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Palladium fantasy books in development

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 4:44 am
by DBX
copy/paste from latest weekly update

Palladium Fantasy® – Mysteries of Magic 2 & 3
Palladium Fantasy® – Tombs of Gersidi expanded and new.
Plus I have a few ideas on this front myself to revitalize this line.

Re: Palladium fantasy books in development

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 7:10 am
by gaby
Good to known.

Re: Palladium fantasy books in development

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 1:00 pm
by JuliusCreed
Personally, let's see something on undiscovered lands beyond the known world. Sure, there's Island at the Edge of the World, but I'm talking bigger, like a whole new continent or two with established kingdoms, governments, rivalries, new races and so on. I can see the Western Empire or Bizantium taking the lead in discovering such a place and going from there.

Re: Palladium fantasy books in development

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 1:08 pm
by novatomato
or better yet Julius, another race/nation from another island coming to the Palladium continent! From there have descriptions of the lands and customs etc. Can also be the factor that initiates full on war between the nations. A naval conflict between Byzantium and the Western Empire in which the Black Ships are revealed in full. Lots of potential when a new factor, like a new continent, comes into the equation.

Re: Palladium fantasy books in development

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 1:47 pm
by Josh Sinsapaugh
JuliusCreed wrote:Personally, let's see something on undiscovered lands beyond the known world. Sure, there's Island at the Edge of the World, but I'm talking bigger, like a whole new continent or two with established kingdoms, governments, rivalries, new races and so on. I can see the Western Empire or Bizantium taking the lead in discovering such a place and going from there.

novatomato wrote:or better yet Julius, another race/nation from another island coming to the Palladium continent! From there have descriptions of the lands and customs etc. Can also be the factor that initiates full on war between the nations. A naval conflict between Byzantium and the Western Empire in which the Black Ships are revealed in full. Lots of potential when a new factor, like a new continent, comes into the equation.

I like where your heads are at :ok:

Personally, I'd like to see the revised Yin-Sloth too.

~ Josh

Re: Palladium fantasy books in development

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 5:08 pm
by Cinos
JuliusCreed wrote:Personally, let's see something on undiscovered lands beyond the known world. Sure, there's Island at the Edge of the World, but I'm talking bigger, like a whole new continent or two with established kingdoms, governments, rivalries, new races and so on. I can see the Western Empire or Bizantium taking the lead in discovering such a place and going from there.

Honestly, I hope this never happens.

Why? It'll have no weight to the rest of the known world and likely end up doing the Rifts silly spiral. Contained worlds are better then limitless worlds (simpler to grasp the overall, easier to create thematic and the like). Assuming after Old Kingdoms, Yin-Sloth and South Wind, I suppose I could be fine with it, but never before those three books. Honestly, aside from those three large areas, I want smaller contained local books, like Mt. Nimro was, you could easily do that again for the 4 Sisters, Phi / Lopan, key cities (like a Kaash adventure supplement, or Wisdom, or Caer Knighfalton, etc.).

Of the listed ones, Mysteries of Magic is nothing short of sweet, so I'm still excited for 2 & 3. Tombs I'm on the fence over, depends what they expand into it, since I'm not a fan of pre-fabricated adventures, and just want setting information (and gear for me to convert or expound off of), so it depends what it offers for that over the 1st edition).

Re: Palladium fantasy books in development

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 5:27 pm
by Severus Snape
And yet no mention of the always-promised LOTD3?

Re: Palladium fantasy books in development

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 7:07 pm
by Cinos
Severus Snape wrote:And yet no mention of the always-promised LOTD3?

I noticed it was missing, but I'd long written it off as a dead project.

Re: Palladium fantasy books in development

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 7:08 pm
by The Dark Elf
Severus Snape wrote:And yet no mention of the always-promised LOTD3?

I do NOT want to see a LOD:3 until after both OK's, South Winds, Phi, Lopan, Wolfen Wars and maybe even Byzantium expanded. I'm actually glad, in some sort of way, that it was too overpowered at not approved.

Re: Palladium fantasy books in development

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 2:41 pm
by Severus Snape
The Dark Elf wrote:
Severus Snape wrote:And yet no mention of the always-promised LOTD3?

I do NOT want to see a LOD:3 until after both OK's, South Winds, Phi, Lopan, Wolfen Wars and maybe even Byzantium expanded. I'm actually glad, in some sort of way, that it was too overpowered at not approved.

I agree. But it would be nice to have a centralized source of undead information...

Re: Palladium fantasy books in development

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 4:49 pm
by The Dark Elf
Severus Snape wrote:
The Dark Elf wrote:
Severus Snape wrote:And yet no mention of the always-promised LOTD3?

I do NOT want to see a LOD:3 until after both OK's, South Winds, Phi, Lopan, Wolfen Wars and maybe even Byzantium expanded. I'm actually glad, in some sort of way, that it was too overpowered at not approved.

I agree. But it would be nice to have a centralized source of undead information...

Get LOD:2 :erm:

Re: Palladium fantasy books in development

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 10:21 am
by azazel1024
Yeah, no mention of Yin Sloth 2nd edition? I'd been under the impression that it is pretty much ready to go, just needing KS review/editing. I'd assume relatively minimal on that as well. Though when he gets his teeth in to a project, I do see him having a hard time not just OKing updates to 2nd edition and minor rewrites to keep up with "the times". I see him trying to rewrite the whole book with new ideas.

I really just want to see updates to 2nd edition and a few tweaks and publish the darn thing.

After that I am excited about MOM2. Dark and shadow magic. Maybe the S-E-X magic as well (I don't honestly care about it much, but I am very curious about how it would be done/represented). I am also hoping that maybe some kind of warrior wizard class might be introduced at some point. Kind of a paladin type or maybe mystic monk type or something like that. Or more accurately I am picturing something a little more Mystic, but Magic and Physical combat training rather than Magic and Psionics (IE Magic granted through meditation and innate means or maybe even study).

A stand alone tombs book could be interesting, but it would have to be expanded out a heck of a lot. The 1st edition adventure admittedly wasn't a whole lot more than a giant table of room descriptions, but I think it was only around 15 pages. It could be fun though, especially if it includes more information about that little section of Timoro/Old Kingdom Mountains.

Re: Palladium fantasy books in development

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 11:37 am
by Severus Snape
The Dark Elf wrote:
Severus Snape wrote:
The Dark Elf wrote:
Severus Snape wrote:And yet no mention of the always-promised LOTD3?

I do NOT want to see a LOD:3 until after both OK's, South Winds, Phi, Lopan, Wolfen Wars and maybe even Byzantium expanded. I'm actually glad, in some sort of way, that it was too overpowered at not approved.

I agree. But it would be nice to have a centralized source of undead information...

Get LOD:2 :erm:

I apologize - I mis-spoke. What I meant to say was...

I want information on The Citadel. LOTD1 (which I have) makes multiple references to this sourcebook, yet it still doesn't exist.

My bad.

Re: Palladium fantasy books in development

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 5:47 am
by The Dark Elf
azazel1024 wrote:I am also hoping that maybe some kind of warrior wizard class might be introduced at some point. Kind of a paladin type or maybe mystic monk type or something like that. Or more accurately I am picturing something a little more Mystic, but Magic and Physical combat training rather than Magic and Psionics (IE Magic granted through meditation and innate means or maybe even study).

have you seen the half wizard or the War magic in one of the Rifters? Not exactly what you're after but decent stuff.

Re: Palladium fantasy books in development

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 7:42 am
by azazel1024
I have that rifter (37?). Its intersting, I like it, and I'd like to see it "codified" and expanded upon in a future MoM book. Though I am really looking for something more like a soldier/warrior who is that first, and a mage/wizard/mystic second rather than the other way around (well, sort of).

Re: Palladium fantasy books in development

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 10:25 am
by Reagren Wright
I have to agree. I want Yin Sloth Jungle 2nd edition. Don't need Island at the End of the
World updated, just take the geographical data and include it with Old Kingdom Mountains
and Low Lands book, oh do include the Crystal Magic in a Mysteries of Magic book. Get Land
of the South Done, PHi and Lopan, and of course Land of the Damned 3. Get the world done.
Especially since the manuscript of some of these books is already submitted. I'm not
interested in other races and fantasy realms just yet. Mysteries of Magic are great. But I ]
want my world expanded especially when the manuscript material is there and just needs to
be edited. Converting 1st edition books shouldn't be that had to make into 2nd edition. I do
with characters all the time :D .

Re: Palladium fantasy books in development

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 12:13 pm
by The Dark Elf
azazel1024 wrote:I have that rifter (37?). Its intersting, I like it, and I'd like to see it "codified" and expanded upon in a future MoM book. Though I am really looking for something more like a soldier/warrior who is that first, and a mage/wizard/mystic second rather than the other way around (well, sort of).

Coincidentally enough it sound like you need a witch or undead hunter from Yin sloth 2nd Edition....

Re: Palladium fantasy books in development

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 12:07 am
Manbearpig wrote:Isn't Tombs of Gersidi in the Old Kingdom Mountains? Could this be a way they are trying to get that book's (Old/New Kingdom Mountains) information to us? Or am i way off? I will be excited to read that if that's the case...

It is in the Old Kingdom Mountains, off a smugglers pass between the two large passes north of Timiro. The Old Kingdom Mountains book is not being used for this project; I might have a go at those two old manuscripts if things go well with The Tombs...


Re: Palladium fantasy books in development

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 1:35 pm
by AmasCole
what ever happend to the old kindom mts? i had that on preorder then poof. but i have to agree i would like to see the world finnished and an updated Yin book. alway's thought to add a whole continent on the other side of the Wall i hve even made's map's and ran my old Group threw the area. with a few new OCC and RCC not many mind you like 2 of each but thay seamed to like it.:) so i thought i might pin it up and maybe send it in and see what happens.

Re: Palladium fantasy books in development

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 12:07 am
Kev has some pretty cool ideas for the rest of the world....

Re: Palladium fantasy books in development

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 10:12 am
by Reagren Wright
Tomb of Gersdi was in PFRPG 1st edition book. However, the geographical information doesn't
make sense when you compare it to the rest of Timiro in Old Ones. The right side mountain
range is called Langer Mountain. And Fort Ibera and Fort Bex locations should be noted.
Because I'm certain the adventure doesn't take place in Ogre Pass. I love the adventure and
can't wait to see it redone.

Re: Palladium fantasy books in development

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 4:59 pm
Reagren Wright wrote:Tomb of Gersdi was in PFRPG 1st edition book. However, the geographical information doesn't
make sense when you compare it to the rest of Timiro in Old Ones. The right side mountain
range is called Langer Mountain. And Fort Ibera and Fort Bex locations should be noted.
Because I'm certain the adventure doesn't take place in Ogre Pass. I love the adventure and
can't wait to see it redone.

As I said, the High Pass is between the two main passes, with Castle Instax about half way between fort Bext and the Old Kingdom mouth of Ogre Pass. It's a largely unknown pass frequented by smugglers...

Re: Palladium fantasy books in development

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 5:59 pm
by tmbn
I hope in this order:

Old Kingdom Lowlands
Old Kingdom Mountains
Ophids Grasslans
Land of South Winds
Phi And Lopan

I would like a book on Dwarfes and Elves. With lots of runes and magic and much information on this "lost" races.

Re: Palladium fantasy books in development

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 1:02 am
by Bronn
At this point, I don't think I'd care what the book was (although I'd rather it wasn't a reprint/update if I'm being honest), as long as there was a new one. Its tragic how long we go between new material for PFRPG.

Re: Palladium fantasy books in development

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 10:26 am
by Severus Snape
Bronn wrote:At this point, I don't think I'd care what the book was (although I'd rather it wasn't a reprint/update if I'm being honest), as long as there was a new one. Its tragic how long we go between new material for PFRPG.

Agreed. I realize that Rifts is the company's bread and butter, but we need new material for PFRPG!

Re: Palladium fantasy books in development

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 12:59 pm
by The Dark Elf
Severus Snape wrote:
Bronn wrote:At this point, I don't think I'd care what the book was (although I'd rather it wasn't a reprint/update if I'm being honest), as long as there was a new one. Its tragic how long we go between new material for PFRPG.

Agreed. I realize that Rifts is the company's bread and butter, but we need new material for PFRPG!


Re: Palladium fantasy books in development

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 1:00 pm
by The Dark Elf
Bronn wrote:At this point, I don't think I'd care what the book was (although I'd rather it wasn't a reprint/update if I'm being honest), as long as there was a new one. Its tragic how long we go between new material for PFRPG.


Re: Palladium fantasy books in development

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 3:40 pm
by zyanitevp
The Dark Elf wrote:
Bronn wrote:At this point, I don't think I'd care what the book was (although I'd rather it wasn't a reprint/update if I'm being honest), as long as there was a new one. Its tragic how long we go between new material for PFRPG.


I am on the anything that deals with PFRPG is good right now....

Re: Palladium fantasy books in development

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 3:43 pm
by zyanitevp
Carl Gleba wrote:I just have some ideas at the moment. I have not proposed anything to Palladium at this time. Probably a source book on the Elf/Dwarf war if someone else doesn't beat me to it.

Although an Elf/Dwarf war book would be at the top of my list... (copied from another forum)

Re: Palladium fantasy books in development

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 12:46 am
by pblackcrow
I am not going to hold my breath for either one of them.

Re: Palladium fantasy books in development

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 10:11 am
by The Beast
War magic is in Rifter 29.

Re: Palladium fantasy books in development

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 9:14 pm
by MrShowtime
A nice, well drawn out, Elf/Dwarf war series of books (similar to that of The siege on Tolkeen from Rifts) would be awesome! It could take us back to how the world was prior to, during and just after the war. Those affected (like the Gnome race) could be outlined with info on how they took part in the war. There is so much history that could be recounted and with all the references to the war throughout almost every PFRPG book there is so much I'm sure all of us would love.

But then again, maybe I'm asking for too much lol I am just a huge fan of The Siege on Tolkeen.

New books, I think, is something we will always want. There's always something else that could be expanded on or there's always something that someone feels is missing from the game. I just don't see, at least not in the near future, the world getting completed. No matter how much we ask for it.

But my wish list includes, though not limited to: Phi & Lopan, Land of the South Winds, and a second High Seas book with expansion on Bizantium, The 4 Sister Islands and such and a new Monster Sourcebook with all new monsters (Don't want anyone to get mad but D&D has 5 Monster Sourcebooks in just it's 3.5 Edition).

Re: Palladium fantasy books in development

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 7:50 am
by DBX
copy/paste of a message by carl gleba from viewtopic.php?f=1&t=124893

I just have some ideas at the moment. I have not proposed anything to Palladium at this time. Probably a source book on the Elf/Dwarf war if someone else doesn't beat me to it.

Re: Palladium fantasy books in development

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 8:56 am
by URLeader Hobbes
Anything but Wolfen or Elf/Dwarf wars. Much rather see LOTD 3 and / or a refresher of Yin Sloth Jungles.

Re: Palladium fantasy books in development

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 3:04 am
by The Dark Elf
Calisto wrote:Personally I would like to see:

Old Kingdom Foothills (borders to the Baaldor Wastelands and Nimro/ Yin Sloth)

That area is the lowlands (according to giants).