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How many E-Clips do you carry

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 1:12 am
by Incriptus
For purposes of this question assume that your character is a combat type character who is expected to see battle. You have easy access to a recharge, but it is back at base and usually a few hours away. Lets say that your weapon of choice is good for 30 single shots on a single clip or 10 busts [or 10 large cannon shots].

Re: How many E-Clips do you carry

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 1:24 am
by Aaryq
7. 1 in the gun 6 on the person...this is for my primary weapon.

Re: How many E-Clips do you carry

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 3:37 am
by Blue_Lion
Aaryq wrote:7. 1 in the gun 6 on the person...this is for my primary weapon.

Oh the stadard US load. If i have a vehicle with storage space i am going to put extras in it. The real question is how interchagable are eclips. a pistols clip fits in the hand grip about the size of what a 9mm berratas while some books are drawn with big ober sized E-clips. depending on gear and weapons load i may have dozen in poches more in vehicle or pack within reasonable reach.

Re: How many E-Clips do you carry

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 4:14 am
by Dog_O_War
2 Long, atleast 8 short, and I typically roam around with a weapon that uses an e-cannister as well.

If I'm in PA, you can ditch most of the ammo clips (4 short and 1 long), but you can tac on 6-12 AP mini-missiles.

I use shorts because I tend to use pistols for everything. Basically 1 e-clip is good for one kill; a long e-clip is good for 2-3 kills, and an e-can is good for 6-10 kills. If I feel I need to kill more than 20 people, I use a bigger gun, or one with an area-effect.

Shooting unarmoured SDC targets, or targets with SDC bits exposed isn't worth wasting the shot; that's a melee target, which typically takes no e-clips to kill.

Re: How many E-Clips do you carry

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 6:07 am
by Blue_Lion
Dog_O_War wrote:2 Long, atleast 8 short, and I typically roam around with a weapon that uses an e-cannister as well.

If I'm in PA, you can ditch most of the ammo clips (4 short and 1 long), but you can tac on 6-12 AP mini-missiles.

I use shorts because I tend to use pistols for everything. Basically 1 e-clip is good for one kill; a long e-clip is good for 2-3 kills, and an e-can is good for 6-10 kills. If I feel I need to kill more than 20 people, I use a bigger gun, or one with an area-effect.

Shooting unarmoured SDC targets, or targets with SDC bits exposed isn't worth wasting the shot; that's a melee target, which typically takes no e-clips to kill.

mini missles cost to much to be used on most foes but a heavey energy weapon tied in to the main power core that can do d6X10 or more mdc with unlimited payload is a good way to go. with ap missles or rail guns for imune to energy foes. personaly i am fond of tws but alway have convetional weapons so i do not have to burn my whole load of ppe in a fight.

Re: How many E-Clips do you carry

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 10:44 am
by azazel1024
1 in each gun, 4 on my person and 6 in my pack. If traveling with a vehicle I'll keep an additional 10 in the vehicle. At least 1 vibroblade. They don't jam, they don't run out of juice (okay, technically they would, but I see no listing of power supply or energy life span).

RPGing doesn't have a lot of spray and pray and 'keep their heads down' shooting, but multiple engagements before getting back to a base could easily drain a dozen eclips.

Re: How many E-Clips do you carry

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 10:49 am
by runebeo
Most of our characters carry 4 to 6 and few extra in their vehicles. Were always rigging them to blow open door and use them as land mines, their not just ammo their good for all your energy needs.

Re: How many E-Clips do you carry

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 2:21 pm
by azazel1024
In my games we assume Eclips are like D-cell batteries, one size fits all. Well, assuming all weapons use D-cell batteries (which is our assumption).

We don't really like how a lot other things use Eclips or their multirole use though (to big for some devices, to small/low capacity for others). Batteries and capacitors, even with enormous storage potential don't explode (pop spectacularly maybe, but not explode. IE you couldn't blow open a door or make a landmine out of one).

Re: How many E-Clips do you carry

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 2:43 pm
by Jay05
I voted 5-10 but I average 3/4 per energy weapon usually. Plus, most of my characters (I like Unprincipled) tend to scavange enemy dead for compatible ammo.

Re: How many E-Clips do you carry

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 6:37 pm
by Mercdog
I voted 3-5. IMO, that's all you should really need for a typical mission unless you're expecting quite a bit of combat. If you're on the move you want to keep things relatively light. Additionally, if you should be captured or killed, you don't really want to hand the enemy a large amount of ammo to use against your own forces.

However, if I'm entrenched and expected to hold the line, you'd better believe I want a crate of E-Clips, or even better, a portable generator I can plug my weapon into.

EDIT: I should note that I read it as 3-5 E-clips per weapon, and not total. Likely 5 clips for the primary weapon and 3 clips each backup weapon.

Re: How many E-Clips do you carry

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 6:54 pm
by rat_bastard
My Operator's tac vest contains 5 e-clips and 2 light plasma clips and 3 clips of silver rounds, but that is what he wears under his power armor and he has never had to use them.

Re: How many E-Clips do you carry

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 7:54 pm
by MikelAmroni
My mystic mercenary I just kitted out for Jedi's newest game has 4 long e-clips (for my L-20 Pulse rifle), 6 clips of P-90 ammo (2 SLAP [minor MDC], 2 Silver, 2 Regular), and 2 Short E-Clips (for my Wilks 320 Laser Pistol), plus a clip in each weapon. So yeah, 3-5 per weapon is the right number for your average patrol or limited engagement. Now that said, this is for the average limited engagement, not armagedon or assaulting a Xiticix hive.

Re: How many E-Clips do you carry

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 8:12 pm
by Wooly
rat_bastard wrote:My Operator's tac vest contains 5 e-clips and 2 light plasma clips and 3 clips of silver rounds, but that is what he wears under his power armor and he has never had to use them.

Your GM allows your character to wear a tac vest while inside power armor? Which power armor model are we talking here?

Re: How many E-Clips do you carry

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 8:20 pm
by Wooly
Unless the GM is closely monitoring weight and encumbrance issues it is easy to let encumbrance issues go unnoticed (or purposefully ignored by players).

Isn't the official weight of an e-clip (shouldn't it be e-magazine?) published somewhere?

Re: How many E-Clips do you carry

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 8:20 pm
by rat_bastard
Wooly wrote:
rat_bastard wrote:My Operator's tac vest contains 5 e-clips and 2 light plasma clips and 3 clips of silver rounds, but that is what he wears under his power armor and he has never had to use them.

Your GM allows your character to wear a tac vest while inside power armor? Which power armor model are we talking here?

The power armor in question was in fact made with wearing a specific suit of armor and equipment in mind.

Re: How many E-Clips do you carry

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 8:23 pm
by Dead Boy
I've always favored the following mix

Primary Weapon: 1 in the magazine well, 6 in reserve (all long e-cips)
Backup Weapon/Sidearm: 1 standard e-clip in the well (flush fit for comfort), 2 long spares
SDC Firearm: 2 regular magazines (including one in the gun), and 2 mags full of silver bullets.

The basic formula is toyed with from character to character, but that's my general preference.

Re: How many E-Clips do you carry

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 9:02 pm
by rat_bastard
I have a player who plays a gunfighter who burns through e-clips like a MDC chainsaw through a bag of puppies, because he has above human strength we re-purposed a nuclear Jetpack to power his pistols.

Re: How many E-Clips do you carry

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 9:14 pm
by Wooly
rat_bastard wrote:
Wooly wrote:
rat_bastard wrote:My Operator's tac vest contains 5 e-clips and 2 light plasma clips and 3 clips of silver rounds, but that is what he wears under his power armor and he has never had to use them.

Your GM allows your character to wear a tac vest while inside power armor? Which power armor model are we talking here?

The power armor in question was in fact made with wearing a specific suit of armor and equipment in mind.

What are you talking about? GB pilot armor?

Unless it is some sort of quasi robot vehicle (ulti-max) I just can't imagine wearing a "tac vest" inside a suit of power armor.

Re: How many E-Clips do you carry

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 9:17 pm
by rat_bastard
Wooly wrote:
rat_bastard wrote:
Wooly wrote:
rat_bastard wrote:My Operator's tac vest contains 5 e-clips and 2 light plasma clips and 3 clips of silver rounds, but that is what he wears under his power armor and he has never had to use them.

Your GM allows your character to wear a tac vest while inside power armor? Which power armor model are we talking here?

The power armor in question was in fact made with wearing a specific suit of armor and equipment in mind.

What are you talking about? GB pilot armor?

Unless it is some sort of quasi robot vehicle (ulti-max) I just can't imagine wearing a "tac vest" inside a suit of power armor.

It is a homebrewed armor designed to work in concert with a suit of armor and a specific set of equipment.

Re: How many E-Clips do you carry

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 9:42 pm
by Blue_Lion
azazel1024 wrote:In my games we assume Eclips are like D-cell batteries, one size fits all. Well, assuming all weapons use D-cell batteries (which is our assumption).

We don't really like how a lot other things use Eclips or their multirole use though (to big for some devices, to small/low capacity for others). Batteries and capacitors, even with enormous storage potential don't explode (pop spectacularly maybe, but not explode. IE you couldn't blow open a door or make a landmine out of one).

I agree for the most part some types of larger bateries do produce a flamable gass as a by product but e-clips hould not or your weapon whould explode. So i do not see you beeing able to blow a door or window with them land mine not likely either. That is almost as bad as some one thinking he can spend one action and rig his pa power plant to explode like a nuke. Just not feesable if you look at how it works.

Re: How many E-Clips do you carry

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 9:45 pm
by Wooly
rat_bastard wrote:
Wooly wrote:
rat_bastard wrote:
Wooly wrote:
rat_bastard wrote:My Operator's tac vest contains 5 e-clips and 2 light plasma clips and 3 clips of silver rounds, but that is what he wears under his power armor and he has never had to use them.

Your GM allows your character to wear a tac vest while inside power armor? Which power armor model are we talking here?

The power armor in question was in fact made with wearing a specific suit of armor and equipment in mind.

What are you talking about? GB pilot armor?

Unless it is some sort of quasi robot vehicle (ulti-max) I just can't imagine wearing a "tac vest" inside a suit of power armor.

It is a homebrewed armor designed to work in concert with a suit of armor and a specific set of equipment.

As someone who has worn a load bearing equipment for extended periods of time I don't find this plausible. Of course you could argue I have never worn power armor either :D

Re: How many E-Clips do you carry

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 9:52 pm
by rat_bastard
Wooly wrote:As someone who has worn a load bearing equipment for extended periods of time I don't find this plausible. Of course you could argue I have never worn power armor either :D

yeah, I'm not sure where your objections are coming from either.

Re: How many E-Clips do you carry

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 9:52 pm
by Blue_Lion
rat_bastard wrote:I have a player who plays a gunfighter who burns through e-clips like a MDC chainsaw through a bag of puppies, because he has above human strength we re-purposed a nuclear Jetpack to power his pistols.

Most nucler jet pacs whould not produce the shear abmount of on demand energy needed for that guy. 1 eclip is a gigawat of power there about. Using the cs special op jet pack burns a eclip in about 20 minutes of flight. A pistole on the other hand empties the same eclip in what 10-20 shots depending on pistole and each shot is about the same of one minute of sustained power for the jet pack there is no way the power plant should keep up. It could be riged to recharge a eclip in about 20 minutes thou.

Re: How many E-Clips do you carry

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 9:59 pm
by rat_bastard
Blue_Lion wrote:
rat_bastard wrote:I have a player who plays a gunfighter who burns through e-clips like a MDC chainsaw through a bag of puppies, because he has above human strength we re-purposed a nuclear Jetpack to power his pistols.

Most nucler jet pacs whould not produce the shear abmount of on demand energy needed for that guy. 1 eclip is a gigawat of power there about. Using the cs special op jet pack burns a eclip in about 20 minutes of flight. A pistole on the other hand empties the same eclip in what 10-20 shots depending on pistole and each shot is about the same of one minute of sustained power for the jet pack there is no way the power plant should keep up. It could be riged to recharge a eclip in about 20 minutes thou.

your assigning allot of real life values to fictional power sources.

Re: How many E-Clips do you carry

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 9:24 am
by azazel1024
Sort of, but using comparisons of megadamage weaponry to SDC weaponry along with what eclips can do powering vehicles brings the power storage of an Eclip anywhere from about 300MJ to 1,000MJ of energy storage.

Sure its fictional, but you can still derive a rough storage capacity based on what various authors allow eclips to power.

A vehicle's nuclear power supply just doesn't have the power required to operate a weapon since with a weapon powered by an eclip it would need to dump the power to the weapon's capacitors/accumulators all within the span of anything from miliseconds to 2-3 seconds to power it.

That is several orders of magnitude higher than the power output of what a vehicle requires for propulsion unless you are talking about something like a jet fighter or tank. Small power armor and small vehicles/jet packs powered by a nuclear power source wouldn't have one powerful enough.

Energy budgetting isn't used in any of Palladiums games really, but what you should really see is that vehicles/PA/robots with built in nuclear power supplies should have some kind of energy budget for their weapons. Say a central accumulator that can power 100 fireings of the main gun or 200 firings of secondary energy weapons recharging at a rate of maybe 1/2 shots per melee. Maybe a secondary power core to power the weapons themselves.

Heck, I even like the argument that vehicles/PA/Robots that have built in weapons are designed with nuclear power supplies that are overkill for the transportation requirements expressly so that they can have the ondemand power to power their built in weapons.

PA, vehicles and jet packs that don't have built in weapons aren't likely to have nuclear power supplies that have the same kind of instantaneous power output that something designed to power weapons would.

PS as an idea of power draw the proposed rail guns for the navy basically require the steam turbine engines in the destroyers/cruisers to divert ALL of their power to massive capacitor banks for several seconds (10-30) to power the rail gun. We are talking engines designed to output in the 40,000+SHP range, or something like 30,000kw of power (30mw), more than 50 semitrucks (at full power) worth of power output or more than 10 diesel locomotives for a good fraction of a minute to power something that would likely, if we wanted to use it in Rifts, probably do something like 1d4x100-2d6x100MD. A nuclear powersupply designed for a semitruck isn't likely to produce dozens of times more power than that truck requires. So an energy weapons that could do 1d4x10MD is probably going to require the equivelent of a semitruck's power plant to charge (using all of its power) it for a few seconds before firing.

Re: How many E-Clips do you carry

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 9:55 am
by rat_bastard

Re: How many E-Clips do you carry

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 11:15 am
by azazel1024

Re: How many E-Clips do you carry

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 12:52 pm
by RoadWarriorFWaNK
i use powerful guns, which eat a lot of ammo. so i carry as many e-clips as the GM allows me to have.

Re: How many E-Clips do you carry

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 1:04 pm
by taalismn
E-clips?! We don't need no stinkin' e-clips! We power our weapons by the power of our pure souls, hot blood, plasma-hot rage, infinite resolve, and sheer awesomeness!!!

Re: How many E-Clips do you carry

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 3:42 pm
by vsper
I make the dog boys carry them.....Fetch Boy

Re: How many E-Clips do you carry

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 3:56 pm
by The Galactus Kid
As a Mystic Knight I don't carry e-clips.

Re: How many E-Clips do you carry

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 4:14 pm
by Wooly
rat_bastard wrote:
Wooly wrote:As someone who has worn a load bearing equipment for extended periods of time I don't find this plausible. Of course you could argue I have never worn power armor either :D

yeah, I'm not sure where your objections are coming from either.

My objection would be that wearing a tac-vest is cumbersome and uncomfortable. I have worn everything from ALICE gear, LBE, MOLLE, IBA, various after market (non-USGI issue) chest rigs. Nylon load bearing equipment isn't advanced technology, there are only so many ways to carry magazines on the human body. After you add magazines you have a first aid kit, hand grenades, bayonet, compass, flashlight, canteens, etc.

Anything more then a shoulder holster (GB pilots armor) or a few mags (3 or 4) in a high mounted chest rig should incur a minor piloting skill penalty.

Re: How many E-Clips do you carry

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 4:43 pm
by rat_bastard
Wooly wrote:
rat_bastard wrote:
Wooly wrote:As someone who has worn a load bearing equipment for extended periods of time I don't find this plausible. Of course you could argue I have never worn power armor either :D

yeah, I'm not sure where your objections are coming from either.

My objection would be that wearing a tac-vest is cumbersome and uncomfortable. I have worn everything from ALICE gear, LBE, MOLLE, IBA, various after market (non-USGI issue) chest rigs. Nylon load bearing equipment isn't advanced technology, there are only so many ways to carry magazines on the human body. After you add magazines you have a first aid kit, hand grenades, bayonet, compass, flashlight, canteens, etc.

Anything more then a shoulder holster (GB pilots armor) or a few mags (3 or 4) in a high mounted chest rig should incur a minor piloting skill penalty.

First off, you are putting allot of stuff in the tac vest that I am not putting in tac vest, so you are dealing with things that I did not put there. Second, a guy in power armor only has to deal with the weight of his own gear, and when he's doing it he's in a padded climate controlled rig that handles nearly all physical demands the pilot has. Now my career is skilled construction and I often have to carry a rig with 20 pounds of climbing gear and tools on my body for 8-10 hours a day in any type of weather. If you feel wearing a simple harness in a climate controlled suit is an incredible hardship for a professional soldier then I don't want to know how out of shape you are.

Re: How many E-Clips do you carry

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 4:55 pm
by azazel1024
My issue would be that the lining of the power armor is likely to be relatively form fitting along with possibly being thrown around. To me having a clip in a tac-rig jamming me in the ribs as a demon slams my Samas through a tree does not sound like my idea of fun.

If you have things in pockets, on a tac vest, etc it is going to create 'sharp' protuberances that are going to poke you, jam you, and concentrate force when you get knocked around instead of having the lining really spread the impact over your body. This is assuming that the lining is not so tight fitting/conforming that you couldn't actually fit inside with a tac vest on with things in it.

Its a question of how you wear the suit. Is it a form fitting lining that is custom sized to the wearer? A range of sizes (S/M/L/XL/XXL/XXXL type deal)? Is it something that custom conforms when the user gets in to it? Or are you basically strapped in to a harness and rig inside of the suit itself and aren't in contact with the inner lining of the PA.

I personally view power armor as exactly like wearing EBA/body armor. You can wear clothes under it, and probably even slip some small things in a pocket, but most power armor is too form fitting to wear body armor under it or put anything big/bulky in pockets (IE an Eclip is probably going to be too bulky. Your keys or a swiss army knife might not be. A pistol is deffinitely too big). It would depend on the power armor though.

Re: How many E-Clips do you carry

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 5:02 pm
by rat_bastard
azazel1024 wrote:My issue would be that the lining of the power armor is likely to be relatively form fitting along with possibly being thrown around. To me having a clip in a tac-rig jamming me in the ribs as a demon slams my Samas through a tree does not sound like my idea of fun.

If you have things in pockets, on a tac vest, etc it is going to create 'sharp' protuberances that are going to poke you, jam you, and concentrate force when you get knocked around instead of having the lining really spread the impact over your body. This is assuming that the lining is not so tight fitting/conforming that you couldn't actually fit inside with a tac vest on with things in it.

Its a question of how you wear the suit. Is it a form fitting lining that is custom sized to the wearer? A range of sizes (S/M/L/XL/XXL/XXXL type deal)? Is it something that custom conforms when the user gets in to it? Or are you basically strapped in to a harness and rig inside of the suit itself and aren't in contact with the inner lining of the PA.

I personally view power armor as exactly like wearing EBA/body armor. You can wear clothes under it, and probably even slip some small things in a pocket, but most power armor is too form fitting to wear body armor under it or put anything big/bulky in pockets (IE an Eclip is probably going to be too bulky. Your keys or a swiss army knife might not be. A pistol is deffinitely too big). It would depend on the power armor though.

rat_bastard wrote:The power armor in question was in fact made with wearing a specific suit of armor and equipment in mind.

how is this hard to follow?

Re: How many E-Clips do you carry

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 5:05 pm
by MikelAmroni
azazel1024 wrote:My issue would be that the lining of the power armor is likely to be relatively form fitting along with possibly being thrown around. To me having a clip in a tac-rig jamming me in the ribs as a demon slams my Samas through a tree does not sound like my idea of fun.

If you have things in pockets, on a tac vest, etc it is going to create 'sharp' protuberances that are going to poke you, jam you, and concentrate force when you get knocked around instead of having the lining really spread the impact over your body. This is assuming that the lining is not so tight fitting/conforming that you couldn't actually fit inside with a tac vest on with things in it.

Its a question of how you wear the suit. Is it a form fitting lining that is custom sized to the wearer? A range of sizes (S/M/L/XL/XXL/XXXL type deal)? Is it something that custom conforms when the user gets in to it? Or are you basically strapped in to a harness and rig inside of the suit itself and aren't in contact with the inner lining of the PA.

I personally view power armor as exactly like wearing EBA/body armor. You can wear clothes under it, and probably even slip some small things in a pocket, but most power armor is too form fitting to wear body armor under it or put anything big/bulky in pockets (IE an Eclip is probably going to be too bulky. Your keys or a swiss army knife might not be. A pistol is deffinitely too big). It would depend on the power armor though.

And if it were SAMAS Armor, or something like it, you'd have more credence to your statement, but the armor he's using is specifically big enough that he can wear normal armor in it, which means its more in line with the Ultimax or Glitter Boy in terms of pilot roominess.

What Jedi does for his game (which I've adopted to varying degrees) is have smaller power armors (like the SAMAS or APA-15 Semper Fi) allow only an undersuit of armor. The larger suits (like GB's, the Gunbuster, etc) allow you to wear armor under them (though still not the heavier EBAs, only light and medium). My GB ran around in a suit of what would become huntsman armor, with a full chest and waist kit (load bearing harness). I only lacked the hip pouches, since that would specifically get in the way of how the GB interacts with the pilot. So yeah, I can see wearing a tac vest, especially a lightly loaded one, in a roomy PA. Now my definition of Roomy PA and RB's definition of Roomy PA may differ (I dunno, never really asked about it before :D ), but the concept is still the same.

Re: How many E-Clips do you carry

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 5:23 pm
by rat_bastard
MikelAmroni wrote:
azazel1024 wrote:My issue would be that the lining of the power armor is likely to be relatively form fitting along with possibly being thrown around. To me having a clip in a tac-rig jamming me in the ribs as a demon slams my Samas through a tree does not sound like my idea of fun.

If you have things in pockets, on a tac vest, etc it is going to create 'sharp' protuberances that are going to poke you, jam you, and concentrate force when you get knocked around instead of having the lining really spread the impact over your body. This is assuming that the lining is not so tight fitting/conforming that you couldn't actually fit inside with a tac vest on with things in it.

Its a question of how you wear the suit. Is it a form fitting lining that is custom sized to the wearer? A range of sizes (S/M/L/XL/XXL/XXXL type deal)? Is it something that custom conforms when the user gets in to it? Or are you basically strapped in to a harness and rig inside of the suit itself and aren't in contact with the inner lining of the PA.

I personally view power armor as exactly like wearing EBA/body armor. You can wear clothes under it, and probably even slip some small things in a pocket, but most power armor is too form fitting to wear body armor under it or put anything big/bulky in pockets (IE an Eclip is probably going to be too bulky. Your keys or a swiss army knife might not be. A pistol is deffinitely too big). It would depend on the power armor though.

And if it were SAMAS Armor, or something like it, you'd have more credence to your statement, but the armor he's using is specifically big enough that he can wear normal armor in it, which means its more in line with the Ultimax or Glitter Boy in terms of pilot roominess.

What Jedi does for his game (which I've adopted to varying degrees) is have smaller power armors (like the SAMAS or APA-15 Semper Fi) allow only an undersuit of armor. The larger suits (like GB's, the Gunbuster, etc) allow you to wear armor under them (though still not the heavier EBAs, only light and medium). My GB ran around in a suit of what would become huntsman armor, with a full chest and waist kit (load bearing harness). I only lacked the hip pouches, since that would specifically get in the way of how the GB interacts with the pilot. So yeah, I can see wearing a tac vest, especially a lightly loaded one, in a roomy PA. Now my definition of Roomy PA and RB's definition of Roomy PA may differ (I dunno, never really asked about it before :D ), but the concept is still the same.

The suits in question are designed to interact with a specific type of light environmental armor. It has built in tolerances for a pistol and a laser sub machine gun as well as several extra e-clips and a survival pack worn at several specific places on the body held in place by a specific harness. There is no issue with the weapons rubbing up against the wearer because the weapons are between the padding of the armor and the power armor.

Re: How many E-Clips do you carry

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 5:56 pm
by Wooly
Maybe I should be looking at batteries but just for interesting comparison a loaded (30 round) aluminum US-issue 30rd box magazine for a M16/M4 is 1.01 lbs and a 200rd plastic box for a M249 SAW as 6.92 lbs.

I could not find weights listed for E-clips, Long E-clips, E-Canisters, etc.

Having universal E-clip sizes simplfies game play but proprietary ones are probably more plausible (think sales). I would separate E-Clips (and also change the name to E-magazine) into the following categories:

E-Clip pistol
E-Clip rifle
E-Clip Long (rifle)

Re: How many E-Clips do you carry

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 3:46 am
by Dog_O_War
Wooly wrote:As someone who has worn a load bearing equipment for extended periods of time I don't find this plausible. Of course you could argue I have never worn power armor either :D


EDIT: haven't said that in a while ;)

Re: How many E-Clips do you carry

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 2:41 pm
by Incriptus
Wooly wrote:Having universal E-clip sizes simplfies game play but proprietary ones are probably more plausible (think sales).

I don't know an IBM Compatable system of E-clips probably improves sells.

Re: How many E-Clips do you carry

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 3:36 am
by MikelAmroni
Its probably a bit more like the open source movement in computing. Its not hobbyists that propel the format, but engineers who would rather improve a universal system, at least the base technology, rather than make themselves unable to sell weapons when the only E-clips on the market are those produced by a competitor. Would you rather sell a crate of weapons to a town where you can't get residual sales for E-Clips (long standing contract, etc)? or would you rather miss out because your gear couldn't use something as simple as common format e-clip? Besides, just because you use the same standards, doesn't mean they are exactly the same. Some manufacturers might have a faster recharge time, while others might be able to hold their charge longer. Does this mean anything game wise? Not at all, but it should to the character. "I love Manstique weapons, but you can't beat those Wilks long E-clips! I had one that had kept its charge through twenty below weather, for almost six months. It had gotten half-buried by the dog before first snow, and I didn't find it until I was breaking ground the next spring."

Re: How many E-Clips do you carry

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 4:46 am
by Blue_Lion

They gave the value to a e-clip and who whould build a power sorce into a device that produced over 20000% wasted power. And where does all the nucler power sorces get there feul for that mater. (how many of your lame furry fantasy chicks I just kill? J/K ;) )

Re: How many E-Clips do you carry

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 4:53 am
by Blue_Lion
Incriptus wrote:
Wooly wrote:Having universal E-clip sizes simplfies game play but proprietary ones are probably more plausible (think sales).

I don't know an IBM Compatable system of E-clips probably improves sells.

here is the thing some O.C.C say they come with x eclips for each weapon instead of just X. manufacuters might make it so all there products use the same E-clip but might make it so that there competors E-clips are useless like the user interface of consols even if they have the same numbers of buttons you cant use a Ps3 controler for the 360. (and yes i know they do not have same number of buttons)

Re: How many E-Clips do you carry

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 4:56 am
by Blue_Lion
MikelAmroni wrote:Its probably a bit more like the open source movement in computing. Its not hobbyists that propel the format, but engineers who would rather improve a universal system, at least the base technology, rather than make themselves unable to sell weapons when the only E-clips on the market are those produced by a competitor. Would you rather sell a crate of weapons to a town where you can't get residual sales for E-Clips (long standing contract, etc)? or would you rather miss out because your gear couldn't use something as simple as common format e-clip? Besides, just because you use the same standards, doesn't mean they are exactly the same. Some manufacturers might have a faster recharge time, while others might be able to hold their charge longer. Does this mean anything game wise? Not at all, but it should to the character. "I love Manstique weapons, but you can't beat those Wilks long E-clips! I had one that had kept its charge through twenty below weather, for almost six months. It had gotten half-buried by the dog before first snow, and I didn't find it until I was breaking ground the next spring."

Wait why whould i not be able to put my eclip on the market at the dealer next to the weapon if i can get a shipment of guns i can shure as sammy get accesories after all that is where the real money is.

Re: How many E-Clips do you carry

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 4:59 am
by Blue_Lion
jhwrench wrote:
The Galactus Kid wrote:As a Mystic Knight I don't carry e-clips.

Our Mystic Knight is the kind of guy who carries a dozen charged E-Clips and when other characters are just about of of ammo he starts bidding wars and extorts credits out of his teammates as he usually immune to battle going on around them. He once held out during a battle till another character gave up his access code to Arabian robot horse and it became his lol.

umm shot gun to the head while he sleeps will end that. And no charter in a fight should ever be imune to it. hand grenades and rail guns do wonders for mystic knights. I know groups if some one did that they whould kill him pay to get him rezed so they could do it again.

Re: How many E-Clips do you carry

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 4:50 pm
by Rockwolf66
With my more millitant characters I can be expected to carry at least a dozen magazines in either four belt pouches( along with two grenades per pouch) or a chest rig. With characters with augmented/supernatural strenght i have been known to have both belt pouches and a chest rig.

The reasoning is that either

A: I am away from civilization and I'm trying to aviod having to constantly resupply


B: I'm the group heavy weapons/fire support character. This means while everyone else is calling their shots I am burning through magazines with bursts and spraying.

Re: How many E-Clips do you carry

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 2:15 am
by Noon
Exactly as many as will make the GM protest about how am I carrying them all...
Minus 1!

Re: How many E-Clips do you carry

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 5:46 am
by Grell
I voted to keep a spare for each weapon I carry into battle. It's a good balance for me in terms of how much ammo left vs. how much armor left.

Re: How many E-Clips do you carry

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 9:27 am
by azazel1024
rat_bastard wrote:
MikelAmroni wrote:
azazel1024 wrote:My issue would be that the lining of the power armor is likely to be relatively form fitting along with possibly being thrown around. To me having a clip in a tac-rig jamming me in the ribs as a demon slams my Samas through a tree does not sound like my idea of fun.

If you have things in pockets, on a tac vest, etc it is going to create 'sharp' protuberances that are going to poke you, jam you, and concentrate force when you get knocked around instead of having the lining really spread the impact over your body. This is assuming that the lining is not so tight fitting/conforming that you couldn't actually fit inside with a tac vest on with things in it.

Its a question of how you wear the suit. Is it a form fitting lining that is custom sized to the wearer? A range of sizes (S/M/L/XL/XXL/XXXL type deal)? Is it something that custom conforms when the user gets in to it? Or are you basically strapped in to a harness and rig inside of the suit itself and aren't in contact with the inner lining of the PA.

I personally view power armor as exactly like wearing EBA/body armor. You can wear clothes under it, and probably even slip some small things in a pocket, but most power armor is too form fitting to wear body armor under it or put anything big/bulky in pockets (IE an Eclip is probably going to be too bulky. Your keys or a swiss army knife might not be. A pistol is deffinitely too big). It would depend on the power armor though.

And if it were SAMAS Armor, or something like it, you'd have more credence to your statement, but the armor he's using is specifically big enough that he can wear normal armor in it, which means its more in line with the Ultimax or Glitter Boy in terms of pilot roominess.

What Jedi does for his game (which I've adopted to varying degrees) is have smaller power armors (like the SAMAS or APA-15 Semper Fi) allow only an undersuit of armor. The larger suits (like GB's, the Gunbuster, etc) allow you to wear armor under them (though still not the heavier EBAs, only light and medium). My GB ran around in a suit of what would become huntsman armor, with a full chest and waist kit (load bearing harness). I only lacked the hip pouches, since that would specifically get in the way of how the GB interacts with the pilot. So yeah, I can see wearing a tac vest, especially a lightly loaded one, in a roomy PA. Now my definition of Roomy PA and RB's definition of Roomy PA may differ (I dunno, never really asked about it before :D ), but the concept is still the same.

The suits in question are designed to interact with a specific type of light environmental armor. It has built in tolerances for a pistol and a laser sub machine gun as well as several extra e-clips and a survival pack worn at several specific places on the body held in place by a specific harness. There is no issue with the weapons rubbing up against the wearer because the weapons are between the padding of the armor and the power armor.

Bad read on my part. I missed the bit about Glitterboy/specifically designed armor to accomodate wearing of equipment in it. Something like a glitterboy or Ultimax I'd imagine would have the space to wear light armor and even sidearms/etc in them. Something like a Samas, predator or especially Sampson/Terrian Hopper, etc I imagine would be about as form fitting as regular body armor leaving almost no room within it, except the pilot and his/her clothing (or not, operating power armor commando!).

Re: How many E-Clips do you carry

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 11:27 am
by rat_bastard
azazel1024 wrote:
rat_bastard wrote:
MikelAmroni wrote:
azazel1024 wrote:My issue would be that the lining of the power armor is likely to be relatively form fitting along with possibly being thrown around. To me having a clip in a tac-rig jamming me in the ribs as a demon slams my Samas through a tree does not sound like my idea of fun.

If you have things in pockets, on a tac vest, etc it is going to create 'sharp' protuberances that are going to poke you, jam you, and concentrate force when you get knocked around instead of having the lining really spread the impact over your body. This is assuming that the lining is not so tight fitting/conforming that you couldn't actually fit inside with a tac vest on with things in it.

Its a question of how you wear the suit. Is it a form fitting lining that is custom sized to the wearer? A range of sizes (S/M/L/XL/XXL/XXXL type deal)? Is it something that custom conforms when the user gets in to it? Or are you basically strapped in to a harness and rig inside of the suit itself and aren't in contact with the inner lining of the PA.

I personally view power armor as exactly like wearing EBA/body armor. You can wear clothes under it, and probably even slip some small things in a pocket, but most power armor is too form fitting to wear body armor under it or put anything big/bulky in pockets (IE an Eclip is probably going to be too bulky. Your keys or a swiss army knife might not be. A pistol is deffinitely too big). It would depend on the power armor though.

And if it were SAMAS Armor, or something like it, you'd have more credence to your statement, but the armor he's using is specifically big enough that he can wear normal armor in it, which means its more in line with the Ultimax or Glitter Boy in terms of pilot roominess.

What Jedi does for his game (which I've adopted to varying degrees) is have smaller power armors (like the SAMAS or APA-15 Semper Fi) allow only an undersuit of armor. The larger suits (like GB's, the Gunbuster, etc) allow you to wear armor under them (though still not the heavier EBAs, only light and medium). My GB ran around in a suit of what would become huntsman armor, with a full chest and waist kit (load bearing harness). I only lacked the hip pouches, since that would specifically get in the way of how the GB interacts with the pilot. So yeah, I can see wearing a tac vest, especially a lightly loaded one, in a roomy PA. Now my definition of Roomy PA and RB's definition of Roomy PA may differ (I dunno, never really asked about it before :D ), but the concept is still the same.

The suits in question are designed to interact with a specific type of light environmental armor. It has built in tolerances for a pistol and a laser sub machine gun as well as several extra e-clips and a survival pack worn at several specific places on the body held in place by a specific harness. There is no issue with the weapons rubbing up against the wearer because the weapons are between the padding of the armor and the power armor.

Bad read on my part. I missed the bit about Glitterboy/specifically designed armor to accomodate wearing of equipment in it. Something like a glitterboy or Ultimax I'd imagine would have the space to wear light armor and even sidearms/etc in them. Something like a Samas, predator or especially Sampson/Terrian Hopper, etc I imagine would be about as form fitting as regular body armor leaving almost no room within it, except the pilot and his/her clothing (or not, operating power armor commando!).

The Sampson is ten feet tall, its hardly a form fitting power armor.