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Palladium Books is looking to expand into other media

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 6:00 pm
by AlexM
And we need your input. Please vote at our Poll, and post your comments as well.


Oh yeah,
Alex Marciniszyn

Re: Palladium Books is looking to expand into other media

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 6:45 pm
by Metathiax
AlexM wrote:And we need your input. Please vote at our Poll, and post your comments as well. ... 1&t=122217

Oh yeah,
Alex Marciniszyn

PDF would be a good start.

Re: Palladium Books is looking to expand into other media

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 9:50 pm
by Nadrakas
Mr M,

I Posted...a long post...but I Posted.

~ M

Re: Palladium Books is looking to expand into other media

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 2:50 pm
by say652
how about writing adventure books. i mean in all the worlds books are these great short stories why not write a whole series of books from each source book?

Re: Palladium Books is looking to expand into other media

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 10:50 pm
by Anthar
How is it that the OP WAS IN 2011 and people are only responding to this now?

Re: Palladium Books is looking to expand into other media

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 10:59 pm
by Killer Cyborg
Anthar wrote:How is it that the OP WAS IN 2011 and people are only responding to this now?

I'll tell you next year.

Re: Palladium Books is looking to expand into other media

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 9:56 pm
by Jake Postlewaite
I would love to see more novels that tie into all of the game lines.

Re: Palladium Books is looking to expand into other media

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 12:31 am
by Bobboky
I thinkmthe coolest and most useful thing they could do right now would be to make a library app. A free app (or maybe .99 cents, or even 19.99 if it came with R:UE) that would allow you to make and customize characters. With in app purchases you could unlock books from Palladium's awesome library. You could the build characters using the books you have unlocked as well as email the caracter file to yourself (or your DM) to be printed out.

Re: Palladium Books is looking to expand into other media

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 11:23 pm
by Tor
How about making RPGs based on other anime series like what was done with Robotech? BESM can't cover everything...

Looking at another notable 80s english adaptation made by jamming unrelated anime series together, perhaps Voltron?

Or getting out of pure mecha, Asura Cryin also has a neat mix of powers and rune machines and ghosts and the like. The CLAMP universe could also be interesting.

Re: Palladium Books is looking to expand into other media

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 9:51 pm
by SAMASzero
Palladium (to say nothing of Rifts) really does need to branch out, if for no other reasons than to get their name out.

My first suggestion would be a re-release of Promise of Power for the 3DS (and even PSVita if you like). I'd heard that the game was pretty good, but it had the misfortune of being based on a system the gaming public disliked from day one. Hell, the infamy of the N-Gage could even work to it's advantage here. But I would suggest you make it a fairly low price. The game is kinda old.

Re: Palladium Books is looking to expand into other media

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 2:09 am
by dante144
Is this related to Rifts at all?

Looks like it could be.

Re: Palladium Books is looking to expand into other media

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 7:32 am
by Suicycho
Ebooks. Cheap & Easy to produce. Massively popular. With the intellectual property palladium owns it a no brainer.

Re: Palladium Books is looking to expand into other media

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 9:47 pm
by Colonel_Tetsuya
Action-Shooter RPG - you need to be on the phone with Gearbox Software pronto.

Tell me that Borderlands' Six Galaxies wouldn't make an awesome Dimension Book series for Rifts, and that Gearbox couldn't make a bad-ass Borderlands-like Action-Shooter RPG based on Rifts.

Re: Palladium Books is looking to expand into other media

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 8:23 pm
by Comrade Corsarius
Rifts novels:
Want. Just want them well-written with a decent story and not editing that turns 'Rifted' into 'dRifted' all the time (let alone paragraphs that merge for no reason, or soldiers calling their officers by first name, or.... okay have to stop before I start ranting)... I'd still buy more Rifts novels.

Rifts video game:
I can't imagine the required amount of money or time that it would take to develop a worthwhile video game (something third-person with first-person elements, perhaps?). Suffice to say I'd hope that Palladium would choose to stick with a well-settled platform this time and have learned their lessons from the n-gage.

Re: Palladium Books is looking to expand into other media

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 8:13 pm
by Tor
Besides during rules stats for anime besides Robotech (Macross, Cavalry Southern Cross, Genesis Climber MOSPEADA) and TMNT (yes there was a TMNT anime and manga) I think it would be cool to see some Rifts storylines turned into anime series.

For example there is those Lone Star stories in the Rifters, or the Rifts novels.

Besides getting the RPG sourcebooks themselves translated (which might be tricky) simply getting these stories translated into Japanese I think would be a good start. I can't say that they'll initially sell well (perhaps not enough to even cover translator fees) but getting that out there can expose it to manga creators.

Doing so might interest a manga illustrator/writer in possibly adapting those stories into comic format. That or creating their own stories using the Rifts (or Phase World, or Wormwood, or Skraypers, or Nightbane, or Systems Failure, or Palladium Fantasy, etc) settings.

If adapting stories or sourcebooks into Japanese and getting a manga produced from it does pan out, there's always a chance that an animation studio looking for new material might come across it and say 'hey, let's make an anime out of this'.

Then, even if you only get a short 12-13 ep series (or maybe even a single OVA or film) this could spawn popularity and interest in the RPGs and consecutive spinoffs.

Re: Palladium Books is looking to expand into other media

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 10:10 pm
by Blastaar
Bobboky wrote:I thinkmthe coolest and most useful thing they could do right now would be to make a library app. A free app (or maybe .99 cents, or even 19.99 if it came with R:UE) that would allow you to make and customize characters. With in app purchases you could unlock books from Palladium's awesome library. You could the build characters using the books you have unlocked as well as email the caracter file to yourself (or your DM) to be printed out.

I agree an app for the iphone/android would be awesome..
I know of one gent who has one for another rpg that i play and it was done nicely

Re: Palladium Books is looking to expand into other media

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 2:52 am
by Bill
Animated shorts, even if they're only available on the Palladium Books homepage would be an excellent first step towards a larger marketing effort. With the viral nature of the internet, an exciting and high quality clip will spread like wildfire and draw in vast previously untapped groups of potential consumers. Quality is key here though. You can't slap together a quick flash clip and expect the hordes of geekdom to storm your proverbial castle.

Re: Palladium Books is looking to expand into other media

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 9:39 pm
by Riftmaker
Web comics. Make a comic with good art, and people WILL check it out. Every 24 pages sell them in graphic novel format. This is THE best webcomic model, it worked great for avatar press.

Re: Palladium Books is looking to expand into other media

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 4:38 am
by Tor
Excellent idea about webcomics and the shorts, although both of these would require getting artists to do a deal of work...

I really think if you can get some Japanese conversions for the Rifts novels and some of the Rifts books, send some free samples out to some major mangaka, ask if they're interested in doing manga about your work.

If Rifts got an anime itself, especially with the link to Macross and TMNT, good things could happen.

Re: Palladium Books is looking to expand into other media

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 11:13 am
by Riftmaker
Somehow i think plane old novels will be the cheapest way to go here.

Re: Palladium Books is looking to expand into other media

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 11:33 pm
by velkymx
There is this new thing, it's call the internet. Check out what WotC is doing with their D&D online RPG tools and details.

Re: Palladium Books is looking to expand into other media

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 11:54 pm
by The Oh So Amazing Nate
Rifts the MMORPG. I don't play many MMO's, one that I've gotten hooked on is Dungeons & Dragons online. Hasbro and Turbine (in my opinion) have turned out a really great product. You can choose races, classes (preset or free form-ish), and you're ready to start playing. Just like a PnP RPG new skills are gained as you level, there are quests and side quests and all around good fun. Even on my old POS PC the graphics are still pretty snazzy. If they can pul off a fantasy came this well, think of the things that could be done crossing genre's. To complex for the Rifts EXTREMELY expansive megaverse you say? Then go the way WoW did, and release expansions that open up new worlds/dimensions. Not only do you get increased revenue, but players can pick and choose which settings they want to play in.

Yes, it will take time and a sizable investment. But if it gets done right and earns PB some much needed exposure, then isn't it worth it?

IF you could get NCSoft behind it..I loved their Dungeon Runners game and ....(rats I forgot the name of the one where you fought as a customized mecha). The only problem is they have a NASTY habit of pulling the plug on things that the fan's love.

Re: Palladium Books is looking to expand into other media

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 6:52 pm
by say652
convert the whole system to a mmo all generated characters become palladium copyrighted property and publish a series of movies based on random games. call the series of random anime adventures "Tales From the Megaverse". everybody will play on the off chance their character(copyrighted palladium property) might end up in a movie.

Re: Palladium Books is looking to expand into other media

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 2:34 am
by Riftmaker
Some kickstarter funded tablet game maybe?

Re: Palladium Books is looking to expand into other media

Posted: Sat May 18, 2013 9:16 pm
by Bobboky
I would buy it

Re: Palladium Books is looking to expand into other media

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 1:02 pm
by abe
how about podcasts if that hasn't been done already?

Re: Palladium Books is looking to expand into other media

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 11:07 pm
by say652
Take all existing books and reEdit them into choices such as SDC versions of all books, MdC versions of all books,instead of confusing conversion books just split the system into Two sides of the same coin. I would definately purchase a rereleased Sdc version of rifts and the sourcebooks. I like the miniauture idea also. Also if possibly start a massive wormhole type game, where at the end of each session the players are rifted to a new world. Monday Atlantis Tuesday Heroes Unlimited Wednesday Dead Reign Thursday Splicers Friday Phaseworld Saturday South America Sunday Japan. who knows what next week will look like but with variety like that it should keep players interested.

Re: Palladium Books is looking to expand into other media

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 12:09 am
by Tor
abe wrote:how about podcasts if that hasn't been done already?

Well there's...
*Echoes which ran November 2010 to August 2010
*Gateway which ran September 2007 to May 2013: ... erId=50867

Also mentions in Gamer's Haven (3/1011) and RPG Circus (first ep)

Re: Palladium Books is looking to expand into other media

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 7:27 pm
by Swift-13
I have to say that Palladium is off to a good start with trying to release books faster (editing so many books may take more than one person, though). PDFs are certainly a good idea as well; I would certainly purchase a PDF version of new Rifters as they came out. Not only does it tend to be cheaper than a printed book (though not as often convenient, I do enjoy flipping through actual pages), but it allows one to forgo the fees of a printing service.

I like the idea of the novels, too! Have you considered an anthology of short stories? There's a mess of tales that go on in the Megaverse that people are dying to share, I'm sure. If anything, it could be like The Rifter!

However, I would recommend against using novels to advance an overall story/plot outside of the Sourcebooks. I cite an example with Blizzard's "World of Warcraft." They tend to publish novels that become cannon to the game's lore, and more often than not, has a huge influence on events in the game. A player would be left in the dark unless they read the book. This has a tendency to be annoying (at least to me). In short, it would suck to pick up a new sourcebook to find Joseph Prosek in charge of the CS all of a sudden, only to find out that chain of events happened in a novel I didn't read. :-P

Actually, mini-updates would be interesting! A good example is "Coalition Wars: Aftermath." Not only did it show the sweeping changes in North American in the wake of the Tolkeen War, it included information on what was going on in the rest of the world. An entire sourcebook gave updates on Triax's struggle against the Gargoyles, but it wouldn't take that much book to give an update on whacky ol' England or the Nightlands!

As far as movies and video games, I can say this: DON'T GIVE UP! Promise of Power wasn't the only hope for a Rifts video game, not in the age of Kickstarter and Steam Greenlight. And maybe Bruckheimer will get off his ass and do something, or step aside and let someone else try. (Sorry, had to unload on that one. Teasing hints about scripts and NDA clauses are quite vexing.)

Re: Palladium Books is looking to expand into other media

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2013 12:12 am
by Rimmerdal
kirkpicard wrote:Rifts,done right,would make an amazing MMORPG.

Yup and the free to play format is a money maker too. Also a good way for players of MMO games to learn about rifts.

Re: Palladium Books is looking to expand into other media

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 8:38 am
by dante144
Movies, TV series, books and comics. And of course an MMO.

Re: Palladium Books is looking to expand into other media

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 11:53 am
by abe
Maybe food as well?

Re: Palladium Books is looking to expand into other media

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 10:01 am
by CyCo
This is the topic that never ends,
It just goes on and on my friends,
Some people started posting on it not knowing what it was,
And they'll continue posting on it forever because...
This is the topic that never ends,
It just goes on and on my friends,
Some people started posting on it not knowing what it was,
And they'll continue posting on it forever because...

Re: Palladium Books is looking to expand into other media

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2014 5:13 pm
by Syndicate
Hi Team,

Here are a few of my ideas:

*Host a few games and have the games posted to YouTube. These must be "entertaining" to some degree so players who've had a less than desirable experience with Rifts can see it in action with people who know the system.

*I 2nd, 3rd, or 4th the idea of a mobile game (not a recreation/port of Promise of Power).

*Create a few books designed to support the system (I'm working on that).

Re: Palladium Books is looking to expand into other media

Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 11:41 pm
by Mechghost
the most usefull thing right off would be an app for character genereation, then other gaming aids.
a tablet game would be ok but a MMORPG would be cool, or even a FPS style game on FB like "Contract Wars" chose CS or "Merc" and then you have weapons and skills to choose from as you advance.

Re: Palladium Books is looking to expand into other media

Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 4:19 pm
by Mechghost
Or even a Fallout : Tactics style game, so PA and Robots etc could be used in more strategic combat.

Re: Palladium Books is looking to expand into other media

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 10:14 pm
by Boethermsbrukan
I thought I'd ask: would a Palladium Fantasy novel be of any interest to anyone here? I know Rifts had its short series of novels a number of years ago, but I don't know if a PFRPG novel would have any place. I got my start with Palladium Fantasy (had Book IV: Adventures In The Northern Wilderness and Monsters & Animals Revised a good year prior to getting my copy of the 1st Ed. revised mainbook, and I'm rather fond of the direction the adventures in Book IV were pointing, plot-wise) before I had any other solid experience with gaming, and I've been missing the world-spanning adventures I've become familiar with.


Re: Palladium Books is looking to expand into other media

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 6:40 am
by Semi-Retired Gamer
Boethermsbrukan wrote:I thought I'd ask: would a Palladium Fantasy novel be of any interest to anyone here? I know Rifts had its short series of novels a number of years ago, but I don't know if a PFRPG novel would have any place. I got my start with Palladium Fantasy (had Book IV: Adventures In The Northern Wilderness and Monsters & Animals Revised a good year prior to getting my copy of the 1st Ed. revised mainbook, and I'm rather fond of the direction the adventures in Book IV were pointing, plot-wise) before I had any other solid experience with gaming, and I've been missing the world-spanning adventures I've become familiar with.


I would be interested in Palladium Fantasy novels! 8) I think novels for several of the game lines would be a great idea.

Re: Palladium Books is looking to expand into other media

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 3:53 pm
by CaptKaruthors
apex-prey wrote:Um you could try at your CCG again

^^This. However, I would follow a similar game play to the Star Wars CCG from Decipher. The original CCG was too much like Magic...and for the type of world Rifts just didn't work. With a game play similar to can have factions and build deck strategies around those factions.

Re: Palladium Books is looking to expand into other media

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 7:17 pm
by Nox Equites
Rifts is too hard to make as an MMORPG. You would need to remove a core aspect of the system, character type choice. Granted many man at arms types are pretty similar for a video game purpose, but how do you balance crazies and juicers versus headhunters? Magic would suddenly be really powerful compared to the source material. You could do interesting things like making multiple healer type classes, operator fixes mechs, cyberdoc "heals" borgs, and body fixer fixes squishies. A better choice might be to make a PFRG MMO, however the market is glutted with fantasy MMOs. The story line could be pretty cool with the decently fleshed out word of PFRG. The benefit is not having to deal with the vehicles question inherent in a Rifts inspired VG.

Of course if it works you need to consider the "expansions" question. Do you do piecemeal additions to the game world or add entire continents? If you add new classes how do they match core classes? Region specific classes might not mesh well with the story flow.

Re: Palladium Books is looking to expand into other media

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2015 11:42 am
by Swift-13
Nox Equites wrote:Rifts is too hard to make as an MMORPG. You would need to remove a core aspect of the system, character type choice. Granted many man at arms types are pretty similar for a video game purpose, but how do you balance crazies and juicers versus headhunters? Magic would suddenly be really powerful compared to the source material. You could do interesting things like making multiple healer type classes, operator fixes mechs, cyberdoc "heals" borgs, and body fixer fixes squishies.

That's the great thing about Rifts: throw concepts like "class balance" to the wind! :D

Re: Palladium Books is looking to expand into other media

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 10:58 am
by Raze_7
AlexM wrote:And we need your input. Please vote at our Poll, and post your comments as well. ... 1&t=122217

Oh yeah,
Alex Marciniszyn

Well, unfortunately, the poll is locked, so I can't vote or reply. I AM, however, actually writing a Rifts novel that I hope to publish through Palladium.

Re: Palladium Books is looking to expand into other media

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 11:03 am
by Raze_7
Boethermsbrukan wrote:I thought I'd ask: would a Palladium Fantasy novel be of any interest to anyone here? I know Rifts had its short series of novels a number of years ago, but I don't know if a PFRPG novel would have any place. I got my start with Palladium Fantasy (had Book IV: Adventures In The Northern Wilderness and Monsters & Animals Revised a good year prior to getting my copy of the 1st Ed. revised mainbook, and I'm rather fond of the direction the adventures in Book IV were pointing, plot-wise) before I had any other solid experience with gaming, and I've been missing the world-spanning adventures I've become familiar with.


I'd love to see a Palladium Fantasy novel, or at least a Rifts novel featuring Palladium characters. From what I read of Dragons and Gods, the two (Rifts and Palladium, not Dragons and Gods) are quite similar, at least in concept.
However, just a note: do NOT make a novel like the (dare I mention it) massive Smash Brothers fanfiction. In fact, (and I have little doubt that you will do this; I threw in the previous statement as a warning) actually having a plot line would be far superior to the previous example.

Re: Palladium Books is looking to expand into other media

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 7:15 pm
by Boethermsbrukan
Good afternoon to you both, mes amis!

Semi-Retired Gamer wrote:I would be interested in Palladium Fantasy novels! 8) I think novels for several of the game lines would be a great idea.

Raze_7 wrote: I'd love to see a Palladium Fantasy novel, or at least a Rifts novel featuring Palladium characters. From what I read of Dragons and Gods, the two (Rifts and Palladium, not Dragons and Gods) are quite similar, at least in concept. However, just a note: do NOT make a novel like the (dare I mention it) massive Smash Brothers fanfiction. In fact, (and I have little doubt that you will do this; I threw in the previous statement as a warning) actually having a plot line would be far superior to the previous example.

Semi-Retired Gamer; I'm sorry I took so long to respond to your post; it was a big positive boost to know a body would be interested in a Palladium Fantasy novel with the enthusiasm you supplied! Similarly so to you, Raze_7; I wasn't sure if anyone would respond as the both of you have to my question earlier on, and I'm really feeling good about the potential what I've whipped up over the past several years off-and-on may have as an actual product via Palladium Books. I mean, the worst that could happen is getting it turned down, right? ^_^

Raze; I've never heard of said fanfiction, but I suspect I know what sort of conceptuals would make a poor analogue in a serious, plot-rich PFRPG book. I appreciate the warning, in any case! Although I haven't been developing the book I've been working on as a serious whole for more than seven or eight years, the basics of the story/plot go back to my getting Palladium Fantasy books IV & V (now in existence as 'Wolfen Empire' for the most part, as a modern product) back in the very early 1990s. It's a loose continuation of the story that started with 'The Forest Of Broken Wings' with the Star Dragon chummer, Rad The Tamer, Lady Morningstar (and her little one) and Lord Rutger (and I wasn't familiar with Blade Runner at the time, so the name didn't flash on me ^_^), the last of whom have partially inspired more than a few of the Wolfen characters I've come up with over the intervening years, and the little one 'bearing the mark of a Wolfen's claws, and hirsute!'. I don't know how much would be worth offerring as plot details, aside from a slightly-more grown-up Morningstar's son being the only bridging character from the original adventure. It doesn't necessarily involve his own story alone as much as his story becomes part of the plot of the book.

The plot itself is mostly set down firmly from beginning to end, and I've written parts of it piecemeal. I'm really liking the admonition Brian Lumley supplied in a magazine interview many years ago: "If I can get three pages done a day, I'm happy. If I don't, I'm pissed at myself (sic)." I think I can try to manage that. I have no idea if Palladium Books would be receptive to my ideas, but I suspect I'd have to have something solid written down and readable, so that's what I'm working on now. Palladium Fantasy was where I got my gaming start, and it'd be a dream come true for me to get to reel out part of the canon in a novel work of my own design.

Thanks for the enthusiastic responses you both wrote above; it's a big push for me to get the whole business written!


Re: Palladium Books is looking to expand into other media

Posted: Thu May 14, 2015 9:05 pm
by Borast
If you're going to go Computer Game, I'd say go with BioWare - if they can do it, they can definitely do it.

That being said, the last rumours included an MMO of Mass Effect, so...they may not be able to do it.

Re: Palladium Books is looking to expand into other media

Posted: Sun May 24, 2015 3:49 pm
by Brionic
The N gage video game was well received and quite honestly a remastered version with more rifts OCC could be something worth doing, on Steam or something, but guess, not quite sure about the copyrights. Worst come to worst, a new video game might the best choice.

Re: Palladium Books is looking to expand into other media

Posted: Mon May 25, 2015 8:37 pm
by Swift-13
This thread has been running for quite a while! Any word from Palladium Books about these ideas?

Re: Palladium Books is looking to expand into other media

Posted: Tue May 26, 2015 1:10 am
by Boethermsbrukan
Swift-13 wrote:This thread has been running for quite a while! Any word from Palladium Books about these ideas?

Swift-13, good morning!

Although the cynic in me thinks this 'sticky' may have been overlooked for a while, the realist in me suggests in response to it that Alex may have meant it more to drum up possible contributors who would contact Palladium Books through their standard submitter's process. Given that he hasn't posted in the thread since the beginning OP, I hope it's a pleasant surprise when he returns that there's been more than a few ideas tendered in the thread (including my own, if I may say so ^_^).

The best thing to do for the moment, I think, is to continue to await a posting back from Alex, and of course to continue to work on what we've brought to the table as ideas. That he posted this thread in the first place encourages my belief that he'll get back to us when time and opportunity permit.

Cheers, ami!


Re: Palladium Books is looking to expand into other media

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 8:31 pm
by Tor
I really like the 3-d animated Little Prince series, thought it would make a good video game, would love to see those made into a new RPG by Palladium.

Re: Palladium Books is looking to expand into other media

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 10:02 pm
by Suicycho
Why palladium hasn't cashed in on the ebook market simply boggles my mind. They have so much intellectual property that would provide hundreds of novels. They could literally print their own money with ebooks.