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Wolfen Assassin/Thief Campaign

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 10:09 am
by Gulzhad
Does anyone have any ideas for a couple of Wolfen who are eventually going to be fighting vampires? What would be the best way to level up an assassin or a thief? What kind of adventures could they go off on that would level them both up?

Re: Wolfen Assassin/Thief Campaign

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:59 am
by JuliusCreed
Gulzhad wrote:Does anyone have any ideas for a couple of Wolfen who are eventually going to be fighting vampires? What would be the best way to level up an assassin or a thief? What kind of adventures could they go off on that would level them both up?

Join a guild. Either a Thieve's or Assassin's Guild, though the Thief may have a hard time getting into the latter, (they tend to be pretty exclusive) but a Thieve's Guild would probably take in an Assassin in a heartbeat. Not only can they gain the experience for leveling up, there's the additional security of having a guild at your back for contacts, safehouses, information pools and relatively steady jobs. If they want to hunt down and kill vampires, set up an adventure or two into an established vampire lair, say a reclusive noble (see also, vampire) that no thief can seem to steal from and any who have tried have never returned. (because the vampire catches and destroys them, or worse, turns them and keeps them around as guardians) Characters breaking in can find out the awful truth and either start letting the stakes fly or run for help from the guild. With the former, it can result in an all out vampire slaying gore-fest that leads to the characters becoming famous vampire slayers (or getting killed or turned into vampires themselves if they fail). In the latter case, they are now being hunted by the vampires eager to keep their secret by hunting down and slaying the characters wherever they may hide. Since a number of the vampires may have been members of the Guild they are members of, hiding in Guild safehouses could result in a serious problem as they are systematically searched by the former guildmembers-turned-blood-addicted-undead-monsters. Cue ensuing mayhem and drama.

Re: Wolfen Assassin/Thief Campaign

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:04 pm
by Gulzhad
I kind of wanted my characters to start a guild, as they are starting in a small merchant village. Both of the characters are Wolfen so they are located in the North Area( I don't remember the name). Perhaps there will be a small thieves guild around. I was also thinking they could start out by killing a rival warlord, and then they could eventually stumble upon a vampire scourge. Like a necromancer who is raising Wolfen into zombies and vampires.

Going off of your idea, they could start their own guild and have it be "underground" and they could fight with and steal from the bigger guild. I could somehow combine these ideas.

Thanks :D

Re: Wolfen Assassin/Thief Campaign

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:21 pm
by JuliusCreed
Glad to be of help. Take them and run!

Good luck and great gaming!

Re: Wolfen Assassin/Thief Campaign

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:18 pm
by The Dark Elf
Have their backstories be that they are hired by two opposing guilds. Each one secretly thinks that they are using the other as a pawn to there means. One has to assassinate an NPC, the other needs a safe combination or location of a key from said individual and must keep him alive until he has it.

They will come up with plans to sneak into the persons chambers together but once inside things would be very different....

Re: Wolfen Assassin/Thief Campaign

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:21 pm
by Gulzhad
I was kind of hoping they would work as a team.

Re: Wolfen Assassin/Thief Campaign

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:23 pm
by The Dark Elf
Have the assassin hired to kill the other player at the end....

Go on!

Re: Wolfen Assassin/Thief Campaign

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:28 pm
by Gulzhad
That would be interesting...