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Do you think a Palladium fantasy rpg,s TV series can wokr?

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 11:10 am
by gaby
Do you think a Palladium fantasy rpg,s TV series can wokr?

What do you think is needed for it to wokr?

Re: Do you think a Palladium fantasy rpg,s TV series can wokr?

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 1:35 pm
by The Dark Elf
It would need a big budget.

Re: Do you think a Palladium fantasy rpg,s TV series can wokr?

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 6:23 pm
by Severus Snape
Overkill wrote:Anything can work as a TV show. As long as it has interest. However, TV stuff tends to be watered down and geared toward a much younger audiance. It would prob. end up a cartoon. If it was with live actors it would prob. end up cheezy like Zena or Hercules. Yuck. :-(

And please, let's not try to bring either of those stupid shows back. :puke:

Re: Do you think a Palladium fantasy rpg,s TV series can wokr?

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 8:52 pm
by Amberjack
What's wrong with Xena. :-D

Re: Do you think a Palladium fantasy rpg,s TV series can wokr?

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 9:14 pm
by gaby
O.k if live action is to hard to pull off.

what about animated series.

Re: Do you think a Palladium fantasy rpg,s TV series can wokr?

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 8:24 am
by Severus Snape
Amberjack wrote:What's wrong with Xena. :-D

The real question is: What's right with Xena? And the answer? Nothing.

Re: Do you think a Palladium fantasy rpg,s TV series can wokr?

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 8:46 am
by gaby
the big mistake the D&D made is over using the same Villain.

It would made more sense for Venger,to send his top minions after the young ones,would make it much better.

Re: Do you think a Palladium fantasy rpg,s TV series can wokr?

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 2:27 pm
by Severus Snape
MT-NME wrote:
Severus Snape wrote:
Amberjack wrote:What's wrong with Xena. :-D

The real question is: What's right with Xena? And the answer? Nothing.

what about this? :wink:

See, Xena is so nasty that even this wouldn't do it for me. If she were hot, then that pic would be hot. But she is nasty, so my first thought is "How can that blonde chick even stand to kiss her?"

Re: Do you think a Palladium fantasy rpg,s TV series can wokr?

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 2:51 pm
by The Dark Elf
Severus Snape wrote:
Amberjack wrote:What's wrong with Xena. :-D

The real question is: What's right with Xena? And the answer? Nothing.

You need to watch the Spartacus series and revisit that question my friend...

Re: Do you think a Palladium fantasy rpg,s TV series can wokr?

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 11:47 pm
by FreelancerMar
A lLittle bit if Trivia for you.

Did you know that when they origionally made the First Connan movie that they had planed on making a new 1 every few years kind of like a 007 series??

Just too bad that the funding wasn't there. Got the above info from the special edition DVD. There was a bunch of interview's with the cast and crew.

Re: Do you think a Palladium fantasy rpg,s TV series can wokr?

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 3:13 pm
by Silveressa
If they had the budget and presented it with the similar style of Legend of the Seeker ( ) and had enough of a following to be guaranteed a similar fan base then aye, it would probably work. (yes I know Legend of the Seeker is an incredibly watered down and gentle version of The Sword of Truth novels by Terry Goodkind but it's fun to watch none the less and quite amusing how kind and forgiving they made Darken Rahl and the pg-13 version of Mordsith.)

Two problems though, with no new PF material for over 5 years now (outside rifters and the magic source book which is hardly a "core PF book" ) the fan base is pretty much non existent. (and growing smaller now Path Finder's PF abbreviation has replaced Palladium Fantasy as the "PF game" reference)

The other more difficult problem is the lack of any published storyline to turn into a tv series for any length of time. (Rifts had the whole Siege on Tolkeen/CS War Campaign one could base a tv series on, but sadly nothing so detailed for PF) Without a solid storyline to follow there's not much incentive to use the Palladium setting over Eberron, Path Finder, War-hammer Fantasy or another fantasy setting that's wildly popular. (Now that I think about it I wouldn't be the least surprised see World of Warcraft as a movie/tv series or cartoon someday in the future.)

Without a solid story to emulate on the silver screen, it's kind of difficult to rationalize using an rpg setting over one the writers just make up as they go along given their hand made setting would cost them a lot less in licensing and continuity/staying true to source material headaches.

To be realistic, if they were to choose a dice and paper game setting to turn into a tv series they'd likely use Dragon Lance series ( ) given the insanely huge fan base the novels have, or the Forgotten Realms setting and use the Icewind Dale Trilogy. ( ) Admittedly either choice would be truly epic to see given the LOTOR style movie treatment or a 5-7 season series tv deal.

Re: Do you think a Palladium fantasy rpg,s TV series can wokr?

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 3:33 pm
by pblackcrow
The Dark Elf wrote:It would need a big budget.

Are you kidding me!? Look at what they did with the Queen of Swords, ETC?

Re: Do you think a Palladium fantasy rpg,s TV series can wokr?

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 9:03 pm
by KillWatch
Setting isn't primary. it's characters actors and writing
then special effects. Setting is a must but the greatest setting wont help bad actors and crap writing

Re: Do you think a Palladium fantasy rpg,s TV series can wokr?

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 9:42 pm
by Silveressa
KillWatch wrote:Setting isn't primary. it's characters actors and writing
then special effects. Setting is a must but the greatest setting wont help bad actors and crap writing

Indeed, and that's where one needs a quality director that can cast the appropriate actors/actresses for the roles rather then going with a current star simply for popularity's sake. Of course that leads back also to a solid storyline already existing within the setting with fully developed characters you can cast to fulfill the roles of. With a series like Legend of the Seeker they had Richard Cypher, Lord Rahl etc.. to use and find actors that "fit" the role correctly.

With palladium we have.... Hmm really very few fully fleshed out heroes I can really recall besides the few personalities from Western Empires like The Slayer of Mountains and Emperor Itomas, not a whole lot to go on, although a series detailing the Rise of the Western Empire to power and it's great war involving Demon Blackships would be a pretty good one. (And maybe create some heroes/heroines to fill out the current faceless nobodies that saved the world back then.)

At least Rifts has the two "drug fiends" Lord Coke and Emperor Prozac :bandit: (Yes I know not their intended names or designations but nonetheless a memorable definition from years back when I ran a Rifts campaign) one could rally behind and of course the lovely Erin Tarn. (but not a tv series we're ever likely to see outside of an anime and not the topic of this discussion)

Maybe a series covering the Wolfen wars between the Wolfen empire and eastern territories might be fun as well, but the budget for an army of Wolfen would be outside the realm of a tv series.

Re: Do you think a Palladium fantasy rpg,s TV series can wokr?

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 11:22 pm
by KillWatch
I think it would work as a series like they do in other parts of the world with a clear ending point instead letting drag on until people just get sick of it, right, 15-30 episodes and that ist

Re: Do you think a Palladium fantasy rpg,s TV series can wokr?

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 2:26 am
by Cinos
The Dark Elf wrote:It would need a big budget.

Correction; it would need it's budget focused on writing, not meaningless CGI and effects.

Re: Do you think a Palladium fantasy rpg,s TV series can wokr?

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 11:50 am
by KillWatch
I don't know if we want a peak behind that curtain