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Re: Which 5 upcoming books is everyon waiting for the most?

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 11:55 pm
by DhAkael
1, Rifts: Megaverse in flames
2, Rifts: Megaverse in flames
3, Rifts: Megaverse in flames
4, Rifts: Megaverse in flames
5, Rifts: Megaverse in flames

I expect Mechanoid space around the time the Heat-death of the universe occours. :nh: :nh: :nh:

Re: Which 5 upcoming books is everyon waiting for the most?

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 1:57 am
by Chronicle
DhAkael wrote:1, Rifts: Megaverse in flames
2, Rifts: Megaverse in flames
3, Rifts: Megaverse in flames
4, Rifts: Megaverse in flames
5, Rifts: Megaverse in flames

I expect Mechanoid space around the time the Heat-death of the universe occours. :nh: :nh: :nh:

Ahh entropy. Everything decays even the "endless energy of the universe"

Been waiting on mechanoids since its first announced release as "sometime in 1994" in SB 2

Re: Which 5 upcoming books is everyon waiting for the most?

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 2:11 am
by Pepsi Jedi
Out of the 8 that they've said are out soon,

1: Northern Gun 1 (( I live here and alot of my groups are based out of NG. I'm also curious to see their new gear and what they've done with my part of the world. )
2: Northern Gun 2
3: Megaverse in flames (( Ready to see the 'end' of it and see what happens with the CS, FQ, Laz, ect. Also, if nothing else, we can quit speculating on it all, and the complaints can start.
4: Black Market (( I'm curious to see the CS prison system, and border patrol stuff. And.. I'll admit I'm dreading how the smuggler stuff will ignore most of the CS stuff.))
5: Lemuria. (( I was alot more excited about this one till I found out it didn't have the New Navy updates in it. With the New Navy book being separate and not even on the horizon, this one has dropped in the rankings.))

Honorable mention to

Dead reign Endless Dead. I like the Dead Reign books but the small books don't give me a ton to work with. I get them mostly for completion sake and to data mine the tidbits from
Vamp Sourcebook. (( 100% for the updates on Reids Rangers and Fort Reid.))

Re: Which 5 upcoming books is everyon waiting for the most?

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 2:52 am
by Looonatic
Rifts: Northern Gun
Rifts: Black Market
Rifts Chaos Earth Sourcebook: First Responders
Rifts Chaos Earth: NEMA Mission Book One
Rifter 9 3/4: Megaversal Mischief (I can hope, can't I? )

Re: Which 5 upcoming books is everyon waiting for the most?

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 5:34 am
by Pepsi Jedi
Upcoming books Shinitenshi. Not dream ones. :)

Re: Which 5 upcoming books is everyon waiting for the most?

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 9:14 am
by The Beast
1 = Megaverse in Flames.
2 = Land Of the Damned 3.

Re: Which 5 upcoming books is everyon waiting for the most?

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 11:23 am
by The Galactus Kid
1. Northern Gun
2. Northern Gun 2
3. Lemuria
4. Megaverse in Flames
5. Vampire Sourcebook
6. First Responders
7. Psychic Storm (the psychic classes Jason Richards wrote for Rifter #50 were possible the best psychic classes ever written and if that is just a taste, then this book will be awesome)
8. Sovietski (I already know whats in it, so obviously it isn't as important to me)
9. Japan 2 (ditto)
10. Monster Kingdoms of Europe (nothing official...just something that I really want to work on)

Re: Which 5 upcoming books is everyon waiting for the most?

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 11:31 am
by jaymz
Whatever 5 they can get out in less than a calendar year :P :D :lol:

Re: Which 5 upcoming books is everyon waiting for the most?

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 12:48 pm
by The Baron of chaos
My personal choice:
1) Megaverse in flames (i hope for demoninc explosion everywhere!!!)
2)Lemuria (because when i first had to choose my first sourcebook on my meager money it was amongst the first 5 choice, it is an old "debt" owned to us by Kevin)
3) Psychic sourcebook??....***K and YEAH!!! It was about *****ing time!!!
4) Japan 2 and Sovietsky (ahh other two long time project we were waiting since....lot of time)

Re: Which 5 upcoming books is everyon waiting for the most?

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 1:49 pm
by The Dark Elf
1. Anything I submit
2. Carmens next book
3. LotD: 3
4. Tombs of Gersidi
5. MoM 2: Dark Magicks
6. Yin-Sloth Jungles 2nd edition (I know you said 5 but #1 might not happen at all).

P.S. Yes I know this is in the Rifts forum and yes I ignored that fact.

Re: Which 5 upcoming books is everyon waiting for the most?

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 2:01 pm
by The Galactus Kid
The Baron of chaos wrote:4) Japan 2 and Sovietsky (ahh other two long time project we were waiting since....lot of time)

My bad. Real life got in the way in a pretty big way and I had to help get Triax 2 out first. Sovetski is coming along nicely and then I'll be jumping into Japan 2 pretty quickly.

Re: Which 5 upcoming books is everyon waiting for the most?

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 3:04 pm
by Zamion138
Megaverse in flames....underseas has never interested me in the slightest.

Re: Which 5 upcoming books is everyon waiting for the most?

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 3:06 pm
by jaymz
The Galactus Kid wrote:
The Baron of chaos wrote:4) Japan 2 and Sovietsky (ahh other two long time project we were waiting since....lot of time)

My bad. Real life got in the way in a pretty big way and I had to help get Triax 2 out first. Sovetski is coming along nicely and then I'll be jumping into Japan 2 pretty quickly.

It's you writing which makes it worth waiting for dude. Just hope Kevin does less to these than he did to parts of Triax 2. i think I like your "vision" at times more :D

Re: Which 5 upcoming books is everyon waiting for the most?

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 3:54 pm
by The Galactus Kid
jaymz wrote:
The Galactus Kid wrote:
The Baron of chaos wrote:4) Japan 2 and Sovietsky (ahh other two long time project we were waiting since....lot of time)

My bad. Real life got in the way in a pretty big way and I had to help get Triax 2 out first. Sovetski is coming along nicely and then I'll be jumping into Japan 2 pretty quickly.

It's you writing which makes it worth waiting for dude. Just hope Kevin does less to these than he did to parts of Triax 2. i think I like your "vision" at times more :D

Thanks Jaymz. I really do have fun with what I write. I write things that i'd want to see as a player and GM. I hope you liked the revised O.C.C.s in Rifter #55. I'm going to try to do some more of those, like for Rifts Mercenaries and even a Technojacker and Packmaster revisted for splicers.

Re: Which 5 upcoming books is everyon waiting for the most?

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 3:58 pm
by jaymz
The Galactus Kid wrote:
jaymz wrote:
The Galactus Kid wrote:
The Baron of chaos wrote:4) Japan 2 and Sovietsky (ahh other two long time project we were waiting since....lot of time)

My bad. Real life got in the way in a pretty big way and I had to help get Triax 2 out first. Sovetski is coming along nicely and then I'll be jumping into Japan 2 pretty quickly.

It's you writing which makes it worth waiting for dude. Just hope Kevin does less to these than he did to parts of Triax 2. i think I like your "vision" at times more :D

Thanks Jaymz. I really do have fun with what I write. I write things that i'd want to see as a player and GM. I hope you liked the revised O.C.C.s in Rifter #55. I'm going to try to do some more of those, like for Rifts Mercenaries and even a Technojacker and Packmaster revisted for splicers.

Yeah they made sense. I think any/all OCC's need to be brought up to a RUE standard aside from the odd tweak in special RCC's or OCC's (like the Juicers getting tweaked in reprints of Juicer Uprising etc). The point of an OCC's is to be special from the norm. IE, the CS Ranger should get the same abilities of the Wilderness Scout as the Ranger is basically the CS Wilderness Scout :), RPA Elites should get similar abilities to the Robot Pilot specialist earlier in RUE.

Re: Which 5 upcoming books is everyon waiting for the most?

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 4:17 pm
by Comrade Corsarius
Rifts: Australia 2
Rifts: Australia 3

..... well it says they're upcoming in my books, right? 'Coming soon in 1999!'

It's nice to dream.

Re: Which 5 upcoming books is everyon waiting for the most?

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 5:09 pm
by Pepsi Jedi
Aussie 2 is canceled

has there ever been indication of an "India" book?

Re: Which 5 upcoming books is everyon waiting for the most?

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 5:18 pm
by BookWyrm
Rifts vampires. Megaverse In Flames. Rifts Lemuria. Rifts Mechanoid Space. Any new After the Bomb 2 book.

Re: Which 5 upcoming books is everyon waiting for the most?

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 6:29 pm
by Prince Cherico
Ive been waiting for rifts lemuria for years.

Re: Which 5 upcoming books is everyon waiting for the most?

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 6:58 pm
by Dustin Fireblade
Chaos Earth - First Responders
Chaos Earth - Brothers in Arms
Chaos Earth - Psychic Storm
Warpath Urban Jungle

Black Market and Sovietski could be interesting.

Rest I could live without.

Re: Which 5 upcoming books is everyon waiting for the most?

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 8:02 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Land of the Damned III
Mysteries of magic 2
Hardware Unlimited
Beyond Arcanum

Re: Which 5 upcoming books is everyon waiting for the most?

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 4:58 pm
by Pepsi Jedi
I thought this was based on the proposed release schedule that Palladium had announced for this year.. if we're putting in books we'd just like, my list is way different.

Re: Which 5 upcoming books is everyon waiting for the most?

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 5:14 pm
by Pepsi Jedi
Oh I'm not complain'. I'm jus sayin'.


"World Book: Chi Town" (( on... Chi town!!))
"World Book: Coalition States" (( More than a page or so on the other states. Break um down baby!! Regional forces, supercities, ect!!))
"World Book: CS War Machine: Phase Two" (( MUST HAZ ALL THE CS THINGS!!! NEW THINGS!! I hadn't really realized it till I looked it up the other day. CS War machine is SIXTEEN YEARS OLD!!! Lets update those guys some more!!))
"World Book: Lazlo" (( has been needed from the start. WTFrak?)
"World Book: DBees of Eurasia" (( Love love loved DBees of NA.... just keep Burles from drawing for it or i'm passin 'out arrows to the knee!))

Re: Which 5 upcoming books is everyon waiting for the most?

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 6:27 pm
by glitterboy2098
The Galactus Kid wrote:1. Northern Gun
2. Northern Gun 2
3. Lemuria
4. Megaverse in Flames
5. Vampire Sourcebook
6. First Responders
7. Psychic Storm (the psychic classes Jason Richards wrote for Rifter #50 were possible the best psychic classes ever written and if that is just a taste, then this book will be awesome)
8. Sovietski (I already know whats in it, so obviously it isn't as important to me)
9. Japan 2 (ditto)
10. Monster Kingdoms of Europe (nothing official...just something that I really want to work on)

1. Lemuria
2. New Navy Sourcebook
3. New Sovietski
4. Japan 2
5. First Responders
6. Psychic Storm
7. Scandinavia (i obviously already know what's in it, so i'm like Galactus..)
8. Phaseworld: UWW
9. megaverse in flames
10. Rifts space (just something i really want to work on myself. :) )

Re: Which 5 upcoming books is everyon waiting for the most?

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 7:32 pm
by taalismn
Robotech: Genesis Pits
Minion War: Megaverse in Flames
Rifts Japan 2
China 3
*Robotech: Marines
*Robotech: Spacecraft

*Please don't let these titles vanish into the Dimensional Triangle! :cry:

Re: Which 5 upcoming books is everyon waiting for the most?

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 8:32 pm
by Pepsi Jedi
As a side note. NG 1 and 2 are set to include the Mannistique stuff as a front and pawn for northern gun. So your wishes are to be granted there. (( if the books published are as we've been told they are))

It should more realistically be called 'Rifts: Yoopers" or "Rifts Upper Peninsula" but.. Northern Gun sounds alot better and is more hooky for those that don't know the area.

I'm pretty excited about the both of them, as I live here. :)

Re: Which 5 upcoming books is everyon waiting for the most?

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 9:58 pm
by Pepsi Jedi
SamtheDagger wrote:M.I. is a front and pawn of Northern Gun eh? That is interesting, but I do not like it. I can see where the argument probably comes from, but when it comes to weapons, necessity is the mother of invention, and competition amongst arms dealers is part of the necessity. If you were to tell me all the weapons manufacturers are actually all part of the same conglomerate, I would raise an eyebrow. It also smacks of retroactive continuity. These two (NG and MI) have been presented as allied but competitor states from day one. Now they are going to "lift the veil" and reveal that the two have been one from the start (or at least for a very long time)? That seems a bit odd to me. It significantly narrows the field of weapons producers in North America, which I think is disingenuous to the setting.

I don't disagree, but... we literally only have a few bullet points right now.. and the book is pretty far down the list. We'll be lucky to see it by Christmas and alot can change between now and then. so.... we'll know when we get it. The writer is one of their newer guys and I like his work so far, so I'll gladly give him the benefit of the doubt. Lets see what he does with it. :)

Re: Which 5 upcoming books is everyon waiting for the most?

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 10:07 pm
by Lenwen
1, Rifts: Megaverse in flames
2, Splicers sourcebook
3, nightbane
4, Rifts vampire sourcebook

The books I want the most out of the near decade wait we have till they come out .. :P

Re: Which 5 upcoming books is everyon waiting for the most?

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 11:33 pm
by Balabanto
Yeah. Lazlo is pretty much first on my list of "Want."

I have almost NO interest in any of the books coming out except the Northern Gun ones. Deep South has been pretty much finished for years, along with China 3. The book I REALLY want to see is California. That could be a lot of fun.

Re: Which 5 upcoming books is everyon waiting for the most?

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 11:36 pm
by Pepsi Jedi
SamtheDagger wrote:M.I. is a front and pawn of Northern Gun eh? That is interesting, but I do not like it. I can see where the argument probably comes from, but when it comes to weapons, necessity is the mother of invention, and competition amongst arms dealers is part of the necessity. If you were to tell me all the weapons manufacturers are actually all part of the same conglomerate, I would raise an eyebrow. It also smacks of retroactive continuity. These two (NG and MI) have been presented as allied but competitor states from day one. Now they are going to "lift the veil" and reveal that the two have been one from the start (or at least for a very long time)? That seems a bit odd to me. It significantly narrows the field of weapons producers in North America, which I think is disingenuous to the setting.

MISTAKE HERE. I mistook the bullet points I'd previous read for Manistique being the puppet, when in fact the bullet point said Ishpeming.

Here's the entire thing taken from the most recent mailing.

Rifts® World Book: Northern Gun™ One

The largest independent manufacturer of weapons, robots and adventure gear in North America is Northern Gun™. Located in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, they have been the premier outfitter of mercenaries and adventurers for decades, and are a major hub for hiring military contractors. With a whole new product line to offer their customers, the future looks bright for Northern Gun™.

The arms giant Northern Gun profiled for the first time!
The Kingdom of Ishpeming, a puppet-state propped up by NG.
Full 109 P.A. catalog of Northern Gun products!
New weapons, power armor, vehicles, robots and adventure gear.
The Ishpeming military, essentially a framework for hiring mercenaries and privateers.
The NG Bounty Board, the largest collection of bounties and mercenary contracts anywhere on Rifts® Earth.
Hover trains, supply ships and sales outlets.
Northern Gun’s relationship with the Coalition States, Triax Industries, the Black Market and others.
Written by Matthew Clements.
Interior Artwork by Nick Bradshaw, Chuck Walton and others.
160 pages – $20.95 retail – Cat. No. 887. March release.

Re: Which 5 upcoming books is everyon waiting for the most?

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 4:05 am
by mike19k
Pepsi Jedi wrote:has there ever been indication of an "India" book?

Yes, at one point it was said that it would be out in 2008.

My five "upcoming" would be
1. Chaos Earth Mission Book One: NEMA was first listed as due out in 2003
2. Chaos Earth Sourcebook: First Responders
3. Chaos Earth Psychic Storm was first listed as due out in 2004
4. Rifts Scotland was first listed as due out in 1999
5. Rifts Antarctica was first listed as due out in 2003

Re: Which 5 upcoming books is everyon waiting for the most?

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 7:56 am
by SpiritInterface
1) Rifts Dimension Book 9 UWW
2) Rifts Scotland
3) Rifts Minion War Megaverse in Flames
4) Rifts Japan 2
5)Hardware Unlimited

Re: Which 5 upcoming books is everyon waiting for the most?

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 11:05 pm
by Zamion138
i woulndt hold my breath for anything more on england and ireland ever.... I want rifts middle east, so many good things you could do with afganastan, history of war so long they might not notice brodkil arent just some other jerk *ss country comming there to try and take it. or rifts Nam, or rifts alaska, got alot of ideas for that place love to see what others have.....the things HAARP could have become during the golden age is pretty swank ideas about it.
Rifts space 2...the break down of orbital satalites or something that lets space open up.

Re: Which 5 upcoming books is everyon waiting for the most?

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 11:38 pm
by Pepsi Jedi
To give them credit. Northern gun has been around since the first book and Merc town didn't come out for decades after.... it's easy to say that NG has more.. it just hasn't been covered yet (( And yes. Most people are all. "Why so long!?" but we don't have Chi Town or Lazlo either))

Re: Which 5 upcoming books is everyon waiting for the most?

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 12:47 am
by Pepsi Jedi
I second Shinitenshi's thoughts there. They won't touch Middle east with a 50 foot pole. India... way way down the list.. but it MIGHT see light of day if Palladium hangs out another 5-10 years.. but you won't see it in 5.

Re: Which 5 upcoming books is everyon waiting for the most?

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 1:54 am
by Pepsi Jedi
Ahhh Wormwood... I remember when that one first came out. It was nice and fresh and new and like nothing else in rifts. (( ok aspects of it had been seen before in sci fi but it was TOTALLY new to rifts))

I'd love a new dimension book that was totally fresh like Wormwood too.

You just gotta be careful that you don't end up going past 'new and exciting' into 'Too freaky/stupid"

Re: Which 5 upcoming books is everyon waiting for the most?

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 4:42 am
by everloss

Whatever was announced as "coming soon!" 15 years ago that I'm still waiting on.