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Mend Wood?

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 1:45 pm
by Dr. Avery
I have a question, in the fantasy main book the goblin has stats for the cobbler. As well, in rifter 16 there is an expansion of the cobbler into a full r.c.c. One of the innate abilities listed is the spell mend wood. However, I can't find the spell anywhere in the book. If anyone knows where it is or has the spell handy I'd appreciate it.

Re: Mend Wood?

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 7:28 pm
by JuliusCreed
Dr. Avery wrote:I have a question, in the fantasy main book the goblin has stats for the cobbler. As well, in rifter 16 there is an expansion of the cobbler into a full r.c.c. One of the innate abilities listed is the spell mend wood. However, I can't find the spell anywhere in the book. If anyone knows where it is or has the spell handy I'd appreciate it.

How odd... it isn't in PRFPG main or the BOM.... perhaps a look in the 1st ed of PFRPG. I'd do this if I had it of course, so anyone out there still got the old school rules? Beyond that the only fix I can think of is using Mend Stone as a basis for it. here's my take;

Mend Wood
Earth Elemental magic level 2
Range: Touch or immediate area
Duration: Instant and permanent
Saving Throw: None
PPE: 5
This spell mends and restores wood and wooden objects such as doors, walls, ship hulls and so on, mystically closing cracks/breaks and dispelling both natural and magically induced rot. This doubles the remaining SDC of the object and restores up to 100 lbs of wood per level of experience. Note the SDC of the wood cannot be rerstored to more SDC than it originally had before it was damaged.

Modify as you see fit :D

Good luck and great gaming!

Re: Mend Wood?

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 9:27 pm
by Cinos
It's in my PF core book under Earth Elemental magic right where it should be.

Re: Mend Wood?

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 11:27 pm
by Shawn Merrow
It was not in the early printings of the core book. My 2nd and 5th printing do not have it. It can also be found in the Mysteries of Magic book on page 94.

Re: Mend Wood?

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 4:17 am
by JuliusCreed
Rhomphaia wrote:
JuliusCreed wrote:
Dr. Avery wrote:I have a question, in the fantasy main book the goblin has stats for the cobbler. As well, in rifter 16 there is an expansion of the cobbler into a full r.c.c. One of the innate abilities listed is the spell mend wood. However, I can't find the spell anywhere in the book. If anyone knows where it is or has the spell handy I'd appreciate it.

How odd... it isn't in PRFPG main or the BOM.... perhaps a look in the 1st ed of PFRPG. I'd do this if I had it of course, so anyone out there still got the old school rules? Beyond that the only fix I can think of is using Mend Stone as a basis for it. here's my take;

Mend Wood
Earth Elemental magic level 2
Range: Touch or immediate area
Duration: Instant and permanent
Saving Throw: None
PPE: 5
This spell mends and restores wood and wooden objects such as doors, walls, ship hulls and so on, mystically closing cracks/breaks and dispelling both natural and magically induced rot. This doubles the remaining SDC of the object and restores up to 100 lbs of wood per level of experience. Note the SDC of the wood cannot be rerstored to more SDC than it originally had before it was damaged.

Modify as you see fit :D

Good luck and great gaming!

I would add a restriction that any single mass (the weight limit) can only receive this spell once per caster. Doubling remaining SDC is a fairly powerful thing for a low level spell, especially for the low PPE cost.

Mostly based this off of the Mend Stone spell which does the same thing to a smaller mass amount (70 lbs/lvl for 15 PPE with a 4th level spell) and decreased the PPE to where I felt was a decent range based on the differences between the Mend Stone and Mend Metal spells. Mend Stone comes in at 15 PPE while Mend Metal costs 30. Yes I realize 5 is not half of 15, but it's close enough to it for me. If you want it to more accurately reflect the progression from wood to stone to metal, at least according to canon pattern progression, change the PPE cost to 7 or 8 and decrease the maximum affected mass amount to 80 lbs per level.
As for what others have posted about finding it in later printings, exactly which printing did you find it in? I personally own a copy of 2nd ed 1st print and 2nd ed 6th print and it doesn't show in either of mine. Also, for those that have the right stats for the spell, could you please be so kind as to send an IM with the proper workup to those of us that are lacking? Thanks in advance for the help! help

Re: Mend Wood?

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 6:18 pm
by Dr. Avery
Thanks for the quick responses. Sorry it took so long to re-post, pulled the first all night game session I've run in years. Gah, I feel old lol. Anyways, if someone who has those cannon stats from a later ed would pm me I'd appreciate it.

Re: Mend Wood?

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 3:59 am
by JuliusCreed
relicandcheese wrote:I just did a quick study of the "cutting room floor" link in the Palladium Books website, and it's not there either, nor in my core PFRPG 2nd ed, 1st print. I also quickly looked through Book II: Adventures on the High Seas, and came up empty there too.

How dare they make a mistake! Who do they think they are!?!?! It's a conspiracy I tell you!!! Let us band together and charge forth on the powers that be!!!! Power to the loyal gamers of Palladium!!!!

(Somebody whispers: "Dude it's just a mend wood spell!")

Oh... ummm... well, somebody should talk to them then. :erm:

*grabs my flags and starts charging the boards, hollering like a madman, suddenly slowing and quieting down as I realize I am probably the ONLY one acting like a crazed idiot at this very moment*

uuuhhhh.... heh.... Sorry! Just kinda got caught up in the whole... you know, the "band together and charge..." thing that.... uuuuhhh... yeah, sorry again! just gonna.... you know... mosey along here...

*wets my finger and checks the wind direction real quick, nods and exits stage right at a brisk pace*

Re: Mend Wood?

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 11:37 am
by Dr. Avery
Ye Gods, me thinks mine effort to clarify a minor deficit hast led to revolt amongst the
throngs. A quick use of mine cloak of disguise should see me safely through.

*Quickly donning said cloak and attempting to saunter through the crowd while whistling unobtrusively.*

Uhhh...why is everyone staring at me?

*Taking a quick peak in the nearest reflective surface.*

Ack...Ye old traveling magic peddler hast duped me. Instead of a cloak of disguise he hath cursed me with a cloak of altered gender. I am now a gamer chick. Verily I am doomed.

Re: Mend Wood?

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 12:45 am
by Dr. Avery
On the contrary, it was hillarious. My gamer fiancee whom I love dearly was nearly forced to use her magically absorbent undies she was laughing so hard. I just live in the boonies which ,due to the internet Gods, leaves me having to use a qwerty thumboard to bang out my laquacious and witty responses. Having 4 children and , um... I think, what could be called a life (I'd rather be gaming) makes it hard to easily post. Considering that I refuse to lower myself to writing in the cryptic prose that my children call "txtn" it takes me an inordinately long time to reply. However, I do my best.

Re: Mend Wood?

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 11:06 am
by King Newt
I run a cobbler in a campaign I am in and the GM lets me use the Mend Stone spell as Mend Wood. This is one of the biggest ommissions in the book. I have 7 copies of the book and none have the spell listed. (yes I am truely a geek to have 7 copies of the same book, but with three wizards in the group everyone seemed to need a book at the same time)

Re: Mend Wood?

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 12:20 am
by JuliusCreed
relicandcheese wrote:I have it! I bought the Mysteries of Magic 1, The Heart of Magic, and it's in there!

What!?_____You want me to share it??_______Welllll.... ummmm.... ahhhh.... ohhh..., alright!

Don't think for a second that now you have the mend wood stats that this means you shouldn't get this book. It really is quite awesome!! :-D :ok: :love:

Mend Wood

Level: Second level Earth Warlock spell, Shaman Chant, or Natural Spell for Cobblers. Fourth Level Wizard and Druid spell.
Range: Touch or up to 10 feet (3 m); line of sight.
Duration: Instant.
Saving Throw: None.
P.P.E.: Ten.

_____This simple magic restores damage done to a wooden object or living plant. The spell flawlessly repairs any wooden object under 30 pounds (13.5 kg) per level of experience, and removes any visible damage to the wood. Broken, cracked, rotted and otherwise damaged wood objects (door, door jamb, flooring, stairs, table, staff, etc.) can be made mended, put back together and restored to look good as new. Only the wood is repaired, 5 S.D.C. per level of the spellcaster, not the paint or varnish that might cover the wood, nor rusty nails holding it together.
_____If cast upon Will o' the Wisps, Plant/Tree Elementals, or other living creatures made of wood or plant material, the spell restores 3d6 S.D.C. points. If cast upon a stump that is not yet dead, the tree will not regrow immediately, but the stump will seal over and the new tree grows in its place as normal. If cast upon a plant/flower/bush with a broken stem or branch, the crack disappears and the branch is healed.

Thank you so much for sharing! :D And your... ermmm, request... has been duly noted. :oops: Definitely added to the list of books to obtain. Great find!

Re: Mend Wood?

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 12:35 am
by Nightmask
Doesn't the "Mend the Broken' spell do pretty much the same thing? Haven't checked the entry in a while though so I could be wrong. Nice spell either way, although I wonder how well it works with wood treated with the Ironwood spell.