Heroes Unlimited/Ninjas and Superspies Integration

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Re: Heroes Unlimited/Ninjas and Superspies Integration

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

Dibbzz wrote:Hello. I'm new to the forum and am wondering if anyone knows a good way to integrate a good gaming session between Heroes Unlimited 1st Edition and Ninjas and Superspies 7th Edition. Specifically, my buddies and I are curious about the Educational bonuses offered by Heroes but not by Ninjas and Superspies. My understanding is that in Heroes part of the character creation process has you roll for educational bonuses and in Ninjas they're "given" to you based on your O.C.C. Perhaps there's a good Palladium Guru on here that can help us with this dilemma. Simply looking to have a fun RPG session.


P.S. I apologize if this thread was accidentally posted twice as I posted once before about this topic but was notified it needed Mod approval.

Educational bonuses are added to the skills of N&S characters on a per OCC basis. That meaning each OCC has a particular 'Education level bonus' listed. You Operative agent, for example, has an education level of Special Training, but gets no particular bonus to any skills. On the other hand, a Cyber Agent (N&S pg49) has an education level "Equal to about 2 years of college; +10% Education bonus". These bonuses are, as always, in addition to any IQ bonuses your character may have.
One other thing that should be noted on skills for your character... there is a strong possibility of having some crossover skills between the many skill programs you'll be selecting (6 in all with an Operative Agent) It should be noted that the bonuses listed with the skills in the programs DO NOT STACK... instead take the highest bonus and apply it to the skill. For example, you give your Operative the Security Specialist program (N&S pg 33) and the Electronic Communication program (N&S pg 26) A couple of the skills in each of these programs repeat or cross over, particularly electronic counter-Measures, Surveillance Systems and TV/Video. The Electronic Communication program had Surveillance Systems at a +15%, but the Security Specialist has the same skill at +20%. Your total bonus is NOT +35%, it is the +20% from the Security Specialist program, the better of the two.
And no problem with the double posting... cut and paste is a wonderful tool occassionally :D
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Re: Heroes Unlimited/Ninjas and Superspies Integration

Unread post by gaby »

Do you think ther needs do be Acting skill?

How do you see it?
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Re: Heroes Unlimited/Ninjas and Superspies Integration

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

gaby wrote:Do you think ther needs do be Acting skill?

How do you see it?

There's actually a Screen Acting skill available already in Mystic China on pg 177 under the Chao Ta Kung Fu martial art form. While no specifics are given on exactly what skill category it belongs in or who else can take it as a skill, I make it available in the Technical skill category. Programs the skill is available in include Journalist Program (Basic) and Deep Cover Program (Espionage). The Screen acting skill replaces one of the available skills in these programs (player's choice) and gets a bonus of +10%. Screen Acting is also available as a Secondary Skill (still from the Technical category), but suffers a -5% penalty if taken as a Secondary.
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Re: Heroes Unlimited/Ninjas and Superspies Integration

Unread post by Armorlord »

JuliusCreed wrote:
gaby wrote:Do you think ther needs do be Acting skill?

How do you see it?

There's actually a Screen Acting skill available already in Mystic China on pg 177 under the Chao Ta Kung Fu martial art form. While no specifics are given on exactly what skill category it belongs in or who else can take it as a skill, I make it available in the Technical skill category. Programs the skill is available in include Journalist Program (Basic) and Deep Cover Program (Espionage). The Screen acting skill replaces one of the available skills in these programs (player's choice) and gets a bonus of +10%. Screen Acting is also available as a Secondary Skill (still from the Technical category), but suffers a -5% penalty if taken as a Secondary.
Rifter #25, which has several good skill programs in it, includes an Acting & Cinematography program. Also throws in a new Public Speaking skill.
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Re: Heroes Unlimited/Ninjas and Superspies Integration

Unread post by NMI »

Impersonation could be used as an "acting" skill. I know my group has defaulted to its use several times.
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