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Advice for a New GM

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 1:47 pm
by Juce734
I've never GMed but think I would like to in the next couple of months. Do any of you have advice for this? What may I need to GM? When I do it I will do it PBP or chatroom.

What are some things I may need (charts and such)? How far ahead should I plan, and things like that.

How many NPC's should I have and how much "action" is a good amount?


Re: Advice for a New GM

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 2:19 pm
by Jorel
I'd say if it is your first time 3-4 people it a good start, that way you can get to know the ropes, while not getting overly complicated.

Re: Advice for a New GM

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 4:52 pm
by Juce734
Archangel23 wrote:
Jorel wrote:I'd say if it is your first time 3-4 people it a good start, that way you can get to know the ropes, while not getting overly complicated.

Agreed. Don't fall into the NPC trap. Don't make the npc's the star of the show.

Oh I won't do that. I am actually in the process of writing out a main storyline with a lot of side missions. The PC's can do a lot of the side missions at random depending on their decisions.

The main story though I will try to stear them towards at times without FORCING them to do it.

Current idea is a small but global group of gifted people/mutants/aliens only want what is right for the world... think X-Men with a group of only the amount of PC's and a Professor X type of guy. They have an agenda of equal rights but are always protecting people against bad gifted beings and protecting gifted beings from bad people or bad gifted beings.

However at the start of my game I don't want them in that group and if the players don't want they don't have to join the group. In that case the group will only pop up occasionally or maybe not at all.

Re: Advice for a New GM

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 5:06 pm
by Cinos
Juce734 wrote:What are some things I may need (charts and such)? How far ahead should I plan, and things like that.
How many NPC's should I have and how much "action" is a good amount?

For a new GM, at least 1 NPC to act as a control and guide for the group. I do think they should be done without once you're comfortable with the group and GMing, but having a fairly powerful NPC to help the party in encounters you mistakenly made too hard, or to guide them when you leave a clue that ended up being too hard to understand, or simply to drive plot (has a lead for the party for a merc job, or clues to some mystery).

As for charts, just have RUE or whatever Core book for the game at hand, along with whatever world book you'll be running around in, just in case a reference is needed.

And for planning, I suggest never planning more than 1 or 2 sessions ahead of time. Over-planning will walk you right into railroading when you can't change it or wholly discard a plan that the players disrupt (And they will). But having no plan leaves you spinning your wheels and going no where. Just keep an idea of motive and direction while you play, but be willing to change everything as needed.

Re: Advice for a New GM

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 5:25 pm
by Jorel
Archangel23 wrote:
Jorel wrote:I'd say if it is your first time 3-4 people it a good start, that way you can get to know the ropes, while not getting overly complicated.

Agreed. Don't fall into the NPC trap. Don't make the npc's the star of the show.

For reference I was talking about players in your first game. As far as NPCs the sky is the limit, because those are the other characters in the story. I agree with the use of a character like Dungeon Master in the old DnD cartoon. Doesn't have to be that all powerful, just needs to point them in certain directions. You don't have to fully develop every NPC like you would a Player Character. Just the basics and a blurb about their purpose.

Re: Advice for a New GM

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 6:01 pm
by Severus Snape
Juce734 wrote:I've never GMed but think I would like to in the next couple of months.

Welcome to the ranks of the GMs!

Juce734 wrote:Do any of you have advice for this? What may I need to GM? When I do it I will do it PBP or chatroom. What are some things I may need (charts and such)? How far ahead should I plan, and things like that.

What do you need to GM? While giving you a list may not be the exact or right way to explain this, I'm giving you the following list. I call it "Severus Snape's List of GM Needs".

  • You will need, at the very least, the following books:
    • The core book for the game you are going to run
    • A copy of the GM's guide for the game you are going run
    • A worldbook for the game you are going to run
    • If applicable, a book of monsters for the game you are going to run
  • A general idea of the story that the players will go through, but only plan this out a session or two in advance
  • Any NPCs that are going to be involved in the campaign should be, at the very least, written down. A blurb or two about what they are and why they are there, or you can generate them completely.
  • A few adventure hooks apart from the general story, as well as ideas about what they are and how to accomplish any goals
  • Patience. Lots of it. Players mess with GMs, especially if they know the GM is new to being a GM.
  • The ability to see yourself honestly, and to know that you aren't perfect.

There's a lot more to it than that, but this is just the basics. A lot of experienced GMs (myself included) like to go a lot farther with story development than a couple of sessions, but having GMed various games for the better part of the last 15 years I've developed the ability to adapt to what the players are doing AND get them through the story without railroading or forcing them. And I'm not perfect at it either. I still, at times, end up forcing players to do stuff. At which point I apologize for it, and we get back on track. This is something that comes with time, and you'll eventually get there.

Another thing you'll need to do is prepare yourself mentally to actually run a game. When you first start out GMing, it can be a mind-blowing and mentally tasking undertaking. You're in control of the whole world, and everything that happens affects what is going on in your world, and the PCs are the major characters in that story. At first, you'll forget some details and a player will ask and you'll have to backtrack a little and remember what happened. That's fine - it happens to everyone. Just don't fall into the trap of micro-managing every aspect when it does. Eventually, and especially if you take great notes (add paper and pen to the above list), this will become easier and easier for you.

Lastly, a lot of people (and I am spearheading this movement) prefer to use electronic gadgets for rolling dice and keeping their characters and books. I love my laptop. I wouldn't game without it. If you have one and are comfortable using it, do so. If you prefer the hard books, go with that.

Juce734 wrote:How many NPC's should I have and how much "action" is a good amount?

2 part question.

1. How many NPCs should I have? That depends on what the adventure is and why you need them. Think of everybody that is not a PC as an NPC. I know the term stands for Non-Player Character. But I see them as everybody from the snitch the PCs talk to in order to get information all the way to the BBEG. Anybody who is not a PC is an NPC, and you are in control of them. You're going to have some NPCs no matter what - armorers, or police, or grocery store clerks - and you needn't write down everything for all of them. But the number and type are really dependent on the campaign itself.

2. How much action is a good amount? That one you have to talk to your players about because they are the ones that are looking for the action. Some players want nothing but hack and slash, kill kill kill, combat around every corner. Some want more of the role-playing aspect, digging into people's pasts, and doing research. Some like a combination thereof. Talk to your players about what they are expecting, and what they like in a game. They'll not only respect you for asking their opinions, the game will be much more enjoyable for all.

Re: Advice for a New GM

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 1:32 am
by Juce734
I will be using the Heroes Unlimited books and the world as it is now pretty much. Fictional characters for government officials though.

How do players typically mess with new GMs? Are there particular things to pay attention to or maybe some examples you guys have?

This thread is very helpful by the way. I appreciate it.

Re: Advice for a New GM

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 2:30 am
by Jorel
Juce734 wrote:I will be using the Heroes Unlimited books and the world as it is now pretty much. Fictional characters for government officials though.

How do players typically mess with new GMs? Are there particular things to pay attention to or maybe some examples you guys have?

This thread is very helpful by the way. I appreciate it.

Same way my 7 year old messes with a substitute teacher.
"That's not how it we do it here, or that's not by the rules. Here is how we do it (insert made up rule here)."
"Also...the GM pays out the person with the highest XP gain in cash at the end of the night."
Other good BS likes like that.

Re: Advice for a New GM

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 2:56 am
by Juce734
Jorel wrote:
Juce734 wrote:I will be using the Heroes Unlimited books and the world as it is now pretty much. Fictional characters for government officials though.

How do players typically mess with new GMs? Are there particular things to pay attention to or maybe some examples you guys have?

This thread is very helpful by the way. I appreciate it.

Same way my 7 year old messes with a substitute teacher.
"That's not how it we do it here, or that's not by the rules. Here is how we do it (insert made up rule here)."
"Also...the GM pays out the person with the highest XP gain in cash at the end of the night."
Other good BS likes like that.

Oh I wouldn't let that go over. Plus that ruins the game for everyone if it's spent arguing things like that.

Re: Advice for a New GM

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 6:54 pm
by victor1966
one thing i found that works is making up some news headlines . Nothing to detailed , you can set the tone of world . Something like crime rate down do to the PCs , missing ships and so on .

Re: Advice for a New GM

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 10:37 am
by Colt47
Well, looking over the advice here in the thread, I'd strongly encourage you to stay away from making an NPC that travels around with the characters unless the NPC takes a back seat and doesn't have some kind of super "Save the group when it gets really bad" kind of power. I've personally ran a game where the group had a wanna-be paladin named Respin Dundragon acting as my mouth peace for pointing out interesting features in rooms and that worked eons better than, say, having a godling walking around with player characters who's primary purpose is epic plot piece and player saving button.

Also, as another piece of advice if you are GMing a game in Rifts: Decide whether you want the party to be MDC critters or SDC with MDC armor and weapons. Rifts has two tiers of play present in the game with various power levels existing in both tiers. The standard tier is composed of humans and a majority of mortal D-Bees and is heavily dependent on equipment and resources to deal with threats. Pretty much everything in the RUE fits the standard tier (including the cyborg) with the only exception being the baby dragon.

The other is the super power tier which has the characters naturally possess MDC protection and possess the ability to naturally deal mega-damage. Needless to say, this tier includes everything from exceptionally powerful d-bees to Gods and Alien intelligences. The Super Power Tier is very independent as far as resources go and can probably survive for a long time without ever having to earn or win anything at all, though they still enjoy using fancy toys as much as anyone else.

Re: Advice for a New GM

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 2:39 pm
by The Dark Elf
I quite often use gods or the book of heroes type thing as NPC "guidance". Not sure in H? Can an enchanted object or weapon speak or give dreams/visions perhaps? Or the group leader via radio from their HQ.

Loads of Action but action doesnt always mean fighting, even in HU. Puzzles, mysteries, interrogations, exploring, natural disasters, rescue missions, burning buildings etc.