PFRPG Random Encounter

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PFRPG Random Encounter

Unread post by Aaryq »

Howdy, folks.
Let's start up a random encounter table. If you have any complete ones, PM them to me.
**ETA** This would be while traveling or camping in the northern Eastern Territory & Southern Great Northern Wilderness.
1. 3 Goblins robbing an attractive woman (man if the party's predominantly female)
2. 2D6 Wolfen dressed like Roman Centurions looking for trouble
Last edited by Aaryq on Thu Nov 11, 2010 4:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: PFRPG Random Encounter

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

alright I'm game... here's a couple for you;

5. A group of 1d6+3 Humans of various commoner OCC's (ie merchants, farmers, etc) surrrounding a tree with pitchforks and torches, shouting such things as "Get him!" and "String him up!" and "Kill the little beastie!". Cowering for his life in the higher branches is a scrawny and terrified Goblin dressed in ratty clothes clutching a half-gnawed lump of moldy bread. If anyone asks, they'll be informed of the Gobling being a thief (he OBVIOUSLY stole that piece of mold :eek: ) and they're trying to bring him to justice. The Goblin is, as previously mentioned, terrified (he has already soiled himself... twice) and tearfully denies stealing anything, claiming "Squeeb only just finds it! He swears it!" (OBVIOUSLY a lie :eek: )
Meet Squeeb. He's a Goblin Thief with a nasty penchant for getting himself into trouble. He's a horrible coward, a lousy Thief (only first level), exceptionally smelly (he rarely bathes and... well you just read what he did in the tree), and none too bright (he actually suffers a -10% skill penalty from his low IQ of 4). His only redeeming quality is his loyalty to his "friends". Anyone saving him from this mob will be seen as his new (and only) "friends" and he will attach himself to the group like superglue. No matter how bad his friends treat him, he will be smilingly happy because "Only true friends would help Squeeb like Squeeb's friends did." GM's have fun with this little guy. Make him annoying, funny, helpful in some odd way (he may know about particular goings on in an area and can be a wealth of rumors and warnings) or whatever, but above all keep him ETERNALLY grateful of the PC's and their generosity in "saving poor Squeeb's hide from the nasties"

6. a group of 1d6+1 Orc Mercenaries looking for some "good sport" and decide the characters might like to "play". This could be a good opportunity to get some NPC muscle added to the group if they can be properly impressed.

7. A wandering Bard sitting under a tree practicing his skills with a lute (or harp or guitar or whatever). He is friendly and willing to swap stories, information or rumors about the area, though his personal knowledge is rather limited (he's new to this particular area and eager to explore)

More to come. Stay Tuned!
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Re: PFRPG Random Encounter

Unread post by Scrud »

8. The players see in the distance a Western Empire slaving party of 1D6+6 low to mid level slavers rounding up 1D4 of the indigenous people (Danzi, Kankoran, Tezcats, Orcs, Goblins, or whatever is common to the area.)
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Re: PFRPG Random Encounter

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10: A falcon with a crest that wants them to follow it.
11: A battalion (300-1000) of orc solders.
12: A wounded knight who has been knocked from his/her horse.
13: "Escaped" slave(s).
14: A woman looking for her boys.
15: A group of high level wizards.
Last edited by pblackcrow on Thu Nov 18, 2010 12:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: PFRPG Random Encounter

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16: A group of cultists (could be a good cult or a bad cult, GMs choice) looking for converts, or sacrifices.
17: Three trolls arguing over how to cook some dwarves
18: A group of commoners(farmers, peasents, merchents,etc) lead by a witch hunter (3rd level) gathered around 3 wooden pillars with a women tied to each of them, and large bundles of sticks gathered at the base of each pillar. All of them have been accused of being witches but only one of them truly is.
19: A saytr chaseing some nymphs in a meadow
20: A traveling circus
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Re: PFRPG Random Encounter

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

21. An adventuring party of 1d4+2 members of varying OCC and level (roughly equal to the player group). They're either off on an adventure of their own and looking for some help (good for getting the next adventure started) or looking for an adventure to go on themselves (good for getting the players ranks filled with some back-up or covering a couple areas of expertise they don't have). Ultimately their alignments and motivations are up to the GM (as well as their creation), and can range from being truly benign folks out to help fellow adventurers to black hearted betrayers that will stab the players in the back and run off with the loot. Luckily it's up to the players to decide whether or not to join them.

22. A squad of 8 Soldiers led by a Knight on horseback. They are part of the local lord's militia/army and out on patrol for invaders, bandits and other sorts of trouble. Helpful but cautious if the group looks and acts friendly. Downright dangerous if they cause any trouble.

23. A Dragon suddenly lands before the party and demands tribute for the privelege to pass through "his" territory. He will want Magic items, gems or jewelry, or cash, but is open to a negotiation for services rendered as well. It's young, not so good (though not neccessarily evil) and looking to make a name for itself. However, do not for a second think that it's stupid. If he is suitably paid off he will let them pass with a polite thank you and not bother them again, though he may keep an eye on them (possibly to harrass them in the future, possibly to help) If the group refuses, he refuse to let them proceed. If attacked he will defend himself with as non-lethal a force as he can, preferring to immobilize or incapacitate the party. If there is a long enough break in the combat he will demand tribute again. If pressed he'll get mean, striking with near lethal force (still unwilling to outright obliterate them). If the group continues to press, he will disegage and escape using flight, teleport or whatever other means he has available. And he will NOT forget them.
Sure, lions and tigers are stronger...
But I've never seen a wolf jump through hoops in a circus
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Re: PFRPG Random Encounter

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25: A group of 10 strong young men (facially age you would guess the two oldest to be about 20 and the youngest to be in his mid teens) who are camped by a creek and are bathing in stream. They are each tattooed with a rose tattoo on their right shoulder blade. Have the PCs roll to see if they pay attention to the the amount of thorns and size of stem differs from man to man. They are traveling together and are from the old kingdom. They are what you would consider to be the proper gentlemen, although they are quite tough, they have an air of innocents about them. If a priest, paladin, or monk is in the party they will ask to see them for confession in privet and will explain the rose tattoo to the priest. (They are magical, so they will never forget how many lives they've have had to take over their lives. But to them to take a life is a mark of sorrow NOT honor. They were once knights who swore allegiance to the father and there by to the son who was an ambitious noble who is taxing his people and when they can't pay it he enslaves them. For deserting and braking their word to serve, the son had a dark god curse them. To age in reverse they can't die until the sperm which they came from dissolves.)
Last edited by pblackcrow on Tue Nov 16, 2010 10:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: PFRPG Random Encounter

Unread post by TheGameMaster »

26: A child crying over the remains of it's slaughtered family (PCs could ignore the child or help it by finding someone to take care of it, the child could ask the group to find the people/monster(s) that did this to its family)(side quest maybe)
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Re: PFRPG Random Encounter

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27: A slave labor camp (GM decides who/what occupants)
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Re: PFRPG Random Encounter

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28: Wahs Darb taking a p.iss in an open grave.
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Re: PFRPG Random Encounter

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29. a man standing next to an open grave offering out soap and a towel.
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Re: PFRPG Random Encounter

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31. An Orc with a small keg of beer tapped, he jolly talkative fellow that answers to the name Norm
Subjugator wrote:I got my first job at age 12 (maybe 11, but I think 12) and worked more or less continuously until today. I had to so I could eat properly. Doing so as a kid detracted from my educational experience, which was bad enough to begin with . . .

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Re: PFRPG Random Encounter

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32: Larry the Dwarf who lost his keys
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Re: PFRPG Random Encounter

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35: A sly lookingman selling maps titled Map to the Halls of the Dwarven Forefathers
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Re: PFRPG Random Encounter

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36. 36 Orc Lady of the night selling her favours.
Subjugator wrote:I got my first job at age 12 (maybe 11, but I think 12) and worked more or less continuously until today. I had to so I could eat properly. Doing so as a kid detracted from my educational experience, which was bad enough to begin with . . .

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Re: PFRPG Random Encounter

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38: A group of men dressed mostly in yellow with feathers in their caps. They are lead by a man called Sparrow Hood. He will tell the group he is a distant cousin of the famous Robin Hood and is trying to follow in his counsin's foot steps, but things weren't exactly going to plan. (He's not very good at what he does)
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Re: PFRPG Random Encounter

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40. Succubus looking for people willing to deal with her Galla Bull Sgt. who she do "anything" to get rid of.
Subjugator wrote:I got my first job at age 12 (maybe 11, but I think 12) and worked more or less continuously until today. I had to so I could eat properly. Doing so as a kid detracted from my educational experience, which was bad enough to begin with . . .

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Re: PFRPG Random Encounter

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41: A skinny orphaned boy, GM come up with some reason for him to be there.
42: A bipolar lady, who is majorly honked of at men.
43: Baba Yaga's hut, with orcish cries of no, stop, don't, you witch, and other sounds of an orc being raped.
44: A mob of angry females that are on their way to the lords manor to protest the 1 drink law. They're feed up with their husbands stay home and whining, commenting about the way they look, etc, their main reason for protesting is that the women haven't had sex since the law was decreed.
45: A traveling jester.
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Re: PFRPG Random Encounter

Unread post by TheGameMaster »

46. A group of dogs sitting around a poker table playing cards
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