Log of 1st RIFTS campaign

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Log of 1st RIFTS campaign

Unread post by dante144 »

I am going to post logs of our adventure. The players are going keep a log of the events. I, as the GM, will probably comment too. (It is interesting to see my players viewpoint).

Feel free to comment or cheer us on , but keep negative posts in other threads. Constructive criticism is welcome. This is the first Rifts campaign any of us has ever done. This is the first time my players have played in the Palladium system.

The events occur around 102 PA.
Last edited by dante144 on Sat Jan 01, 2011 9:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Log of 1st RIFTS campaign

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Jose's 1st log

A Chronology of Events in RIFTS

Session 1:

Amidst the cover of a forest, we find our protagonists on the run from the Coalition States. Jose, Carl, and Yampierre had escaped from Chi-Town with the assistance of Mas, and had found Lt. Dsfargeg stranded in the wilderness. Jose, Carl, and Yampierre had all gone to academy together, Jose as an Operator, Carl as a scientist, and Yampierre as a scholar. Mas is a vagabond, and the group had hired him to smuggle them out of Chi-Town. Lieutenant Dsfargeg was an officer in the Coalition army, but had escaped once he learned of the mass genocide that Emperor Prosek condones. Jose is driving his truck, the group’s sole method of transportation, when they come upon the edge of the forest and see the first signs of civilization for miles around. Jose stops the trunk and hides it among some brush, as Yampierre and Mas approach the town in order to find out what they can, and Dsfargeg and Carl scrounge about the wilderness for whatever food they can scavenge.

Upon their arrival at the small town in the distance, Yampierre and Mas are approached by Mathias, a travelling merchant who welcomes them to the town of Downer’s Grove. After a short meeting of the group, they decide to stay the night there. That night, however, is not as peaceful as they might expect. A group of magic users, also on the run from the CS, breaks into the town and kidnaps a small child. In their flight, Mathias catches up to them on his motorcycle and engages the largest of the group, a Minotaur, in combat. Moments later, Dsfargeg and Carl manage to eliminate a few of the hostiles and end the conflict, but not before a couple of survivors teleport away from the scene. With the baby safe, the group returns to a hero’s welcome.

Session 2:

Having shown that they can handle themselves in a fight, the group is tasked with leading a patrol in order to bolster the town’s defenses. On top of this, they are joined by two new faces. Professor West is a local scientist with a sizeable estate in Downer’s Grove, and Luseth is a wilderness scout who has been staying in town for a couple years. After they leave town, the watch captain calls and notifies the group of some motion spotted along the edge of the forest. The group hones in to investigate.

When they get close to the source of the disturbance, the group is beset upon by a couple goblins and a dragon that had been lying in ambush. After a short skirmish, the assailants withdraw from the battle as the dragon set fire to Luseth then teleported away. Upon recovering from the battle, the group exits the forest and requests assistance in subduing their attackers.

When backup arrives, the party once again sets into the woods to encounter the monsters. Luseth scouts ahead and discovers that their numbers are far greater than they had anticipated, and that the group appeared to be organized. When Luseth relays this information, the heroes decide to hurry forth and ambush the criminals while the reinforcements from Downer’s Grove close the distance.

Session 3:

Our heroes form up behind the tree line as their quarry convenes in the clearing. In attendance is a minotaur, a hooded figure, a cowgirl, a goblin, a bear-man, and the dragon from before. They overhear enough of the conversation to learn that the hooded figure among them is the leader. Dsfargeg, Carl, and Yampierre open fire on separate targets while Jose creeps up on the goblin in the flank of the group. Dsfargeg and Carl quickly shatter the armor of the bear-man and the minotaur, while Jose incapacitates the goblin with his wrench, and Professor West and Yampierre weaken the cowgirl. The hooded figure shouts the retreat as he and the dragon attempt to cover them, but the bear-man and minotaur are slain before they can get away. The dragon and cowgirl manage to escape, but not before being seriously wounded. In desperation, the hooded man rushes toward Carl, taking fire from the group. Jose and Yampierre rush to assist Carl, but before they can get there, the hooded man activates some type of armor casing for his skin, becoming impervious to their attacks. However, before the hooded man can do anything to Carl, led by Mathias, rushes in and restrains him while everyone fires away at him. After several intense minutes of concentrated fire, the hooded man finally succumbs to his injuries and dies.

Later, back at Downer’s Grove, Mathias informs the group that he is not really a simple merchant, but had been hired on for security. He then informs the group that he is going to be headed to another location near Tolkeen shortly, and invites the group to come along. They eagerly agree, and after a couple of nights for preparations, they set out for Aurora then Tolkeen. While in Tolkeen, Dsfargeg acquires a sword that appears to have some magical properties, though they do not know what they are.
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Re: Log of 1st RIFTS campaign

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another player's log:


Well, after our adventures in Downers Grove, I have decided to collect my thoughts in a digital journal. Yet before I get to current events, maybe I should explain myself a little bit. My name is Carl Carlson, yes a silly name you can blame my parents. I am a Rogue Scientist on the run from the Coalition. Why am I on the run? Well, the CS doesn’t really appreciate or like intellectuals, so after learning a good deal of information in the nearby academy, the CS deemed me and several of my colleagues “dangerous” and put warrants out for our arrest. Though I had to leave my family and the majority of my research, I fled the city. Luckily, I was not the only one deemed dangerous by the CS, and 2 of my friends were also forced to flee. Yampierre the Scholar was a fellow intellectual of mine at the academy, though he has a tendency to talk before he thinks, he is a good guy with noble intentions. Another friend forced to flee I simply call by his profession, Operator is simply a much easier name. You will have to ask Jose Hernandez Guiteriaze Martinez ect, ect, ect his name one day as I can never remember it fully.

Anyway we escaped the ‘burbs with the help of a local City Rat. Imagine our surprise when as we escape we come across a fatigued CS Military Specialist, Lt.Dsfargag. He explains to us that he is running away from the Coalition, he himself cannot stand the genocide that they have committed. After a brief travel we come across an interesting little city known as Donner’s Grove. When we first entered the city we came across a man who calls himself Mathias. Yampierre quickly befriends Mathis, and though this is worrisome/annoying at the beginning, it proves to be extremely valuable later on.

As we travel through the city we notice that though the villagers are kind, they are somewhat reserved, going about their regular lives. We help the city to make a little bit of spare cash to use and possibly find a place to stay for the night. Yampierre tags along with me as we help at the local academy/library, Dsfargag talks to the security, and Operator helps at the local machine shop. By the time night falls we are still unable to find lodging for the night.

Our search for a place to stay was quickly cut short when we heard a scream. It turns out some questionable figures kidnapped a baby from its mother and fled the village. Me and Dsfargag give chase and the local law enforcement, along with Mathias ride out ahead of us. After a brief struggle we managed to subdue one of the figures, kill a rather large Minotaur, and save the child. Unfortunately what appeared to be a leader escaped.

We were welcomed back to town as heroes and given a place to stay for the night. The following day is rather uneventful. Mathias informs us though that the security could use some help. Questionable things have been seen in the surrounding woods. Mathias puts us in contact with the local security force and informs us that he will not be able to be there for the full investigation as he has other matters he has to deal with. Before he leaves though, Mathias introduces us to Professor West, and a Wilderness Scout whose named Luseth. Professor West is a local Scholar who has become rather wealthy due to his intelligence.

The following day we set out to investigate the woods. Our adventuring party goes and searches part of the woods with some of the local security searching a nearby plains area. We find clues pointing deeper into the woods, as we follow them we encounter a dragon being aided by several goblins. After a brief encounter we drive off the ambush. We conclude that by ourselves we no longer have the firepower to take on what we may encounter and call for reinforcements from the city. As we meet back up with them closer to the city we find that they have brought a good deal of men along with several power suits. We take a point/scout position with the Wilderness Scout in the lead, and the bulk of the force a bit behind us. Due to the scouts skills we discover the enemy in a nearby clearing and are able to set up an ambush.

The force we have found is actually quite large. Not only are the boss from the previous day and the dragon from earlier there, but also in attendance is a rather large bear-man, a goblin, a strange figure arguing with the dragon and the boss, and a female with a large brimmed hat and 2 pistols. Knowing that the approaching power suits would give away our position; we quickly spread out, take cover, aim shots, and open fire. The boss from the previous day is heavily injured from Dsfargag and West’s heavy fire, but using some sort of magic I have never seen before he is able to make a hasty escape. The dragon in slightly injured but is able to teleport out. Operator is able to knock out the goblin and subdue him while I take out the bear-man. Yampierre worries me as he enters a seeming blood-rage against the hat wearing female. After taking some damage herself, she is able to use her speed and dexterity to escape.

We are left with the strange figure who was arguing with the dragon and boss. He takes a minor amount of fire and begins to transform. His skin seems to take on a metal quality and becomes unbelievably resilient to damage. It is at this moment that the security force shows up and with their help we deliver a gratuitous amount of firepower to the former human. After several minutes of taking damage he finally dies.

We return to the town, and after a brief rest I am able to talk to the town’s authorities about the metal monster from the battle. Upon further examination it seems that he was able to mutate his body to take on the metal quality.

Mathias says he has a job offer for us if we are so inclined. He mentions that it will pay well and that it would be rather interesting for the Scholars/Scientists in our group. I am rather intrigued at what he will say to us.
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continuation of 2nd players log

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Adventures in Tolkeen
Mathias has given us an interesting proposition. He says that he is a mercenary and after seeing our skills in the forest the other day says he could use some help. He says that the city of Tolkeen has an Archaeological dig coming up that they need some security for. Me being a scientist, I must say my interests were piqued. While in the tavern, we noticed some new figures in hooded robes enter and stay off to the side. When asked, Mathias said he hadn’t seen them before but it is not uncommon to see new people in time, we were good examples.
We decided to take Mathias up on his offer for work; we loaded up our vehicle and followed Mathias. Professor West decided to come along and after the fight in the forest has been welcome into our group with open arms. As we traveled from Downer’s Grove to the nearby city of Aurora we heard gunshots. We decided to investigate, what we found was rather shocking, the figures from the tavern had attacked a CS patrol, one of them had psychically suspended several CS soldiers in the air while another member of the party executed them. We decided to quickly leave the scene.
The remainder of the trip was uneventful as we eventually arrived in Aurora. We used a magical transporter that apparently uses ley-lines to travel all the way to Tolkeen and I must say, I am greatly impressed at the city. Great pyramids rise above the cityscape and from what I have heard this is quite the place for learning. One moment of concern happened though when we arrived and Dsfargag was pulled off from the party by local authorities. It seems that the local guards were able to discern his former CS status by his armor despite the modifications done by Operator. Dsfargag was able to prove that he was up to nothing suspicious and we were free to travel through the city.
In the city we split up, West felt like finding lodging and taking a rest. Dsfargag and Mathias went into a weapons shop while I went into a nearby store in hopes of finding some books on medicine. I was able to track down a very nice volume on Field Surgery which I feel will be most useful (me currently being the only trained Medical Doctor here). I found the lodging that Mathias had set us up at and decided to delve into my reading.

After a while Dsfargag was escorted into the building by the Tolkeen guards. Once we re-assembled he told us how he had seen the robed figure from Downers grove wandering the streets here in Tolkeen. He decided to follow him to see what he was up to and to his surprise discovered that he had met up with the squad of men who were executing CS soldiers on our way here. Unfortunately for him, he was found by the group and almost killed if it wasn’t for some quick thinking, yet also unfortunately the questionable group got away.

That night we talk with Mathias and he explains a little more about our mission. Apparently we have been hired by the government/nobility of Tolkeen to guard a research expedition to the nearby ruins of Milwaukee. Mathias has taken this time to explain to us a little about himself seeing as he will be our leader. Turns out Mathias came from an alternate world which earth was invaded by an alien force. During this time, from his description, he passed through one of the rifts and ended up in our world. Note to self, try to ask Mathias about the rift itself, may be possible to learn more about them.

It also seems that Mathias has a ‘lair’ out in the city we will be traveling to. This site seems to be one of the locations of research that the researchers are interested in. At this point the research team enters the area and is invited to join us for dinner. The most noticeable, mainly for his air of leadership, is Lord Druvehark. The Lord will not be joining us on the trip but is instead our emissary to the Tolkeen government and nobility. The leader of the research team is Jack Marston whom after having some conversation with is a rather nice man. It seems the most interesting for our entire party, is the rather attractive Geleene Drevers. The other members of the research team are Boog Bugenhagen, Bob Roberts, and Samus ‘Sam’ Jenkins. After a while I notice Mathias at the bar with Geleene. Sorry Mathias, you may be paying me but I can’t just let you walk off with such a beautiful women, I walk up and ask if I may join in the conversation.

The night passes by without incident and we get to know the research team we have been tasked with guarding. The following day we prepare to leave for the dig site. We shall see how this goes. I am rather intrigued by what we are supposed to find.
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Re: Log of 1st RIFTS campaign

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I always love reading about how other people's games go. Keep at it. :)
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Re: Log of 1st RIFTS campaign

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Thanks! I am hoping the players give me the rest of the logs. It had an interesting turning point..but I am not sure they enjoyed it as much as I did.
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Re: Log of 1st RIFTS campaign

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Great Stuff. Please keep posting more of your campagin.
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Re: Log of 1st RIFTS campaign

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more from the first player's V.P. From the Character Jose:

Session 4:

Still in Tolkeen, the group is given free time to roam the city before Mathias is ready to brief them on their contract. During this time, Jose and Dsfargeg examine the rune sword and discover some mystic-looking script along the leather binding of the hilt. Dsfargeg notices Drake, the hooded man whom had attacked the group previously, and decides to follow him. After discovering the robed people he was meeting, Dsfargeg recognized them from the woods outside of Downer’s Grove, as the people murdering a CS patrol. Having been spotted, Dsfargeg is immediately accosted, and the leader of the shady figures starts demanding to know why he was following Drake. In a fortunate turn of events, Dsfargeg is able to cause a ruckus as he is being dragged to his death by firing his grappling hook into the foot of one of the robed men.

That night, the group convenes with Mathias for dinner, and they are introduced to the research team they intend to protect. The expeditionary team, lead by one Jack Marston, plans to enter the ruins of Milwaukee to investigate some buildings to see what they can learn from the site. Lord Druvhark, the liaison with the Tolkeen government, has commissioned a mage to teleport the team to Milwaukee, and after being informed about Drake and his company, begins to monitor their activity.
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Re: Log of 1st RIFTS campaign

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These are the accounts of two players(maybe more later). The story may overlap at some points.
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Re: Log of 1st RIFTS campaign

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Session 5:

Our heroes arrive in Milwaukee and set up base in Mathias’ lair, which turns out to be a partially destroyed cathedral with unusually strong walls. After getting set up, Dsfargeg, Jose, and Professor West head out to investigate the first of the archaeology crew’s dig sites. As they travel to the site, Dsfargeg spots a CS patrol consisting of Skelebots, but they seem to be oblivious to the group’s presence, and the three manage to avoid detection and continue to their destination unhindered.

Meanwhile,Carl stays behind with the researchers to investigate what makes the cathedral so resilient, and after some experiments, deducts that the strength is granted by psychic energy that has been absorbed into the structure through years of use for various ceremonies and celebrations by a large congregation. This is confirmed by Jileen, who turns out to be a psychic herself, and has the ability to read objects and sense psionic energy within them.

At the dig site, Dsfargeg, Jose, and West begin to search for anything that might be a threat to the researchers, and find a small group of people sheltering within the ruins. One man almost attacked the group because his daughter had been kidnapped, and he thought they were here to kidnap another of his daughters. After some questioning, he entrusted our heroes to return his daughter to him, and they set off to find her. Out in the park, they found a trail leading to some nearby woods, where they found the girl, chained to a tree and bloody. As Jose moved to release her, the group was attacked from behind by a fiendish Black Fairy. The three managed to drive it off, but were unable to give chase, as it vanished amid the trees.

Having determined that the area was relatively clear, they sent word back to Mathias that he, Carl, and the researchers should make their way over to the building for their investigation. After they arrived and set up, they were able to determine that the building used to be a high school, and was also empowered with psychic energy similarly to the cathedral. Howerver, tensions flared as the group learned of a mysterious stranger in their midst as one of the inhabitants of the school pointed out that “their friend in the cloak” had left without saying a word.
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Re: Log of 1st RIFTS campaign

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Session 6:

The next morning, the group packed everything up and travelled back to the cathedral. There they spent the better part of a day piecing together the information they had gathered, with which they further refined Carl’s hypothesis on the phenomena in the cathedral and the ruins. The following day, they planned to survey the area for the next dig site, and while they slept, several of them were visited by a strange voice beckoning them to bring Jileen into the woods nearby for her to receive a message about the location of their next destination. Knowing it must be a trap, our heroes decided to disguise Yampierre, or Frenchie, or whatever his name is to look like Jileen, then have him receive the message. Upon entering the forest, Dsfargeg escorted Yampierre, but found only a small tray of cookies and a glass of milk. The group prompted Yampierre to eat a cookie, and upon doing so, he fell asleep, poisoned by the cookie. Upon further investigation at the cathedral, Carl and Professor West determined that a sleep spell had been cast upon the cookies. Yampierre awoke a couple hours later, and the group came to the consensus that they would never again listen to the voices in their heads.

Later, Jose, Dsfargeg, Prof. West, and Carl went to investigate the ruined city to find something that could be their next site. They found an arena which stood mostly intact, though it appeared as if something crashed and then exploded within it. With a special portable PPE Meter that they acquired from the researchers, Jose and Carl probed the structure, finding that it was considerably higher than its surroundings in PPE concentration, but not quite as high as the previous confirmed sites. Satisfied that this could very likely be the next site, they returned to base to plan their approach.

The next day, the group gathered up all the researchers and formed a caravan with Mathias, then high-tailed it to the site. On the way, the caravan was spotted by some CS SkyCycles, but they just flew around and then left. Upon arriving in the arena, they quickly stashed the truck and began investigating, feeling uncomfortably exposed out in the open. Luseth scouted around underground and found a large room which the researchers determined to be the Milwaukee Bucks basketball court. There was also a long, dark corridor which loomed ominously from the back of the underground structure.

Suddenly, Mathias radioed in and shouted for everyone to get behind cover, a message which was interrupted by a loud explosion. Thinking to get his power armor from the truck and assist Mathias and Dsfargeg, who were still outside, Jose ran up to the surface, only to be promptly blasted by a giant lizard monster that can shoot fireballs. Jose flew back underground, thrown by the impact, and struck the wall on the far end, knocked unconscious. Dsfargeg was able to make it underground after the monster kicked the jeep in which he was hiding a few times, but the monster would not leave, so the party was trapped, with only a dark, forbidding corridor as their escape route. Worse yet, night was falling, and from the only vantage point they had, the party could see bright blue light shining through, which was indicative of being on a ley line.
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Re: Log of 1st RIFTS campaign

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Session 7:

With nowhere left to go, the group is forced to explore the dark hallway. Upon reaching the other end, they find themselves in what appears to be a lobby or narthex of some sort. Hearing some activity below, from whence they came, Luseth and Frenchie went down to investigate. While downstairs, they were knocked out by a ward drawn on the ceiling, which had been activated as night fell and the leylines became active. After retrieving the two, the party decided to keep investigating, as there was no other obvious way out, and this area was about as defensible as it could get.

They found a morbid chapel scene nearby, and an office beyond that, but most surprising was on the other side of the building, behind a rather large double-door which turned out to be the entrance. Three ley lines were clearly visible, as was the full moon. As the group stood in awe of the magnificent spectacle, they were beset upon by four mages who had been lying in ambush. Our heroes were glued to the spot by magical bindings, and a net of magical energy was thrown over Jose and Dsfargeg. In retaliation, the four managed to wound one of the mages, but they all ran behind cover and teleported into the building, where the researchers were.

From outside, there was little our heroes could do to protect the researchers, so Jose and Dsfargeg struggled to break the net, finally succeeding with Dsfargeg’s vibro blade. However, with the magical binding still cast upon them, they were unable to move their legs. It was all they could manage to turn around and witness Yampierre and Luseth exchanging shots with the mages from across the hallway.

Finally, the magic binding wore off, and the four were able to move once again. Unfortunately, the leader of these mages was aware of this, and used his power to levitate Carl and drop him. The impact from this drop was enough to knock him unconscious, and his companions sprang into action, viciously attacking the mage leader. He, however, seemed to be taking no damage from their weapons, which sparked an idea in Jose’s mind. He remembered the talisman that Jileen had given to Yampierre the other day, and how it had some sort of magical shield effect. With this in mind, Jose slammed into one of the mages with a powerful tackle, knocking him unconscious. He then proceeded to look for a similar talisman on the mage, and upon finding it, pulled it off.

Before Jose could finish the unprotected mage, the leader levitated him as he did to Carl, and knocked him out. Professor West, however, had a clear shot to the mage, and took it, smearing his remains across the room. Infuriated, the leader chanted a spell to turn himself invisible, and one of his followers used another spell to remove the group’s helmets. The leader then attempted to whisper a Death Word into Dsfargeg’s ear, but failed. However, since he was invisible, it was impossible for Dsfargeg to retaliate, so the leader relocated to behind Professor West with a more primitive attack in mind. He broke out a Neural Mace and swung at Professor West, who, unable to see it coming, had no chance to evade. The resulting blow was more the enough to kill the Professor, completely destroying his head, and leaving his lifeless body to flop to the ground.

In a panic, Dsfargeg knew his only hope for survival was to escape. He took one of his spare e-clips and threw it at the mages like a grenade, then turned and ran. Just then, Mathias rode in on a motorcycle, jumping into the air and transforming it into power armor and rushing at the remaining mages. Sword in hand, he quickly dispatched them, but their leader managed to create a portal and escape.

After resolving the fight, Mathias offered his condolences for Professor West’s death, and said that the researchers had gathered enough information to return to Tolkeen, but expressed concern that that Federation of Magic must now also know about these MDC buildings, and if they didn’t do something, they would no doubt use this knowledge for some nefarious purpose. However, after such a crushing defeat, our heroes felt that a rest was required to recollect themselves and mourn the loss of Professor West. After receiving their payment from Mathias, the group returned to Tolkeen and then proceeded back to Downer’s Grove with West’s body to give him a proper funeral.
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Re: Log of 1st RIFTS campaign

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