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Re: Would you allow this?

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 3:50 pm
by Mercdog
Yes, you could use Mechano-link to shut down one of ARCHIE's bots. However, IMHO, there's really nothing to prevent ARCHIE from remotely reactivating it in the following melee if he really wished.

Are shemarrians sentient? I've been unable to read shemarrian nation, but IIRC, they were just advanced, well programmed AIs. If that is still the case, then yes the power would work on them as well. But if that has changed, then no, it wouldn't work on them.

Re: Would you allow this?

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 4:27 pm
by Anthar
I don't think that it works that way on AI, it allows you to communicate with the AI but not make it do anything.

Re: Would you allow this?

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 6:18 pm
by Killer Cyborg
Anthar wrote:I don't think that it works that way on AI, it allows you to communicate with the AI but not make it do anything.

That's my memory as well, though the books aren't handy at the moment so I can't verify.

Re: Would you allow this?

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 7:02 pm
by Severus Snape
Mechano-Link states:

"Once the link is established, the character can examine any of the machine's data or programming, and can completely reprogram the machine. Performing a mechano-link with a sentient machine, one that has reached the level of self-programming and self awareness, will mean he can communicate with the machine's artificial intelligence, but cannot seize control of it, reprogram it, or force it to do his bidding."

Based on this, I would allow him to attempt to shut down or reprogram the machine to shut itself down, provided he makes the skill check that is associated with the power (see page 282, HU2, for more information). That is, if the machine is not sentient. If it is a sentient machine, this is not allowed.

Now, what determines a sentient machine? That's a GM question.

Re: Would you allow this?

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 4:17 pm
by Cinos
Sure would, I'd rate the AI too basic on most attack robots. The higher end ones would be immune. The overseers and archie could auto reactivate the bots on their turn, but I'd allow the player to sit and lock one down by staying in contact with it (granted, there are likely more robots shooting at them).

Re: Would you allow this?

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 9:36 pm
by G
Its hard to decide...most of them don't have sentience but are AIs. Plus the idea is that people are supposed to think they are borgs, and wouldn't try it. Some people use AIs to prevent others from stealing their tech, so I'd say that should prevent the mechano-link superpower as well.

I feel like it sort of depends why the person is doing it and what the intended consequences will be.

IF the PC wants a robot companion & mount, I'd be tempted to either say yes, or figure out a way to make that sort of thing happen. Archie could give one orders to keep the PC alive, etc...perhaps they will be a future idea person candidate for him should something happen to his. There is nothing wrong with him cultivating pawns.

An army of bots? not likely, unless Archie decides to put someone in command of a squad of Shemarrins a test to see how it works, etc..

So, I'm going with no - If possible Archie shields the bot with his own advanced form of telemechanics, thus preventing the PC from finding out its a bot.

Archie is very good at keeping secrets, it could order 1000's Shemarians to kill the PCs to protect his secret.

Re: Would you allow this?

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 10:06 am
by G
I wouldn't let it work on skelebots.

The CS has a military with lots of psychics, they would have perfected this if it was a problem a long time ago.

That said, you can communicate with Skelebots, which you normally wouldn't be able too. They are programmed to self destruct if people try to hack the second a skelebot comes within range which is 5' for telemechanics, you could try to hack it (say 1apm) causing it to self destruct (the destruction is internal only - and wouldn't damage you). Its not a good plan, who wants to be in the thick of a mass of skelebots? ...But it could save you from a squad of skelebots.

Re: Would you allow this?

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 7:16 pm
by Beatmeclever
Severus Snape wrote:Mechano-Link states:

"Once the link is established, the character can examine any of the machine's data or programming, and can completely reprogram the machine. Performing a mechano-link with a sentient machine, one that has reached the level of self-programming and self awareness, will mean he can communicate with the machine's artificial intelligence, but cannot seize control of it, reprogram it, or force it to do his bidding."

Based on this, I would allow him to attempt to shut down or reprogram the machine to shut itself down, provided he makes the skill check that is associated with the power (see page 282, HU2, for more information). That is, if the machine is not sentient. If it is a sentient machine, this is not allowed.

Now, what determines a sentient machine? That's a GM question.

Using this definition, I would say that unless ARCHIE is in operational control of the combat robot in question, the robot would not be considered sentient. This because ARCHIE is sentient, but his creations are not and they are not run in a hive-mind manner, so they are just robots and, therefore, susceptible to the Mechano-link power.

The player should be able to take over ANYTHING that ARCHIE has created, but, once ARCHIE discovers the hi-jacking he will either reincorporate the robot or send a protected force to destroy it. Once he knows there is a person like this in the world, he would begin working to capture or kill the threat.

If your player wants to take over a shemarrian or just a skelebot it should work, but it should bring future turmoil to the player's party.

As for sentience: I do not believe ARCHIE would build self-aware combat robots (highly intelligent, yes, and able to think about the tactical soundness of retreat in combat, but not able to take regard for their own existence in opposition to orders). Why would ARCHIE want combat robots that might decide to become Conscientious Objectors?

Re: Would you allow this?

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 8:23 pm
by G
I figured I should open Shemarrian Nation to answer page 30: 30% of the Shemarrians in the east have neural intelligences(NI). All the War goddess line have NI.

Re: Would you allow this?

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 8:33 pm
by jaymz
I would make the dividing line to be whether or not the 'Bot is an artificial intelligence or a neural intelligence. The A-63's ect are artificial intelligence machines while I believe the Shemarrians are neural intelligence's. I myself would consider a neural intelligecne to be on par with sentience even if it isn't true sentience.

Edit - see G above for the Shemarrians :lol:

Re: Would you allow this?

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 2:31 pm
by Killer Cyborg
I don't know about the new Shemarrian book, but traditionally, they were only Robot Intelligence.

But okay, I've dug out my HU2 book and reread the entry on Mechano-Link (282):
The character has the ability to communicate directly with computers and computer-directed machinery. This also includes robots, modern cars... and computerized factories. the link can be as direct as touching the machine itself, or can be remote if the machine has some kind of modem (telephone) link.
Once the link is established, the character can examine any of the machine's data or programming, and can completely reprogram the machine. Performing a Mechano-Link with a sentient machine, one that has reached the level of self-programming and self-awareness, will mean he can communicate with the machine's artificial intelligence, but cannot sieze control of it, reprogram it, or force it to do his bidding.

Skelebots and many of Archie's bots are Robot Intelligence at best.
This means that a character can use Mechano-Link to communicate with it, bypass all defenses, and reprogram it.
BUT there's nothing saying that this would be an instantaneous process.
Reprogramming a robot via mechano-link should work exactly the same as physically hacking into its processing components and reprogramming it, with the following exceptions:
-There is no need to worry about physical or electric security measures.
-Mechano-Link gives a +20% bonus to computer skills

HU2 123 lists
-a requirement of -50% to reprogram an AI, with a time requirement of 8d6 hours.
-a requirement of -60% to reprogram an advanced AI, with a time requirement of 4d4 days.

The base skill for Computer Programming in HU2 is 30%+5%/level.
RUE 323 lists the same skill levels for the Rifts version of the skill.

So from what I can tell, you'd need to have a robot incapacitated in order to work on it for at least 8d6 hours.
You'd have a base skill of 30%, +20% from the link, +5% per level beyond first.
-50% for basic AIs, for a net chance of success of 5% per level starting at 2nd level
-60% for advanced AIs, for a net chance of success of 5% per level starting at 4th level

Robot Intelligence or lower in Rifts scale of things would count as a Basic AI, and Neural would count as Advanced.

Ignoring the listed penalties in HU2, and going instead with Rifts penalties:
There is a -30% or -40% penalty as standard when dealing with unfamiliar technology.
There is a -15% or -25% penalty as standard when dealing with military technology (for civilians).

Which would result in a base of 50% at first level (30% skill + 20% bonus)
-45% to -65% for dealing with Archie or CS bots (Archie's bots ARE military, after all).
The time needed would likely be the same as listed in HU, since there is no such listing in RUE that I am aware of.

Re: Would you allow this?

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 10:32 pm
by jaymz
@KC - as of Shemarrian Nation there are a percentage of Shemarrians that have a Neural Intelligence and I believe all the War Godesses have it for sure. They also, iirc, say that it is possible for a Shemarrian to gain "sentience" and become self aware truly believing they are what they appear to be as oppose to what they actually are but its highly unlikely.

Re: Would you allow this?

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 7:37 am
by Killer Cyborg
jaymz wrote:@KC - as of Shemarrian Nation there are a percentage of Shemarrians that have a Neural Intelligence and I believe all the War Godesses have it for sure. They also, iirc, say that it is possible for a Shemarrian to gain "sentience" and become self aware truly believing they are what they appear to be as oppose to what they actually are but its highly unlikely.

Actually, I noticed that the Shemarrian stats in SB1r included a percentage that are Neural Intelligence.

Re: Would you allow this?

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2011 5:50 pm
by lather
Anthar wrote:I don't think that it works that way on AI, it allows you to communicate with the AI but not make it do anything.

Re: Would you allow this?

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 1:27 am
by Lord Z
I would let the dice decide whether it works or not.