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What Sourcebook Would You Like To See?

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 11:15 pm
by Severus Snape
Ok, so I'm feeling rather ambitious. I have ideas for several much-needed (in my opinion) supplements for Heroes Unlimited, but I'm not sure which one I should write. You'll see the poll above, and the options for which you can vote. Which of these supplements would you like to see the most? Which power category do you think needs an update? If there was something you could literally ask someone to write for Heroes Unlimited and they would do it, what would it be?

This poll will be open to all residents of the Megaverse until 11:59 pm PDT on March 19 (this coming Saturday). Whichever option gets the most votes here will get the formal written treatment from yours truly. Of course, if everyone votes Other and says "Go away, we don't want anything new", then I'll be left to my own devices.

So what's it going to be? Which of the above needs to be updated the most?

Re: What Sourcebook Would You Like To See?

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 12:33 am
by Daniel Stoker
Revan pretty much said what I was thinking, go with Bionics.

Daniel Stoker

Re: What Sourcebook Would You Like To See?

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 10:53 am
by Her0man0
I chose robotics because mutants (and experiments sort of) already have a sourcebook, bionics does need a revamp and expansion but it would probably be a rehash of the rifts bionics source book that i already have. Robotics needs an update with new types and new power sources and a possible way to combine robotics with super invention and bionics....

In fact, these three categories are related, a source book that expands on all the tech would be really cool, it could fill up a source book easy. Robotics, Bionics, Super invention, and hardware all in one source book

Re: What Sourcebook Would You Like To See?

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 1:02 pm
by Ranger
I use the Rifts Bionics source book for HU.

What I would like is an updated hardware character source book.

Tie in all of them and add the Natural Genius in also.

Perhaps combine the updated Bionics/Cyborg with hardware characters.

Re: What Sourcebook Would You Like To See?

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 2:26 pm
by novatomato
I voted other and my thoughts were for a sort of "Non-Powered Sourcebook." I have some ideas on how that might be accomplished and what would go into it.
Essentially what I want to see is a book that will get the 'lesser classes' something that can make them distinct from every other of that type. The biggest offenders of this lack of distinction would probably be the Physically trained category, every one can choose one of four options (two focuses and two combat styles) but two of those options are much more prone to being taken because they offer better bonuses and fewer drawbacks.

Re: What Sourcebook Would You Like To See?

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 2:37 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Hardware Unlimited

Re: What Sourcebook Would You Like To See?

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 10:31 am
by DBX
Magic (supernatural) unlimited
Villians Unlimited 2nd editition
Superheros Unlimited
Martial Artist & Special Training unlimited

Re: What Sourcebook Would You Like To See?

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 10:47 pm
by Reagren Wright
Anything I've submitted :D .

Re: What Sourcebook Would You Like To See?

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 11:00 pm
by Joseph Kerr
Definitely a Hardware Unlimited book.

The benefit is that we can include Bionics, Robotics, Super Vehicles, as well as new gadgets and guns.

Re: What Sourcebook Would You Like To See?

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 2:26 am
by Incriptus
I'm with the hardware unlimited.

Think of this, everything thing that you create give it three sub catagories, gadget, implant and attachment.

Gadgets are hand held [or worn] devices that are to be used by special training type characters. Small sized, limited uses but easily replaced/stockpiled/disposed. Price/Range/Damage would reflect that mind set.

Implants are Small to Micro devices designed for consistant use. They would be used for Power Armor/Exoskeleton; Cyber/Bionic & Andriods/Human Robots. They would be priced according to those characters budgets but with greater reusability and larger power source.

Attachments are larger devices clearly designed as a major design/function for Vehicals & Large Robots. Much greater cost in exchange for greater range and power.

of course i'm about to go to sleep so I can't think of better names at the moment but I think you get the point. I know it's not the palladium way (I say this with love) but there is really no purpose to do three write ups for a radar when you could just write

Detection Device: FLUFF TEXT
Gadget: 100 dollars. Range 50ft. +10% to detect ambush.
Implant 10,000 Dollars. Range 500ft. +10% to detect ambush. +2 to initiative
Attachment: 200,000. Range 10,000 Feet. +3 to dodge, +2 to strike.

Re: What Sourcebook Would You Like To See?

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 2:53 am
by Crucible
Hardware Unlimited

The Weapons Expert is my favorite.

Re: What Sourcebook Would You Like To See?

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 8:37 am
by gaby
I go with Hardware Unlimited.

It can show the Weapons,Gadgets and Vehicles,maybe some that are use ofent by the Hardware electrical,mechanical,analytical genius and weapons experts.
ther can also be the ones for Hunter,Secret operative,Stage magician and Super-sleuth.

Re: What Sourcebook Would You Like To See?

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 12:33 pm
by Cybermancer
Crucible wrote:Hardware Unlimited


Also, it should include material that would go into 'Bionics' and 'Robotics' Unlimited.

Re: What Sourcebook Would You Like To See?

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 12:53 pm
by Crucible
Cybermancer wrote:
Crucible wrote:Hardware Unlimited


Also, it should include material that would go into 'Bionics' and 'Robotics' Unlimited.

That would be great.

Re: What Sourcebook Would You Like To See?

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 12:55 pm
by Jorel
I gotta say Hardware, though I voted Robotics for the reasons mentioned above, though I would have voted Hardware were that an option. Or Robotics/Bionics, though as mentioned we do already have a bionics sourcebook that can be converted.

Edit: I overlooked the middle option of other, so that is where my vote landed.

Re: What Sourcebook Would You Like To See?

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 2:59 pm
by PapaMambo
I'm kind of going along with the consensus here and saying Hardware. A close second would be robotics. Recently I created a robotics character (been a long time since I delved into robotics), and I found the rules sorely lacking. The rules as presented in HU2 are very sparse at best. It would be nice to see more power supply options, and to have the ability to create walking juggernaut tank of ultimate destruction type robots. Budgets really don't allow for this sort of thing, and the weapons as presented for the different type of robots seems somehow incomplete to me. Any rules that are presented about creating robots tends to assume that you WILL be creating a robot suited to battle, when this isn't always the case.

Hardware on the otherhand is virtually nonexistent in the pages of HU2. If it weren't for these boards as well as the Megaversal Database of Nimmie's, I don't know what we'd do.

An aspect to all of this that I'd also like to see changed was brought up in my thread about robotics The way that designing a robot and Hardware character is presented as a budget.. It just seems tedious. As Palladium seems to have gone to the point system for creating all sorts of other items (lairs, organizations etc), there should be some sort of consistency for creating robot and hardware characters that conforms to this standard..

Re: What Sourcebook Would You Like To See?

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 5:45 pm
by Severus Snape
From the feedack being generated out here, I'm seeing Hardware and Robotics/Bionics as the front-runners. The interesting thing is that these could all be inter-changeable. I mean, why couldn't a hardware character create robotic/bionic parts?

I'll keep the poll open until the expiration date/time, but I'm starting to get the feeling that people want Hardware and Robotics/Bionics. Could make for an interesting book...

Re: What Sourcebook Would You Like To See?

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 9:07 pm
by The Beast
Land of the Damned 3.

Re: What Sourcebook Would You Like To See?

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 9:51 pm
by Cybermancer
The Beast wrote:Land of the Damned 3.

Figure they'll be releasing that for Heroes Unlimited as opposed to Palladium Fantasy? :P

Re: What Sourcebook Would You Like To See?

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 10:00 pm
by The Beast
Cybermancer wrote:
The Beast wrote:Land of the Damned 3.

Figure they'll be releasing that for Heroes Unlimited as opposed to Palladium Fantasy? :P

Either one, as long as it's released.

Re: What Sourcebook Would You Like To See?

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 8:17 am
by Juce734
I actually think Bionics and Robotics could be combined into 1 big sourcebook. I'd love this as I have been working on a bionics character as a villian in my current game that I GM. This book would be perfect for me right now.

Re: What Sourcebook Would You Like To See?

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 9:29 am
by abtex
Voted Bionics but Robotics is just about the same. So a book with both in would work for me.

Re: What Sourcebook Would You Like To See?

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 3:49 am
by The Dark Elf
Same as everyone else, hardware and gizmo's.

Re: What Sourcebook Would You Like To See?

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 11:30 am
by AlanGunhouse
I am working on something I call Sidekicks Unlimited, a setup for creating minor heroes and allowing them to eventually mature into full heroes.

What I really would like though is something like "Normals Unlimited", a game supplement to help you create your person before they became a hero. It would help if they listed the skill profile of a number of everyday people so you could say, "I am a Truck Driver, I have the skills of handling big rigs, land navigation..."

Aside from that, What I would like is a good listing of hardware that might be available to non-hardware types. That way your Super Sleuth or Physical Training character can have a utility belt.

Re: What Sourcebook Would You Like To See?

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 8:50 am
by gaby
I also like to see that.

The Special training will need to have weapons and gatgets that fit with ther types and help them in fights against superhumans.

Re: What Sourcebook Would You Like To See?

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 10:18 am
by Severus Snape
Ok peeps - polls is closed. The overwhelming response is that technology - hardware, robotics, bionics, and maybe even super invention - needs an upgrade. Because these are all related to one another, I'm thinking of trying to do a Technology Unlimited, and include things for all of these power categories.

I'm going to start working on this tonight, and I'll keep everyone updated as to my progress. Hopefully this will actually go somewhere. :)

Re: What Sourcebook Would You Like To See?

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 10:31 am
by jaymz
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Hardware Unlimited

This because it essentially goes hand in hand with non-powered supers. This could INCLUDE robotics.

Bionics doesn;t really need to be expanded, it is pretty expansive as it is IMO.

Re: What Sourcebook Would You Like To See?

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 5:15 pm
by AlanGunhouse
Severus Snape wrote:Ok peeps - polls is closed. The overwhelming response is that technology - hardware, robotics, bionics, and maybe even super invention - needs an upgrade. Because these are all related to one another, I'm thinking of trying to do a Technology Unlimited, and include things for all of these power categories.

I'm going to start working on this tonight, and I'll keep everyone updated as to my progress. Hopefully this will actually go somewhere. :)

I do think that it should be possible to upgrade a super invention with hardware, but generally you can not do the reverse and build super powers into a regular invention. :wink:

Re: What Sourcebook Would You Like To See?

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 3:29 pm
by Juce734
I can't wait to see how this comes out. Snape you are the man! I have to say it.

Re: What Sourcebook Would You Like To See?

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 3:54 pm
by LeeNapier
novatomato wrote:I voted other and my thoughts were for a sort of "Non-Powered Sourcebook." I have some ideas on how that might be accomplished and what would go into it.
Essentially what I want to see is a book that will get the 'lesser classes' something that can make them distinct from every other of that type. The biggest offenders of this lack of distinction would probably be the Physically trained category, every one can choose one of four options (two focuses and two combat styles) but two of those options are much more prone to being taken because they offer better bonuses and fewer drawbacks.

I concur with this - these classes are often ignored, and a sourcebook to make them more varied and more exciting (and maybe add a class or two to them) could be quite useful. I'd call it "Special Training Unlimited", though, because "non-powered" isn't exactly true for all of the classes.

EDIT: I was able to vote. the poll was clearly not closed. :wink:

Re: What Sourcebook Would You Like To See?

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 4:18 pm
by AlanGunhouse
A sourcebook which gives additional options for Special Training and Physical Training, gives better and more career-oriented options for skill programs, and gives more options for equipment available to non-hardware characters would be a good idea I think. The physical training, for example, might benefit from a good shot of "Ninjas and Superspies" Martial Arts and martial arts related powers.

I would call it Normals Unbound.

Re: What Sourcebook Would You Like To See?

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 5:46 pm
by Severus Snape
Ok, the poll is closed and I've started work on Technology Unlimited. I'm planning to include Bionics, Robotics, and Hardware. I'm not sure if I'll include super-invention or not, although it does fall under the category of Technology.

I won't re-print material from HU2 that isn't changing, because that would be silly. I do, however, have some ideas for new robotic and bionic parts, as well as some ideas on the hardware power cat in areas that I think are lacking.

I will give updates every now and again on my progress, but those updates won't include any really detailed information. You'll all just have to wait until the book comes out (assuming it gets picked up) to get every juicy morsel.

Re: What Sourcebook Would You Like To See?

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:19 am
by Juce734
I can't wait to see how this comes out. I truly hope this gets picked up!

Re: What Sourcebook Would You Like To See?

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 9:13 am
by gaby
Good to known,I always like to see more trick-weapons.

Re: What Sourcebook Would You Like To See?

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 7:26 am
by gaby
Well I also like to see a book on Superheroes around the world and how they are view by different nations.

Re: What Sourcebook Would You Like To See?

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 8:07 am
by AlanGunhouse
gaby wrote:Well I also like to see a book on Superheroes around the world and how they are view by different nations.

That could be difficult, especially giving the fluid nature of the current international political situation. You would be halfway through writing only to find that you have to go back and change something because one of the countries has changed rulers.

Re: What Sourcebook Would You Like To See?

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 11:55 am
by gaby
Ok you have a point ther.

Re: What Sourcebook Would You Like To See?

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 12:31 pm
by gaby
I hope Powers Unlimited2 reprint I miss it when it,first came out.

Maybe Heroes of the past?

Re: What Sourcebook Would You Like To See?

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 10:43 am
by Severus Snape
Update: I'm still working on this. Just haven't had much time to do so.

I think I'm going to drop robotics and bionics as someone else out here is already working on those (and I believe it's Mephisto - correct me if I'm wrong). I have been focusing on Hardware. I've got quite a few new hardware categories, as well as some new skills. I've got plenty of notes on each of the new categories, and I'm about to put them to paper formally. As in, take my notes and turn them into actual text that could be printed.

I still need to work out budgets and building stuff (like super vehicles and power armor), but I haven't had much time lately thanks to work and stuff needing to be done to the house. But I wanted to give you guys an update to let you know that I am still working on this.

Re: What Sourcebook Would You Like To See?

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 9:45 am
by wyrmraker
Actually, what I'd enjoy seeing is a unifying sourcebook on the world that Palladium has it's Heroes setting based in. There are plenty of powers and such, but what it truly lacks is the base canon setting.
Also, a full modernization of common technology would be good, with a focus on non-weapon items. There are lots and lots of weapons, but the regularly available equipment could be addressed a bit.

Re: What Sourcebook Would You Like To See?

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 6:15 pm
by Severus Snape
Ok, so I'm still knee-deep in this. Here's what I've got done for Hardware character:

1. Created list of 9 new Hardware sub-types, while keeping 2 originals and scrapping 2 others;
2. Re-did the sponsoring organization to make it universal to all types, as well as added a sub-table for status with the sponsoring organization;
3. Completed write-up on 2 of the new sub-types, and am about to start the third. This is complete write-up, to include skills, budget, and the other stuff that goes along with the character;
4. Laid out process for building super-vehicles.

Still have lots to do, though:

1. Complete write-ups for the remaining new areas of expertise, to include new skills;
2. Complete write-up for building super vehicles;
3. Complete layout and write up for other types of construction for hardware characters, especially for weapons and bionics.

Lots of work to do, but it is moving along. Even if the pace is somewhat slow.

I'm just going to focus on Hardware characters for the time being as this is a rather large project. But I wanted to let everyone know the status. Fear not, faithful gamers - this will get done!

Re: What Sourcebook Would You Like To See?

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 3:57 pm
by Severus Snape
Another update:

1. Removed 3 of the new hardware types. Why? I started writing one of them up and realized I couldn't make it work. I then looked at the list again and realized that I had 1 hardware type broken into 3 different ones that didn't make sense, so I lumped them together. Still can't make it work for an HU OCC, though. So we may just stick with 6.

2. Completed write-up on a third hardware type, so I'm halfway home. When I'm all done with this, I'll have 8 total hardware types. 2 are not changing, 1 is getting re-imagined, and 5 are split from one that needed to be re-done.

Any thoughts on where I'm at? I can't give any specific details on this yet. I want to keep this pretty close to the vest until I know if PB is going to publish or not, but I at least can give basic information.

Re: What Sourcebook Would You Like To See?

Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 5:38 am
by TechnoGothic
What ?

Re: What Sourcebook Would You Like To See?

Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 10:06 am
by Severus Snape

1. Finished writing up the 6 new hardware categories. The re-imagined category is actually a whole new one as the original isn't being changed. Odd what you end up with once you start writing.

2. All new skills are complete. Some are just off-shoots of existing ones, pared down to be applicable to the area of expertise. But there are a couple of new ones that I'm especially happy with.

3. I've started writing up the section on building a super vehicle. This is going to be the longest section I do. All the applicable vehicles have to be listed, along with costs, passenger and cargo limits, speed, etc. Then I have to work on the actual process to create one. This may take quite some time, but will be worth it in the end.

4. I've started compiling a list of new gadgets, robotic parts, bionic parts, and vehicle types. I was totally not aware previously that watercraft were not included anywhere in the HU books.

That's where I'm at. Will probably take at least another month to finish some of this, but I will continue to keep you all updated.