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A quick queastion about psychics

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 2:25 am
by kogwar
Ok so i am the gm of my group and a close friend of mine that plays a mind melter and me have been arguing about how fast you can move or throw a person with the super psyonic telekinesis because as he reads it he can move them to his max range in oen round ( he is level three so that would be at about 100 mph) and crush anything, also is how much force the power has lets say A cow boy is holding a gun and he want to pull it out of the cow boys hand how hard does he pull can the cowboy fight back and finally what is the limitation of what he can move can he lift himself and pritty much fly, can he stop himself while falling similar to levitaion. Sry for the run on sentance but this is very important I get this cleared before our next rifts seasion.

Re: A quick queastion about psychics

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 2:34 pm
by Nekira Sudacne
kogwar wrote:Ok so i am the gm of my group and a close friend of mine that plays a mind melter and me have been arguing about how fast you can move or throw a person with the super psyonic telekinesis because as he reads it he can move them to his max range in oen round ( he is level three so that would be at about 100 mph) and crush anything, also is how much force the power has lets say A cow boy is holding a gun and he want to pull it out of the cow boys hand how hard does he pull can the cowboy fight back and finally what is the limitation of what he can move can he lift himself and pritty much fly, can he stop himself while falling similar to levitaion. Sry for the run on sentance but this is very important I get this cleared before our next rifts seasion.

Actually, you can move something the maximum range in one /turn/, not one round.

Re: A quick queastion about psychics

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 11:10 pm
by cornholioprime
kogwar wrote:Ok so i am the gm of my group and a close friend of mine that plays a mind melter and me have been arguing about how fast you can move or throw a person with the super psyonic telekinesis because as he reads it he can move them to his max range in oen round ( he is level three so that would be at about 100 mph) and crush anything, also is how much force the power has lets say A cow boy is holding a gun and he want to pull it out of the cow boys hand how hard does he pull can the cowboy fight back and finally what is the limitation of what he can move can he lift himself and pritty much fly, can he stop himself while falling similar to levitaion. Sry for the run on sentance but this is very important I get this cleared before our next rifts seasion.

1. I have never seen anything specific about retrieval or hurling speed; HOWEVER, given the bonuses to strike, one can probably assume that the hurled (or in this case pulled) object is going rather fast.
GM's call as to how fast he can do it. Perhaps you want to limit the 'retrieval speed' to that of his character? Maybe make it just a little bit faster? Just a suggestion.

P.S. It doesn't do very much damage as a hurled object, anyway, unless the hurled object is rather heavy and durable -even then, IIRC, the damage is very tiny.

2. You cannot use TK to crush objects, only lift and manipulate them. Not even with Super-TK. That much I remember without having to go to a book. (It's probably a Game Balance thing.)


3. Someone helped me out when they PM'ed me and informed me that there is a separate Psionic power called "Levitate."

And since that other power exists in its own right, I would tell your Player that he can't use his Super TK in its stead. Maybe, if he wants to pick himself up and hurl himself from point A to point B, he might be able to use TK-Super that way.....but DEFINITELY NOT to save himself from falls.

Re: A quick queastion about psychics

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 10:19 pm
by kogwar
well the idea was that he jumped out and sent two old style cs grunts fl;ying so fast he killed htem with th eimpact or so he said he should be able to do.

Re: A quick queastion about psychics

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 11:11 pm
by cornholioprime
kogwar wrote:well the idea was that he jumped out and sent two old style cs grunts fl;ying so fast he killed htem with th eimpact or so he said he should be able to do.
This guy CLEARLY sounds like he's never heard of Megadamage Armors and their internal padding.

Or the Fall/Impact damage tables.

(What, did he toss them out of a Deaths' Head from low earth orbit? 'Cause he sure as hell didn't cause them any damage with the measly damage values assigned to TK and super-TK........unless they were butt-naked when he tossed them around.)

Re: A quick queastion about psychics

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 5:23 pm
by kogwar
Well what he was tring to convince me of is that in one action he could move somthng to his max range and since he is level three after we calkculated it if he could do that he could send somthing at one hundred mile per hour.

Re: A quick queastion about psychics

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 8:16 pm
by ingexthefuryhunter1
yes but 100 mph is nothing given that mega damge armor is designed to take swipes from dragons which can weigh in excess of ten tons for an adult. So being hurled 100mph into something is going to be like bumping into the coffee table, yes it will hurt but unless the wearer is having really bad luck it aint going to kill him.

As for the levitate I can't see how that would work with TK is it is a movement to or away from psionic, it provides no real barrier between the psionic and the target unless he was trying to pull himself quicker to the ground.

Also remeber TK and TK super say nothing about the victims not being able to fight back, yes they may be getting moved around at 100 mphs with out there say so but the psionic has to be line of sight on them, If I was the GM I would have said dead boys pull out there trusty side arms and show that damn brain freak what coalition power taste like it would help show the player he needs to think smarter not harder when uysing his powers, plus it will curb what sounds like a player who needs to understand his powers limitations a little bit.

Just my two cents hope they help.

Re: A quick queastion about psychics

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 5:50 pm
by kogwar
Wouldn't the soldier still take a but ton of impact damge from hitting a stationary m.d.c. structure at one hundred miles per hour.

Re: A quick queastion about psychics

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 9:38 pm
by ingexthefuryhunter1
I would use the impact damage rule 1d4 per 20 mph to the suit so 5d4 the MDC structure is not adding any kinetic energy to the attack.

Re: A quick queastion about psychics

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 12:01 am
by kogwar
But isn't it somewhere in the gm's guide that they take damage to there bodys to?

Re: A quick queastion about psychics

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 3:31 am
by ingexthefuryhunter1
yes pg 31 but it is so minuscule 1d6 for ever 20 mdc done to the suit, so unless the pychic can hurl him enough to do 20 mdc there would be no bleed through to the sdc person inside because of the padding.