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My New Campaign: A New Beginning

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2011 10:05 pm
by Crucible
A New Beginning is what we have decided to call it and it is better than any other campaign I have ever run. I promise I am going to share a breakdown, but first I will once again apply the character's list. But first with a short description of each. Thanks guys.

Lt. Braylon Minter "Falcon" - 21yrs old 2nd Level Paratrooper Human
+++ WI-FT1 Plasma Flamethrower, Zapper Gun, JA-12 Laser Rifle, Ak-47 (ramjet and explosive rounds), .50 Cal Desert Eagle (explosive rounds), Vibro Sabre, Vibro Knife. Bushman Body Armor

Cpl. Tay Forrester "Warzone" - 23yrs old 2nd Level Headhunter Anti Robot Specialist Human
+++ WR-19 Plasma Ejector, TX-42 Laser Pulse Rifle, TX-24 Ion Pulse Pistol, Saw Machine Gun (explosive rounds), T-40 Urban "Plain Clothes" Armor Outdoors Pants and Jacket, Triax T-31 Super Trooper Robot Destroyer Power Armor

Jeremiah Herks "Jeremiah" - 22yrs old 3rd Level Gunfighter Human
+++ Wilk's Laser Knife, 1863 Remington .45 Revolver (120 silver rounds/24 explosive rounds, 46 ramjet rounds), Wilk's-Remi 137 "Kingdom Come", Wilk's-Remi 157 "Judgement Day", Bandit IP-10 Ion Pistol, Bandit BigBore Sawed-Off, Branghan Armor w/ Overcoat styled as a Poncho and as a bonus MDC hat, ATV Speedster Hovercycle

Leon Walker "Dub" - 23yrs old 3rd Level Dinosaur Hunter Human
+++ Steel Tree Knife, The Provider Single-Shot Breach Loading Rifle, Steel Tree Crossbow (50 Steel Tree Arrows/50 Heavy Explosive Arrows/50 High Explosive Arrows/15 Smoke Arrows/15 Flare Arrows/15 Tracer Arrows), The Savage Pump Action Rifle (100 silver rounds/100 regular rounds), NG-LG6 Northern Gun Laser Rifle & Grenade Launcher, Olterak Mace Spray, Light Tactical Armor MDC hat & Ghillie Suit

Brodie Mueller "Rigz" - 25 yrs old 3rd Level Operator Human
+++ Neural Mace, Wilk's 447 Laser Rifle, The Huntsman body armor (modified), The Behemoth Explorer w/ additional armor

Lincoln Barnes "Link" - 20 yrs old 1st Level Bounty Hunter Human
+++ CA-6EX Heavy "Dead Boy" Armor, T-40 Urban "Plain Clothes" Armor Outdoors Pants and Jacket, Vibro Blade, Electro Stunner, (2) 1878 Colt .45 Calibur Revolvers (170 silver bullets/118 ramjet rounds), Wilk's 247 "Hero" Dual Pistol, Wilk's 297 "Backup", WI-AL18 Assault Laser Rifle, NG-ML6 Mini-Missle Cannon, Knock Off Novyet Explorer-Sku with passenger compartment and additional armor

Dr. Lila Paige "Doc" - 21 yrs old 2nd Level Rogue Scientist Human
+++ NG Stalker Suit, NG-LP25 Laser Pulse Submachine Gun, NG-101ARG Automated Rail Gun, NG-T6 Taser Neural Disruptor, Wilk's Laser Sword


Lt. Braylon Minter "Falcon" - 5'10" 180lbs Eyes: Brown/ Hair: Brown/ Notables: Mixed Heritage, Tattoo on left shoulder of an AK-47 crossed with a saber w/ parachute attached over it/ Alignment: Scrupulous

Re: My New Campaign: A New Beginning

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2011 10:49 pm
by Crucible
RGG wrote:What time?
I might be interested in playing this one. Time is always the issue as Saturdays are my regular gaming days.

Its not online, but I may start one. :)

Re: My New Campaign: A New Beginning

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 4:10 am
by Crucible
Lt. Braylon Minter "Falcon" - 5'10" 180lbs Eyes: Brown/ Hair: Brown/ 21 yrs old/ Notables: Mixed Heritage, Tattoo on left shoulder of an AK-47 crossed with a saber w/ parachute attached over it/ Alignment: Scrupulous

True to my word to Doc, I have sat down to tell a bit about myself. The man who has hired us is a good man, but I have my minor issues with him. You see, I see him as a traitor to his own cause. I am no personal friend to the Deebee or mage, but I am a true friend to innocent life. Be that as it may, this man seems to have only rounded up a few "human-like" folks and psychics, but none of the refugees who are distinguishable from them. Life is life and fair is fair. All should be rescued from the horrors of that tragic war that seems so many years away now. With people displaced and with no home, a new beginning is just what they need. I have agreed to keep the name of the new home silent as this document could fall into the wrong hands, but I have no fear of Gov. Jenket Wylders seeing this writ. If he doesn't want my services that would be to his own disadvantage and never my own as I would continue this duty anyways. My story...

While I will not disclose my parentage or location of where my people are, I will say that it was an old Naval Base. Our technology was low and barely sustainable. Our numbers were down by they time I was just nine years old and between disease, starvation, and threats of all kinds we were on the verge of being non-existent.

One morning we were attacked hard and heavy by a group of extremely formidable raiders. With failing weapons and lack of ammo even I was prepared to have seen my last sunrise. Moments later I heard the sound of helicopters and men parachuting and firing with deadly accuracy. In mere moments we were safe. Fifty some odd men and women started working afterwards to tend to our wounds. They seemed almost desperate to make sure that we had received proper care. They set up in less than ten minutes to nurse us, feed us, and to begin fortifications as a small vessel came over the horizon. My father, the closest to an actual warrior that we had, was just a skilled man who had tried as best he could to protect ran to them thanking them for coming.

By that evening we were celebrating. Yes, celebrating. Never had before then. My father explained that he had contacted these men nearly three years prior through a long wave radio and how impossible that had to have been. With our population down to less than a hundred, these men and women (at least ten were supermen and women) had declared that they would help us to rebuild and best of all learn to defend ourselves and all that they asked in return is that we would become a "safe port", aid others in the same manner, but most of all to never become a tyranny. We were also given an Old American flag and were deemed as being a New American settlement.

Artillerymen Specialists taught some of the older women and men how to deal with demolitions and some of the finer weaponry that guard our base from dangers in the waters and shore. Communication Specialists taught our ham radio men and computer specialists how to use the newer installed technology and how to contact them (the New Navy). Sensor's Specialists trained those who posted lookout to use the high tech surveillence gear in order to stay on the best guard. Medical Specialists taught some of the older men and women as well of some of our cooks and launderers the finer arts of medical aid. Navy Pilot Specialists trained groups of young men and women how to use the speed boats, motorcycles, jet skis, and other vehicles to maddening and fierce ability. The Military Police took the strongest men and women from the ages of fifteen on up training them on many areas of combat, security, investigations, and peacekeeping. The most notable were the SEAL's and Marines who took all of us children from the ages of five to fourteen and started our training, training that would make our home one of the best defended well kept secrets on this chaotic rock.

The training was tough, but compassionate. Severe, but kind. The idea was to be able to jump from a moving helicopter wearing a 'chute, on a personal glider, or wearing a body glider while firing accurately at targets that were already small and at max effective firing distance. That was the only way that we practiced our shooting. We trained with anything with a trigger that was left over. ANYTHING. The main weapon was the AK-47 and for melee was the Vibro Saber. There was no washing out or quitting, just a reminder of survival. Surprisingly there were no casualties. Plenty of injuries, but none caused permanent disabilities and we all made it through. The training, rebuilding, and readiness lasted ten years straight. I was 19 and graduated second in my class to a twenty four year old who was dubbed "Talon". I received the name "Falcon", the reason why I will leave as classified. The unit was called Birds of Prey for our abilities at making jumps and shooting dead on.

The final day was a bit sad for some of us. My father was still governor, but was far more effective and we were all prepared. Ammo and old New Navy weapons, plus a few added goods were left behind. Birds of Prey were our special ops and also our hunters and trainers. Three of the super guys, better known as "Sea Titans" stayed behind as one had intermarried and two others stayed to monitor our progress as it had now been known that our base was an experiment and a sign of things to come.

It wasn't long after that first week ended that we were raided, but were ready hours before the raiders even arrived. They were a group of Juicers and while they are normally a death sign, they were just left behind equipment, credits, and an opportunity for me to make Lieutenant as I personally downed two of them out of the eight who attacked along with a motley crew of thirty others. Our base had grown from refugees being brought to us from all others and our populations was maxing out, but we now knew that we could and would make it.

I was given some equipment from one of the fallen juicers and was even given my own squad. We had also taken tech off of a pirate ship which would then give us some cloaking abilities for our home. Right after my 21st birthday, my father and his council told me about the plan to help another group to grow as we had and I immediately accepted. After a short helicopter ride and drop near the refugee camp in question, I radioed base and let them know that I would take the mission and check in once per quarter.

So here I am. Armed, trained, and ready. No exceptions.

Re: My New Campaign: A New Beginning

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 2:13 am
by Crucible
Cpl. Tay Forrester "Warzone" - 6'2" 210lbs Eyes: Brown/ Hair: Black/ Notables: African ancestry, various tattoos of all sorts, has a humorous and tough disposition, but loves children of all kinds/ very muscular/ Alignment: Scrupulous

(This is my recording, not writing a love note cause I don't feel like it)

You know what I didn't get? The Tolkien Invasion. What was that? They weren't even a real threat in the first place. I mean I can't blame you for not wanting to be near what you don't understand but to destroy it for know rifling reason? That goes beyond reality man. Now Lazlo and even my home, the Relic? Why didn't they bring that wolf dung up there? I'll tell ya why...bullies! I can't stand a fragged bully, and not ever!

Tolkien had a weakness that the Coalition exploited big time...too much reliance on magic. I have heard the convo's about how Tolkien didn't give it the old academy try, but hey the proof is right there in that they took a whuppin. Who suffered? The children. *chokes-recording stopped*

Let me say this, they couldn't handle us if they tried. Even Free Quebec lays low with us because they know about guys like me. Let's see. My mom is a Glitterboy,, Glitterperson and my old man is a Slammer like me. My oldest brother is a Glitterboy, Sis is a a PAP (Power Armor Pilot) and my younger bro a Slammer. No REAL training, just "Get with the bursting program you lazy slags!!!" A whole lot of us in the Relic have that type of upbringing...probably why crime is so low to zero.

I joined my dad's crew, the War Hammers. Big time take it to them type patriotic "mercs". Not officially recognized, but we took the cash flow straight in. I started at about 18 and saw my first skirmish at 20. He trained us by giving us all a weapon and some foreign armor "slash" clothes type deals. Gave me his pulse rifle and told us to watch...a few times like that. Finally felt the glory when he had as like infantry and I made with the happy face by trashing a Sploogie barge...well, my hit was the final blow. I think I enjoyed it too much.

Later I got ahold to some good stuff, but kept dad's weapon. Had my name on it, no literally. It said "Warzone" and later I earned that name after I got that awesome PA. I mean I was Slamming 'em out there and made the whole outdoors into scorched earth. That's my theory, if it actually counts as a theory. That is, "If I bust up the party by blowing everything to the 1800's, then I win."

I like to win.

Add in: Warzone actually had heard about the mission through rumor at first and then the War Hammers were actually hired, but the leader Col. Gary Forrester, had to turn them down in case the team was needed. Instead they drew straws (storyline only) and Warzone got the shortest one. He happily made his way down, it was never truly explained how he made it...we just rolled with it and got to the gaming.

Re: My New Campaign: A New Beginning

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 6:28 pm
by Wōdwulf Seaxaning
Nice, I enjoyed the write ups. Keep them coming Crucible.

Re: My New Campaign: A New Beginning

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 2:18 pm
by Crucible
Jeremiah Herks "Jeremiah" - 6' 200lbs/ Eyes: Hazel/ Hair: Auburn/ Notables: Caucasian, Tribal tattoos covering lower jaw, no nonsense, old world Christian, Ordained Minister, keeps good eye contact, takes orders well, listens intently, has personal code similar to a Justice Ranger/ Alignment: Principled

I've known how to fight since I was just a boy. I ain't old now, but I'm old enough to know how to protect and provide justice for those who cannot find it on their own. My daddy before me is and has been a Justice Ranger since he was just 16yrs old. He is also an ordained Minister, so when you say Wrath of God, that might be right. In Moonflower, the town we call home, there is the Mayor, Sheriff, and Deputies...but they really rely on my daddy's crew...ain't got a name or anything but sometimes we get called a few names. None that I can remember though. Highly unnecessary all the names you know.

My father cared less about my training in the guns department and more about my learning about the Lord. We spend more time keeping vamps and demons out of Moonflower than bandits and raiders. They already know the score and have mortal fear of their sins. Vamps and demons? They think they know it all. I use silver bullets, they work good on vamps then have other things you have to do. I've seen more than a few vamps head out when they see us coming.

Moonflower is an odd town out in Nevada. It rains for six months, but never storms or showers and then its dry for six months. The dry time is the worst with vamps and the wet times are the worst with monsters. It never ends, just changes. I am blessed to have been able to protect those good folks, but right before I took this job I earned my keep by being the one to find out that the mayor was double crossing us for some slavers. Well, justice was swift I'll tell you and like the fool he was, he turned down repentance and so when he fell to the ground it was more sadness than justice in my heart. My daddy understood, he is far more heavy handed than me and I had hoped the man would get a trial, but daddy is the head...period.

I didn't leave on bad terms. Dady gave me weapons, armor, ammo, and his own hovercycle and told me that when I would return...Moonflower would be a different place. I believe he's thinking of putting the sheriff as the mayor, but we all know that daddy is the REAL power.

I traveled for a time, making my way through. After days of tireless travel I came upon a refugee camp full of people who needed my help. I knew right then that this was MY new beginning.

Re: My New Campaign: A New Beginning

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 1:29 pm
by Wōdwulf Seaxaning
Great work ..I liked the write up on Jeremiah the best so far. Keep em coming Crucible.

Re: My New Campaign: A New Beginning

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 1:44 am
by Crucible
Leon Walker "Dub" - 5'11" 225lbs (built like a Juicer) / Eyes: Grey/ Hair: Bald/ Notables: African American Creek/ Heavily muscled, not a Dinosaur Hunter but rather a localized survivalist, badly tempered, but methodical in his approach, quiet demeanor can be as explosive as C-4/ Alignment: Scrupulous (w/o the code his father instilled in him he'd be anarchist)

What is there really to say? I was trained by a CS Ranger gone "Native", well...that would be my dad. My mom's Creek and grew up in a protected area. Ignorant folks call my maternal family Barbarians, but there are quite a few coming through who don't know a vine of grapes from a poison ruff.

I have more to say based on my dad's teachings than anything. The Coalition is a hypocritical joke that preys on the weak minded and should be as it were intended, "Humanity's hope for survival." Instead it is a hive minded cult that has D-Bee's, mutants, "dangerous psychics", and based on what he has seen as a Ranger pretending to be a basic scout...they have magic men too.

The war left a mess and worse than just the typical slavers, poachers, and threats from the rifts. Now we have folks running around the swamps making lots of noise and drawing just way too much attention to us all. At first it was far easier to deal with all the beasts and now? Now they all seem to have a taste for long pig, almost exclusively. Its one thing to stumble onto one of us and a man is eaten, its a whole new game when they are actively hunting children and women. That has created more problems than we actually had.

Refugees trying to find a home and stumbling ever so deeper into the south and becomes a three hundred man feast for raptors, rex's or one of the alien breeds. I fended the things off for months trying to protect folks that didn't know what they had stumbled onto. I can only carry so much ammo and go for so long without eating. It is also very difficult to hide in one spot for just a long time. Those people. The last group I contemplated killing myself just so that they would have a quicker death, and unlike the other times I found that I too was being ambushed.

I was high in the trees, but raptors are much smarter than one would suspect. I was picking them off one by one and one of them must have made me. The first almost snuck me from behind, but I got out of his way and let him fall from that distance. I made my way from tree to tree evading them as I went along. I had to do what I hated, I sprayed and disoriented my attackers long enough to start picking them off again. I went down from the trees and ran back to the refugees and the raptors had succeeded in their plan. Run me off and then have lunch. I thought that I had met my end when I found myself surrounded. I was angry that I had been so easily fooled, but even angrier that it would be raptors that would end me. Never wanted it to be these bottom feeders if it would be a dinosaur.

I pulled out my Steel Tree Knife and waited for death. If I was going to die, a few of them would go with me! They could not seem to make up their minds, so then I decided for them. A throat slashed, a stab to the skull, right to the heart, claw cut off, through the eye, from inside of mouth into the head. I kept slashing and fighting while grasping each grunt that came from my mouth. I bit my tongue and could taste the mixture of their blood and my own. Hatred, anger, fear, and the sheer excitement had taken over. It was no longer hunting but mass slaughter. The meat is worthless, so the grounds would simply be fertilized I thought out loud. I was a whirling dervish or pain and death. The remaining three tried to run, but I made it to my crossbow way too quickly. The blast injured all three, I killed each of them slowly.

My father came from the bush having watched the whole thing. You see, I was still just a boy and that was my first test and the closest that I received to a graduation. That day, dad gave me his NG-LG6 Northern Gun Laser Rifle & Grenade Launcher and told me, "Survival is far more important than anything. In order to survive, you have to retain your humanity, take care or others, and fight until you have nothing left.

I never personally wanted to help anyone else. My own skin was more than worth looking out for, but my father is more than right. Too often have I seen men die by his own greed or selfishness. So helping others, means a long life. That's why I came here and don't you worry about how I knew about this refugee outreach plan. More folks know than you would like, but a great few of them have taken their knowledge with them to the grave. My dad and I? We don't like folks who know to much of what they shouldn't.

Re: My New Campaign: A New Beginning

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 2:55 am
by Crucible
Brodie Mueller "Rigz" - 5'9" 165lbs/ Eyes: Blue/ Hair: Dark Brown/ Notables: Caucasian, surprising strong and extremely smart IQ:24 actually one point higher than the scientist, conspiracy theorist, slightly paranoid, heroic but feigns cowardice, smokes often, has many underworld contacts, has a knows more than you think type of aura/ Alignment: Unprincipled

(walks into the makeshift hut for Gov. Jenket Wylders and shuts the rickety door behind him)

I don't your fat head to keep radio silence you floop! What do you think that means? Write something about my training? We were on an illegal radio signal jerk-nut! You can't keep calling me on it. Zeez! You would think this is just okay! The CS is looking for an excuse to commandeer my machine ya doosh! Its vampite "slash", werewolf "slash", zombie "slash", wahtever ready man and they want that thing!

Training history. Let's see. Let's see. I worked for a sick frickin cyber doc once and later a snatcher. I ran with the Cyberpunks back when I was either eleven or fourrteen. Had to be one of those two ages because in between I was working on learning more about physics and mechanical ergonomic design and retro reverse engineering. Lessee...OH yeah, there was this old chick that taught me about girls around that time. Fun stuff. Fifty five years old and didn't look a day over forty. Let me see know I actually met this one guy who claimed to have an alien craft that transformed into a 50ft robot and the overall shape of the craft had an uncanny resemblance to an F-14. And oh yeah, if this turns out to actually be a CS death camp I'll make sure that there isn't enough left of you to identify. In other words, even a forensics expert will never find out that it was me. Got it?

(starts out the door when the Gov. asks if that was a veiled threat)

What was veiled about it? You DO know how this looks right? A fat guy who claims to hail from Tolkein. I got nothin in the database on you at all. You have a couple of ATV's that look like the old CS type and no weapons. You picked all human, no psychics, magic users, or D-Bee's for the lack of a better term and oh yeah, the same is true of me at the only two other so called, "guides" that I have met. You're pecking in the wrong roost now porkster. Those other two look like hardened crimnals are skirmishers. They may get to you before me, you understand that greaseball?

(The Gov assures him that it is only a security measure and that the failures of other refugee groups were starting the trek too soon, have too many people, and that non-humans, mutants, and powered individuals attract too much attention. They could all come later)

Man if that wasn't some old school Prosek garbage right there. You know, that money won't even put a dent into what I need for that walking box of boom out there, but it will take from you and my second point...those people out there? Need me to protect them from YOU.

(Walks out slams door and it falls off hinges)

Re: My New Campaign: A New Beginning

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 12:21 pm
by Crucible
Lucifer_Drake wrote:Great work ..I liked the write up on Jeremiah the best so far. Keep em coming Crucible.

He is also the only one with his own theme music.

Re: My New Campaign: A New Beginning

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 4:39 pm
by Wōdwulf Seaxaning
Nice video & liked the other two write ups.

Re: My New Campaign: A New Beginning

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 10:13 pm
by Crucible
Lucifer_Drake wrote:Nice video & liked the other two write ups.

I'll have the last two and storyline so far written up soon.

Re: My New Campaign: A New Beginning

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 9:42 pm
by Crucible
Lincoln Barnes "Link" - 6' 195lbs/ Eyes: Golden Hazel/ Hair: Dyed Fire Engine Red/ Notables: Caucasian, really bad ink, still very young looking, naive (tends to revert to street mode) is actually a 2nd Level Wannabe Juicer crossed over to Bounty Hunter/ Alignment: Unprincipled

I don't have parents. Don't know who or what dropped me in the dumps over in the Burbs, but its a true story. I was kept by an elderly brothel madame until I was 7, when she died we lost the whole place. I lived on my own on the streets until I was taken by a Black Marketeer who sold me to a weirdo mage trying to make me his familiar but the ritual wouldn't take. He was going to kill me I'm sure, but he never made it home one night and that's when I met Avery. He came in a Dead Boy armor, scooped me up and took me to his home a block away.

He was an older guy in his 60's and his wife was around the same. Her name was Maria. They had gotten wind of what that weirdo mage was up to and took him out. I should feel bad, but don't. I mean why would I? They took me in from the time I was nine on up. Both wanted to pass on the Bounty Hunter tradition, but had lost their children after a zombie outbreak down south. It was more viral than magical, but they had made it to the Burbs, but as wanted fugitives. Laid low for 30yrs until that mage was trying to twist me all up. Called him a Shifter I think.

Well, Bounty Hunting didn't take. Sounded real old west to me. So I went to my usual lifestyle. Street punk, but this time I joined a gang of guys who wished they were Juicers. They were called the "Juiced Crew". At the time I thought we were bad as all, but we sold a lot of wolf tickets. Wore piece mail armor that could barely stop an icepick, carried weapons that was about as effective as that very thing I just said, and not much else. Some of the guys had harnesses, or a lot of small tubes that would mimic harnesses.I guess I thought that was too stupid cause instead of looking like a Juicer I just took the dope.

We would get all hopped up on all kinds of Euro garbage and try to get into an underground Juicer club called the Final Call. Its where all the baddest Juicers and even Crazies would hang out. It was also the place to find Juicers of every walk and even guys who could handle Juicers would be there. It was the place to be if that's what you wanted.

Our leader was a kid named Splatter. He was the only one who had seen any action and new the ropes. He had been working for some guy who claimed to have technology from over in the NGR. Said he could make him a Juicer for dirt cheap. Said, he'd give him the jape treatment for less than nothing if a few items were found. Heck, the same guy was supplying us with Rush and Crash anyways, so no one thought anything about it. Splatter got the treatment after we lifted some things and we saw the change. Pretty awesome stuff, plus a few month supply of Rush and Crash. We'd be running things soon enough.

Right after dude got the jape treatment we hit the Final Call. The door man saw the harness and said, "Your squishy friends are your problem guy." and we all went in. Splatter started junk as soon as we got our drinks. He and this one Juicer started having words on who was in line first at the bar. Splatter became splatter in seconds. Didn't stand a chance. He did say, "No...wait..." after the guy grabbed both of his arms as he swung each one in what would have been massive haymakers. He lay there dead after the guy basically ripped his torso in half from that position. I still wonder if he was trying to pull his arms off and beat him with them as he had threatened, but we'll never know now.

Me and the crew tried to make a run for it, but that Juicer and two of his buddies had us stopped. My whole buzz was killed. The Juicer that killed Splatter pointed at me and said, "I wonder what those drugs in you taste like laced with blood." and smiled a monstrous smile. Before he could advance, Avery had already vaped the doorman and killed the guy who was about to kill behind him and stabbed him through the heart and harness. Maria played clean-up at the door with a rail gun. A RAIL GUN!!! A Juicer went at Avery with a hard left to the ribs only to pull back with a broken hand. Avery broke his neck with less than a full motion.

After the place was completely "cleaned out" Avery said, "Get your young little arse home kid."

At home Avery explained that he was a part of a group that was involved in imports, exports, and smuggling of all kinds. The conversion that he and Maria took were Russian by design, along with the truck. He told me that I had no choice but to learn Bounty Hunting now that my life was his times two and that he would give me everything I needed to make it work.

Training was simple, gear was better than average, and Avery said, "Now be something that you can be proud of." I left after just nine months of training and along the way stumbled into this.

I was headed to the Virginia bay in order to see if the tales of salvage equipment down there was true. I had been going for I don't know how long until I made it to a town not far from here. I was hungry, thirsty for liquor, and didn't mind a good fight or two. I sat in the back of the bar, like Avery taught me. Just to get a gaze and seem mysterious. Made sure the shadows covered me. That's when I saw her and all bets were off. Just Burster hot!!!

Avery did not tell me how to approach the ladies, but I wanted to. It took another drink before I decided to walk to her, but a moment later she was approached by an elf. "Wow." I thought, not only are elven guys good looking but they definitely seem to have a liking in the right directions. When they stood up, a guy followed them out. I recognized his weapon, CP-30 Laser Pulse Pistol found only with CS Spec Forces and Officers. This guy was a Ranger. Had to be. I started thinking back, he had been watching her all night. I then heard it outside, a few words then a rush of wind and a lady screaming something in another language. I ran out and yep! It was an ambust. Dead Boys and that Ranger guy blasting on that woman and elf. Then I remembered, "Now be something that you can be proud of." The last thing Avery told me before I left.

I went to my truck and got out the old WI-AL18 Assault Laser Rifle and gave cover fire for them two to get to their hover vehicle. They got there but someone made sure that thing was red fire and thick smoke before they could get in. They were done and now I had some aiming for me. After I downed one I screamed out, "Oh yeah!?" Jumped in the old Novyet and drove to those two. The elven guy heroic in his final act made sure that she was in the truck before he was blown in half by whatever he was shot by. I said, "Armor! Rule number always wear ARMOR!!!" We drove not far from there only to find the camp that she was going to burned down and shot up. Sobbing she picked up gear from those she recognized and went and looked in the only cabin that was left fairly intact.

I walked out there looking for signs of trouble and went into that same cabin. I saw her pick up a holo projector of some kind and it showed a projection of her and a guy, but not the elf. It was the Ranger. I said, "No way you could have known lady." She looked at me and said, "...and look where that got us. Frilser, the elven guy I met with, was wary of him. That's why he didn't bring his family, but we still need to find them." I gave a smirk and said, "It would make me proud to do so."

Re: My New Campaign: A New Beginning

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 10:58 pm
by Crucible
Dr. Lila Paige "Doc" - 5'7" 135lbs (athletic) / Eyes: Green/ Hair: Reddish Brown/ Notables: Mixed Race, tan skin, very smart, medical doctor Anthropologist, Xenologist, Rifts and Ley Lines enthusiast/ Alignment: Scrupulous

I was top of my class at the Lazlo Science Academy. Born in Tolkien to Dr. Lucas Page a medical doctor and Sonja Paige a Mystic and of unknown origins. Her actual name is just "Sonja"...or was.

They moved to Lazlo when I was young, not sure what age, but life was actually better in Lazlo. I decided on a future in science and research early on and was always questioning things. I always considered myself as more of a Field Scientist than a facility doctor.

When I heard about all of the refugees I just had to go. My parents wanted to accompany me, my mother believing her skills to add an advantage. When we made it to a camp, I was introduced to Clady, A charismatic scout and survivalist. We fell for each other very quickly and he started teaching me the finer points of combat.He gave me the laser pulse gun, automated machine gun, and laser sword and trained me for about three days.

We were told by a man named Nicks that an elven family were looking to find us, so of course I decided to meet them. Clady asked me not to go and just let him take care of it, but I explained that this was what I was in this for. Clady was seriously against it, but I insisted. The town wasn't too far out, plus on the hover vehicle I would make good time with that nice path between the woods. Clady said one last time. "Listen. Let me handle it and you take your hoverer somewhere else. Meet me elsewhere" and he gave me a map. I was confused, snatched away from him and said, "Let go of me! You have some explaining to do when I get back!"

I was so naive. What happened next could not be comprehended. I made it to the town, it was called Hobartston, the bar was easily found. I sat at the bar and ordered water. It was nearly ten credits just for a glass of water that tasted like it was fresh from a toilet. I put it down and looked behind me. A guy with bright read hair and an armor was sitting in the back staring at me like he was invisible. The staring made me nervous, so I thought about leaving. The armor looked a little like a CS armor, but how could I be sure? I had not seen one in person.

Frilser showed up dressed like an elven scout, longbow and all. I noticed some of the inscriptions and knew that it was a powerful weapon, I could feel it a little. I asked where his family was and he said, "This meeting is unsafe." He stealthily handed me a note when he bent down to kiss me on my cheek and whispered, "There is a man watching us and another simply watching you. This is going to go badly, find my family on this map and lead them to safety. It has the coordinates of another camp that is a whole lot safer." I looked at him and tried to look around, he jerked my wrist and said silently through his teeth, "Silly youngling, there isn't time. Come!" We started out the door when I finally noticed that Clady was there and was pulling out a gun. I said, "Clady?" He just stared coldly and said, "You are in violation of various CS codes. You are now under arrest." That's when the soldiers appeared from every angle.

"Frilser...I'm so sorry." Frilser opened his arms drawing his cape wide, his white hair flowing in the windless air as though we had been hit by a gust of air, his pale blue eyes turned lightning white, and his flawless face became wrinkled with anger and hatred. He said a few words and half of the soldiers were hit by a blue and red light and flew backwards as though hit by a raging fury beetle.

Clady shot, but the blasts were deflected as Frilser pulled the bow from his shoulder. He pushed me towards the hover vehicles and when I turned around he had shot an arrow from his bow that had not been there before, but was shifting in and out of this existence. It went through one soldier and stuck in another. I stopped to scream at him to duck when I saw that there were soldiers on the roofs. I looked and the man who had been staring at me in the bar was walking casually to a truck of some kind. He opened the door and pulled out a menacing looking gun. He started firing on the CS guys from behind them.

Frilser and I almost made it to the hoverers, but they had been destroyed. Clady was walking towards us before he was shot in the back by the kid from the bar. Clady started towards the kid, but now we had nowhere to go and I had no weapons on me. I had forgotten them in my hoverer. I also had no armor or anything else, the soldiers were coming at us. Frilser was standing and saying, "I will have to surrender myself, you find my family." Before I could agree, the truck was right there with us. Frilser pushed me in, but before he could also get in he was dead.

The kid was obviously angry with both of us. Yelling about armor and weapons. I was crying and shaking. I told him to take me to my camp. Where there was once laughing and singing, there was only the smell of death. I picked up items that had belonged to my dad and mom who had died there. "Clady." I thought out loud as I went into my cabin. I knew it when I saw that it was still intact. I looked at the projector he left and saw that this had been a set-up from the beginning. I took the weapons that he had given me and an old armor suit that my dad had given me. That warrior that had saved me and attempted to save an elf, two he had never known, was standing next to me. He did his best to console me and I had no one else, so I asked if he would take me to find Frilser's family. He agreed. Too kind, you never see that anymore.

Frilser's family was exactly where the paper said they would be. His wife already knew, she was a seer. There were several others who were his children, but looked like adults. I didn't ask, they didn't speak. Frilser's wife's name as Agrvenyia, she said that they had seen his death long before the war and knew what was to be so there was no sadness. I looked at the coordinates for this other refugee camp, I wasn't certain how to find it. The warrior who was yet nameless inserted the info into the GPS and said, "We'll be there in about nine hours." Along the way I learned that the warrior's name was "Link" and that he was a newly trained bounty hunter who had already found the bounty that he would like to collect on. Saving lives. I instantly trusted him and felt safe.

We found our way to the camp only to find that a group was being set to move a bunch of refugees to another location further west. I asked, yes asked, if we could join and take Frilser's family with us.

We have all suffered from this war and it isn't over yet. I fear that it has only truly started yet recently.

Re: My New Campaign: A New Beginning

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 12:37 am
by Crucible
Rifts: A New Beginning

Theme Song To Rifts: A New Beginning

Seven heroes stood waiting outside of door that had been propped up. A smallish man paces back and forth smoking wrapped tobacco of some kind mumbling and shaking from the cool air wearing a grease covered t-shirt and cargo pants. "What the hell is wrong with these people?" all eyes on on him briefly as he stops his pacing and looks to the grou, "What?" he retorts while hunching his shoulders and looking slightly tough but possibly more or less oblivious at his odds of winning a physical contest with these guys.

A moment of silence passes as the young men and woman speak silently about what may be actually taking place before the scruffy little guys stops and asks, "Any of you happen to be able to stop bullets with your mind or tame dragons with a thought? Say yes, just to make me feel better."
One of them steps up wearing all black with combat boots. Not much larger than the annoying pacing guy he looks at him and asked, "What's your deal man?" the scruffy little guy flared back and shoot his head with a strong sense of solemnity, "Ahhhk, You guys just don't know man."

It wasn't long after that exchange that the door was moved to the side and the Governor walked out. "Okay guys. My time here is done. The guy who is actually leading this thing will see you now." The scruffy guy said, "Wait! I thought you were "The Man" in all of this." The Governor walked over to the grease covered yound man and placed his hand on his shoulder. "No Rigz. Not me. I just had all of the contacts and pull to make this happen. I got paid just as any other merc. I'm old and tired and this last war and all the other stuff after has really beat me down. I have walked my last ley line and said my last little incantation. I'm done. I'm retiring at Ft. Angus down in Texas." Rigz looked down and looked at the others, "What do you mean incantation?" The Governor laughed and said, "You were right. I was a racist man most of my life. A bigot. I used my magic to aid the Coalition States until I couldn't stomach it any longer. I moved to Tolkien and was given a position and honored it. I'm tired now. Theres a bunch of us there and I'll be hovercraft."

Rigz wasn't embarrassed, but relieved. He really would have killed the governor had this been a double-cross, but he was pleased that it wasn't. The other young man who came forward asked, "Well, where is this man that we will be working for?" The Governor walked straight through the group and said, "This way Falcon."

They came upon a Northern Gun ATV and a man sitting on top of the front piece lighting up a cigar. He had an impressive size. 6'5" maybe 6'6" and a very strong build. a white flat yop and well shaved beard the same color. Even in the dark his icy pale blue eyes cut through even their armors. He was boldly sitting with a black t-shirt, khaki cargo pants, khaki combat boots and a pistol in his breast holster and another at his right hip. After taking a few drags, he slid from his spot and walked up slowly. The swagger of many wars and many wins he stopped just half a foot from the group and blew a heap of smoke amongst them.

He looked around and eyed every one of them. He moved his head sharply to make his neck crack and smirked. He looked at The Governor and nodded, then back to the group and nodded. His voice loud and firm, but clear. Deeply mid toned, but most of all certain. While pacing back and forth in front of them going the length of the group he spoke what he would pass as wisdom.

"I don't need to know who you are, but you sure as certain need to know who I am. I am Captain Edward of Operation: A New Beginning. This is not only a new beginning for the refs, people, but for you and me as well. This is the opportunity to live or die for something that matters. A little background as I have already read yours. My training is a Calling and not a choosing. I'm a paladin. What that means is that I kick demon ass for a living and enjoy the hell out of it. I know every one of those things by sight, sound, and smell. Those are the Three S's and if you live as long as me which is seventy years old, you will know the same thing. I was trained in another dimension, came here as an aftershock of cutting the head off some mumbo jumbo guy trying to put the whammy on me. I was seventeen. I cam here and survived with none of the "good stuff" for nearly three years and by the time I learned how to use half of that crap, I was satisfied with bareknucking it.

You see I was "transported" in that rift jump to the coastline of what you all call "The West". I was almost messed up by some song that got stuck in my head, but I fought back and found out that I could kick ass and take names without an armor or weapons. Some folks say that I'm a Sea Inquisitor, I just say that my training served me well and the Calling protected me, so now I'm better at ripping out a baal rog's guts and yes I have done it. It ain't that hard if you set your mind to it.

I'm old! I'm fit and could whip any of you, but I need help on this trip. You see, we are going back! Back to that very coastline and I won't say where it is. I asked for specific skill sets that could help me and men and women who were young enough to have not picked up any bad habits and would be willing to learn. That's you.

I say "jump" and you damn-well better jump. That jump may save your ass from something trying to cut your legs off.

It goes like this. I know the basics of your skills, but you all need honing. Falcon, you will be training with Patterson and Hamilton. Those two guys have fought in "The Siege" and tons of skirmishes. Known them for a long time son, you'll learn a lot. Warzone! You'll be training with Fritz. He's a long time pilot and we need you to learn how to do some things you may not know already. Rigz! You'll be with Diesel and Knocko. They know how to upgrade and modify." Rigz let out a long winded sigh. "I already know how." As fast as the words were said Captain Edward walked quickly to get into Rigz's face, "I didn't ask your opinion." Edward smiled momentarily and said, "You know, check that. I will value your opinion. Write it down on poison ivy so that I can wipe my ass with it you whiney brat. Get going, they don't have all night...we are leaving in 24 hours!" Rigz walked over to the two mechanics in the distance. He clearly didn't like this idea. Jeremiah, you stand fast over next to the ATV. Give me a minute."

Edward shuffled over to the two standing there and looked away and said, "Now I actually did ask for seven and two of 'em died on the way. I don't believe in coincidence obviously, more on that later." He looked at them with a smile. "There are things that we can't understand even if its in our collective faces, so how could we if we can't even see it? Lincoln you come with me, Lila, head over to see Andrew, he's a Body Fixer."

Re: My New Campaign: A New Beginning

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 1:26 am
by Crucible
WildWalker wrote:Whoa...


Thanks man. That's not even a full session, but trying to turn it into a story and with multiple jobs isn't easy. I'll have more here this weekend.

Re: My New Campaign: A New Beginning

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 10:34 pm
by Wōdwulf Seaxaning
Hot damn..very nice write ups & the into story is good to boot! I can't wait to read more , keep 'em coming Crucible.

Re: My New Campaign: A New Beginning

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 2:36 am
by Crucible
Lucifer_Drake wrote:Hot damn..very nice write ups & the into story is good to boot! I can't wait to read more , keep 'em coming Crucible.

I appreciate the response brother. The story so far was the VERY beginning. Thats basically how it went in game as well. Its been awesome so far. A few topics that have been tackled are honor, Faith, training vs instinct, perception vs reality, in game canon on how Tolkien fell, truth vs propaganda. etc. Its been a really fun, sometimes fast sometimes slow paced game with high excitement. I'm thinking of running something similar PBP sooner than later.

Re: My New Campaign: A New Beginning

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 4:46 am
by boxee
Always love your posts, keep up the great work to inspire us all to become better in all things.

Re: My New Campaign: A New Beginning

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 4:10 am
by Crucible

Captain Edward took a deep puff of his cigar then looked at it and smiled. He let out a smokey exhale then looked up towards Jeremiah, then back down and with a smirk and small laugh said, These things will kill ya." then dropped it to the ground. He then rubbed his hands together as to clean them while crushing the smokey treat under his boot. Looking at Jeremiah he gave a small smile and asked, "What?" Jeremiah was somewhat surprised at the question. "Um, sir I'm waiting for training." The old man looked back and asked him slyly, "What training?" an awkward moment passed by as they both sent stares one to another. The old man shook his head as if to say, "Clueless." and said, "If I wanted to actually train you guys, I would have just taken a couple of refs and trained them up don't you think...?" Jeremiah was confused, he knew what he had heard earlier, "But sir, you said..." Edward abruptly interrupted with a very sure tone, "I know what I said. I said exactly what you featherheads needed to hear. You guys were acting so jumpy I had to think quickly on what to do with the lot of ya."

Captain Edward walked over to Jeremiah and gave him a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "Kid, I kept you with me because I think that you are going to be very effective in this whole thing. Granted, I don't expect for all of you to make it. Hell, I don't expect to make it, but you need to get a clue real fast before this trip starts." Jeremiah walked over to a tree and leaned back against it and said, "You know what gets me sir. The whole war, I mean its been almost two years and this many are still displaced? Not just that, how did the CS win that one? All of the obstacles, the magic, special teams. C'mon you know it as well. Then too, why didn't more nations rise against Prosek and help Tolkien out. A peaceful nation like that you would think would have more support from outside."

Edward peered back at Jeremiah. "You read Tarn huh?" Jeremiah rubbed the back of his head briskly and responded, "Some of us use to read her work back at Moonflower." He laughed a little and said, "Hey, when you've been no where its nice to read about other places." Edward shrugged and said, "Tarn means well. I've been on a few travels with her myself, going back years kid. While she's a good writer and a decent person, she is biased sometimes to the extreme. She ignores the fact that even so called "enlightened" nations are nations or city states for a reason. No one builds as strong as they do without having some kind of advantage. The all around most dangerous nation is the New German Republic. Been there kid, those guys are nothing to joke about. Back to Tolkeen. They had been readying for war going back at least a decade."

Jeremiah was surprised and bit shaken, "Is that why no one would help?" The Captain shook his head and reached into a side pouch pulling out another cigar. "Are you kidding me? There were far more issues than that. A whole lot of things that are yet unsaid, but are now starting to be noticed. Tolkeen was moving towards becoming a more aggressive version of what Tarn wanted the world to believe they were. Plato warned us all about them, but you have to be careful when talking about Lazlo as well. They have a few secret wars of their own. Just because they are Coalition doesn't mean that every one of them in a uniform is evil and just because they hail from an "enlightened" nation doesn't mean that they are good. People are people. In a war, its the guys up top that are the biggest creeps. Who gets hurt? Innocent civilians. More folks have died as a result of the war rather than the actual war. Its all a real shame kid."

Jeremiah thought it through and watched the old Champion light his cigar while noticing Edward watching him right back. Jeremiah gave a small laugh and clapped his hands just once. "That was my training huh?" Captain Edward blew a huge cloud of smoke and said, "I told you earlier in my own way son. I pick the best." Jeremiah then replied, "This little lecture. This was to make sure that I understand that you could care less about who folks say they are or what we think they are. The refugees' safety comes first." Edward said, "Any jackoff can pull a trigger, but it takes wisdom to know when and when not to. The Coalition won because of their sorcerers, not because they were just so bad ass like they put out in their pamphlets."

Edward stopped talking for a moment as a man approached wearing a Cyber Knight's armor, "Captain Edward, Team Two just showed up to escort the refugee group two." Edward asked in return, "How many made it?" The grizzled veteran warrior replied, "All seven." Edward started to give an impatient look and started, "Sir. Guyland..." before he could finish, the Cyber Knight interrupted, "A Combat Mage, Line Walker, Mystic Knight, Psi Warrior, Burster, Psi Stalker, and a Blade Mage." Edward responded, "I hope some folks in that group have some non human blood going, because we need this to not attract attention. I'm sending about a tenth of the non-human group along with some of the fugitive mages, psychics, and other mutants. Let me know when group three is here as well. I say go ahead and put group two with Lt. Garrison, he'll brief and lead them out that way. They are going to use the southern route so vamps are gonna be a problem for them." Sir Guyland nodded his head and responded, "Yes sir." and went back to where he had come from.

Jeremiah smiled and gave a nod, "I see what you're doing. I have to know why though." Edward said, "You get it then. This is my human and mostly unpowered group. The CS will be less of a threat if we do it that way. It will leave us vulnerable to some, but we'll do fine. Lt. Garrison can let out some serious "light works" from his hands or eyes of just about any kind. He's taking the "human looking" crowd. The third group is a bit more inhuman. Our group is more or less human. Ogres, Atlanteans, and others like that." Jeremiah looked around then asked, "What do you mean by more of less human?" Edward then stated, "Like me for instance. By CS standards, I'm a Deebee myself."

(stay actually gets good from here.)