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Trickster mage spells

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 5:27 pm
by Neowulf
I have been completely in love with the ludicrous and trickster magics since the day 9 1/2 hit the shelves at our local game shop (may it rest in piece). And I like the expanded spell list ludicrous mages got, but where's the trickster love?

Has no one thought up some new tricks for these guys?
I've had a few ideas smoldering on a mental back burner since I first flipped those pages, and finally decided to jot them down and add a couple more (I blame my wife's latest Firefly watch through). Got em in a google docs document and would like opinions, but also wanted to make sure posting the link here was kosher.

Re: Trickster mage spells

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 12:38 pm
by Greg Diaczyk
Posting them in a Public Forum is a bad idea, as someone might steal your ideas or worse, you later submit them to Palladium Books and then someone claims you stole thier ideas... :roll:

If you’re looking to do a follow up article submit them to the Rifter!

If you are just looking for some validation of your ideas have a friend/gaming buddy check it out.

Re: Trickster mage spells

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 7:34 pm
by Lord Z
I respectfully disagree. I work with a lot of writers. The Somebody-will-steal-my-idea phobia is rampant, and I do not indulge it. Some are so paranoid that they simply will not do anything with what they write -- won't submit it, won't allow anyone else to edit nor review it, won't even self-publish for fear that the printer might steal the idea. I have yet to encounter a single case of such plagerism. Even if I am wrong and an idea is somehow valuable inherently, text is easy to document. The author may simply mail to oneself a copy of the text and not open it. Now we have a sealed document with a government-issued date on it that the judge can open in the courtroom.

Re: Trickster mage spells

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 2:14 pm
by The Dark Elf

Re: Trickster mage spells

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 2:14 pm
by The Dark Elf

Re: Trickster mage spells

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 11:58 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Submit then to the Rifter. We always need more published spells. (Even if they are 'optional'.)

Re: Trickster mage spells

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 6:49 pm
by Neowulf
Quick question about submitting to the Rifter: I assume they do a pass over with the spelling error pen, but do they also have a "Yeah lets tweak that spell effect a bit." pen and a "Dear god what was he thinking?" pen?

Main reason I'm looking for opinions is for balance (spell costs, durations, and strength of effects). I kept things as similar to other spell power levels as I could, but I suck at balance type stuff.

On the plus side, thinking about actually submitting to the rifter spawned another batch of spells (branching into the other aspects of gambling, not just cards) plus a location I can flesh out a bit.

Re: Trickster mage spells

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 7:34 pm
by Scott Gibbons
Short answer to your question - no, your article will not be edited for balance or anything like that. Wayne feels it is better to let the article stand as the author submitted it; he considers it to be your baby, and he's not going to alter it. Besides, it's all optional, unofficial material anyway, so you get a little more leeway with balance issues than you might when submitting an actual book.

One word of caution - Wayne will not do much with the spell check pen as you put it. If you aren't going over your own stuff to catch little stuff like that, he figures you probably aren't a good enough writer to get published in the Rifter. With pretty much every computer out there these days having a spell checker, you need to do the small, important things yourself before submitting.

Re: Trickster mage spells

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 3:12 pm
by Neowulf
Meh, don't know why I didn't do this before.
More card magic spells: ... t?hl=en_US

Casino magic spells (for tricksters who want to branch out): ... t?hl=en_US

I also had a description for a pocket dimension called The House, a gigantic casino of unknown origin/managment, but the document is empty for some reason.

Re: Trickster mage spells

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 2:25 pm
by gaby
Not bad,not bad at all.

Re: Trickster mage spells

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 7:56 am
by Witchcraft
Very kewl stuff! As a fan of the ludicrous magic and trickster magic it's very inspiring to see such creativity from others like myself.

Re: Trickster mage spells

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 1:05 pm
by sirkermittsg
i love this! I stopped at the Paladium Offices a few days ago and had a conversation with Wayne. The Trickster mage came up in conversation and he pointed out a few things. First, the Rifter 9 1/2 was Edited and published by Kevin...not him. Thus as afar as he is concerned the Trickster and Ludicris mages have had the Kevin blessing to some extent. Second, he loves the Trickster and pointed out that he has also published the story of a Trickster mage that was living in the lower level of Chi-Town. I have not seen the story "one in a million" but it is apparently quite epic and one of the best to ever appear in the page of the rifter according to many people...including Wayne himself. Wayne also stated that he would love to see another submission by the Author of "One in a Million"

These things being said, I think that if you submitted what you have here, Wayne would probably publish it. I am running a trickster mage in a campaign now and am gonna talk to my GM about using some of these spells.