensory Equipment is one good example. Why should being skilled in Power Armor Piloting also grant the character the ability to read Sonar or medical equipment? If the full Sensory Equipment skill is required to operate Power Armor, then basically that's saying that every Power Armor Pilot knows how to operate an MRI machine.

I just think that you shouldn't need 5 skills to operate one self-contained vehicle. It makes for cluttered game mechanics.

I was agreeing with you that all those specific skills are unnecessary for the class, and that the basic/general robot/PA skill should give those skills with a flat % as they apply to power robots/PA. However, should one elect to pick those skills specifically they should get a better % as they have more specialization in those skills.

Skill specialization like you are describing above is a whole nother level/discussion where every skill (they are mostly pretty general skills) has specific divisions of sub-skills and skill specific options. That doesn't sound very Palladium-like.

Re: Ratty's Robot Pilot OCC

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 1:29 pm
by Jason Richards
Palladium's system is caught in the middle of what I would consider the two real norms for role-playing. In some cases you can have as many skills as you want, and they are all linked to some attribute or other common method of determining the chance of success. An example of this is in D6, where you can create any skill you want to. Want to specialize in a new type of fighter piloting? Just created a specialization. Want to add a skill for flying airships that are pulled by winged horses coupled with magical sails? Just create the skill under the proper attribute and it advances and works just like any other skill, starting at the attribute level and going up from there.

On the other end you have games with very few, broad skills. Is your character a detective? Then you just take the Police Work skill and it covers everything from stake-outs to establishing a crime scene to interrogating witnesses, all under one skill. Tri-Stat/DX was like that, as are a number of other systems, particularly when they are based more on a character's abilities and skills take a back seat.

In Palladium, it's somewhere in the middle. There are tons of skills... TONS! But there is not a consistent mechanic as to how base percentages or per-level gains are established for individual players or GMs to fill in the gaps. Plus, many of those skills are still impossibly broad, like Sensory Equipement. You can never enumerate every possible skill that could be useful in a game, so that's something that a lot of people take issue with in Palladium's system.

Re: Ratty's Robot Pilot OCC

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 1:36 pm
by Hannibal
Jason Richards wrote:Ratty asked for my thoughts, so he opened this door. :) Welcome to the Jason Richards school of O.C.C. design.

First off, fine work by r_b. I agree with his thoughts, particularly on physical skills.

In my opinion, for a skill to be included in a list of O.C.C. Skills, it must pass the following test: "Every character of this occupation needs this skill." An example of this is, for the above, Pilot Power Armor. It's impossible to function effectively in this profession without that skill. Assuming that this occupation is actually a COMBAT Robot Pilot, the same goes for Basic Robot Combat, Hand to Hand skills, WP Heavy MD Weapons, and a few others.

The second standard that a skill can meet to be included in O.C.C. Skills are those common to every day life for a character in that profession. So, while you don't need to be able to drive a car, do simple math, or read, these are reasonable skills that pretty much everyone has, with few exceptions. Throw those in there.

The third standard that a skill can meet is this: "Every member of this specific profession is taught this skill." This applies mostly to classes tied to a very specific organization or group or culture. For example, while one doesn't NEED the Military Etiquette skill to pilot power armor, every Coalition Robot Pilot is taught it as part of a very organized regimen. This applies to the Running example given, above. You don't NEED Running to be an effective Robot Pilot, tank commander, cryptographer, or sonar operator; it's just something that everyone in such positions in the military are made to do. In my opinion, any such skills should be included in an MOS or otherwise set aside apart from the core OCC Skills.

What are expressly NOT included in a set of OCC Skills are those skills that are USEFUL. Picking up extra skills to aid in the performance of one's job is what OCC Related Skills are for. So, in the above example, I wouldn't include Find Contraband in any form. Would it be useful? Sure. Does every single Robot Pilot have that skill? Of course not.

Palladium OCCs assume that every person has a limited amount of "stuff" you can learn. So, I think it's important to make distinctions between classes that are being learned through self-teaching and adventuring versus those taught in some sort of structured organization. Obviously, you can be a Robot Pilot in Rifts and never have gone to any sort of military training program, be it from a nation, merc company, or private army. Adventurer type classes won't have an MOS, but will just have the most basic, core OCC Skills and then a large number of Related Skills. Characters instructed in a more formal environment will have the core OCC Skills, plus a number of program-specific skills that complement the OCC, and just a few Related Skills on top of that.

Here's how I break down ratty's list:

OCC Skills

Native Tongue at 94%
Language: Other +20%
Literacy: Native Tongue +15%
Basic Math +20%
Computer Operation +10%
Heavy Md Weapons
Hth Expert (can be increased as per normal)
Pilot Power Armor +20%
Power Armor Combat Basic
Pilot: One of Choice +15%
Navigation +15%
Radio: Basic +10%
Sensory Equipment +15%

MOS Skills (Merc Company Training)

Basic Athletics
Basic Mechanics +15%
Basic Electronics +15%
Forced March
Military Etiquette +15%
W.P. Ancient, one of choice
W.P. Modern, two of choice

I removed Optic Systems altogether, as I feel like that skill is not a "use" skill so much as a "repair/build/wrench-on" skill. And I feel like Weapon Systems isn't really applicable to robot armor for the pilot, who already gets the WP and all of the bonuses from piloting and the bot, itself, but it could easily be included.

This class does highlight a pain with the current mechanics, however. In my opinion a Pilot: Power Armor or Pilot: Robots or whatever should be used for all functions of the armor's operation. I think it's silly that you should need a separate skill to work the radio, read the sensor screen, climb, etc. It's one thing if you're using the radio in a truck, which is just a normal radio, but in a suit of power armor, a fighter jet, a tank, or whatever, all of those things are necessary extensions of the skill required to pilot the bot/vehicle. Just my opinion.

I concur with RB's overall thoughts for a need for a mod to the OCC, and I definitely think that JR's 3 points re what constitutes legitimate starting skills and/or MOS skills is spot on. Well done. That being said, I would still offer the following couple tweaks building off RB's template and JR's changes:

1. Per your discussion of Running, swap out General Athletics for Running.
2. I would include Weapon Systems, precisely b/c of the partial redundancy with the Robot/PA Combat and WP. At that point, it's kinda' absurd to think he wouldn't be qualified for the skill.
3. I would bump up the number of other Pilot: Choices to at least 2 if not 3... this is an OCC where if someone wants to play a dude who can pilot a lot of different things, he should have that option (and then he can burn additional "other" occ skills as well, but give him a starting edge. A headhunter starts with more overall piloting skills than the layout above).
4. I would change WP Ancient to straight up WP Knife. There's no other WP ancient skill training a pilot would have received.
5. I think I would cut out Forced March. When I think of soldiers with this skill, I think of General Jackson's confederates marching 20 miles and then immediately entering combat, or SF humping long distances with a lot of gear. Granted, pilots usually have a week or two of SERE training, but I don't see it being very similar to "forced march."

Re: Ratty's Robot Pilot OCC

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 2:20 pm
by Hannibal
Jason Richards wrote:Palladium's system is caught in the middle of what I would consider the two real norms for role-playing. In some cases you can have as many skills as you want, and they are all linked to some attribute or other common method of determining the chance of success. An example of this is in D6, where you can create any skill you want to. Want to specialize in a new type of fighter piloting? Just created a specialization. Want to add a skill for flying airships that are pulled by winged horses coupled with magical sails? Just create the skill under the proper attribute and it advances and works just like any other skill, starting at the attribute level and going up from there.

On the other end you have games with very few, broad skills. Is your character a detective? Then you just take the Police Work skill and it covers everything from stake-outs to establishing a crime scene to interrogating witnesses, all under one skill. Tri-Stat/DX was like that, as are a number of other systems, particularly when they are based more on a character's abilities and skills take a back seat.

In Palladium, it's somewhere in the middle. There are tons of skills... TONS! But there is not a consistent mechanic as to how base percentages or per-level gains are established for individual players or GMs to fill in the gaps. Plus, many of those skills are still impossibly broad, like Sensory Equipement. You can never enumerate every possible skill that could be useful in a game, so that's something that a lot of people take issue with in Palladium's system.

Good points, and let me add one other thought....

In Rifts, as more skills were added in books overtime, many of those skills seemed to be broken out from some of the "broad-scope" skills; so for example, you had a lot of new "military skills" added over time that were once generally covered under other "broad-scope" skills like intelligence, detect concealment, detect ambush (in essence, they had been more than "detect," they also covered implementation, as the descriptions were originally written). Unfortunately, there wasn't a corresponding increase in skill slots for OCCs (especially the older OCCs) to pick up some of these "new" skills that they once had covered under the broader skills. It was one thing to grandfather in existing characters, but I find that in making new characters, we've had to make adjustments/provide additional skills slots or simply assign skills as OCC skills. Well, actually, I guess we continue to use a lot of the broad skills and ignore some of the newer breakouts (or at least I do).

Re: Ratty's Robot Pilot OCC

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 10:42 am
by ShadowLogan
Jason Richards wrote:But there is not a consistent mechanic as to how base percentages or per-level gains are established for individual players or GMs to fill in the gaps.

Which could just be a reflection of how difficult the skill is to master.

I disagree about the per-level gains, the vast majority (over 150) are 5% not counting subskills and WP into the mix using the available skill lists for Rifts Books I have. 4% is the next most common (~50), then 3% (36). Neither are as common as the 5%, 2% and 1% are fairly rare (8total between them). Looking at all the PB Books I have, the order does not change (though we can add 6% and 8%)

Jason Richards wrote:Sensory Equipment is one good example. Why should being skilled in Power Armor Piloting also grant the character the ability to read Sonar or medical equipment? If the full Sensory Equipment skill is required to operate Power Armor, then basically that's saying that every Power Armor Pilot knows how to operate an MRI machine.

RSE could be treated as covering operation, but additional background is needed to interpret the results. That background comes from training they have recieved to fill a particular role, usually reflected in other skills taken, but not always.

PA might be a bad example to be using. How would one handle the multi-person crewed mecha? Does everyone need to have the piloting skill? Or do the non-pilots still pickup the individual skills like before?

I could see turning RSE and maybe a few other skills into the specialization like Literacy and Language.

rat_bastard wrote:Next is the Climbing skill, to which I have to ask: why? Why would climbing be a mandatory part of piloting training? Climbing in power armor or a robot is like prowling, your weight and sometimes awkward shape makes it next to impossible and the movement abilities of power armor often make it unnecessary, how often do you think you climb in SAMAS?

I see two applications for the skill:
Climbing the mecha itself to enter/exit when you don't have a convient ladder for Robots, PA this would not apply to. IIRC you do not need the climb skill to climb, but it acts as a "saving throw" should you slip.

Using the mecha itself to climb. Even though their shape and mass make it awkward, some of the REF Destroids in the 1E RT RPG had climb skill ratings based on pilot skill level that could be supperceeded by the pilot's climb skill if it was higher.

Robots I think would be more resticted in climbing than PA. Even though many PA have flight capacity, it can be disabled or unused to allow for a more stealthy approach. The Climb Skill given the 1E RT RPG could allow the pilot to climb their mecha across terrain (deep pits and ditch, up mountainsides, etc).

Re: Ratty's Robot Pilot OCC

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 7:21 pm
by Shark_Force
ShadowLogan wrote:
Jason Richards wrote:But there is not a consistent mechanic as to how base percentages or per-level gains are established for individual players or GMs to fill in the gaps.

Which could just be a reflection of how difficult the skill is to master.

I disagree about the per-level gains, the vast majority (over 150) are 5% not counting subskills and WP into the mix using the available skill lists for Rifts Books I have. 4% is the next most common (~50), then 3% (36). Neither are as common as the 5%, 2% and 1% are fairly rare (8total between them). Looking at all the PB Books I have, the order does not change (though we can add 6% and 8%)

just thought i'd mention, i'm pretty sure there is a pattern. or at least, lately there is a pattern. basically, the higher the starting value, the lower the increase per level. the lower the starting value, the higher the increase per level.

so most of those 5% per level skills start at or around 40-50 i'd say, if you see any 6% they probably start at 30, maybe mid-30s, 3% seems to start at around 60 base, 2% seems to start around 70 or so, and 4% tends to be around 50-60 base. there is some wiggle room, but in general that's what it looked like to me.

Re: Ratty's Robot Pilot OCC

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 9:40 pm
can i post my ideas of Pilots Robot O.C.C ?

Re: Ratty's Robot Pilot OCC

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 10:07 pm
by rat_bastard
ZINO wrote:can i post my ideas of Pilots Robot O.C.C ?

no, I'm sorry the board rules strictly say only me and Jason Richards can post OCC ideas.

Re: Ratty's Robot Pilot OCC

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 11:43 pm
by Jason Richards
Shark_Force wrote:
ShadowLogan wrote:
Jason Richards wrote:But there is not a consistent mechanic as to how base percentages or per-level gains are established for individual players or GMs to fill in the gaps.

Which could just be a reflection of how difficult the skill is to master.

I disagree about the per-level gains, the vast majority (over 150) are 5% not counting subskills and WP into the mix using the available skill lists for Rifts Books I have. 4% is the next most common (~50), then 3% (36). Neither are as common as the 5%, 2% and 1% are fairly rare (8total between them). Looking at all the PB Books I have, the order does not change (though we can add 6% and 8%)

just thought i'd mention, i'm pretty sure there is a pattern. or at least, lately there is a pattern. basically, the higher the starting value, the lower the increase per level. the lower the starting value, the higher the increase per level.

so most of those 5% per level skills start at or around 40-50 i'd say, if you see any 6% they probably start at 30, maybe mid-30s, 3% seems to start at around 60 base, 2% seems to start around 70 or so, and 4% tends to be around 50-60 base. there is some wiggle room, but in general that's what it looked like to me.

Based on my editing of the Chaos Earth RPG for the second printing, I'd have to say that very little thought is put into many of the skill percentages and how they advance. I'd suggest that it's done more or less by "feel" as to how it should be, which leads to some interesting quirks, such as in the original printing of CE most characters maxed out their foreign language skill before their native language.

But, really more to the point, is that there is no set mechanic for how skill percentages are established. The previous poster is correct, obviously, as some skills are easier to learn initially, and some are easier to learn with experience. However, where are the skills that are hard to learn initially, and which are also difficult to improve? Shouldn't some skill, somewhere, like M.D. in Cybernetics or something equally complicated, be a 20%+3% per level, or something along those lines?

Re: Ratty's Robot Pilot OCC

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 11:52 pm
by Zer0 Kay
Gamer wrote:I'm not understanding why you think that the O.C.C needs computer operation just because there is a computer on board that coordinates the sensors, targeting computer and weaponry, power core, life support and everything else on board.
Its like giving everyone computer operation just because they have a computer on board their car that monitors their engine why not insist on having electrical generation skill for the pilots because there is a nuclear power core on board as well.
It's not a computer you get to balance your checkbook with, play fallout 3, listen to music, watch movies and god only knows what porn you look at, it's not even a computer you may interact with.
Computer operation skill is for the computers and ones like it you are writing your response to this on right now, not for one that is correlating your sensors, targeting data, weapons, life support and power core into the various readouts in the cockpit so you don't have to, otherwise the robot vehicle would need alot more people to operate it.
Imagine the fun of playing a nuclear power specialist sitting on board a robot vehicle whose sole function is to monitor the nuclear power core.
Just can't wait to roll me up one of those bad boys, can you?

I wish combat computers were the types you could play fallout 3 on, or could listen to music while your hosing insurgents it would have made things more relaxing.

I know that this is the way back machine but... OK according to Kevin if you don't have computer operation you can't turn on a computer. Look at the computer repair skill in some of the other books. It notes that in order to repair the computer you don't have to have computer operation because many computer repair specialist don't even know how to turn on a computer... which I thought was funny because if you don't turn it on how do you trouble shoot? So without computer operation you can't turn on your computer systems and have to have a nerd come over and do the "pre-flight" for you.

Re: Ratty's Robot Pilot OCC

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 9:31 am
by The Galactus Kid
rat_bastard wrote:
ZINO wrote:can i post my ideas of Pilots Robot O.C.C ?

no, I'm sorry the board rules strictly say only me and Jason Richards can post OCC ideas.

ZINO, Ratty is joking. Feel free to post your ideas.

Ratty, I really like this thread, and your ideas for the Robot Pilot O.C.C. really remind me of the feel of the Operator from R:UE, which I really liked.

Re: Ratty's Robot Pilot OCC

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 10:03 am
The Galactus Kid wrote:
rat_bastard wrote:
ZINO wrote:can i post my ideas of Pilots Robot O.C.C ?

no, I'm sorry the board rules strictly say only me and Jason Richards can post OCC ideas.

ZINO, Ratty is joking. Feel free to post your ideas.

Ratty, I really like this thread, and your ideas for the Robot Pilot O.C.C. really remind me of the feel of the Operator from R:UE, which I really liked.

OK thank for letting me i thought there were certain rules applied that why I ask,you know respects the threads and ideas of others, is that OK with you Ratty ?

Re: Ratty's Robot Pilot OCC

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 12:30 pm
by rat_bastard
OK, let me go through what has been said and try to offer my reasons and opinions.

First off, the skills I think are required to be a power armor Pilot:
Pilot Power Armor
Power Armor Combat: Basic
Hvy MD Weapons

I don't think anyone has disputed these, I think everyone agrees that to be a real power armor pilot, you basically need the above skills.

and here are that give you the ability to make full use of your armor
Radio: Basic
Sensory Equipment
Optic Systems
Computer Use
Weapon Systems
Combat: Advanced

OK, as there are two radios most people agree with the need for radio: basic.

The complaints I've heard about sensory equipment seem to stem from problems with the skill rather than its use in a suit of power armor. Power armor and Robots have Radar, some of them have Sonar and a few have other sensors. Sensory equipment is in my opinion very necessary, I've heard some complaints that it is too broad a skill and for those of you who feel that the sensory equipment is too broad a skill are invited to create a skill called Sensory Equipment: Scientific/Medical as a scientific skill, but the more you split those particular hairs the more skills you should let your players earn and learn.

Mr Jason Richards (who cannot be trusted) mentioned that Optic systems deals primary with "repair/build/wrench-on" tasks, I would humbly request Mr Richards re-read the skill (RUE page 305), it is a skill that deals with the operation of all optical enhancement, not "repairing/building/wrenching". I don't think you necessarily need the optic systems skill to use optic enhancements, but I do feel it is needed to quickly and seamlessly use optic enhancement, and nearly all power armor and robots have optic enhancement that combined with the combat computers I feel enhances the average range of engagement for power armor and robot combat beyond the 300 foot average for infantry engagements.

Now, the combat and targeting computers in power armors and robot vehicles to me imply a certain amount of interactivity. In past games I have used the data stored in power armor to reconstruct battles as a teaching tool, programed power armor computers to prioritize armed opponents and to detect vampires by passively searching moving targets for body heat. There are some who feel I am over reaching on the interactivity of these computers. While I respect their disagreements I would like to point out your average cell phone has more processing power than the Apollo mission and is available for free over the counter with a cell plan, the idea that a multi-million dollar military vehicle with multiple computer functions does not have an interactive computer seems, off to me. That said, you absolutely do not need computer use to pilot power armor/robots, its a skill that lets you get the most use out of the vehicle.

For Weapon systems, its not at all about the +1 to hit, its about the ability to use the weapon systems that are not the most obvious on your vehicle. In the past I have used power armor as a forward observer for missile launchers, and used robot vehicles with missile launchers as anti-aircraft emplacements targeting flying opponents dozens and even hundreds of miles away. While its more of a robot pilot skill, I feel that familiarity with weapons systems is a valuable skill for someone with that much high tech communications, processing and sensor systems at hand. As with Computer use, you don't really need weapon systems to be an effective pilot, but like computer use, its a skill that lets you better use all of the tools you have at your disposal.

Now I do find myself agreeing with Mr Richards (who should still not be trusted for any reason) that giving the OCC find contraband was a step too far. The idea is that it is not assumed that this OCC is attached to a larger army who will handle little things like resupply and repair. Unlike the RPA Elite class a truely skilled robot plot has to concern himself with basic maintenance and reloading is vehicle, as well as acquiring new vehicles. So in my next draft I will be switching out find contraband with a narrower ability to find robots and power armor (as well as ammunition and technicians).

To my knowledge, nobody commented on the Bot Mastery Class ability which to me was the centerpiece of the OCC. My problem with the original OCC is that there was no distinction that set the Robot Pilot OCC from a Headhunter or other OCC that bought the same skills. The idea was to give the OCC special abilities without doing something garish like just handing it extra attacks.

I also need to toss in the Fanatic Robotophile skill.

Re: Ratty's Robot Pilot OCC

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 12:31 pm
by rat_bastard
ZINO wrote:
The Galactus Kid wrote:
rat_bastard wrote:
ZINO wrote:can i post my ideas of Pilots Robot O.C.C ?

no, I'm sorry the board rules strictly say only me and Jason Richards can post OCC ideas.

ZINO, Ratty is joking. Feel free to post your ideas.

Ratty, I really like this thread, and your ideas for the Robot Pilot O.C.C. really remind me of the feel of the Operator from R:UE, which I really liked.

OK thank for letting me i thought there were certain rules applied that why I ask,you know respects the threads and ideas of others, is that OK with you Ratty ?

It is OK, just this once. :P

Re: Ratty's Robot Pilot OCC

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 4:42 pm
by Dustin Fireblade
rat_bastard wrote:
I also need to toss in the Fanatic Robotophile skill.

If you are going to do that, why not just go ahead and use the Headhunter Anti-Robot Specialist, and simply drop the "anti" part?

Re: Ratty's Robot Pilot OCC

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 1:01 pm
by Shadow Wyrm
When a PC or NPC has Combat:Elite I also give them a 5-10% bonus on the skills they use to pilot the PA or Robot.

Re: Ratty's Robot Pilot OCC

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 1:33 pm
by The Galactus Kid
Dustin Fireblade wrote:
rat_bastard wrote:
I also need to toss in the Fanatic Robotophile skill.

If you are going to do that, why not just go ahead and use the Headhunter Anti-Robot Specialist, and simply drop the "anti" part?

I just noticed that the Headhunter ARS can select jujitsu. Its pretty sweet. I have to make a comparison between Jujitsu and Commando.

Re: Ratty's Robot Pilot OCC

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 2:57 pm
by rat_bastard
Dustin Fireblade wrote:
rat_bastard wrote:
I also need to toss in the Fanatic Robotophile skill.

If you are going to do that, why not just go ahead and use the Headhunter Anti-Robot Specialist, and simply drop the "anti" part?

Because the idea is to take the Robot Pilot OCC and produce a OCC that has a separate but distinct flavor than other classes, I think many people would agree that a RUE Robot Pilot is indistinguishable and often inferior than most any Men at Arms with the same skills.

Re: Ratty's Robot Pilot OCC

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 5:42 pm
by Dustin Fireblade
rat_bastard wrote:
Dustin Fireblade wrote:
rat_bastard wrote:
I also need to toss in the Fanatic Robotophile skill.

If you are going to do that, why not just go ahead and use the Headhunter Anti-Robot Specialist, and simply drop the "anti" part?

Because the idea is to take the Robot Pilot OCC and produce a OCC that has a separate but distinct flavor than other classes, I think many people would agree that a RUE Robot Pilot is indistinguishable and often inferior than most any Men at Arms with the same skills.

Well I can agree with what you are trying to do. Personally I'd just tweak the Slammer's skill selection (allowing a couple more Related skill selections at 1st level for example), and fold the Robot Pilot OCC into the Merc Soldier as additional MOS's.

Essentially you would then have the Headhunter's and its variations as the best of the best, with the Merc Soldier and its MOS's as the standard.

Re: Ratty's Robot Pilot OCC

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 10:03 pm
hey i don't want want to put it again but take a look at my Elite’s Robot Pilots AKA THE Elite ,or ACE robot pilots founded on post your O.C.C

Re: Ratty's Robot Pilot OCC

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 12:58 am
by The Galactus Kid
Incase anyone cares, I got bored tonight and modified the Power Armor Commando in WB 5 to what I think the class really needs. Updated for R:UE and includes some neat bonuses.

NGR Power Armor Commando: Updated for Rifts: Ultimate Edition

1. Anti-Supernatural or Anti-Robot Specialty (A.K.A. Demon Hunter or Robot Hunter): The Power Armor Commando is highly trained to fight all adversaries of the NGR, but they are required to pick a specialty during their training. If they select the anti-supernatural specialty, they start with Lore: Demons and Monsters and Lore: Magic, both at +20%. The skills advance per level as normal. If the anti-robot specialty is selected, the pilot will receive either Basic Electronics and Basic Mechanics (Robot Electronics and Robot Mechanics as well as their prerequisites are also made available as O.C.C. Related skills to those who select this specialty), or the Fanatic Robophile Skill from W.B. 20 p. 117.
2. Maximum Performance: The Commando excels at getting the most out of his machines and regularly pushes them beyond their limits. When piloting power armor, reduce the penalty for stunts and trick piloting maneuvers by 5% and increase speed by 10%. In addition, the following bonuses are gained when piloting a suit of power armor. These are in addition to any other training:
+2 to Strike with long ranged weapons both integrated and Heavy M.D. handheld weapons
+2 to roll with punch or fall
+3 to initiative
+1 attack per melee
3. O.C.C. Bonuses and Modifiers:
+1D8 to S.D.C.
+2 to P.P.
+2 to save vs. Horror Factor
Alignment: Any
Racial Restrictions: Human only
Attribute Requirements: I.Q. 11, M.E. 12, P.S. 14, and P.P. 14 or higher.
Mathematics: Basic (+20%)
Literacy: Euro 98%
Language: Euro (+30%)
Language: One of choice (+10% usually Techno-can, English, Russian or Demongogian)
Radio: Basic (+20%)
Electronic Countermeasures (+20%)
Computer Operation (+10%)
Intelligence (+20%)
Military Etiquette (+20%)
Pilot: Jet Pack (+10%)
Pilot: Hover Vehicles (+10%, in this case, training includes hovertanks like the Rhino and the Phantom)
Pilot: Robots and Power Armor (+10%)
Robot Combat Elite: T-Series (either double digit or triple digit)
Robot Combat Elite: X-Series double digit
Robot Combat Elite: X-Series triple digit
Navigation (+10%)
Weapon Systems (+10%)
Climbing (+10%)
Demolitions (+20%)
Demolitions Disposal (+20%)
W.P. Energy Rifle
W.P. Heavy M.D. Weapons
Hand to Hand: Expert
Hand to Hand Expert can be changed to Martial Arts (or Assassin if an evil alignment) at the cost of one O.C.C Related Skill or Commando at the cost of two O.C.C. related skills.
O.C.C. Related Skills: Select 5 other skills, plus one additional skill at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15. All new skills start at level one proficiency.
Communications: Any (+15%)
Cowboy: None
Domestic: Any
Electrical: Basic Electonics only (+10%)
Espionage: Any (+5%)
Horsemanship: None
Mechanical: Automotive and Basic only (+10%)
Medical: First Aid only (+10%)
Military: Any (+10%)
Physical: Any, excluding Acrobatics
Pilot: Any (+5%)
Pilot Related: Any (+10%)
Rogue: Any (+5%)
Science: Any
Technical: Any (+10%)
W.P.: Any
Wilderness: Any
Secondary Skills: Select two skills from the secondary skill list on page 300 of Rifts: Ultimate Edition at levels 1, 4, 7, and 11.These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get any bonuses, other than a possible bonus for having a high I.Q. All secondary skills start at base level.
Standard Equipment: Either a T-25 Uber or a T-31 Super Trooper for most missions, T-1000 Eagle Jetpack, railgun or heavy weapon of choice, one standard issue rifle (either a TX-17, TX-30, or TX-42), one pistol of choice, 1D4 tear gas grenades, 1D4 smoke grenades, 1D4 fragmentation grenades, 1D4 plasma or micro-fusion grenades, survival knife, flashlight, distancing binoculars, utility belt, gun holster for sidearm, additional air filter and gas mask, walkie-talkie, four standard uniforms, and one dress uniform.
Equipment Available upon Assignment: Any T-Series or X-series power armor in which the character is trained. Additional weapons, energy clips, and vehicles, medical kit, portable computer, portable language translator, cameras, surveillance equipment, explosives (including fusion blocks), and has mid-level military clearance.
Money: The power armor commando gets a roof over his head, food, clothing, access to power armor storage, robot hangars, maintenance areas, and all other basic needs provided for free as part of his/her pay. The monthly salary starts at 2600 credits a month and goes up from there. Pay grade is similar to the chart found in Rifts World Book 11: Coalition War Campaign.
When not in the field, this special forces soldier is given use of a private apartment on or near a military base. The apartment as a private bathroom, tiny kitchenette, living room, bedroom and study/library, and comes complete with stereo, video system, and personal computer.
Rank: Standard Military
Cybernetics and Bionics: Select two cybernetic augmentations from any category (usually sensory augmentation such as gyro-compass, universal headjack, amplified hearing, etc.)

Re: Ratty's Robot Pilot OCC

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 2:17 am
by grandmaster z0b
Pity the above OCC isn't in Triax 2.

Re: Ratty's Robot Pilot OCC

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 9:33 am
by The Galactus Kid
grandmaster z0b wrote:Pity the above OCC isn't in Triax 2.

Please feel free to print it off and use it as though it were. I think I'm going to try to update all of the old Triax O.C.C.s

Re: Ratty's Robot Pilot OCC

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 9:39 am
by rat_bastard
I'm really hesitant about giving blanket extra attacks to power armor pilots, they tend to accumulate pretty fast.

Re: Ratty's Robot Pilot OCC

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 9:46 am
by The Galactus Kid
rat_bastard wrote:I'm really hesitant about giving blanket extra attacks to power armor pilots, they tend to accumulate pretty fast.

I can see that.

The restriction in this case is that they onlreceive it in power aror and not any other vehicle or robot that they can pilot. It also highlights the exceptional training that the NGR Power Armor Commando would get when compared to a C.S. RPA.

Re: Ratty's Robot Pilot OCC

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 10:01 am
by Dustin Fireblade
The Galactus Kid wrote:2. Maximum Performance: The Commando excels at getting the most out of his machines and regularly pushes them beyond their limits. When piloting power armor, reduce the penalty for stunts and trick piloting maneuvers by 5% and increase speed by 10%.

Cybernetics and Bionics: Select two cybernetic augmentations from any category (usually sensory augmentation such as gyro-compass, universal headjack, amplified hearing, etc.)

Something to consider - have the 5% increase at higher levels. That's something they should be getting better at as well.

I seem to recall that the Republic of Japan PA pilots got a headjack that increased performance.

Re: Ratty's Robot Pilot OCC

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 8:13 pm
hi Palladium Books® Freelance Writer did you see my version of ROBOT ELITES ?
ZINO wrote:hey i don't want want to put it again but take a look at my Elite’s Robot Pilots AKA THE Elite ,or ACE robot pilots founded on post your O.C.C

The Galactus Kid wrote:Incase anyone cares, I got bored tonight and modified the Power Armor Commando in WB 5 to what I think the class really needs. Updated for R:UE and includes some neat bonuses.

NGR Power Armor Commando: Updated for Rifts: Ultimate Edition

1. Anti-Supernatural or Anti-Robot Specialty (A.K.A. Demon Hunter or Robot Hunter): The Power Armor Commando is highly trained to fight all adversaries of the NGR, but they are required to pick a specialty during their training. If they select the anti-supernatural specialty, they start with Lore: Demons and Monsters and Lore: Magic, both at +20%. The skills advance per level as normal. If the anti-robot specialty is selected, the pilot will receive either Basic Electronics and Basic Mechanics (Robot Electronics and Robot Mechanics as well as their prerequisites are also made available as O.C.C. Related skills to those who select this specialty), or the Fanatic Robophile Skill from W.B. 20 p. 117.
2. Maximum Performance: The Commando excels at getting the most out of his machines and regularly pushes them beyond their limits. When piloting power armor, reduce the penalty for stunts and trick piloting maneuvers by 5% and increase speed by 10%. In addition, the following bonuses are gained when piloting a suit of power armor. These are in addition to any other training:
+2 to Strike with long ranged weapons both integrated and Heavy M.D. handheld weapons
+2 to roll with punch or fall
+3 to initiative
+1 attack per melee
3. O.C.C. Bonuses and Modifiers:
+1D8 to S.D.C.
+2 to P.P.
+2 to save vs. Horror Factor
Alignment: Any
Racial Restrictions: Human only
Attribute Requirements: I.Q. 11, M.E. 12, P.S. 14, and P.P. 14 or higher.
Mathematics: Basic (+20%)
Literacy: Euro 98%
Language: Euro (+30%)
Language: One of choice (+10% usually Techno-can, English, Russian or Demongogian)
Radio: Basic (+20%)
Electronic Countermeasures (+20%)
Computer Operation (+10%)
Intelligence (+20%)
Military Etiquette (+20%)
Pilot: Jet Pack (+10%)
Pilot: Hover Vehicles (+10%, in this case, training includes hovertanks like the Rhino and the Phantom)
Pilot: Robots and Power Armor (+10%)
Robot Combat Elite: T-Series (either double digit or triple digit)
Robot Combat Elite: X-Series double digit
Robot Combat Elite: X-Series triple digit
Navigation (+10%)
Weapon Systems (+10%)
Climbing (+10%)
Demolitions (+20%)
Demolitions Disposal (+20%)
W.P. Energy Rifle
W.P. Heavy M.D. Weapons
Hand to Hand: Expert
Hand to Hand Expert can be changed to Martial Arts (or Assassin if an evil alignment) at the cost of one O.C.C Related Skill or Commando at the cost of two O.C.C. related skills.
O.C.C. Related Skills: Select 5 other skills, plus one additional skill at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15. All new skills start at level one proficiency.
Communications: Any (+15%)
Cowboy: None
Domestic: Any
Electrical: Basic Electonics only (+10%)
Espionage: Any (+5%)
Horsemanship: None
Mechanical: Automotive and Basic only (+10%)
Medical: First Aid only (+10%)
Military: Any (+10%)
Physical: Any, excluding Acrobatics
Pilot: Any (+5%)
Pilot Related: Any (+10%)
Rogue: Any (+5%)
Science: Any
Technical: Any (+10%)
W.P.: Any
Wilderness: Any
Secondary Skills: Select two skills from the secondary skill list on page 300 of Rifts: Ultimate Edition at levels 1, 4, 7, and 11.These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get any bonuses, other than a possible bonus for having a high I.Q. All secondary skills start at base level.
Standard Equipment: Either a T-25 Uber or a T-31 Super Trooper for most missions, T-1000 Eagle Jetpack, railgun or heavy weapon of choice, one standard issue rifle (either a TX-17, TX-30, or TX-42), one pistol of choice, 1D4 tear gas grenades, 1D4 smoke grenades, 1D4 fragmentation grenades, 1D4 plasma or micro-fusion grenades, survival knife, flashlight, distancing binoculars, utility belt, gun holster for sidearm, additional air filter and gas mask, walkie-talkie, four standard uniforms, and one dress uniform.
Equipment Available upon Assignment: Any T-Series or X-series power armor in which the character is trained. Additional weapons, energy clips, and vehicles, medical kit, portable computer, portable language translator, cameras, surveillance equipment, explosives (including fusion blocks), and has mid-level military clearance.
Money: The power armor commando gets a roof over his head, food, clothing, access to power armor storage, robot hangars, maintenance areas, and all other basic needs provided for free as part of his/her pay. The monthly salary starts at 2600 credits a month and goes up from there. Pay grade is similar to the chart found in Rifts World Book 11: Coalition War Campaign.
When not in the field, this special forces soldier is given use of a private apartment on or near a military base. The apartment as a private bathroom, tiny kitchenette, living room, bedroom and study/library, and comes complete with stereo, video system, and personal computer.
Rank: Standard Military
Cybernetics and Bionics: Select two cybernetic augmentations from any category (usually sensory augmentation such as gyro-compass, universal headjack, amplified hearing, etc.)

Re: Ratty's Robot Pilot OCC

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 10:42 pm
by Jason Richards
Want some interesting freelancer insight? Filling out the last five or six fields for O.C.C.s (equipment, money, cybernetics, etc.) makes me want to stab myself in the eye with a toothpick. I hate it. Same goes for all of the crunchy stats on weapons and vehicles (size, weight, price, etc.).

Just thought people might be interested in that sort of info. :)

Re: Ratty's Robot Pilot OCC

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 9:36 am
by rat_bastard
Jason Richards wrote:Want some interesting freelancer insight? Filling out the last five or six fields for O.C.C.s (equipment, money, cybernetics, etc.) makes me want to stab myself in the eye with a toothpick. I hate it. Same goes for all of the crunchy stats on weapons and vehicles (size, weight, price, etc.).

Just thought people might be interested in that sort of info. :)

Even though I did not do that here, that sort of thing is generally the only thing I can write with any confidence.

Re: Ratty's Robot Pilot OCC

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 8:32 pm
by RoadWarriorFWaNK
Jason Richards wrote:Want some interesting freelancer insight? Filling out the last five or six fields for O.C.C.s (equipment, money, cybernetics, etc.) makes me want to stab myself in the eye with a toothpick. I hate it. Same goes for all of the crunchy stats on weapons and vehicles (size, weight, price, etc.).

Just thought people might be interested in that sort of info. :)


Re: Ratty's Robot Pilot OCC

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 12:34 am
by The Galactus Kid
RoadWarriorFWaNK wrote:
Jason Richards wrote:Want some interesting freelancer insight? Filling out the last five or six fields for O.C.C.s (equipment, money, cybernetics, etc.) makes me want to stab myself in the eye with a toothpick. I hate it. Same goes for all of the crunchy stats on weapons and vehicles (size, weight, price, etc.).

Just thought people might be interested in that sort of info. :)



Re: Ratty's Robot Pilot OCC

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 7:16 pm
Jason Richards wrote:Want some interesting freelancer insight? Filling out the last five or six fields for O.C.C.s (equipment, money, cybernetics, etc.) makes me want to stab myself in the eye with a toothpick. I hate it. Same goes for all of the crunchy stats on weapons and vehicles (size, weight, price, etc.).

Just thought people might be interested in that sort of info. :)

I am so sorry man ,hey I am just rookie ,not a true wirter.but i try my best.

Re: Ratty's Robot Pilot OCC

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 8:50 pm
by The Galactus Kid
ZINO wrote:
Jason Richards wrote:Want some interesting freelancer insight? Filling out the last five or six fields for O.C.C.s (equipment, money, cybernetics, etc.) makes me want to stab myself in the eye with a toothpick. I hate it. Same goes for all of the crunchy stats on weapons and vehicles (size, weight, price, etc.).

Just thought people might be interested in that sort of info. :)

I am so sorry man ,hey I am just rookie ,not a true wirter.but i try my best.

ZINO, he is just saying that when he writes that stuff , it is just a really boring task. It was not a critique of your personal work, just a statement of what parts of writing Jason doesn't like.

Re: Ratty's Robot Pilot OCC

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 9:19 pm
by Jason Richards
The Galactus Kid wrote:
ZINO wrote:
Jason Richards wrote:Want some interesting freelancer insight? Filling out the last five or six fields for O.C.C.s (equipment, money, cybernetics, etc.) makes me want to stab myself in the eye with a toothpick. I hate it. Same goes for all of the crunchy stats on weapons and vehicles (size, weight, price, etc.).

Just thought people might be interested in that sort of info. :)

I am so sorry man ,hey I am just rookie ,not a true wirter.but i try my best.

ZINO, he is just saying that when he writes that stuff , it is just a really boring task. It was not a critique of your personal work, just a statement of what parts of writing Jason doesn't like.
