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1D6 Splugorth

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 4:08 am
by Akashic Soldier
At any one time there are 1D6 Splugorth visiting Atlantis. So... who are they?

Yes, this is another of my Creative threads. The goal is to make your own Slugorth (you need not include stats but I wouldn't be opposed to it either).

Well Boys and Girls... who does Splynncryth rub elbows... Uhhh? tentacles with? :)

Re: 1D6 Splugorth

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 8:29 am
by Armorlord
Hm, it is not really clear what else, if anything, a Splugorth does outside of scheming for more power and enjoying their manipulative games, when they aren't actively controlling their personal empires.

I can think of a few main lines of motivation for visiting Splugorth:

    Splynncryth's dimensional market is a jewel amongst the Splugorth kingdoms, a place where all desires can be catered to and anything is available, for a price. Weapons, slaves, minions, rarities on many descriptions- anything an aspiring overlord could want.

    Information gathering.
    Either local or from across the Megaverse, Splynn is a veritable mecca for scum and villainy from every corner of realities to pump for information and rumors.

    Hunting, gambling, bloodsports, and smorgasbords of new and interesting people to eat.

    A Splugiorth friendly place to regroup at when defeated or driven out from a world. Or as a safe place to hang out when they need to leave a dimension they are operating in so that they can send essence fragments into that world to do their handiwork more remotely.

Re: 1D6 Splugorth

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 9:09 am
by Akashic Soldier
Apparently they go to Atlantis to seclude themselves in the wilderness but I still think everything you mentioned are valid too.

Re: 1D6 Splugorth

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 9:32 am
by Braden Campbell
I would add "sucking up magic energy" to Armorlord's motivation list. Remember that PPE-rich places like Earth are very rare in the megaverse, so many of his visitors could be coming to rest, relax, and litterally recharge.

Re: 1D6 Splugorth

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 9:35 am
by Akashic Soldier
Braden Campbell wrote:I would add "sucking up magic energy" to Armorlord's motivation list. Remember that PPE-rich places like Earth are very rare in the megaverse, so many of his visitors could be coming to rest, relax, and litterally recharge.

Very valid point!

But you know what would be cool?

If someone posted their idea for a Splugorth other than Splynncryth.

Re: 1D6 Splugorth

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 11:09 am
by Armorlord
Akashic Soldier wrote:If someone posted their idea for a Splugorth other than Splynncryth.
We'll get to it, we just need to consider what sort of visitors would be hanging around. Can't have characters without motivation!
Hadn't thought about 'transient' Splugorth before you made this thread (Good catch by the way!). Considering the motivations, already 'generic' examples can hop to mind. Might take a shot at some specific ones when I have more time.

Re: 1D6 Splugorth

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 12:25 pm
by llywelyn
Akashic Soldier wrote:If someone posted their idea for a Splugorth other than Splynncryth.

They're tentacle monsters. What kind of subtlety are you looking for?

I mean, we could come up with some poor, misunderstood one - but Splynn is already supposed to be the high end for Splugorth morality (anarchist). The other ones are going to weigh in somewhere between John Wayne Gacy and a hungry squid.

Re: 1D6 Splugorth

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 12:26 pm
by llywelyn
Armorlord wrote:Hadn't thought about 'transient' Splugorth before you made this thread

Well, there's also the optional one on Iceland.

Re: 1D6 Splugorth

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 3:04 am
by Akashic Soldier
llywelyn wrote:
Akashic Soldier wrote:If someone posted their idea for a Splugorth other than Splynncryth.

They're tentacle monsters. What kind of subtlety are you looking for?

I mean, we could come up with some poor, misunderstood one - but Splynn is already supposed to be the high end for Splugorth morality (anarchist). The other ones are going to weigh in somewhere between John Wayne Gacy and a hungry squid.

I'd still like to see what people except as a standard Splugy. Each one has his own life and goals and ambitions.

For instance... (the following events were made possible by Traix II-- BUY IT!)

You will be happy to know that for 2,000-8,000 credits vehicles and giant robots can be modified to accommodate non-human passengers (which would also include Borgs). Its illegal in the CS but *shrugs* that is kind of to be expected. Its 20,000 to 40,000 for massive size and non-humanoids.

40,000 credits later.

"How does that feel Lord Spawgarth?"

"Ahhh yes I quite like my new body. *Croak*" (in Krang's voice)

Re: 1D6 Splugorth

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 4:05 am
by gaaahhhh
There's the Splugorth who took the wrong portal, and now has to beg for spare change to get a ride home.

Re: 1D6 Splugorth

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 5:30 am
by Furoan
Hmm... Well according to the fluff Rifts Atlantis is THE place to go for the monster/evil races. While it is a market its got so many portal's to so many worlds and has so much magic in the air that people come from all over the world. I would assume that they come to Atlantis for 'neutral ground' while making deals with each other and other evil gods and other equivalent beings. That and strategy, or pitting their champions against guys in the Arena in much the same way people have dog fights or the like. "What's that? You think your Juicer could beat my Burster? Ok lets see!"

Depending on how the Splugorth are to their young it might be a 'safe' place for young Intelligence's to stay for a while while the Parent Intelligence is going into battle before they start their own empire. That i'm not sure about, because I'm kind of thinking that they would be more like the Dragon's, that is if they don't have the protection of a older one or can stand up for themselves being killed by an older one.

Some of it is probably the equivalent of a bus stop. "You know its an AWFUL long way from Wormwood to Phase world, Ill stop at Atlantis for a Human, Chips and Splugorth-Cola on the way there..."

Shopping's a good one. Not just in buying stuff..but selling it. A Splugorth has multiple planets under their control most of the time. Imagine the kind of magic they can be putting out, or slave stock they can bring. I can easily see every now and again a small caravan coming through, the Splugorth coming relax, while bringing in a couple thousand slaves to be put int the Slave Pens (and a small sum put into the that Phase World Bank of Dracul or whatever or the multilateral equivalent.)

Re: 1D6 Splugorth

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 6:32 am
by Akashic Soldier
Furoan wrote:Hmm... Well according to the fluff Rifts Atlantis is THE place to go for the monster/evil races. While it is a market its got so many portal's to so many worlds and has so much magic in the air that people come from all over the world. I would assume that they come to Atlantis for 'neutral ground' while making deals with each other and other evil gods and other equivalent beings. That and strategy, or pitting their champions against guys in the Arena in much the same way people have dog fights or the like. "What's that? You think your Juicer could beat my Burster? Ok lets see!"

Depending on how the Splugorth are to their young it might be a 'safe' place for young Intelligence's to stay for a while while the Parent Intelligence is going into battle before they start their own empire. That i'm not sure about, because I'm kind of thinking that they would be more like the Dragon's, that is if they don't have the protection of a older one or can stand up for themselves being killed by an older one.

Some of it is probably the equivalent of a bus stop. "You know its an AWFUL long way from Wormwood to Phase world, Ill stop at Atlantis for a Human, Chips and Splugorth-Cola on the way there..."

Shopping's a good one. Not just in buying stuff..but selling it. A Splugorth has multiple planets under their control most of the time. Imagine the kind of magic they can be putting out, or slave stock they can bring. I can easily see every now and again a small caravan coming through, the Splugorth coming relax, while bringing in a couple thousand slaves to be put int the Slave Pens (and a small sum put into the that Phase World Bank of Dracul or whatever or the multilateral equivalent.)

Inspiring post!

Re: 1D6 Splugorth

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 1:20 pm
by taalismn
Well, if the Splugorth are among the prima-donnas of the Megaverse, it stands to reason that there will be those occasional OBNOXIOUS Splugorth who even other Splugorth can't stand; the ones who crash others' parties, show up unannounced to sneer at the state of the other guy's kingdom, and generally conduct themselves much like a visit from one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, but JUST shy of the point where their hosts snap and strangle them to death/drown them in their bathtub/tinker with their Dimensional Portal to send them somewhere else...
Splynncryth: "Oh, Zorglychh! What a shocPLEASANT surprise to see you! What brings you around to my little corner of the Megaverse!"
Zorglychh: "Just passing through me old chum! Just wanted to see how my old punching bag was doing! Hahahahaahah!! Now seriously, is that your reception area out there or a petri dish? And do your MInions know ANY manners? It took them three seconds to commence the Fifth Level Genuflections of Awed Greeting! You KNOW I'm entitled to Twelveth Level, AT LEAST! And not ONE of them offered themselves to me as a snack! Shame on you! Do something about that, will you, Splyggie? And have my path plated in gold, will you? I get a rash from marble and concrete! Otherwise, the rest of the old crowd's going to hear how far you've fallen, Splyggie!"

Re: 1D6 Splugorth

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 1:27 pm
by DhAkael
taalismn wrote:Well, if the Splugorth are among the prima-donnas of the Megaverse, it stands to reason that there will be those occasional OBNOXIOUS Splugorth who even other Splugorth can't stand; the ones who crash others' parties, show up unannounced to sneer at the state of the other guy's kingdom, and generally conduct themselves much like a visit from one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, but JUST shy of the point where their hosts snap and strangle them to death/drown them in their bathtub/tinker with their Dimensional Portal to send them somewhere else...
Splynncryth: "Oh, Zorglychh! What a shocPLEASANT surprise to see you! What brings you around to my little corner of the Megaverse!"
Zorglychh: "Just passing through me old chum! Just wanted to see how my old punching bag was doing! Hahahahaahah!! Now seriously, is that your reception area out there or a petri dish? And do your MInions know ANY manners? It took them three seconds to commence the Fifth Level Genuflections of Awed Greeting! You KNOW I'm entitled to Twelveth Level, AT LEAST! And not ONE of them offered themselves to me as a snack! Shame on you! Do something about that, will you, Splyggie? And have my path plated in gold, will you? I get a rash from marble and concrete! Otherwise, the rest of the old crowd's going to hear how far you've fallen, Splyggie!"

Oh gawds; a Sploogorth as Harvard fraternity alummni or Londoner Upper-class twit. :shock:
Horrifying on levels beyond even a PERSONAL intimate visit by 'She who thirsts.'

Re: 1D6 Splugorth

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 1:58 pm
by taalismn
DhAkael wrote:[Oh gawds; a Sploogorth as Harvard fraternity alummni or Londoner Upper-class twit. :shock:
Horrifying on levels beyond even a PERSONAL intimate visit by 'She who thirsts.'

Yep....'Downton Abbey Meets H.P. Lovecraft' or 'Class and Snobbery Among the MegaMetaCephaloOptopods'.

Re: 1D6 Splugorth

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 2:07 pm
by Akashic Soldier
Did you guys mean a Splugorth that acts like THIS? :lol:

Re: 1D6 Splugorth

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 2:19 pm
by DhAkael
Akashic Soldier wrote:Did you guys mean a Splugorth that acts like THIS? :lol:

*massages forehead*
Yeah..that'd be it...

Re: 1D6 Splugorth

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 2:30 pm
by taalismn
Akashic Soldier wrote:Did you guys mean a Splugorth that acts like THIS? :lol:

Pretty much....but I kind of see Zorglychh as being incredibly frugal in his own kingdom, with vast 'Potempkin Village'-style displays meant to mislead his fellow Splugorth, all the while he goes around mooching off the other guys, playing them off against each other using that vicious weapon, gossip.

Re: 1D6 Splugorth

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 3:35 pm
by gaaahhhh
Akashic Soldier wrote:Did you guys mean a Splugorth that acts like THIS? :lol:

I apologize for nothing! Yes, that's it.

Re: 1D6 Splugorth

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 3:48 pm
by The Baron of chaos
Akashic Soldier wrote:Did you guys mean a Splugorth that acts like THIS? :lol:

A mix with of that with a little bit of this(with Lord Ahziree as Riff Raff..don't tell me you won't pay top dollars to see it!!)

Re: 1D6 Splugorth

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 3:51 pm
by taalismn
gaaahhhh wrote:
Akashic Soldier wrote:Did you guys mean a Splugorth that acts like THIS? :lol:

I apologize for nothing! Yes, that's it.

First Rule of Snobbery: Apologize for Nothing. Apologizing means revealing weakness or acknowledging that you recognize a system of Right and Wrong superior to yourself.
If you do apologize for something, word it accordingly so you actually are shifting the reponsibility (and blame) to somebody else("I am sorry that you were offended by my actions; I did not realize that a person of your position and background might not recognize a common gesture such as I performed as well-meaning, rather than malicious. I shall take your level of comprehension and great grasp of nuance into consideration in my future actions."), or otherwise give yourself a loophole(such as hint broadly that involving greater authorities might cast BOTH of you in a bad light).
-If you ARE forced to apologize, take responsibility, submit to higher authority, immediately start a grudge file. Thus, years later, when that idiot you apologized to/were forced to make restitution to has all but forgotten the incident, or at least has grown confident that you have been put in your place, then may you use the element of surprise to crush him.
In fact, some Snobs will DELIBERATELY take a fall, temporarily sacrificing status in order to buff up their rivals and set them up for a fall years, even centuries, down the road, Such moves are rare, given the virtually unknowable future flow of events, but such gambits, when revealed, show an incredible degree of self-confidence, cunning, and dedication on the part of the gambit-player,
Thus is the Great Game played among the Splugorth(and the Naruni).

Re: 1D6 Splugorth

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 4:39 pm
by Furoan
That's actually a good point. The Great Game aka Tsunari from the Riftwar series by Fiest, the Caitharians or whoever they were from Wheel of Time etc, or whatever other example you could bring up would probably make up a large part of the culture of these Intelligence's.

Think about it,for all that they are a 'race' we don't know how many of them there are. Even the three galaxies which as literally BILLIONS's of stars has like what...six permanent Splugorth? (the four empires(one of which has a kid) and the guy on Center.)

But I believe that the subtle manipulation of those outside the Empire (and note that it is called a Splugorth Empire in various publications, does that mean there's a Splugorth Emperor?)

The subtle power plays, taking as you mentioned small losses in prestige, and then coming back for revenge. The conquering of lesser people's, the stirring up of conflict and sitting back and watching entire worlds descend into anarchy....

Power plays are probably 'block your rival's conquering of this planet, or let them do it but be sneaky and get the prized piece of magic lore or powerful artifact out by yourself before he can', or poisoning/assassinating your rival's prize bloodline of powerful slave warriors or something. Then there is just making yourself look all powerful and smart while make your opponent's look slightly foolish (a important balancing act. Anything that can make the Splugorth themselves seem foolish is NOT TOLERATED. If you do that, like that Intelligence that got kicked out of the Three Galaxies by the UWW in the Three Galaxies is probably killed by his fellow Splugorth for harming their image.)

Also remember that Splugorth are MERCHANT's. That means that they make trade deals, have trade caravans/conveys (even though they might be using portals to do it). They have billions of slaves, a and that's not even counting their own minions. I can bet that sometimes Shifter's, Temporal wizards etc are used as Privateers to take a rival Inteligence's goods. Harmless fun...up to a point but if you become bad for business then you can bet a minor war can break out, which is REALLY bad for business so I would imagine the Splugorth are careful to tentacle the line.

Then there is of course muscling in on your rival's operation, though again bad for business if it happens to often. Magical research for that next big thing both to make money being sold in a Splugorth Outpost is probably being done, but there's also the stuff they keep to themselves for checkmates both against roving heroes, other monsters, demons of all kinds, dark gods, Devilles, and more.

Re: 1D6 Splugorth

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 5:32 pm
by glitterboy2098
don't forget that horror that even other Splugorth back away from and hope to never get noticed by....... Billy Bob Blyncress! (Rifter 9.5, pg101), Splugorth tourist..

Re: 1D6 Splugorth

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 7:39 pm
by llywelyn
glitterboy2098 wrote:don't forget that horror that even other Splugorth back away from and hope to never get noticed by....... Billy Bob Blyncress! (Rifter 9.5, pg101), Splugorth tourist..
That was a fun article.

Still like the Splug daycare idea best, though. Think of the toys, games, & 'educational opportunities' that must be involved...

Re: 1D6 Splugorth

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 8:00 pm
by Furoan
Actually that's a interesting point. What is the 'life cycle' for a Splugorth?

I'm serious here. They can live to be about 240k years according to their write up, with the man on the ground in Atlantis being 'young' at 70k years. What's the life cycle like? I mean how are they 'born' if thye are and don't just pop up or something and how long is it before they gain their 'majority' or whatever. Do they start mindless or do they pop up as conniving power hungry fiends?

Though yes the 'daycare' would be horrifying. Especially for the 'toys'(aka the human/D-bees etc).

Re: 1D6 Splugorth

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 4:52 am
by llywelyn
Furoan wrote:Actually that's a interesting point. What is the 'life cycle' for a Splugorth?

I'm serious here. They can live to be about 240k years according to their write up, with the man on the ground in Atlantis being 'young' at 70k years. What's the life cycle like? I mean how are they 'born' if thye are and don't just pop up or something and how long is it before they gain their 'majority' or whatever. Do they start mindless or do they pop up as conniving power hungry fiends?

Though yes the 'daycare' would be horrifying. Especially for the 'toys'(aka the human/D-bees etc).

I'm getting too old - my first thought upon reading yr agreement was that I could think of sth even more horrific: their insurance premiums.

Followed immediately by what godlike beings wd be required to enforce payment.

The Adjuster RCC.

Otoh, the irony of turning accountants into munchkin fodder is pretty great...

Re: 1D6 Splugorth

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 11:03 am
by taalismn
Baphomet wrote:Lord Baphcryth:.

Obsession is an ugly thing. :D

Re: 1D6 Splugorth

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 11:37 am
by Akashic Soldier
Baphomet wrote:Lord Baphcryth:

When lord Baphcryth becomes tired of the day to day of ruling his trans-dimensional empire. When he grows weary of subjugating the lesser beings. When even the blood sports held in his grand arena and the mortal sacrifices committed to his godliness fail to hold his attention.

When he gets freaking bored! Well, then he heads to Atlantis. There he partakes in one of Atlantis' lesser known pleasures, pinball. You see, amongst other things, lord splynncryth maintains the megaverses largest pinball arcade.

Lord Baphcryth has a particular weakness for the silver ball. He once left his empire in the capable hands of one of his high lords while he was on a 10 year pinball bender in Splynn!

His current favorite machine is the LOTR pinball machine that is a rare valuable pre-rifts artifact. He holds the current high score of 132,014,780 points.

On his last visit to Splynn, he discovered that someone with the innitials GHB had beaten his previous high score. Baphcryth tracked down this GHB, a Balrog demon, and in a rage slaughtered him, his family, friends, and a few people who just happened to be there at the time.

Afterwards he proceeded to play his favorite machine for 2 years, only breaking to eat the occasional mortal, until he had driven GHB off of the scoreboard.

Note: that is actually my personal best score on the LOTR pinball machine.

Awesome story but he shouldn't kill him. That is goash. He should call him out because he is so proud that he refuses to accept that he can lose and challenge him to a public match. Much more interesting without the homicide. :lol:

Re: 1D6 Splugorth

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 11:55 am
by taalismn
Baphomet wrote:But homicide is funnier. :lol:

Yeah, but it's more practical(and longer lasting) if you turn the other guy into, say, a Rune Backscratcher or toiletry accessory...

Re: 1D6 Splugorth

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 12:07 pm
by The Beast
Akashic Soldier wrote:
Braden Campbell wrote:I would add "sucking up magic energy" to Armorlord's motivation list. Remember that PPE-rich places like Earth are very rare in the megaverse, so many of his visitors could be coming to rest, relax, and litterally recharge.

Very valid point!

But you know what would be cool?

If someone posted their idea for a Splugorth other than Splynncryth.

That would almost be as lame as having a mutant animal that's half-shark and half-panther, or something.

Re: 1D6 Splugorth

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 2:23 am
by gaaahhhh
Akashic Soldier wrote:
Baphomet wrote:Lord Baphcryth:

When lord Baphcryth becomes tired of the day to day of ruling his trans-dimensional empire. When he grows weary of subjugating the lesser beings. When even the blood sports held in his grand arena and the mortal sacrifices committed to his godliness fail to hold his attention.

When he gets freaking bored! Well, then he heads to Atlantis. There he partakes in one of Atlantis' lesser known pleasures, pinball. You see, amongst other things, lord splynncryth maintains the megaverses largest pinball arcade.

Lord Baphcryth has a particular weakness for the silver ball. He once left his empire in the capable hands of one of his high lords while he was on a 10 year pinball bender in Splynn!

His current favorite machine is the LOTR pinball machine that is a rare valuable pre-rifts artifact. He holds the current high score of 132,014,780 points.

On his last visit to Splynn, he discovered that someone with the innitials GHB had beaten his previous high score. Baphcryth tracked down this GHB, a Balrog demon, and in a rage slaughtered him, his family, friends, and a few people who just happened to be there at the time.

Afterwards he proceeded to play his favorite machine for 2 years, only breaking to eat the occasional mortal, until he had driven GHB off of the scoreboard.

Note: that is actually my personal best score on the LOTR pinball machine.

Awesome story but he shouldn't kill him. That is goash. He should call him out because he is so proud that he refuses to accept that he can lose and challenge him to a public match. Much more interesting without the homicide. :lol:

Pinball match. To the death!

Re: 1D6 Splugorth

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 4:16 am
by Furoan
They are Splugoth. I would think that they would seal a couple of poor human's that pissed them of into some kind of crystal clear hardened substance and use them as the ball in the most gigantic pinball machine ever conceived (seen Futurama into the wild green Yonder? Something like that had Minigolf. A pinball machine that encompasses an entire solar system.)

The 'winner' aka the pinball who gets the high score gets to 'live' (and is maybe turned into a gladiator or T-Man or something). The Loser? The loser gets Biowizard experimentation.

The random element of the human's in the balls trying to throw their weight behind it adds a random element and creates a hit new spectator sport. The guy who runs the outpost on Center is NOT HAPPY that the guy who runs atlantis has found a way to one up the Blood Dome 'interactive video game'.

Re: 1D6 Splugorth

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 8:36 pm
by taalismn
Furoan wrote:They are Splugoth. I would think that they would seal a couple of poor human's that pissed them of into some kind of crystal clear hardened substance and use them as the ball in the most gigantic pinball machine ever conceived (seen Futurama into the wild green Yonder? Something like that had Minigolf. A pinball machine that encompasses an entire solar system.)

The 'winner' aka the pinball who gets the high score gets to 'live' (and is maybe turned into a gladiator or T-Man or something). The Loser? The loser gets Biowizard experimentation.

The random element of the human's in the balls trying to throw their weight behind it adds a random element and creates a hit new spectator sport. The guy who runs the outpost on Center is NOT HAPPY that the guy who runs atlantis has found a way to one up the Blood Dome 'interactive video game'.

Or, more diabolically, Slaughterball. It's a maze of traps, and instead of flippers, giant blades, flamethrowers, shock barriers...the idea is to herd the poor bastards as fast as possible back and forth through the Machine.

Re: 1D6 Splugorth

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 8:41 pm
by Akashic Soldier
taalismn wrote:
Furoan wrote:They are Splugoth. I would think that they would seal a couple of poor human's that pissed them of into some kind of crystal clear hardened substance and use them as the ball in the most gigantic pinball machine ever conceived (seen Futurama into the wild green Yonder? Something like that had Minigolf. A pinball machine that encompasses an entire solar system.)

The 'winner' aka the pinball who gets the high score gets to 'live' (and is maybe turned into a gladiator or T-Man or something). The Loser? The loser gets Biowizard experimentation.

The random element of the human's in the balls trying to throw their weight behind it adds a random element and creates a hit new spectator sport. The guy who runs the outpost on Center is NOT HAPPY that the guy who runs atlantis has found a way to one up the Blood Dome 'interactive video game'.

Or, more diabolically, Slaughterball. It's a maze of traps, and instead of flippers, giant blades, flamethrowers, shock barriers...the idea is to herd the poor bastards as fast as possible back and forth through the Machine.

And now we delve deeper into the realm of nightmares.

Re: 1D6 Splugorth

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 8:50 pm
by taalismn
Akashic Soldier wrote:[

And now we delve deeper into the realm of nightmares.

Otherwise known as Splugorth Reality Television.
Hell On Earth is sweeps week, with the various Splugorth organizations vying for the attention and market share of their monstrous audiences.

"NecroGauntlet! The top-rated game show returns! Now with twice as many living decapitations!"
"Zombie Lords! The Necromantic Football League returns for another season! Watch as last season's champions devour new competition!"

Re: 1D6 Splugorth

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 8:54 pm
by Akashic Soldier
taalismn wrote:Otherwise known as Splugorth Reality Television.
Hell On Earth is sweeps week, with the various Splugorth organizations vying for the attention and market share of their monstrous audiences.

I actually really like this idea. It SCREAMS Rifter article but its not something I have the time to write myself.

Splugorth Bladerunner with Juicers and Tattoomen and your poor unfortunate PC's would just be epic.

Re: 1D6 Splugorth

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 12:08 am
by Furoan
The television I think would be one of the most interesting things to do. Its also something that your group could find its way in. Sponsors (aka various powerful demons/Demon Lords/Dark Gods/Evil Sorcerers) put forward a 'team' and the winner (read survivor) has to win, dodging the spinning blades, the magically created predators...

It would be exhausting, bloody and only the best are going to survive, the rest are going to die horribly. Needless to say the monsters are going to love it.

Then there's the implications on some of the 'entertainment'. Needless to say I actually sat down and thought about some of this. I couldn't eat dinner that night. Cooks that are trained in ways to keep their 'food' alive wihle cooking it so psychic vampires can feel the pain, anguish and horror, 'stage shows' which are more like horrible torture shows where a diner can give up his own slave to be worked over...

Needless to say that the monster places can be truly horrible. As you mentioned video games like that for the monsters to play, the gladiator arena's, the 'entertainment'.

Also just for added nightmare fuel.

Picture a couple Alien Intelligence over to have a meal/game/strategy meeting, and there are 'snacks'. Magically paralised and thrown into a giant glass bowl just like you or I would throw a bag of jelly babies in to grab a handful of later. Because these are PPE vampires, those victims are probably ALIVE at this time...

Re: 1D6 Splugorth

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 12:15 pm
by glitterboy2098
Akashic Soldier wrote:
taalismn wrote:Otherwise known as Splugorth Reality Television.
Hell On Earth is sweeps week, with the various Splugorth organizations vying for the attention and market share of their monstrous audiences.

I actually really like this idea. It SCREAMS Rifter article but its not something I have the time to write myself.

Splugorth Bladerunner with Juicers and Tattoomen and your poor unfortunate PC's would just be epic.

don't you mean 'the running man'?

Re: 1D6 Splugorth

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 1:25 pm
by Ice Dragon
- R&R
- Having fun
- Doing things Sploogies like to do: like biding their minions/pawns against one other and laugh about the outcome
- Business
- Spying
- Trading
- ....

Re: 1D6 Splugorth

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 8:22 pm
by taalismn
Furoan wrote:The television I think would be one of the most interesting things to do. Its also something that your group could find its way in. Sponsors (aka various powerful demons/Demon Lords/Dark Gods/Evil Sorcerers) put forward a 'team' and the winner (read survivor) has to win, dodging the spinning blades, the magically created predators...

It would be exhausting, bloody and only the best are going to survive, the rest are going to die horribly. Needless to say the monsters are going to love it.

Then there's the implications on some of the 'entertainment'. Needless to say I actually sat down and thought about some of this. I couldn't eat dinner that night. Cooks that are trained in ways to keep their 'food' alive wihle cooking it so psychic vampires can feel the pain, anguish and horror, 'stage shows' which are more like horrible torture shows where a diner can give up his own slave to be worked over...

Needless to say that the monster places can be truly horrible. As you mentioned video games like that for the monsters to play, the gladiator arena's, the 'entertainment'.

Also just for added nightmare fuel.

Picture a couple Alien Intelligence over to have a meal/game/strategy meeting, and there are 'snacks'. Magically paralised and thrown into a giant glass bowl just like you or I would throw a bag of jelly babies in to grab a handful of later. Because these are PPE vampires, those victims are probably ALIVE at this time...

However, look at the bright side; this gives the PCs a window of opportunity to save their friends(although a rescue is going to take CONSIDERABLE cunning(maybe they have to disguise themselves as salt shakers or table napkins) and luck(what's worse than trying to snatch candy from an Alien Intelligence...trying to satch candy from TWO Alien Intelligences).

Re: 1D6 Splugorth

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 12:16 am
by Furoan
Hmm...That actually might be a way to save your friend, or at least distract them. Steal the meal a alien inteligence was looking forward to...and convince it that its 'friend/enemy' took it.

Then two entire empires are going to blood horrific war over "He took my PIZZA!" "I DID NOT!"

Re: 1D6 Splugorth

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 1:05 am
by Furoan
"OF with her head!" "...which one? she has five" " i have to do everything around here?!"

Re: 1D6 Splugorth

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 6:29 pm
by taalismn
Furoan wrote:"OF with her head!" "...which one? she has five" " i have to do everything around here?!"

"Cut them all off. Cut off anything that even looks vaguely important. Whack! Whack! Whack! Music to my hearing organs."

Yeah, an interdimensional war breaking out over who stole the last morsel is the height of pettiness, but we've had wars break out over the outcomes of soccer games(Central America), and the Splugorth have made no pretense of being CIVILIZED or MANNERED, only POWERFUL.
This attitude, directed at fellow Splugorth, might allow the PC party to escape with their friend with some discretion on their part, if not dignity(hard to be possess dignity when all you have on is a breaded coating or maybe the Splugorth version of onion dip...).

Re: 1D6 Splugorth

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 6:57 pm
by glitterboy2098
honestly, i just can't see splugorth being the type to eat live food.. at least not human live food. i tend to see splugorth feasts as a kind of mix between the skeksis banquet in The Dark Crystal and this order of the stick strip. basically the food is made of stuff the average person would never consider eating, or is stuff that pretty much requires cruelty to make.
if they have PPE vampires or similar 'life energy' eating creatures over, then they supply slaves to the being's 'taste'.

that said, you could eaily have splugorthian 'dinner shows' where the main course gets killed, prepped, and cooked in front of the diners, complete with things like knife twirling and other such cooking-entertainment flourishes.

Re: 1D6 Splugorth

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 7:52 pm
by Furoan
Yeah that was my thought, the 'dinner shows' but probably a lot more body horror thrown in.

Re: 1D6 Splugorth

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 2:38 pm
by Akashic Soldier
Rappanui wrote:I would think the splugorth would augment any food they do have, say, a human with extra SDC and supernatural regeneration, so they could just eat the organs over and over again...

You are a monster. :lol:

I like Glitterboys Dark Crystal dining scene. I think that could be interesting to play out in the presence of Player Characters.

Re: 1D6 Splugorth

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 3:21 pm
by taalismn
Akashic Soldier wrote:
Rappanui wrote:I would think the splugorth would augment any food they do have, say, a human with extra SDC and supernatural regeneration, so they could just eat the organs over and over again...

You are a monster. :lol:

I like Glitterboys Dark Crystal dining scene. I think that could be interesting to play out in the presence of Player Characters.

"Wait! These guys are animatronic muppets?!?" :shock:
"...then again, maybe not...." :ugh:

Re: 1D6 Splugorth

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 3:41 pm
by Akashic Soldier
taalismn wrote:"Wait! These guys are animatronic muppets?!?"

Would you prefer a CGI Splugy?

This is totally a poll I am going to make now. BRB.

Re: 1D6 Splugorth

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 3:43 pm
by taalismn
Akashic Soldier wrote:
taalismn wrote:"Wait! These guys are animatronic muppets?!?"

Would you prefer a CGI Splugy?

This is totally a poll I am going to make now. BRB.

Going with Feltpunk on this...Muppetronics have an organic-ness in look that just can't be matched by CGI...

Re: 1D6 Splugorth

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 4:39 pm
by Akashic Soldier
Check this out guys.


Alright the sun is up so you all know what that means. I'm off to bed.