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Re: Killer G.M. Article Poll

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 7:02 pm
by Bill
You left "stupid and pointless" off your poll.

Warning: Trolling.

Re: Killer G.M. Article Poll

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 2:18 am
by The Beast
Bill wrote:You left "stupid and pointless" off your poll.


Re: Killer G.M. Article Poll

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 3:10 pm
by Xar
You know, I think the very best thing that any one has said was Severus Snape, here.

It's not good, but not bad. Just as base advice. It's technically ok, but not the kind of material the Rifter usually prints. When I read Rifter articles, I read for game content, rather than for gaming advice. Maybe that's just me.
I now realize that you were going for a humor angle, and I never got that. I think that's one of the reasons why I never gave you any feedback. I didn't express that I just didn't "get" the article.

I'll publically apologize for poor private communication. I'm sorry that I never replied to you. I couldn't put into words what Severus did a nice job of.

So, again. Sorry!

Re: Killer G.M. Article Poll

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 12:22 am
by Akashic Soldier
This just seems like something that would be something gaming groups joked about and not actually necessary. Good fun idea bro but your time is better spent on something else in my honest opinion! :D

Re: Killer G.M. Article Poll

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 9:23 am
by MaxxSterling
Sorry, I never got the whole "How to GM" sections in books either, so it's not you're writing, it's the content. All a GMing section needs to say is, "As a GM, you are GOD, you control everything in the game." And from there, either the GM is a jerk, or not. That is all.

However, #11 is me all the way. But not only did I refuse to get out of it, I refused to fight anything that may hurt my armor. I mean, once it's hurt, how the heck do I fix it? Rifts doesn't have treasure tables and I can only carry so many suits of P.A. under my arm to resell at the next city...

Re: Killer G.M. Article Poll

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 6:01 am
by Hendrik
Hi there,

I have read the article as "tongue in cheek", a humourous anti-guide to being a good GM. I think the article achieved that.

That said, I have to agree to some of what has been said before. In essence, (i) I don't think the Rifter will publish the article as is (maybe because) (ii) it is written in a way that makes it "easy" to miss the point that it is meant tongue in cheek and (iii) a Killer GM is a horrible thing and does not need - even humourous - endorsement. I enjoyed reading the article, though. You made some very good points like "do not show up late", "play in character", but you might have wanted to save sentences like "you insolent fool", even when being humourous about it. Despite the latter, I think you can write pleasingly, Panomas, but as Akashic Soldier said maybe your time would be better spent on a different topic.

Now, even if some do not share my sentiment or think the article is trash, there is no reason to bash poor Panomas in the way it happened. Here is a fan who is brave enough to face and seek the critique of his peers to improve. Naturally, he then will have to face some wind in his face but there is no reason not to be nice and polite, and of course constructive about it.


Re: Killer G.M. Article Poll

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 5:55 pm
by pblackcrow
It made me laugh, Mate. I don't believe it would be a fitting article for the Rifter. Although, they are filled with a lot of dribble for Rifts, so I don't see why not. I DO agree with you. I consider it rude when players talk over both me and other players. Me, because I have to type out stuff and then have a computer read it out loud...If I am interrupted I have to stop the text to speech program, answer him, then track down where I was when it happened, and continue from there. So, it's just gets to be a ruddy pain when I am half way through the intro or explaining something and the player either interrupts me or talks to a player or talks over me when I am playing. We started deducting experience points for it.

Re: Killer G.M. Article Poll

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 9:40 pm
by gdub411
Bill wrote:You left "stupid and pointless" off your poll.

Warning: Trolling.

I agree.

Re: Killer G.M. Article Poll

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 1:00 am
by Alpha 11
Not bad.

Re: Killer G.M. Article Poll

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 6:03 pm
by St. Evil
My group and I got a few laughs out of this, thanks for the effort.