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YOU = Mystically Bestowed by a ... Deevil or Demon ... YOU !

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 6:43 am
by TechnoGothic
YOU = Mystically Bestowed by a ... Deevil or Demon ... YOU !

If you was offered a "Pact" by a Deevil and/or Demon, which one would you go for ??

Re: YOU = Mystically Bestowed by a ... Deevil or Demon ... YOU !

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 4:59 pm
by Anthar
Is this a "by the rules" Mystically Bestowed from Heroes Unlimited or just who would you choose if given a choice type of deal?

Re: YOU = Mystically Bestowed by a ... Deevil or Demon ... YOU !

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 7:16 pm
by AlanGunhouse
He means from Armageddon Unlimited, and it would seriously depend on the deal I was offered. I was working on a story involving a mystically bestowed a Demon I think (I would have to look, it was some time ago I last worked on it). The deal involved him performing a single specific service for the empowering party. If he survived, he would keep the powers, if he failed, well the usual consequence of the demon getting his soul.

Re: YOU = Mystically Bestowed by a ... Deevil or Demon ... YOU !

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 4:41 am
by TechnoGothic
~ Arm.Unlimited ~
Your Visited by both a Deevil and a Demon. Each offer you "Power" if you sign a "Pact".
Which one do you choose ?

Deevils usually give less physical abilities.
Demons like to give Physical Abilities, usually.

Or do you try to work Both of them into giving you power, or just say Bugg Off evil guys... ???

Re: YOU = Mystically Bestowed by a ... Deevil or Demon ... YOU !

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 8:09 am
by Anthar
I'd have to tell them to bug off then, whatever they want in exchange I'm sure it won't be worth it.

Re: YOU = Mystically Bestowed by a ... Deevil or Demon ... YOU !

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 7:36 pm
by AlanGunhouse
That was the thing about the story, the character had pretty much nothing to lose, as he was about to be executed for a treason he did not commit. By taking the deal and doing what he was asked he could take revenge on those ultimately responsible for his situation...and he could not see any real harm to anyone else involved. Taking a deal depends greatly on the deal involved.

Mind you, there might well have been long term and far reaching consequences to his success. He would not know the effects on the Minion War of his mission...

Re: YOU = Mystically Bestowed by a ... Deevil or Demon ... YOU !

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 7:52 pm
by Nightmask
AlanGunhouse wrote:That was the thing about the story, the character had pretty much nothing to lose, as he was about to be executed for a treason he did not commit. By taking the deal and doing what he was asked he could take revenge on those ultimately responsible for his situation...and he could not see any real harm to anyone else involved. Taking a deal depends greatly on the deal involved.

Mind you, there might well have been long term and far reaching consequences to his success. He would not know the effects on the Minion War of his mission...

Much like when Neron talked Blue Devil into taking out a power sub-station, insisting that it wouldn't really trouble anyone, but worded his bargain such that it actually resulted in the helicopter death of his long-time boss and friend and followed it up using that secret to set up her son to be damned as well. Sure it doesn't SEEM like it's going to be a problem, but they came up with the phrase 'the devil's in the details' for a reason.

Re: YOU = Mystically Bestowed by a ... Deevil or Demon ... YOU !

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 8:28 pm
by Anthar
I find it interesting that no one choose deevils yet, except for the double choice. I suppose most realize that you can't really trust anything about the deevils but with demons at least you know where they stand even though you can't really trust them either.

Re: YOU = Mystically Bestowed by a ... Deevil or Demon ... YOU !

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 1:05 am
by The Beast
But I already am a demon. Where's my option? :(

Re: YOU = Mystically Bestowed by a ... Deevil or Demon ... YOU !

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 5:48 am
by TechnoGothic
The Beast wrote:But I already am a demon. Where's my option? :(

Heroic Hellion

Join A government task force to take down other supernaturals :twisted:

Re: YOU = Mystically Bestowed by a ... Deevil or Demon ... YOU !

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 2:25 pm
by Reagren Wright
:demon: Demons have some cooler options. Like 5 MAJOR SUPER ABILITIES :mrgreen:

Re: YOU = Mystically Bestowed by a ... Deevil or Demon ... YOU !

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 7:15 pm
by The Beast
TechnoGothic wrote:
The Beast wrote:But I already am a demon. Where's my option? :(

Heroic Hellion

Join A government task force to take down other supernaturals :twisted:


Re: YOU = Mystically Bestowed by a ... Deevil or Demon ... YOU !

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 10:02 pm
by Senator Cybus
I voted no. Hell, no!

You'd be dealing with a being of pure evil, a wretched monster that expertly tempts you with false promises of power, a despicable, pitiless beast whose only joy is in the crushing of your very soul!

Or a 'GM', as they prefer to be known. Ba-dum tssh! :P

On a related topic, exactly how powerful does a supernatural being have to be to Mystically Bestow powers? Is it mentioned in Armageddon Unlimited, 'cause if so I missed it? Could some of the immortals from Powers Unlimited 2 do it (demon lord/godling/avatar of a god)? What are the limits (if any) on the number of beings that can be empowered?

Re: YOU = Mystically Bestowed by a ... Deevil or Demon ... YOU !

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 5:56 am
by TechnoGothic
@ Beast, what you dislike Hellboy comics or movies ? lol

@ Senator Cybus. They have to be demonic/Deevil God-level characters i believe.

Re: YOU = Mystically Bestowed by a ... Deevil or Demon ... YOU !

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 8:33 am
by AlanGunhouse
Nightmask wrote:
AlanGunhouse wrote:That was the thing about the story, the character had pretty much nothing to lose, as he was about to be executed for a treason he did not commit. By taking the deal and doing what he was asked he could take revenge on those ultimately responsible for his situation...and he could not see any real harm to anyone else involved. Taking a deal depends greatly on the deal involved.

Mind you, there might well have been long term and far reaching consequences to his success. He would not know the effects on the Minion War of his mission...

Much like when Neron talked Blue Devil into taking out a power sub-station, insisting that it wouldn't really trouble anyone, but worded his bargain such that it actually resulted in the helicopter death of his long-time boss and friend and followed it up using that secret to set up her son to be damned as well. Sure it doesn't SEEM like it's going to be a problem, but they came up with the phrase 'the devil's in the details' for a reason.

Precisely right. In the case of the story, the mission would probably have a major impact on the Minion War...and even if that has no direct or immediate effect on his world, in the long term it probably would effect the entire megaverse.

Re: YOU = Mystically Bestowed by a ... Deevil or Demon ... YOU !

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 7:01 pm
by Senator Cybus
TechnoGothic wrote:@ Senator Cybus. They have to be demonic/Deevil God-level characters i believe.

Right. Are there any official rules about this sort of thing, though? Is there a specific deity-level power in a sourcebook somewhere?

I know in the main H.U. book it's hand-waved away (if the player wants a Mystically Bestowed character, s/he can just have one), but is there any guidance about how many super beings could be created in this way by a supernatural entity? Could they have dozens/hundreds/thousands if they saw fit, or would they only be able to manage one per realm-in-which-they-have-influence? Also, can a Mystic Bestowal be immediately cancelled if the patron deity desires it or would there be any kind of saving throw or other way to resist? Could a sufficiently powerful mortal mage use some kind of Spell of Legend to force a Mystic Bestowal, linking themself or another to a god like a kind of theological tick?

This has just got me thinking about a potential character concept and if there is an offical rule, or if anyone has an opinion, I'd like to hear it.

Re: YOU = Mystically Bestowed by a ... Deevil or Demon ... YOU !

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2011 12:23 pm
by Kovoston
Been screwed by them on too many occasions to accept a bribe or 'deal'... I voted 'no' to both.

Re: YOU = Mystically Bestowed by a ... Deevil or Demon ... YOU !

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2011 1:17 pm
by The Beast
TechnoGothic wrote:@ Beast, what you dislike Hellboy comics or movies ? lol

I only saw the movies in pieces, and didn't really like what I saw of either one.

Re: YOU = Mystically Bestowed by a ... Deevil or Demon ... YOU !

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 10:37 am
by TechnoGothic
Senator Cybus wrote:
TechnoGothic wrote:@ Senator Cybus. They have to be demonic/Deevil God-level characters i believe.

Right. Are there any official rules about this sort of thing, though? Is there a specific deity-level power in a sourcebook somewhere?

I know in the main H.U. book it's hand-waved away (if the player wants a Mystically Bestowed character, s/he can just have one), but is there any guidance about how many super beings could be created in this way by a supernatural entity? Could they have dozens/hundreds/thousands if they saw fit, or would they only be able to manage one per realm-in-which-they-have-influence? Also, can a Mystic Bestowal be immediately cancelled if the patron deity desires it or would there be any kind of saving throw or other way to resist? Could a sufficiently powerful mortal mage use some kind of Spell of Legend to force a Mystic Bestowal, linking themself or another to a god like a kind of theological tick?

This has just got me thinking about a potential character concept and if there is an offical rule, or if anyone has an opinion, I'd like to hear it.

No hard and fast rules for the person giving the powers. Just what you get for being chosen for the job/gifts.

Anything else is up to the GM it seems. Who, why, how, etc...

Re: YOU = Mystically Bestowed by a ... Deevil or Demon ... YOU !

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 9:16 pm
by Sir_Spirit
Hmm, IDK, imagine some thing like the 6th season of Supernatural, where Heaven is in chaos so even some "free" angels can/will make bargains for peoples souls.

Re: YOU = Mystically Bestowed by a ... Deevil or Demon ... YOU !

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 8:09 am
by AlanGunhouse
In basic, it is the same rules as who can make a greater pact with a witch.

Re: YOU = Mystically Bestowed by a ... Deevil or Demon ... YOU !

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 4:11 am
by boxee
First off Hellboy is born as a demon-like creature, no choice on his part at all. He does not transform into a demon or monster or hero. So not bestowed at all.

Second ummmm HEROES UNLIMITED if you make a deal with a creature knowing what it is and doing so of your freewill I would say not really heroic, but to each his own.

Personally I really like the character type, so much you could do with it. Power ranger type characters fit really well into this and I think sailormoon would as well as some other anime titles. Not saying I like either show, but you can get ideas from odd places if you are open to them.


Re: YOU = Mystically Bestowed by a ... Deevil or Demon ... YOU !

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 10:39 pm
by boxee
Daniel2112 wrote:
boxee wrote:Second ummmm HEROES UNLIMITED if you make a deal with a creature knowing what it is and doing so of your freewill I would say not really heroic, but to each his own.

Heroes, yes, but also Unlimited. As such, you have to include your Ghost Riders and Spawns with your lily white Supermans and Captain Marvels.

True but they should be the exception, not the rule. I think the bad monster "hero" thing has been overdone. It can be fun, but seems overdone.

Re: YOU = Mystically Bestowed by a ... Deevil or Demon ... YOU !

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 12:49 pm
by Lord_Dalgard
Daniel2112 wrote:
I quite agree. I like a lot of the "bad monster heroes", Hellboy in particular, but it's become cliched.

You have no idea. :)

And no gnarly demon powers for me, either. Just call me Prince Ashitaka. :D

Re: YOU = Mystically Bestowed by a ... Deevil or Demon ... YOU !

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 6:06 pm
by AlanGunhouse
The fact is, no matter what kind of hero (origin wise) someone is playing, the creation of a good character requires a mature player.

Re: YOU = Mystically Bestowed by a ... Deevil or Demon ... YOU !

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 11:26 am
by DtMK
Sorry, these deals only seem good at first or for a little time, then it's an eternity of being screwed and constantly played for a way out or losing someone you care about. I'll tell both to bugger off and hope I'm the one the forces of light are watching to make a better deal if I refuse theirs!

Re: YOU = Mystically Bestowed by a ... Deevil or Demon ... YOU !

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 8:12 pm
by AlanGunhouse
Well, part of the deal was being rescued from certain death only a short time in the future, as he was scheduled for execution later the same day (for a crime he really did not do).

Re: YOU = Mystically Bestowed by a ... Deevil or Demon ... YOU !

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 12:03 am
by boxee
Lord_Dalgard wrote:
Daniel2112 wrote:
I quite agree. I like a lot of the "bad monster heroes", Hellboy in particular, but it's become cliched.

You have no idea. :)

And no gnarly demon powers for me, either. Just call me Prince Ashitaka. :D


Re: YOU = Mystically Bestowed by a ... Deevil or Demon ... YOU !

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 5:53 pm
by TechnoGothic
boxee wrote:First off Hellboy is born as a demon-like creature, no choice on his part at all. He does not transform into a demon or monster or hero. So not bestowed at all.

Second ummmm HEROES UNLIMITED if you make a deal with a creature knowing what it is and doing so of your freewill I would say not really heroic, but to each his own.

Personally I really like the character type, so much you could do with it. Power ranger type characters fit really well into this and I think sailormoon would as well as some other anime titles. Not saying I like either show, but you can get ideas from odd places if you are open to them.


Hellboy would be a Heroic Hellion. Good Demon.

Re: YOU = Mystically Bestowed by a ... Deevil or Demon ... YOU !

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 9:19 pm
by DtMK
Ixnay on the onversions-kay!

Re: YOU = Mystically Bestowed by a ... Deevil or Demon ... YOU !

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 5:38 pm
by DtMK
One thing I'm kinda surprised about is that the Mystically Bestowed from good sources isn't quite as potent, or simply not as 'cool' as the hellspawned ones. I understand that at times you have to fight a greater opponent, but you'd think that the good guys bestowing weapons or powers could cough up more perks.

Re: YOU = Mystically Bestowed by a ... Deevil or Demon ... YOU !

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 7:17 pm
by Nightmask
DtMK wrote:One thing I'm kinda surprised about is that the Mystically Bestowed from good sources isn't quite as potent, or simply not as 'cool' as the hellspawned ones. I understand that at times you have to fight a greater opponent, but you'd think that the good guys bestowing weapons or powers could cough up more perks.

Yes, you'd think if anyone would be stingy it'd be the evil dudes rather than the good ones.

Re: YOU = Mystically Bestowed by a ... Deevil or Demon ... YOU !

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:55 pm
by AlanGunhouse
Possibly the evil powers are greater because they are designed to tempt greedy people?

Re: YOU = Mystically Bestowed by a ... Deevil or Demon ... YOU !

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:53 pm
by DtMK
Perhaps, but let's say you have someone on the fence, who is capable of being good, but could turn as well. The forces of darkness present their case, appealing to the base desires and able to grant power. Then the forces of light rebuttal but the only thing they can offer at best is less than half the power the Demon Lord offered, but a pat on the back for telling him he'd be on the right side? Less powers but doing the right thing versus more power and a possible loophole out of his deal later? Come on!

Re: YOU = Mystically Bestowed by a ... Deevil or Demon ... YOU !

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:03 pm
by boxee
I dont have the new book. I agree the class seems like an after thought, I think it deserves a good rewrite. With just a little work it could be a really great class.

Re: YOU = Mystically Bestowed by a ... Deevil or Demon ... YOU !

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 12:49 am
by znbrtn
i'd definitely take the demon's deal over the deevil's. they may be jerks, but you know how big a jerk they are, and in what ways.

edit: this of course takes into account that the deal offered is a reasonable one, and not something like giving up my free will and such.