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The city of Lazlo, some thoughts and questions.

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 3:17 pm
by Dunia
The city of Lazlo
This city seems to be like the perfect utopia, in a world of fear, chaos, demons, hatred and the Coalition States, Lazlo has somehow managed to stand pretty much unmolested as the perect paradise where all induviduals regardless of their origin, race, eye-colour and philosophy, wether they are magic-users, psychics and what not, as long as you keep the laws of the city. there are more than two million people living there, making it one of the bigger cities in North America. It is such a perfect home that even groups of dragon, who somehow accepts living this close to eachother, despite the fact that instinctivly dislike eachother and mature dragons will try to kill younger dragons and that they do not like any other dragon within50 miles (80 km) surrounding their appartment/turf/hole/cave. How can it be?

Then we have Sir Thomm, a Cyber Knight who heads the Congress of teh Electorate, I have the distict feeling that I have read that Cyber Knights are not allowed to take leadeership of any settlement, but I might be wrong. If I am correct in this, (it was a long time since I borrowed Cyber Knight book from the library) but if it is so, is he a rogue knight and in that case, should not other cyber knights attempt to challenge him or something?

Now I do not want to sound pessimistic, but why are lazlo so special? And why have not Chi Town, Iron Heart and Free Quebec (and teh rest of the CS) done something against them? It would be a blast if Kevein & PB either explained why Lazlo is left alone or if they would let it be oblitterated.

So what do you people think, why is Lazlo still exisiting and why can there be so many dragons in the city without troble?

Re: The city of Lazlo, some thoughts and questions.

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 3:41 pm
by TechnoGothic
I'm sure WB Lazlo will reveal an ugly underside to the city somehow.

I'm sure most of them are pot-heads in lazlo.

Re: The city of Lazlo, some thoughts and questions.

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 4:05 pm
by Grinning Demon
TechnoGothic wrote:
I'm sure most of them are pot-heads in lazlo.

+1. I always pictured Lazlo like San Francisco, minus the gays.

Re: The city of Lazlo, some thoughts and questions.

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 6:03 pm
by dark brandon
Dunia wrote:The city of Lazlo
This city seems to be like the perfect utopia, in a world of fear, chaos, demons, hatred and the Coalition States, Lazlo has somehow managed to stand pretty much unmolested as the perect paradise where all induviduals regardless of their origin, race, eye-colour and philosophy, wether they are magic-users, psychics and what not, as long as you keep the laws of the city. there are more than two million people living there, making it one of the bigger cities in North America. It is such a perfect home that even groups of dragon, who somehow accepts living this close to eachother, despite the fact that instinctivly dislike eachother and mature dragons will try to kill younger dragons and that they do not like any other dragon within50 miles (80 km) surrounding their appartment/turf/hole/cave. How can it be?

They don't consider it their home. Considering how old a dragon can live, staying, even a few hundred years in one place doesn't make that their home because it would be like going on an extended vacation. This is why a dragon populous isn't something to count on when/if lazlo is ever attacked and it's what happened in tolkeen.

Re: The city of Lazlo, some thoughts and questions.

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 6:30 pm
by Mech-Viper Prime
Grinning Demon wrote:
TechnoGothic wrote:
I'm sure most of them are pot-heads in lazlo.

+1. I always pictured Lazlo like San Francisco, minus the gays.

that would be New lazlo then

Re: The city of Lazlo, some thoughts and questions.

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 8:14 pm
by Mack
Dunia wrote:The city of Lazlo
This city seems to be like the perfect utopia, in a world of fear, chaos, demons, hatred and the Coalition States, Lazlo has somehow managed to stand pretty much unmolested as the perect paradise where all induviduals regardless of their origin, race, eye-colour and philosophy, wether they are magic-users, psychics and what not, as long as you keep the laws of the city. there are more than two million people living there, making it one of the bigger cities in North America. It is such a perfect home that even groups of dragon, who somehow accepts living this close to eachother, despite the fact that instinctivly dislike eachother and mature dragons will try to kill younger dragons and that they do not like any other dragon within50 miles (80 km) surrounding their appartment/turf/hole/cave. How can it be?

Then we have Sir Thomm, a Cyber Knight who heads the Congress of teh Electorate, I have the distict feeling that I have read that Cyber Knights are not allowed to take leadeership of any settlement, but I might be wrong. If I am correct in this, (it was a long time since I borrowed Cyber Knight book from the library) but if it is so, is he a rogue knight and in that case, should not other cyber knights attempt to challenge him or something?

Now I do not want to sound pessimistic, but why are lazlo so special? And why have not Chi Town, Iron Heart and Free Quebec (and teh rest of the CS) done something against them? It would be a blast if Kevein & PB either explained why Lazlo is left alone or if they would let it be oblitterated.

So what do you people think, why is Lazlo still exisiting and why can there be so many dragons in the city without troble?

As I understand it, most of the freelance writers avoid Lazlo because it is described as a utopia and that would lead to a pretty straightfoward (and boring) book. There's no inherent, dramatic conflict for the player characters to experience.

As for Sir Thomm, nothing restricts a CK from taking on that kind of role. Especially if he's convinced it's for the greater good.

And regarding the CS, it's not that the CS is giving Lazlo a free pass. The CS has been preoccupied with Tolkeen, which took a much greater toll than anticipated.

Re: The city of Lazlo, some thoughts and questions.

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 8:29 pm
by TechnoGothic
A Utopia is impossible though. They may strife to be a Utopia, but its not.
They worry about the Xiticix. they worry about the CS. they worry about FQ. They worry about Tolkeen and the federation of magics.

Lazlo could use at least a book about the city itself. No Drama drama. Book about what is where with good maps. Detail Lazlo.

Re: The city of Lazlo, some thoughts and questions.

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 10:22 pm
by Dr Megaverse
Maybe even a few new magic O.C.C.s. In a big city of magic users there has to be experimentation going on about how to use the magic in new ways.

Re: The city of Lazlo, some thoughts and questions.

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 12:21 am
by glitterboy2098
i've generally figured that the CS has avoided Lazlo for a few reasons:

Lazlo has largley avoided antagonizing the CS (erin tarn doesn't count)
the CS knows attacking Lazlo would bring nearly every other magic using nation in north america into the fight.."only an idiot fights on 2 fronts, and only the heir to the throne of a kingdom of idiots fights a war on twelve fronts"
The CS suspects, and since the SOT is now utterly convinced, that Lazlo's soft image hides a very tough core of smart and capable defenders that would make fighting them difficult.
Lazlo doesn't really sit in a strategic location like Tolkeen did, and thus isn't a high priority.

Re: The city of Lazlo, some thoughts and questions.

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 12:23 am
by Balabanto
Grinning Demon wrote:
TechnoGothic wrote:
I'm sure most of them are pot-heads in lazlo.

+1. I always pictured Lazlo like San Francisco, minus the gays.

Wow, that's incredibly offensive and rude. I respect you a lot, but I have to report this post on principle. I'm sorry, but you just can't use intolerance speech in public forums in reference to the real world and get away with it. I suggest you apologize. Consider me offended.

Re: The city of Lazlo, some thoughts and questions.

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 12:34 am
by Saitou Hajime
glitterboy2098 wrote:i've generally figured that the CS has avoided Lazlo for a few reasons:

Lazlo has largley avoided antagonizing the CS (erin tarn doesn't count)
the CS knows attacking Lazlo would bring nearly every other magic using nation in north america into the fight.."only an idiot fights on 2 fronts, and only the heir to the throne of a kingdom of idiots fights a war on twelve fronts"
The CS suspects, and since the SOT is now utterly convinced, that Lazlo's soft image hides a very tough core of smart and capable defenders that would make fighting them difficult.
Lazlo doesn't really sit in a strategic location like Tolkeen did, and thus isn't a high priority.

Free Quebec is far enough away that they don't care, neither power is expanionistic by nature, they have little to fight about. Quote frankly Lazlo is a logistic nightmare for CS, the Great lakes are sizable barriers by themselves, Lazlo also in the centre of a area of unfriendly terrortory, much of which is wilderness and what isn't is hostial to the CS, Tolken was hard, but Lazlo is going to be harder. The Federation will make it a two front war, Ducan is itching for a war and unlike Tolken he doesn' have personal grudges against the rulers of Lazlo. Fighting for Lazlo wlil be a super easy sell.

Nearly every major not CS power would take shots at the CS. The Cyberknights will not be divided this time, the Larson Brigade will hit with full force, Tolken Revenge forces will step up, many that left Tolken will join the fighting to save another Tolken from happening.

Re: The city of Lazlo, some thoughts and questions.

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 1:59 am
by boxee
Balabanto wrote:
Grinning Demon wrote:
TechnoGothic wrote:
I'm sure most of them are pot-heads in lazlo.

+1. I always pictured Lazlo like San Francisco, minus the gays.

Wow, that's incredibly offensive and rude. I respect you a lot, but I have to report this post on principle. I'm sorry, but you just can't use intolerance speech in public forums in reference to the real world and get away with it. I suggest you apologize. Consider me offended.

Hey I'll get a WHAAAMBULANCE for you, stop being an @$$, and an easy target. Now you want to argue about what people say great, saying I will ban you for an offhand remark is offensive. If your gay more power to you, do I want to hear about it NO!

Re: The city of Lazlo, some thoughts and questions.

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 2:31 am
by Balabanto
boxee wrote:
Balabanto wrote:
Grinning Demon wrote:
TechnoGothic wrote:
I'm sure most of them are pot-heads in lazlo.

+1. I always pictured Lazlo like San Francisco, minus the gays.

Wow, that's incredibly offensive and rude. I respect you a lot, but I have to report this post on principle. I'm sorry, but you just can't use intolerance speech in public forums in reference to the real world and get away with it. I suggest you apologize. Consider me offended.

Hey I'll get a WHAAAMBULANCE for you, stop being an @$$, and an easy target. Now you want to argue about what people say great, saying I will ban you for an offhand remark is offensive. If your gay more power to you, do I want to hear about it NO!

I'm not. But it's against the board rules, and it's rude.

Re: The city of Lazlo, some thoughts and questions.

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 2:32 am
by Balabanto
Rhomphaia wrote:
Balabanto wrote:
Grinning Demon wrote:
TechnoGothic wrote:
I'm sure most of them are pot-heads in lazlo.

+1. I always pictured Lazlo like San Francisco, minus the gays.

Wow, that's incredibly offensive and rude. I respect you a lot, but I have to report this post on principle. I'm sorry, but you just can't use intolerance speech in public forums in reference to the real world and get away with it. I suggest you apologize. Consider me offended.

Oh grow the **** up and spare us all the politically correct bull****. This post could have been done in PM, or here's a thought, you could have reported him and not replied to his post.

Well, now we know where you stand. Reported. Thanks for trolling.

Understand this. This is about Palladium's product and gaining a wider customer base. Kevin has openly said "Sales are down." A customer is a customer. Clearly you don't work in any industry where customer service is a factor, or if you do, I sincerely hope you keep your thoughts to yourself when you use that language.

Re: The city of Lazlo, some thoughts and questions.

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 2:32 am
by boxee
I do not think Lazlo will be the perfect haven people seem to think it will be. I do not think they will be cardboard cut outs of "the good guys". I think some will be good others.....not so much.
I greatly dislike Erin Tarn, what really cemented that was her "little chat" with the King of Tolkeen. I personally would have shot her on the spot, but thats why I am not the king. He showed great restraint and from my point of view handled the situation with dignity.
I hope he did manage to escape in the last minute.

Re: The city of Lazlo, some thoughts and questions.

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 2:36 am
by boxee
Balabanto wrote:
boxee wrote:
Balabanto wrote:
Grinning Demon wrote:
TechnoGothic wrote:
I'm sure most of them are pot-heads in lazlo.

+1. I always pictured Lazlo like San Francisco, minus the gays.

Wow, that's incredibly offensive and rude. I respect you a lot, but I have to report this post on principle. I'm sorry, but you just can't use intolerance speech in public forums in reference to the real world and get away with it. I suggest you apologize. Consider me offended.

Hey I'll get a WHAAAMBULANCE for you, stop being an @$$, and an easy target. Now you want to argue about what people say great, saying I will ban you for an offhand remark is offensive. If your gay more power to you, do I want to hear about it NO!

I'm not. But it's against the board rules, and it's rude.

Ummmm no it is not against the rules to be rude. If your not are you just grandstanding to get attention? If you had not pointed it out and made a big deal about it, everyone else would do the same thing I did, rolled their eyes and sighed. Now lets stop this sillyness. I will not respond after this, I will read your reply and let it go. I hope that is fair in your eyes.

Re: The city of Lazlo, some thoughts and questions.

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 4:23 am
by johnkretzer
Dunia wrote:The city of Lazlo
This city seems to be like the perfect utopia, in a world of fear, chaos, demons, hatred and the Coalition States, Lazlo has somehow managed to stand pretty much unmolested as the perect paradise where all induviduals regardless of their origin, race, eye-colour and philosophy, wether they are magic-users, psychics and what not, as long as you keep the laws of the city. there are more than two million people living there, making it one of the bigger cities in North America. It is such a perfect home that even groups of dragon, who somehow accepts living this close to eachother, despite the fact that instinctivly dislike eachother and mature dragons will try to kill younger dragons and that they do not like any other dragon within50 miles (80 km) surrounding their appartment/turf/hole/cave. How can it be?

I am sure there is a ugly underside to it all. But to answear the dragon thing.

What is written about Dragons is a general statement....which mean not all dragon behave in such a manner...most do some do not. Since we are talking about a interdemensional race there are probably billions across the multiverse...that a very few of them ignore the territorialness off the race and call one place home is not that much of a stretch. Absolute staement are usualy wrong for a reason.

Dunia wrote:Then we have Sir Thomm, a Cyber Knight who heads the Congress of teh Electorate, I have the distict feeling that I have read that Cyber Knights are not allowed to take leadeership of any settlement, but I might be wrong. If I am correct in this, (it was a long time since I borrowed Cyber Knight book from the library) but if it is so, is he a rogue knight and in that case, should not other cyber knights attempt to challenge him or something?

No Cyber Knight don't have any such compunction to taking public office.

Dunia wrote:Now I do not want to sound pessimistic, but why are lazlo so special? And why have not Chi Town, Iron Heart and Free Quebec (and teh rest of the CS) done something against them? It would be a blast if Kevein & PB either explained why Lazlo is left alone or if they would let it be oblitterated.

I am guessing here that the writer thought a world sooo populated by the evil forces that it would too depressing and boring. It is nice for PCs to have a safe haven.

Actualy they have serveral time pointed out why Lazlo has been left alone.

1) Free Qubec is not a expansionist country. They don't care what you do as long as you do it over there.

2) Lazlo has many allies who would come to it's defense in case of a attack.

3) The CS has too many enemies it would be dangerous in attacking a popular enemy.

4) The CS is more worried about the Bugs...and since Lazlo is currently fighting them...the enemy of my enemy is my friend kinda of philosphy is going on.

5) While not supported by the writters I think the CS will leave Lazlo alone just so they can have a 'enemy state' that is actualy harmless....but it feeds the propganda m,achines back home just fine.

6) The CS leadership is not stupid basicaly.

Dunia wrote:So what do you people think, why is Lazlo still exisiting and why can there be so many dragons in the city without troble?

See above...though is there a reason you think it would obliberated?

Personaly I think the CS has recieved alot of writter fiat to survive than Lazlo.

Re: The city of Lazlo, some thoughts and questions.

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 10:29 am
by Mack
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