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Sell me on Splicers

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 2:16 am
by Rockwolf66
Ok, as i am a completionist I have a copy of splicers. Now could i have somone explain why i should find a game group to play it with and more imporatntly how I would go about creating a character to play? yeah I'm a bit confused about the mechanics and parts of the setting.

Re: Sell me on Splicers

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 2:48 am
by Blindscout

As for why to play it?

I find that it is so different from anything else I have played that it ends up being refreshing, new, exciting. It's the first game I have ever played that doesn't have either magic, psionics, or both. At first I thought the the lack of those things might negatively impact the game experience for me, but the opposite is true. The bio-tech weapons and armor evolving over time is interesting, I'm not constantly looking for new gear, I am instead plotting and planning how I want things to evolve to suit whatever the play style of the character is.

My GM likes running Splicers for many of the same reasons I like playing it.

As for your other questions, setting/character/mechanics, if you could be more specific as to what is causing the confusion I would be happy to help in any way I can. :D

Re: Sell me on Splicers

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 3:39 am
by dante144
Rockwolf66 wrote:Ok, as i am a completionist I have a copy of splicers. Now could i have somone explain why i should find a game group to play it with and more imporatntly how I would go about creating a character to play? yeah I'm a bit confused about the mechanics and parts of the setting.

sell me on it too, please

Re: Sell me on Splicers

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 6:30 am
by TechnoGothic
@ Rockwolf66 & Dante

For Myself I Ignore the Machine for the Most Part. I keep it as the Big Bad Boogie Man ppl always talk about around campfires. The Nano-plague I use, its very real. Once in awhile I have the group come across other Splicers who have been killed by the Machine, but no trace of the machine itself besides pieces and small scrap. As if the Machine tried to clean up after itself.

I Use the House vs House Material mostly. My Players Luv it.

As for making a Character, its easy.
Lets say your making a Dreadguard, ok.
Roll up Attributes as normal.
Add in OCC bonuses, Skill Bonuses, as normal.
But You have a Host Armor you can Build.
Option #1 = Go Simple, and Select the Proto-Host Armor aka Dread-Armor. Its a great Armor, trust me.
Option #2 = Build a Dreadguard Host Armor using the Bio-E Points.
You also have a Living Armor, that is most likely never going to used. My group ignores it usually.

OK. The BIO-E Points is Simple.
Say your Level One Dreadguard has 240 Bio-E Points.
After Writting down the features you get for Free and taking notes on them, you go about selecting Extra Features using the Bio-E Points you have to spend. If something cost 20 Bio-E subtract 20 Bio-E. You must buy Prerequists first.
At Later Levels you can Upgrade Weapons to Larger version or purchase the Weapon Upgrades features one at a time.

Just ask us some specific Questions, we are happy to answer them.

Re: Sell me on Splicers

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 9:14 pm
by krispy
gentlemen, Splicers is a great game

i have spent more time creating for this game than i have for Rifts, Dead Reign & L5R

the 2 big factions in this game of survival -

NEXUS - a psychotic computer program hell bent on eradicating the human race by continually spewing out new & more efficient killing machines

Splicers - the gene-pool and genetic engineering is at your fingertips. you can grow an assortment of living organic weapons and war machines

The Technojacker (imho) play a pivotal role in the splicer universe. The TJ can tip the balance either way. you could be a small group of TJ fighting the machine that rarely see Splicers or a TJ that works for a Splicers House hired out to help keep the region clear of metallic debris and to study any significant technological finds

NEXUS is basically the NPC and major antagonist but you could be creative and write up a something like a independant thinking android (could use Archie's android) like Slappy's Siren, created by one of the good personalities

i love the concept of magic, and that is one of the reasons why i got into Rifts and L5R (plus for samurai) and many pc games. but as Blindscout said it is quite refreshing to play something that is different. this game has kept my attention since it release

Re: Sell me on Splicers

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 10:56 am
by Guy_LeDouche
Rockwolf66 wrote:Ok, as i am a completionist I have a copy of splicers. Now could i have somone explain why i should find a game group to play it with and more imporatntly how I would go about creating a character to play? yeah I'm a bit confused about the mechanics and parts of the setting.

Post away your confusions. One thing I will say, the Splicers community may be small, but it EASILY the most supportive and creative out of any other game I know. We'll assist to the best of our abilities.

Re: Sell me on Splicers

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 11:28 am
by Kagashi
I hear ya man, I was the same way with Splicers when I first got it too. Turns out the game is a really cool setting. Coming from Rifts, I had a hard time relating to the OCCs and source material. Lemme put it into perspective for you:

Think Matrix/ know, machines vs humans. Now add in a plague created by "skynet" that infects all metal objects on the planet so that when biological matter touches the metal, it comes to life and attacks the biological matter (humans). To make matters worse, unlike the majority of Palladium worlds, magic and psi are not only extremely rare, but severely hampered due to the nature of this world. Thus, the only way to fight the MDC machines is to use biological implants and suits of bio-armor (similar to Splugorth biowizardry / bio-borgs). Humanity survives and is segregated between many houses (nations).

Splicers OCC / Rifts Equivalent
Archangels / Elite RPA pilots
Biotic / Full Conversion Borg with Crazy like mentality
Dreadguard / RPA pilot with Cyber Knight code of conduct
Outrider / Simvan Monster Rider/Psistalker rider (minus the psi powers)
Packmaster / Splicers version of a controller OCC (like a shifter that controls multiple monsters)
Roughneck / Grunt OCC and basic power armor pilot
Saint / Sort of a Body Fixer
Scarecrow / Juicer
Skinjob / Assassin type OCC
Technojacker / None...just a normal dude who can use metal items without ill effect

What I like about Splicers: Its a new and interesting MDC environment in which to play. Puts a new spin on how things would work in the Palladium universe. Has the potential for greatness in future expansion books.

What I DONT like about Splicers: The entire game is pretty much customizable, including each OCC. Source material like specific Houses are not detailed, so MY Splicers game and YOUR Splicers game would be two entirely different worlds (from an in-game political point of view). Just because you have played Splicers before, doesnt mean you will fully understand a new campaign.

Even the different power armors are unique. In Rifts if I said, "I'm a Glitterboy Pilot" you pretty much know what my capabilities and limitations are and dont have to waste brain bits trying to comprehend the character and get right back into the game. In Splicers, if you say, "Im a Dreadguard", I can be (most likely be) completely different than your Dreadguard in the same universe.

In this respect, its very much like Heroes Unlimited, Ninjas and Superspies, and other generic plot line games, unlike the detailed settings of games like Rifts or Robotech. Splicers has the potential for being detailed though. Rifts started out generic as well.

Character creation can take a very long time compared to other games. Your first session will likely just be building characters, especially since you not only have to design your character, but your power armor as well. Just imagine each character being Rifts Borgs.