My future game setting: All Slavers Must Die

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My future game setting: All Slavers Must Die

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I'm glad to be playing in a game with friends again, and the round robin idea of one of us running a game with the characters, then another for a while, then another seems pretty fun to me. Especially since the group is traveling through space, time and other dimensions in something reminiscent of another craft that does so, which I'll refrain from naming. But instead of a regular setting for our Palladium game, I'm trying to make something new from scratch for a setting. I'm using Heroes Unlimited, particularly Aliens Unlimited, Rifts Manhunter and other games spliced in to give this world some flavor.

The pivotal point came on March 7, 1777 when the entire world became aware of something far larger than the American Revolutionary War. This was the day the ships came from the sky, and the races under the Archon Monarchy came to Earth. Humans were suddenly struck with the very real fact that not only were they not alone, but they were technologically inferior. An announcement was made by the head of this force, Baroness Archon Syndic.

"You have been abandoned by superiors, the architects of your civilizations. Call them space brothers, call them gods. I come from the heavens and tell you that there is a grand universe out there. But it also has great dangers. You, who were brought up but lost in your petty squabbles, ignorance and prejudices have left you in a dark age. Were it not for this, you would be among the stars already. I will not abandon you. I will teach, you, help you to learn, to better yourselves, and to take your place among the stars. And I will respect your borders if you respect mine. But there is one rule, one law above all else that no borders or kingdoms are immune or untouchable. All slaves must be free. All ownership of another of your own race, or any intelligent people like those under my following, is against the one law. Cease your practices, or I will kill you."

Some met with fear, others were open to learn from these beings. Still others clung to practices, only to observe by projections made by the ships entire towns, states, nations decimated when they declared themselves above their right to own slaves, or women and children as property. Many parts of the Middle East were wiped out entirely.

Other nations agreed, and thus, the shape of the world was forged. On this Earth, there was no Civil War, no World War 1 or 2, no Nazi party, no Civil Rights movement because all people, all colors, man and woman, were declared equal. And if any dared to claim superiority, they were educated in the variance of life in the Monarchy.

It is the year 2012. Over New York, the skyline appears different than what we would know. With giant spires and buildings meant for the larger than human Ceratohs, a humanoid rhinocerous race, these walking beings of power shook the ground where they walked, and were prone to growth spurts with experience. The buildings resemble styles of futuristic towers and vehicles from the World's Fair. Blimps and hover vehicles share the skies with the Oro, another humanoid race of avians, resembling a cross between mankind and golden eagles, their wings as strong and hard as steel. Human walks alongside the Ceratohs, the Kapasi, a humanoid mineral race that look like polished crystal come to life, their legs shaped like a horse's, and as they speak, they shine with bioluminescence. These beings from a trinary star system value life and manners, speaking with grace to all, but don't fire an energy weapon at them. Trust me.

Along with races like the Aglians, Kirn and others in the galaxy, man has prospered, and have even colonized the moon, and with the Monarchy's help, are terraforming Mars. With this knowledge that they are not alone, also comes technology leaping ahead. Radio, television, internet all merge into one source called the Piconet. And although mankind has staggered, it has learned its lesson. No slaves. No slavers. These are to be stopped and destroyed. This is the lesson of Persia, of Haiti when Voodoo houngans manned their farms with zombies, and were decimated. Horror movies of the undead are popular, but 'zombie' is a slave term, therefore not used. The new term is the original term, Revenant.

It hasn't always been easy. When equality of the sexes occurred, two hundred years ago a female uprising happened, demanding to be recognized. Calling themselves Amazons after the legendary warriors, they fought and won. But when it was discovered they took on the worst behavior of men and took slaves, they were all but wiped out. With this came knowledge that the leader of this revolt may have been an Atorian, a member of a human race of slavers in the Atorian Empire, a gynarchy where women ruled, and men of all species were nothing but second class citizens. With this, the Earth was made aware of true evil.

Today they fight the Atorian Empire, and are landing crushing blows against the war front, freeing enslaved races. Now on the verge of victory, another breakthrough has entered the Piconet. Using technology invented by Earth humans, the Monarchy has found a way to incorporate signals from other dimensions. Yes, these people have the opportunity to see other civilizations as entertainment. Alternate realities where the Monarchy never arrived, where prejudice and slavery still run rampant. Places like our Earth.

With every victory, the Monarchy and its immortal, godlike ruler Baroness Archon Syndic know the cause of the Monarchy is a just one. And soon, very soon, it may be time to do more than simply watch the mistakes or what might have been, for there must be a reason this world above all has developed this technology. Soon,very soon, the Monarchy may have to start entering alternate Earths and other worlds to educate the poor masses. To free others from kidnappers, drug cartels, economic servitude and immoral race wars that turn their own followers into cattle, to be owned. This is clearly wrong, after all. Perhaps it will take the light of the Monarchy to show all of reality the way.
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Re: My future game setting: All Slavers Must Die

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Any thoughts?
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Re: My future game setting: All Slavers Must Die

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This is really cool! Any stats on the various alien races you mentioned? or are they all in the AU book?
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Re: My future game setting: All Slavers Must Die

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I made them myself, I need to stat them in type, I have them written down. But thanks! here's a basic rundown to extrapolate from.

Ceratohs: Rhinocerous humanoid from an abrasive atmosphere. Natural AR 12.
All Ceratohs have the same racial abilities. Vibration, Giant, Heightened sense of Smell, Heightened sense of Hearing. PS is equivalent to Extraordinary PS, but at 20 feet tall or higher, PS is equivalent to Superhuman PS. Favors martial and warrior classes. Chief guards of the Monarchy.

Kapasi: Mineral humanoid, I was inspired by the Power Leech and the number of abilities from the Basanite from Aliens Unlimited. Borderline Mega-race.
All Kapasi are from high radiation worlds from a trinary star system, but due to their need to absorb energy for sustenance, they do not give off any traces of radiation. All have the following super abilities: Energy Absorption, Copy Energy Pattern, Control Density: all, when energy is absorbed, every 100 points of damage automatically increases the density of the Kapasi. Other super abilities: Solar Powered, Energy Expulsion: Light, Conduct Electricity. Favored occupations: Engineers, firefighters, anything where they can absorb energy and save lives where others may be harmed. Pacifists by nature, can be warriors but value courtesy and manners in all communications.

Oro/Golden Eagles. Avian humanoid from a vegetation world. Subject to powerful wind storms during summer months, wings have adapted to protect their bodies and young. Also have floating mountains and islands due to reaction with rare metal on their homeworld that reacts to ley lines. All Oro have the same abilities: Mega-Wings and Healing Factor. All have vision equivalent to Supervision: Advanced Sight. Can study magic, 40% of all Oro may possess other super abilities roll on table for Super Abilities in Heroes Unlimited. Favored class: warriors, pilots in craft that utilize the wings as part of the controls to be more responsive.
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Re: My future game setting: All Slavers Must Die

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As for Baroness Archon Syndic, she is a Blhaze alien, but evolved. She's level 24 and I used the template I found online for an Ultra/Cosmic hero upgrade. Her vulnerability is that she has God Syndrome, and often explores the Megaverse, leaving Prime Ministers elected in charge of worlds under her Monarchy while she's gone. She likes hiding in cloaks and masks to go among people unnoticed or to challenge people in other realities and not declaring who she is. She also has new weapons capable of harming, even destroying other Gods and Alien Intelligences by turning their own PPE inside them into bombs.
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Re: My future game setting: All Slavers Must Die

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Those are way cool! Those are some really creative creations. I actually like all three of them, but the Ceratohs and the Golden eagles are my favorite, just something about giant rhino warriors and golden metal wings that create a good mental picture.
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Re: My future game setting: All Slavers Must Die

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If you are looking at running this as a Play-by-Post, Storm Watch is more then welcome to host it!
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Re: My future game setting: All Slavers Must Die

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I hadn't considered that NMI, but thanks for the info! And Her0man0, thank you very much! I agree, I like the imagery as well. I'm not sure when I'll run it for friends, but I think it could be a fun world to play in. There's so many possibilities for it, especially if it spills out into other settings like the more traditional Heroes Unlimited or Phase World. Admittedly I received inspiration from other sources, but the uniqueness of the races makes them stand out and alone. You don't want a 30 feet tall Ceratoh on either side of you while you're being flanked by an Oro from above. And the Kapasi, at least they're asking nicely for you to lay down your weapons before taking you down.
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Re: My future game setting: All Slavers Must Die

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And my gamer friends read my note! Finally! Of course, since one player is currently an evil Natural Genius who has an android servant and is genetically engineering grubs from Systems Failure to attack and enslave their own kind, this is gonna be interesting. He already said his character won't like it there.
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Re: My future game setting: All Slavers Must Die

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In this reality, I'm also adding other beings who may have been repressed and downtrodden, or even abandoned like the Changelings, especially Changeling Metamorphs and the Erittimas from Aliens Unlimited. Shape shifting inquisitors and flying reptilians with energy swords? Why not?
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Re: My future game setting: All Slavers Must Die

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Looks very interesting.. just a quick question.. you had mentioned that you used, "the template I found online for an Ultra/Cosmic hero upgrade".

Where did you find this template?? I think it might be just the thing I am looking for to use in a game I am running.
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Re: My future game setting: All Slavers Must Die

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Ask and you shall receive! Personally I think it's nicely done, even having options to allow more characters a vast array of abilities closer to other comic book heroes.

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Re: My future game setting: All Slavers Must Die

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While on hiatus of running a game and in between employment at the moment, I find myself thinking of this game setting, and being rather proud of it. I was thinking of the crystalline humanoid race the Kapasi, and considering I was inspired both by the Basanites from Aliens Unlimited and the Power Leech from Psyscape, I think I created something unique and beautiful in their beings. Here are some background info for you on the Kapasi.

The planet Shikarina exists in a trinary star system, and among the few life forms to evolve from it are the humanoid Kapasi. Constantly bombarded by sunlight, solar flares, radiation, lightning storms and the occasional mystical energy burst from its ley lines, the Kapasi evolved to feed upon this ever present energy. Some resembling polished quartz, others having a rougher edge like uncut geodes and gems when absorbing energy and converting it into mass. As the Kapasi communicate, they both speak by resonating their crystalline vocal chords, as well as emitting light pulses simultaneously. The pulses vary in color, frequency and intensity, as bioluminescence is a primary form of communication over great distances. Since they decipher light pulses and developed before they created their fiber optics and laser communications, they are built for bearing their increased mass, speed of motion, if not greater than normal reflexes. Their lower legs resemble a horse or cheetah's, like a crystalline statue of a satyr.

Kapasi are hermaphroditic, and can reproduce clones of themselves by focusing enough energy and mass inwards, or finding a partner that may find them attractive. Some focus and relate more to males than females in their identities. When couples decide to mate and share their genetic information, they do so by a process of both mass and energy, shooting light pulses into one another, allowing the energy and density to reach critical mass. The end result literally ignites the area with blinding lights that are said to be quite beautiful. As the new life forms, it grows outward like shards from a central crystal, making the carrier of the crystals, and it could be either parent, have sharper edges. While this occurs, it is possible to interact with the shard, even speaking to it after several months. Gestation takes approximately two years, after this time the shard is removed or falls, and begins to absorb energy and mass. After a few weeks to a few months depending on the energy available, the child grows and reaches an adult form within 3D4 months. Some genetic information is carried into their structures, allowing comprehension and learning to take place during gestation and separation. Average lifespan of the Kapasi is 6000 Earth years.

In their beginning, there were the occasional bouts of unrest between Kapasi of various geographical locations, but realizing that their abilities meant they could do little to harm one another unless one really made an effort, they focused on diplomacy and communication. Their vast cities are like the Basanites, giant works of art both also practical using crystalline based technology, allowing massive conduits to act as laser communication relays as well as fiber optics for transmitting data.

As they began to explore the stars, they were amazed to see how many organic, fragile races there were in the galaxy. Unfortunately, they encountered a race of conquerors and plunderers who realized the living crystals would not only make great engineers for ships, but their very bodies and parts would make very efficient power regulators for their weapons. As they first bombarded the Kapasi with energy weapons, they found not only did they absorb the energy, but converted it into mass and increased their densities. This led to more devastating kinetic attacks with vibro weapons and rail guns. As these beings were attacked and ravaged, having loved ones slain or limbs severed just to be used for another being's technology, they were in shock. Never before had they encountered such brutality! They fought back as much as possible, but still tried to communicate and use reason and logic to reach them. Their efforts fell of deaf ears.

Then came the Baroness Archon Syndic. Not only did she free the Kapasi and decimate the invaders so much that their race has been wiped from the universe, their names lost to memory, but spoke to them of freedom, sentience, liberty, passion, diplomacy. Their way of life was not wrong, but there were far more violent races in the cosmos. If they wished to follow her, she could show them far more of the universe than they ever dared dream, while one law ruled above all: All Slavers Must Die. The Kapasi joined her.

Kapasi are intelligent, and see all life as fragile, yet wondrous in their capacities. When they encounter a new life form, they dissect their languages thoroughly. Believing that it is a lack of communication that leads to misunderstanding, then malice, then violence, they are almost always polite when speaking to races, believing common courtesy is key to overcoming hostilities. As they speak, the colors pulse with their words. Only a Kapasi that believes the being or race is completely blind to understanding or reason do they speak more directly. But they always treat their own race with courtesy and respect.

Being incredible energy and mass capacitors, the Kapasi are natural engineers and builders, as well as striving to understand other races, wishing to aid them and safeguard them against unnecessary dangers. In the Archon Monarchy, there is always at least one Kapasi in position as a fireman, engineer or worker when energy or radiation is involved. Some also join the police force, although most have a pacifist stance, they realize all too harshly the nature of violence and wish to be living walls against it harming others.

As they explored the stars under the Monarchy, they were frightened to discover not all star systems were lacking in sunlight or radiation. As they themselves absorbed radiation, they do not emit any that is harmful to others. However, solar energy is their primary energy source. Finding out about night and nocturnal settings at first made them nervous. They are amazed that there are many races that have never, nor need to see the suns. If they go without sunlight or bright lights for an extended time(see Mineral Aliens description as well as Solar Powered minor ability), they enter a weakened, starved state. They also realized afterward that the now forgotten race that attacked them took some of the Kapasi prisoner, depriving them of light and energy. This nearly drove the captives mad, as they discovered they grew so weak as to go into a comatose state, not dead, but completely weak and vulnerable.

One of the great engineering feats the Kapasi helped to create are the super solar cells on varous ships, cities, space stations and satellite tethers, massive power station satellites tethered to a planet by a massive cord-like device that also acts as a space elevator. This allows the Kapasi to transmit unfiltered sunlight down to the planet, and using relay stations, allows the Kapasi to get their fill of sunlight in 30 minutes what would normally take six hours. Perfect for city-bound Kapasi unable to greet the sunrise and feed.

Mineral Alien Humanoid

I.Q.: 4D6
M.E.: 3D6
M.A.: 3D6
P.S.: 3D6+4D4+10
P.P.: 3D6
P.E.: 3D6+1D4
P.B.: 3D6+4
SPD.: 3D6+2D4X10

PS and PE are considered Supernatural.
HP: PEX3+2D6 per level
SDC: 210+3d4X10. Natural AR: 15. Includes all super abilities and environment except for Solar Powered.

Trinary star system, high radiation planet, but does not emit any harmful radiation to others.
Uniusual characteristics: ambidextrous, legs built for speed.

All Kapasi have the same abilities: Energy Expulsion: Light, Conduct Electricity, Solar Powered,
Energy Absorption, Copy Energy Pattern, Control Density: all, Special! When a Kapasi is struck with any energy, PPE or ISP that would normally cause 100 points of damage or more, every 100 points of damage causes the Kapasi to instantly increase its own mass, granting all bonuses of that ability and side-effects of greater mass except for slowing down to a point of being unable to move. Always will be able to move at a minimum speed of 3. Unlimited energy capacity. Can release or burn out the energy by maximum activity or firing off energy. Will burn off excess mass at a rate of 1D4X10 minutes per dose of 100 points of energy damage absorbed.

Personality: Cheerful, polite.
Weakness: prolonged lack of exposure to sunlight or energy will weaken and drain them without killing them. This could lead to a phobia depending on amount of time without light or number of times deprived of it.
Bob Herzog from KoDT put it best: HOODY HOO!
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