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Re: Crystal Knight

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 5:01 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
I think this reads like an OCC category more than a specific OCC, with each path being an individual OCC. It would read better if you listed each OCC with its specific OCC skills and OCC related skills. As it is, it is a bit confusing for me.

Re: Crystal Knight OCC

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 7:34 pm
by bigbobsr6000
Looks good to me. Thanks for your efforts.

Re: Crystal Knight OCC

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 7:56 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Revan wrote:Edited as suggested by Stone Gargoyle.

I will peruse your edited version when I have time. :)

Re: Crystal Knight OCC

Posted: Sat May 26, 2012 10:46 pm
by Lando The Archmagi
I see a few typos and grammar tidbits, but nothing too major. Nice to see someone tried to do a writeup for this since the OCC is actually missing from the book. Going to look over your writeup and possibly see how it works with a new game I'm starting. Got a player who wanted to play a Crystal Knight and this might be a way he can.

Re: Crystal Knight OCC

Posted: Sat May 26, 2012 10:56 pm
by AlanGunhouse
Well, there is the detail that you need the Object Reading power, no matter what path you follow, in order to link to the crystal sword. That power should be put on as a common class ability.

Re: Crystal Knight OCC

Posted: Sat May 26, 2012 11:08 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
This/these class(es) looks to be a grouping of PCC's, Not a OCC nor a group of OCC's.

Re: Crystal Knight OCC

Posted: Sun May 27, 2012 12:03 pm
by Gthomas41571
Looks good to me, I would use it....

Re: Crystal Knight OCC

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 2:13 pm
by Witchcraft
This is a very kewl concept!

Re: Crystal Knight OCC

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 6:03 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Witchcraft wrote:This is a very kewl concept!

Agrees, even if it is mislabeled.

Re: Crystal Knight OCC

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 8:52 pm
by AlanGunhouse
Yep, it was a good concept in the Palladium world book it came from, even it it was incomplete.

Addendum: I was thinking that, in the original world book, the Crystal Knights did not create their own swords, and the swords were more powerful. I thought it might be similar to the differences between Rune Swords and Samurai Swords in Rifts...

Re: Crystal Knight OCC

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 10:10 pm
by AlanGunhouse
All right, having looked over the Crystal Knights in World Book 6, It seems that they are Knights or Paladins with at least the psionic ability Object Read (if minor Psionics) which is required to link to the Crystal Swords. They are given the swords (they do not make them in the book), and the swords they have are notably more powerful.

So...what would this version of the Crystal Knight be? Well, what if one of the Crystal Knights was stripped of his sword by the Crystal King and exiled from the Valley? What if he wandered a while and somehow discovered within himself the ability to craft for himself a new crystal sword, one perhaps not as potent as the one he once had but one that was a true extension of his spirit. He then decided to create an order of Crystal Knights of his own and teach them what he had learned. At first, they were all Warriors, and he taught them as knights first.

Then, a psionic child of worthy spirit but with different gifts asked to join the order. He became the first of one of the auxilliary orders (healers or scholars).

So, here is what I would change in the class. Given that they actually train much like a knight, they should start with similar skills

All Crystal Knights will need to have the following minimum skills:
Heraldry +15%
Horsemanship: General
Land Navigation +10%
Languages: Native 98%, 2 of choice +15%
Literacy (One of choice) +15%
Mathematics: Basic +15%
Military Etiquette +15%
WP: Shield
WP: Sword
Hand to hand: Basic

They gain extra "path" skills. Healers add Biology, First Aid, Identify Plants and Fruits, and their choice of Holistic Medicine or Surgery/Medical Doctor. Scholars add 2 lore skills of choice and get to select 2 additional "related" skills. Warriors upgrade Horsemanship to Knight, upgrade Hand to Hand to Expert, and add WP Lance and Dance (thus having the same skills as a knight or squire).

All members of the order must have the Psionic ability of Object Reading.

Forging the Crystal Sword might not be available until a somewhat higher level...or possibly the Knight will be able to add new abilities to their sword with increased level.

What do you think of these suggestions?

Re: Crystal Knight OCC

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 7:52 am
by The Dark Elf
The path of the warrior has horsemanship: general. Although useful for a crystal quest outside of the Valley, there are no horses in the Valley to be able to teach it.

Re: Crystal Knight OCC

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 8:23 am
by AlanGunhouse
Dark Elf: you will note that my version was intended to have the order of crystal knights as being beyond the valley? The Knights in the valley do not make their own swords, and the swords are more powerful, artifacts of the era the castle comes from.

Re: Crystal Knight OCC

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 11:46 am
by AlanGunhouse
OK, so I decided to write up how my version of the class goes.

Crystal Knight OCC
Powers of the Crystal Knight
1) Psionic Powers: All Crystal Knights initially possess the psionic power of Object Read (Psychometry) plus two other selected abilities determined by their path. Healers possess Psychic Diagnosis and Healing Touch. Scholars have Speed Reading and Total Recall. Scouts have Sixth Sense and See the Invisible. Warriors have Summon Inner Strength and Suppress Fear.

Additional psionic abilities: The character gets to select one additional psionic ability each level determined by their selected path. Healers select from Healing and Sensitive. Scholars, Scouts, and Warriors select from Physical and Sensitive.

2) I. S. P.: Considered a Major Psionic M.E. Plus 4d6 plus 1d6+1 per level of experience.

3) Creating the Crystal Sword:
No matter the path chosen, a Crystal Sword is always made the same way, with a few minor differences depending on the person. The Crystal Knight apprentice collects a large amount of quarts crystals (5-10 pounds) and a single gem stone of choice (usually provided by the apprentice's master, for the first blade) that he has filled with his own I.S.P. (this requires several days of meditation, as the construction takes roughly 1000 ISP stored in the gem) and takes them to a secluded place (this can be a home, cave, or any other such place, as long as it's secluded) and enters into a meditative trance that could last anywhere from an hour to days. During this time the apprentice focuses on his crystals and gem, bending them to his will and forming the hilt of the sword. The gem that is chosen will be “stringed” and spread throughout the hilt, creating a small line a color within the clear quartz. The hilt, like the blade, will reflect the makers taste and can range from an intricate katana like hilt to a simple gladius hilt and anything in between and will fit into the creators hand perfectly. The apprentice will then come out of his trance with his fully formed hilt and at this point he will bond with it by imparting all of his I.S.P. Into it and thus forming his blade (blade style will be the same as the hilt style, no mix matching). The blade of the sword itself has two colors, the core color that will be the same as the color of the gem used, reflecting the function of the sword and the outer color will be the same color as the creators aura. With the process now complete the apprentice is now a fully fledged Crystal Knight and within the next few minutes will collapse into a coma like state for 2D6+2 hours, this is not life threatening, only a time of healing and recovery.

Should the crystal sword be destroyed, a new one can be forged (but the knight must provide their own gem).

Crystal Sword Gems
There are several different crystal sword gems that can be used and there is no restriction to what path can use what crystal. A gem to be used in a crystal sword must be flawless and have a size of at least one caret, making them quite expensive.

Diamond: Diamonds are known as Armor Gems, a crystal sword with a diamond inlayed in it can conjure a full suit of crystal armor that perfectly fits the wielder like a second skin. The armor has an AR of 16 and 200 SDC and will last one minute per two ISP point spent. The armor can be conjured as often as the wielder desires.

Ruby: Rubies are know as Slayer Gems, or Gems of Power because a crystal sword with a ruby in it does an additional 1D6 damage. This power is automatic but the crystal blade will cost an additional ISP point per minute to form.

Emerald: Gems of true sight is the common nickname for this gem. A wielder of a crystal sword with this gem in it can see perfectly in any light and has perfect night vision. The wielder can also see the invisible and the aura of others but these abilities cost 3 I.S.P. per minute.

Sapphire: The Immortal’s Gem as it is some time know will heal its wielder one SDC or HP point every melee (15 seconds.) This power is constant as long as contact with the hilt is maintained.

Topaz: Topaz is the defender's gem, this stone provides the wielder with protection against heat, fire, electrical, energy, and all magical attacks, reducing them to half power while the sword is touched, and further provides a +1 to saves vs psionics when touched that increases to +3 if the sword is active.

Crystal Sword Upgrades
At Level 1, the Crystal Sword starts with the ability to energize the blade and the ability of Combat Awareness when the blade is active.
At level 3 the crystal sword is endowed with one psionic ability. If the knight chooses to sacrifice gaining a new personal psychic power, they may select a Super Psionic power, rather than a power from Sensitive, Physical, or Healing.
At Level 6 the crystal sword is endowed with one finger band "protection" power.
At level 9 the crystal knight may add a second gem to his sword, this gem must be different than the first gem and is emplaced into the hilt and has the normal effect, but does not alter the blade color (Topaz is typically the one of the two gems).
At level 12 the crystal sword is empowered with one Special Wand Ability.

Attribute Requirements: IQ 7 ME 11 PS 8 PP 10
Alignment Restrictions: This is a character trained in discipline and the codes of Chivalry, while some of them stray from the path, the majority are Principled (good) and Aberrant (evil) alignment, as those two alignments most value discipline and honor.
Experience table: Same as the Paladin, no matter what path is chosen.

O.C.C. Skills and Related Skills. All Crystal Knights start with these skills and a chosen path.
Heraldry +15%
Horsemanship: General
Land Navigation +10%
Languages: Native 98%, 2 of choice +15%
Literacy (One of choice) +15%
Mathematics: Basic +15%
Military Etiquette +15%
WP: Shield
WP: Sword
Hand to hand: Basic

Players must choose a path for their Crystal Knight. Each path gets certain skills and Psionic powers (see above) and has a different mission in life.

Path of the Healer
Biology (+10%)
First Aid (+10%)
Identify Plants and Fruits +10%
Holistic Medicine or Surgeon/Medical Doctor (+20%)

Basic can be upgraded to Expert for the cost of two skills or to Martial Arts (no assassin) for the cost three skills.

Related Skills: Players will select 5 other skills at level one using the Psi-Healer table on page 159 of PFRPG 2nd Edition. Characters gain additional skills at levels three, five, eight, ten, and thirteen.

Secondary Skills: Select four skills from the previous list at level one and two additional skills at levels three, six, nine, and fourteen

Starting Equipment
Two sets of clothes, boots, belt, hat, blanket, backpack, one large sack, two small sacks, water skin, 1D6 weeks of food rations, medical bag filled with the tools needed for either holistic medicine or surgery (depends on what skill the player chose), and 100 gold

Starts with a suit of Hard Leather (AR 11, 30 SDC), a knife, and of course a Crystal Sword.

Path of the Warrior
Dance +15%
Horsemanship: Knight
W.P. Lance
Hand to Hand: Expert
Expert can be upgraded to Martial Arts (or Assassin if evil) for the cost of two skills
(note: the skills of the Crystal Knight Warrior are approximately the same as those of a Knight)

Related Skills: Players will select five other skills at level one using the Knight table on page 87 of PFRPG 2nd Edition. Characters gain additional skills at levels three, five, eight, ten, and thirteen.

Secondary Skills: Select four skills from the previous list at level one and two additional skills at levels three, six, nine, and fourteen

Starting Equipment
Two sets of clothes, boots, belt, hat, bedroll, blanket, backpack, two large sack, two small sacks, water skin, 1D6 weeks of food rations, and 250 gold

Starts with a suit of Chain Mail (AR 14, 44 SDC) or Studded Leather (AR 13, 38 SDC), a knife, a shield, and of course a Crystal Sword.

Path of the Scholar
Lore: Two of Choice (+10%)
Basic can be upgraded to Expert for the cost of two skills (No Martial Arts or Assassin)

Related Skills: Players will select seven other skills at level one using the Scholar table on page 97 of PFRPG 2nd Edition. Characters gain additional skills at levels three, five, eight, ten, and thirteen.

Secondary Skills: Select four skills from the previous list at level one and two additional skills at levels three, six, nine, and fourteen

Starting Equipment

Two sets of clothes, boots, belt, hat, bedroll, blanket, backpack, two large sack, two small sacks, water skin, 1D6 weeks of food rations, four crow quill pens, two bottles of ink, 100 page note/sketch book, and 120 gold

Starts with a suit of Soft Leather (AR 10, 20 SDC), a knife, and of course a Crystal Sword.

Path of the Scout:
Identify Plants and Fruits +15%
Track & Track Animals +20%
Track Humanoids +15%
Wilderness Survival +20%

Related Skills: Players will select five other skills at level one using the Ranger table on page 91 of PFRPG 2nd Edition. Characters gain additional skills at levels three, five, eight, ten, and thirteen

Secondary Skills: Select four skills from the previous list at level one and two additional skills at levels three, six, nine, and fourteen

Starting Equipment: 2 sets of clothing, cape or cloak (with or without hood), boots or moccasins, pair of soft leather gloves, belt, bedroll, backpack, 2 large sacks, 2 small sacks, water skin, fishing line and hooks30 feet of rope, 1d4+1 wooden spikes, a small mallet, a small mirror, a lantern, a frying pan, a tinder box and 160 gold

Starts with a suit of Studded Leather armor (AR 13, SDC 38) and a Crystal Sword

Re: Crystal Knight OCC

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 2:17 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
There is still the problem of you calling this PCC, an OCC.

Re: Crystal Knight OCC

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 3:11 pm
by AlanGunhouse
Well, generally a PCC is a MASTER Psionic, where is this is a MAJOR.

However, aside from that detail, what do you think of this variation?

Re: Crystal Knight OCC

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 3:29 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
To make a sword out of rock do mean it is a master....OR is somewhere between master and major.
But no... PCC means that the Class is centered around the Psionic Ability of the Char..

PCC is not about "POWER LEVEL" it is about "the nature of the class". If you can answer yes to "Is This Class the same with out Psionic ability?" then it is not a PCC. But If you have to say 'no' then it is a PCC.

Since the central "defining" concept of this class is to be able to make their sword psionicly, and would not be the same without it, I correctly saying that this is a PCC.

Can a TW be a TW w/o the Psi abilities? yes. that is why it is a OCC.
Can a cyber-knight be a cyberknight with out the psi ability to make their weapons? (This can be argued ether way.) Conceptually the answer is 'No'. This is why in my own listings in the GM forum I listed it (in part) as a PCC.
Can a Mind Mage be a Mind Mage w/o psi abilities? No, that is why it is a PCC.

Re: Crystal Knight OCC

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 10:15 pm
by AlanGunhouse
Well, if you call a Cyber Knight a PCC, then this is also, however officially a Cyber Knight (and a Crazy for that matter, who also always has Psi) is not a PCC.

Aside from the detail of what you CALL it, what errors are there in the listing? That is what I wanted to know.

I made an edit, making the Crystal Sword start low in power and grow more potent as the creator becomes more gifted.

Re: Crystal Knight OCC

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 3:57 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
The reason I listed a Cyberknight as a PCC (in part) is because I stopped just accepting the crude and a good time just wrong class labels that PB gave the classes, and thought about looking at the class and asking "What the class really IS?"

Which is why I look at things for what they are and not just some "I don't care call it an OCC." attitude.

SO I ask you "would the Crystal Knight Class be what it is with out it's Psi Powers?"
Yes, I am asking you to look at what it is. And the 1st thing you need to do is set aside any defensive attitude about me challenging your preconceptions that the Cry, Knight is an OCC. 2nd stop comparing it to anything else which for all you know is also mislabeled. Judge it on it's own merits.

Re: Crystal Knight OCC

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 7:38 pm
by AlanGunhouse
Well, the person who posted this thread called it an OCC, I was just following form. Feel free to call it what you want.

Re: Crystal Knight OCC

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 11:03 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
AlanGunhouse wrote:Well, the person who posted this thread called it an OCC, I was just following form. Feel free to call it what you want.

So you are declining to even take up the challenge?
I am not even asking you to edit your post..... just make an examination of the class as per the above challenge, and posting what you find.
Makes the challenge open to any of you reading this thread.

Remember that how I see things PCC means that the Class is centered around the Psionic Ability of the Char..
It is not about "POWER LEVEL" it is about "the nature of the class". If you can answer yes to "Is This Class the same with out Psionic ability?" then it is not a PCC. But If you have to say 'no' then it is a PCC.

Re: Crystal Knight OCC

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 4:19 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Revan wrote:Calling this an OCC or a PCC is not an issue Drew so stop nitpicking at small things like that and get over it.

The original idea came from me being a little dumber and a little less experienced with PF and the way things go. it was also supposed to reflect the teaching of crystal magic and such had expanded into the Palladium Mainland and thus was becoming a growing thing (such as Vampire hunters).

After much consideration i think i will do one "Unified" rewrite and make the Crystal knight a single OCC with no paths, just a strait up singular OCC and re-work it for balance issues.

And since "crystal magic" is a psionic power and your knew it, then you should of known better then to call it an OCC. SO don't get mad At me for pointing that you are wrong. And don't get mad at me when I will not be blown off with a "I don't want to" for an answer. [That is what you you just said in not so many words.] So stop being so defensive about not admitting you are wrong about this and fix what is wrong.

You can still have a unified PCC without reworking any 'balance issue', it just takes an edit to change the O to a P.

And yes, it does matter what it is labeled because the changing class rules only allow OCCs to change their class because they are Just Occupations, not a class based in the nature of the char. People here ether are ignorant of that or apathetic about the difference. So it is not 'Nit-picking' it is saying "you got it <descriptive adverb> wrong". And it Does matter what you label things, even if a majority of the players are apathetic about the significance of the difference, because if something is mislabeled people will apply the wrong rules to that char.

The difference between deposits and withdrawals also has would not want your bank calling your deposits withdrawals. Would you?

SOP here should look like "is it wrong?" yes,*fix what is wrong w/o arguing about it and just to get things right.*

Not "is it wrong?" yes but I don't want to admit it because that would make it look like it was wrong in the 1st place and me look like a beta male cause I 'll look like i'm caving in by taking constructive criticism. So I'll argue that it does not matter...that he is wrong because he is nit-picking... that he is wrong because people don't care about it, etc...etc...(I've seen this several times.)

If you look at All the criticism about my pointing out what is wrong, it is following the second above scenario.

Re: Crystal Knight OCC

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 5:32 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Personally I am in agreement with Drew on this one. It is an important to distinguish between an OCC and a PCC.

Re: Crystal Knight OCC

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 4:29 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
I wish to further clarify my last statement: I am in total agreement that the Crystal Knight should be a PCC. The only reason not to make it one would be to try and make the class available to more players and such.

Re: Crystal Knight OCC

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 9:38 pm
by AlanGunhouse
The major distinction between an OCC and a PCC is that you can not change classes if you are in a PCC.

I will be very interested in seeing the Unified Version from Revan, whenever it is ready. It had occurred to me that I made a mistake on my version: if being taught very closely based on the Squire, they should reduce the class skill bonuses and number of related skills from the squire class based on the fact of being a Major Psionic.

Re: Crystal Knight OCC

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 10:46 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
AlanGunhouse wrote:The major distinction between an OCC and a PCC is that you can not change classes if you are in a PCC.

Mechanics wise, yes.
Conceptually, no.

Re: Crystal Knight OCC

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 3:42 pm
by AlanGunhouse
The point seems to be that you are trying to force everyone else to use your conceptions. (sigh)

The mechanics are part of the definition, as far as I can tell, so if you are defining it as a PCC, then not being able to change classes must be part of the class limits. If that is not the case, then you are using a different definition of a PCC than everyone else.

Re: Crystal Knight OCC

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 6:32 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
AlanGunhouse wrote:The point seems to be that you are trying to force everyone else to use your conceptions. (sigh)

The mechanics are part of the definition, as far as I can tell, so if you are defining it as a PCC, then not being able to change classes must be part of the class limits. If that is not the case, then you are using a different definition of a PCC than everyone else.

Part of what I am looking at, that you do not seam to be looking at, is the core concept of classes.
Is this class concept just a Job? yes, then it is an OCC.
Is it the class concept centered on the nature of the char's Psi powers? Yes, then it is a PCC.
Is this class concept that all members of that race have to take the class, Or a class that only one race can take? Yes or yes, then it is a RCC.
The mechanics are not a part of the definition of the class. They are a result of handling the differences between the concepts of the classes.
(Making it an OCC trying to make the class more "accessible" to more players is like saying let's call this vegetable bread to make this vegetable more appealing to people.)
I would like to see the rewrite Of the crystal Knight class and see how you handle things.
Note: I will critique the class stating what I see wrong with it.

With this I will consider this topic done till when/if the rewrite is posted.

Re: Crystal Knight OCC

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 1:38 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Mr. Deific NMI wrote:Seriously, you need to drop this crusade of yours about whether someone calls a class an OCC/PCC/whatever.

It is that attitude that got PB into this mess.

Mr. Deific NMI wrote:If you are not going to provide anything constructive to the thread, then perhaps you should keep yourself out of it.

When someone posts something to get critiequed on then it does no-one any good if no on actually critieques what was posted by pointing out what 'Is Wrong' and what 'Needs Work/Editing'.

It is when people start diss'ing me pointing out 'is wrong' with the implication that I'm nuts for caring about it that you should be getting on their case.

As for the conversation about Class labeling that insued, I was the one that recogized that the others were not adding anything, so I called them out and ended the conversation.

Re: Crystal Knight OCC

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 2:43 pm
by The Dark Elf
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
Mr. Deific NMI wrote:Seriously, you need to drop this crusade of yours about whether someone calls a class an OCC/PCC/whatever.

It is that attitude that got PB into this mess.

Mr. Deific NMI wrote:If you are not going to provide anything constructive to the thread, then perhaps you should keep yourself out of it.

When someone posts something to get critiequed on then it does no-one any good if no on actually critieques what was posted by pointing out what 'Is Wrong' and what 'Needs Work/Editing'.

It is when people start diss'ing me pointing out 'is wrong' with the implication that I'm nuts for caring about it that you should be getting on their case.

As for the conversation about Class labeling that insued, I was the one that recogized that the others were not adding anything, so I called them out and ended the conversation.

I am no fan of Drew's critiques (in fact he's one of a few on my ignore list) but Im no hater either and I have to say I agree with his post above. The OP specifically asked for criticism in a public forum. Drewkitty gave it AND he is correct. So I will stand up for him this time.

I am one of many who aren't bothered by the OCC/PCC/RCC inconsistencies at ALL :roll: . But a moderator shouldnt diss the guys opinions. Especially when they're valid (and therefore constructive).

Re: Crystal Knight OCC

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 12:43 am
by Prysus
The Dark Elf wrote:I am no fan of Drew's critiques (in fact he's one of a few on my ignore list) but Im no hater either and I have to say I agree with his post above. The OP specifically asked for criticism in a public forum. Drewkitty gave it AND he is correct. So I will stand up for him this time.

Greetings and Salutations. I agree with your overall concept. Though it probably wouldn't have been as bad if he didn't spend 10 posts of this thread on the labeling and nothing else. He offered no constructive feedback on the actual class (only the labeling), and even ignored the OP asking him to drop it. 10 posts of a 34 post topic, and those are just his posts (not counting those who responded to his ranting).

Though I also find it curious why drew felt the need to bring what was seemingly a private message into the public (because I checked the thread and that comment didn't show up here).

The Dark Elf wrote:I am one of many who aren't bothered by the OCC/PCC/RCC inconsistencies at ALL :roll: . But a moderator shouldnt diss the guys opinions. Especially when they're valid (and therefore constructive).

His opinions would be more valid if he actually followed the Palladium labeling system. Instead, he's gone on the record (more than once) of saying Palladium is wrong (even after they gave proper definitions to the labeling system) and his system is the only right way. Once you ignore the game designer on the matter, that validity drops considerably.

I agree that a moderator shouldn't really diss his opinions. Of course, I suspect someone may have reported him because it bordered on trolling (even when people asked him to stop he felt the need to continue, and even used their requests for him to drop it as fuel to continue).

For note: I didn't make this post to defend NMI. I just really can't stand drew's stance on the matter, and I even thought about commenting several times in this thread, but couldn't think of a "nice" way to do it. :P

Anyways, I think that's all for now. Thank you for your time and patience, please have a nice day. Farewell and safe journeys to all.

Re: Crystal Knight OCC

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 1:58 am
by drewkitty ~..~
Prysus wrote:His opinions would be more valid if he actually followed the Palladium labeling system. Instead, he's gone on the record (more than once) of saying Palladium is wrong (even after they gave proper definitions to the labeling system) and his system is the only right way. Once you ignore the game designer on the matter, that validity drops considerably.

I have gone on record that Since RUE that PB has admitted to going to a format of intentionally mislabeling classes in Rifts and BTS2. It is know because Kevin said in RUE. And that before RUE that there was some 'bad editing' going on. Which is, for those willing to see it, is there for all to see.

If they had just stuck with the self evident meanings of the labels there would be nothing to point out.

If you want to point fingers, point them at the cause of the problem not the one who is pointing out the problem. (This is analogues to 'Don't kill the messenger just because the news is bad.")
I do admit that the RMB did have a "from the CS's POV" style in it in the cases of the PCC's being called RCC's.

Re: Crystal Knight OCC

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 2:13 pm
by Prysus
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:I have gone on record that Since RUE that PB has admitted to going to a format of intentionally mislabeling classes in Rifts and BTS2.

Greetings and Salutations. Of course, this is twisting what was actually said. First, I can't recall this being said in reference to BtS2 at all (though my memory may be failing me). As for R:UE, the only "mislabeling" is referring P.C.C. to O.C.C. I've never really had a problem with this since a P.C.C. is only a psychic O.C.C. Of course, this has been taken by you to relabel anything you want and point to this one instance as them doing everything wrong if it doesn't agree with you. This includes NOT using the Palladium R.C.C. term which is defined (of course, a lot of other people don't either, but most of them don't try to beat everyone else down into using their definition only) as well as changing other labeling as well.

drewkitty ~..~ wrote:It is know because Kevin said in RUE. And that before RUE that there was some 'bad editing' going on. Which is, for those willing to see it, is there for all to see.

In the past, yes. That was the whole point of giving them clear definitions later (which you also ignore). You also choose to relabel other classes that were never P.C.C. because they don't fit your definitions, and nitpick on anyone who doesn't follow YOUR system. When the messenger twists the message to suit his agenda, the messenger deserves to be shot. If the messenger didn't at least try to claim his word as fact (when it's not), and beat anyone else down who doesn't agree with his opinion, his message would hold more weight. However this comes more off as the boy who cried wolf. Even if you happen to be right, you've been so busy spreading inaccuracies and twisting truths that some of us just roll our eyes and ignore you anyways.

Anyways, in respect to the OP, I think I'm going to allow this to drop. Because unfortunately my responses are only helping to continue this derailing of the actual topic. So to the OP I apologize for my part in this debacle. Thank you for your time and patience, please have a nice day. Farewell and safe journeys for now.

Re: Crystal Knight OCC

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 10:50 pm
by Hotrod
This has possibilities, but I would suggest further substantive revisions.

This class needs some background text. What is the nature of this class? Is it simply a skill set passed down, or do Crystal Knights have some higher purpose or mission? Do they hold themselves to some kind of code, and if so, what are the tenants of that code? Do they form an order with leadership, or are they a loose group of anarchist individuals?

The swords themselves could use some more description and fleshing out. How much damage do these crystal blades do? Are they destructible, and if so, to what are they vulnerable, and how can they be repaired? Do they do anything besides cutting and poking holes? Do they have any relationship to the user's powers? Can they make these swords and give them to someone else? As the character gains experience, will their sword evolve as well (Alan's version touched on this)? Can the character learn to make improved crystal swords in time? Can other crystal weapons be made, or is it swords only? What style of sword is made?

How is this group received by the various powers and parties of the Palladium world? Are they respected, hated, unknown, famous? Do they take sides in any of the ongoing conflicts, or are they neutral? What races can be Crystal Knights? How are members and prospective members selected? Do they train at a school, or by apprenticeship? What religious affiliations do they have?

Stat blocks and spiffy-looking weapons are fun, but the background is what makes things interesting.

Re: Crystal Knight OCC

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 2:02 am
by Hotrod
Incidentally, this thread helped prime the idea in my head that led to my ongoing work of fiction linked below in my signature.

Re: Crystal Knight OCC

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 8:37 pm
by AlanGunhouse
Much of the detail on the Crystal Swords is found in the original source, the World Book "Island at the Edge of the World". Yes, they can be destroyed, but only if the hilt is specifically targeted (the blade is recreated each time it is used, thus destroying it does not damage the weapon in the long run).

Looking it up: they have a natural armor of 18 and 1d4*100+500 SDC, so even if you target the hilt, it takes a LOT to actually destroy it. 5d6 damage (+2 for each level of the bond), considered magical, +1 strike, +2 parry, costs 1 ISP per minute (4 melees) to keep active.

Re: Crystal Knight OCC

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 3:24 am
by eliakon
Question, are these swords only useable by the creator, or are they like others? Eg, I run into one of these guys, we have a disagreement about whether me being a changling is evil. After our discussion I pick his sword off of his rapidly cooling body and object read it to find out what it I begin to bond with it, or do I say "interesting, it will make a great paperweight"?

Re: Crystal Knight OCC

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 9:00 pm
by AlanGunhouse
You can bond with the ones from the Valley. I would not bond with one whose creator you killed though...part of the personality of the creator tends to become imprinted on the might have side effects to have the mind of someone you killed inside your head.

Re: Crystal Knight OCC

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2019 1:05 pm
by AlanGunhouse
I have recently been considering if this class should be revised to base it upon the Ghost Hunter from Beyond the Supernatural 2. Those are capable of creating a limited number of psionic implements of a personal nature...

Re: Crystal Knight OCC

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2019 6:12 pm
by kiralon
ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn
Rise o ancient dead thread

I have always thought playing a crystal knight is a bit of a dead end because you mostly can't leave the valley, or if you do its a one off quest, and if you have done a runner you become the other knights quest.
Easier to just play a mind mage.

Re: Crystal Knight OCC

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2019 4:53 pm
by Hotrod
Klatu Berata Nectus!

While the Crystal Knight is currently limited to the Valley, there are ways in which things could change. If/when the Crystal King dies or gets forcibly moved out of range of the Crystal Fortress, his hold on his people will go *poof.* You might make a Crystal knight from the Valley right after this happens. What happens then? Do the Crystal Knights try to continue on without their king? Does another take his place? Do they lead the people of The Valley away to a new land? Do they scatter to the wind?

One could also take the paradigm that the Crystal Fortress was not the only center of Crystal Magic in the world. It's entirely possible that there could be other places with abundant and forgotten crystal devices. Given the incredible travel and even dimensional gate abilities of one of the devices, it's quite possible that there are other peoples in other dimensions or remote areas of the world who use these items, and some might even still be capable of constructing new ones.

Re: Crystal Knight OCC

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2019 6:34 pm
by kiralon
I'd assume the castle would possess the next best person.

Hmm, sounds like an adventure

someone, somewhere in the world starts having dreams that aren't his, these dreams will slowly develop and have definable and recognisable landmarks that lead to
dum dumm dahhhh
The crystal valley, which is mourning because the crystal castle ate the king or something, and since the king is dead the castle isn't working properly and the knights have their hands full with monsters trying to enter and rebels trying to leave.

So when the party arrives and a party member says, umm is that sparkly building over there talking to anybody else ????? the party can decide what to do.

Then there could be many adventures with a party member that goes slowly insane. More power = more nutso. Saiden has been tainted because the king had a McGuffin on him that is driving the castle crazier when the castle ate him. I think we are going to need another timmy (that stone there would be perfick).
As everyone in power is psionic they are more resistant to the crazy, but being connected to crystal items give extra crazy points. (sanity points from cthulu would work)

I thunk I have a new adventure.

Re: Crystal Knight OCC

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2019 8:24 am
by Hotrod
kiralon wrote:I'd assume the castle would possess the next best person.

Hmm, sounds like an adventure

someone, somewhere in the world starts having dreams that aren't his, these dreams will slowly develop and have definable and recognisable landmarks that lead to
dum dumm dahhhh
The crystal valley, which is mourning because the crystal castle ate the king or something, and since the king is dead the castle isn't working properly and the knights have their hands full with monsters trying to enter and rebels trying to leave.

So when the party arrives and a party member says, umm is that sparkly building over there talking to anybody else ????? the party can decide what to do.

Then there could be many adventures with a party member that goes slowly insane. More power = more nutso. Saiden has been tainted because the king had a McGuffin on him that is driving the castle crazier when the castle ate him. I think we are going to need another timmy (that stone there would be perfick).
As everyone in power is psionic they are more resistant to the crazy, but being connected to crystal items give extra crazy points. (sanity points from cthulu would work)

I thunk I have a new adventure.

The crystal fortress isn't sentient per se, and it doesn't do anything on its own. Rather, in focusing and empowering the mind that binds with it, it tends to guide and shape the higher functions of that mind into similar behaviors and character traits as its maker. Thus, the Crystal Fortress doesn't "talk" to someone. Until someone binds with it using Object Read, it essentially does nothing.

I do occasionally wonder how the fortress got abandoned/forgotten in the first place.

Re: Crystal Knight OCC

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2019 6:17 pm
by kiralon
If I remember correctly it was buried and had to be dug back up, and I thought it was influencing the to be crystal king even then, but it has been many many years since I have dm'd the adventure.

Fill it with lava, its the only way to be sure.

And the madstone or whatever its called from yin sloth with the timmies adventure would certainly make an impression.