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A few questions of varying flavor...

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 9:25 pm
by MDGiest
So I meant for these to be part of the FAQ, I guess, but I apparently went about submitting them the wrong way. No worries though. I have looked these up via the FAQ ( and incidentally found answers to questions I had not thought up yet!), so none of these should be repeats of already asked questions. So here goes.

Question: What is the exchange rate for gold in North America? Lets assume the measure is per ounce (or troy ounce if you like). I figure it would vary some from one city-state/kingdom to the next, I'm looking for an average for North American really.

Question: This is about Full Conversion Borgs; Do they even have a PE attribute anymore now that they are an MDC creature? If not, are they therefor immune to drugs, toxins, poisons, gases, etc? Additionally, how does one handle saves vs. magic, as magic is handled under the PE attribute as well?

Question: Is it possible, theoretically or otherwise, for a Crazy (circa RUE) to undergo ANY kind of Juicer conversion in addition to having their M.O.M. implants? I've had this one on my mind for a long time now, read over all the game mechanics as well as the background info on both augmentation types, and I can't come up with a reason why not. Other than it being just plain munchkin of course.

Question: Semi-related to the previous question, in the Juicer Uprising book there are costs listed for each of the Juicer conversion types. Lets says Joe the Special Forces O.C.C. decides to go and get himself "juiced" and becomes a Mega-Juicer (further assume he is at least a minor psychic as that is a pre-req for the Mega). Now, is he still Special Forces O.C.C. or is he required to switch O.C.C.s over to Mega-Juicer? I know that if someone goes full conversion with bionics that they are there after assumed/force switch to being a Combat Cyborg O.C.C., but I wanted to double check and see if the same rule set applied or if I missed something in the Juicer Uprising book.

Question: Another Juicer related question. The Psycho Stalker Juicer is a Psi-Stalker augmented to be a Juicer. Neat. The Psi Slayer (Psyscape pg. 69) is a derivative of the original Psi-Stalker. That being said, what difference (if any) would there be if a Psi-Stalker were to get the Psycho-Stalker Juicer augmentation done? Assuming he were CS trained or otherwise had the means to even get the augmentation done.

Question: I've run across several jet packs that do not list any sort of maximum altitude. What is the general max altitude for jet packs?

Question: This concerns magic weapons created via the PFRPG book. If created on Rifts Earth or brought to Rifts Earth, do these weapons become MDC and/or MD inflicting weapons? If so, are they any complex conversion rules, or do they just do there listed damage in MD & have MDC equal point for point to the original SDC?

Thank you in advance!

Re: A few questions of varying flavor...

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 11:13 pm
by llywelyn
I figure it would vary some from one city-state/kingdom to the next
I figure rapid transportation would arbitrage the prices very quickly, unless there was a huge demand or a huge influx (like, say, players). Assume that any amount players would care about would be essentially worthless, as it would be seized by the Coalition and/or a passing dragon (in the case of old Tolkeen or Lazlo).

Question: Other than it being just plain munchkin of course.
Answered yr question, didn't it? I mean, why not an super-powered Atlantean mutant Taoist-immortal spell-caster who gets both, in addition to every skilled OCC ("pilot, SDF 1" +10%), three N&S martial arts, a Wormwood symbiote and power armor incorporating Osiris's remains into the chassis?

[edit: Sry. Your character wasn't that bad. I just started to have fun with the reasoning involved. Anyway, if you can make it work with your campaign, peachy. World takes all kinds and it's not overpowered against demons, dragons, & co.]

If you wanted to handwave this, just say the chemicals involved in juicer augmentation overload the MOM implants and cause cerebrial edemas and haemhorraging.

Re: A few questions of varying flavor...

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 11:31 pm
by MDGiest
llywelyn wrote:I figure it would vary some from one city-state/kingdom to the next
I figure rapid transportation would arbitrage the prices very quickly, unless there was a huge demand or a huge influx (like, say, players). Assume that any amount players would care about would be essentially worthless, as it would be siezed by the Coalition and/or a passing dragon (in the case of old Tolkeen or Lazlo).

Actually, that is less than helpful...sorry. It is our GM who keeps paying us in gold. He theorizes that gold is the main form of money in the Western area of North America, so our characters all have a couple thousand gold coins each and we have recently arrived in Kingsdale and are trying to convert it into credits. Since I am more up to date on Rifts than he is (he hasn't played in over 8 years, so he knows nothing of the RUE etc.) he tasked me with find out what the exchange rate is for gold. So I combed through all the books and came up with nothing. Which brings me here, heh.

Re: A few questions of varying flavor...

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 11:39 pm
by flatline
A jet pack's ceiling depends on how it works. If it carries both fuel and oxidizer, then it's really a rocket pack and can safely leave the atmosphere. Grav packs can similarly leave the atmosphere. If the jet pack only carries fuel but no oxidizer, then it can't sustainably fly above where the oxygen gets too thin to support the required thrust although it's possible to have enough velocity to still escape the atmosphere after your jetpack stalls.

Similarly, Flight:Wingless, Sonic Flight, Telekinetic flight, and any kind of flight that doesn't depend on the atmosphere for lift or fuel can leave the atmosphere.


Re: A few questions of varying flavor...

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 11:41 pm
by flatline
MDGiest wrote:
llywelyn wrote:I figure it would vary some from one city-state/kingdom to the next
I figure rapid transportation would arbitrage the prices very quickly, unless there was a huge demand or a huge influx (like, say, players). Assume that any amount players would care about would be essentially worthless, as it would be siezed by the Coalition and/or a passing dragon (in the case of old Tolkeen or Lazlo).

Actually, that is less than helpful...sorry. It is our GM who keeps paying us in gold. He theorizes that gold is the main form of money in the Western area of North America, so our characters all have a couple thousand gold coins each and we have recently arrived in Kingsdale and are trying to convert it into credits. Since I am more up to date on Rifts than he is (he hasn't played in over 8 years, so he knows nothing of the RUE etc.) he tasked me with find out what the exchange rate is for gold. So I combed through all the books and came up with nothing. Which brings me here, heh.

Just use today's exchange rate. It's as good as any answer and since you have an idea how much value a dollar has it'll help you to intuit how expensive equipment and services are.

I like easy answers if there's no downside...


Re: A few questions of varying flavor...

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 1:07 am
by Athos
MDGiest wrote:
llywelyn wrote:I figure it would vary some from one city-state/kingdom to the next
I figure rapid transportation would arbitrage the prices very quickly, unless there was a huge demand or a huge influx (like, say, players). Assume that any amount players would care about would be essentially worthless, as it would be siezed by the Coalition and/or a passing dragon (in the case of old Tolkeen or Lazlo).

Actually, that is less than helpful...sorry. It is our GM who keeps paying us in gold. He theorizes that gold is the main form of money in the Western area of North America, so our characters all have a couple thousand gold coins each and we have recently arrived in Kingsdale and are trying to convert it into credits. Since I am more up to date on Rifts than he is (he hasn't played in over 8 years, so he knows nothing of the RUE etc.) he tasked me with find out what the exchange rate is for gold. So I combed through all the books and came up with nothing. Which brings me here, heh.

I think in the South America book it is 100 credits per ounce, you can look it up as easily as I can... it was under a section that was talking about gold and silver coins, iirc

Re: A few questions of varying flavor...

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 1:44 am
by The Beast
I taste-tested each of your questions and not once did the flavor vary...

Re: A few questions of varying flavor...

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 6:25 am
by mobuttu
Question: What is the exchange rate for gold in North America? Lets assume the measure is per ounce (or troy ounce if you like). I figure it would vary some from one city-state/kingdom to the next, I'm looking for an average for North American really.

Nothing I'm aware of, but RUE pg. 261 states that a 6 inches gold crucifix cost 300 cr. Maybe you can use that as a starting point for calculation.

Question: This is about Full Conversion Borgs; Do they even have a PE attribute anymore now that they are an MDC creature? If not, are they therefor immune to drugs, toxins, poisons, gases, etc? Additionally, how does one handle saves vs. magic, as magic is handled under the PE attribute as well?

Yes they keep PE attribute for saving purposes (poison, drugs, toxins that affect nervous system and magic).

Question: Is it possible, theoretically or otherwise, for a Crazy (circa RUE) to undergo ANY kind of Juicer conversion in addition to having their M.O.M. implants? I've had this one on my mind for a long time now, read over all the game mechanics as well as the background info on both augmentation types, and I can't come up with a reason why not. Other than it being just plain munchkin of course.

IIRC they are incompatible, but I just can't remember where I read about it (Mindwrecks?)

Question: Semi-related to the previous question, in the Juicer Uprising book there are costs listed for each of the Juicer conversion types. Lets says Joe the Special Forces O.C.C. decides to go and get himself "juiced" and becomes a Mega-Juicer (further assume he is at least a minor psychic as that is a pre-req for the Mega). Now, is he still Special Forces O.C.C. or is he required to switch O.C.C.s over to Mega-Juicer? I know that if someone goes full conversion with bionics that they are there after assumed/force switch to being a Combat Cyborg O.C.C., but I wanted to double check and see if the same rule set applied or if I missed something in the Juicer Uprising book.

He goes to Mega-Juicer. Check the double OCC rules at Palladium Books website.

Question: This concerns magic weapons created via the PFRPG book. If created on Rifts Earth or brought to Rifts Earth, do these weapons become MDC and/or MD inflicting weapons? If so, are they any complex conversion rules, or do they just do there listed damage in MD & have MDC equal point for point to the original SDC?

According to Rifts Conversion Book they become MD weapons as a point for point basis.

Hope this helps.

Re: A few questions of varying flavor...

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 6:37 am
by llywelyn
Athos wrote:I think in the South America book it is 100 credits per ounce, you can look it up as easily as I can... it was under a section that was talking about gold and silver coins, iirc

Hunh. Yeah, that's a much more helpful answer, especially given the situation. I didn't think it had come up.

[edit: Removed some math from SA that doesn't matter now cuz Keir found the real answer below.]

Still, with gold "coins" from "Out West", though, you have to figure the size can vary, the purity can vary, and the amount of clipping can vary. (Those Colombian coins were only ₢30 of gold; the rest of the value was seignorage.) You might be looking at about half or less of what your players thought they were getting, unless you assayed them every time you got paid. (Have a story about heading back west to get pissed at being ripped off!) And again, that's before you flood the market with gold coins and the bank says "Yeah, I heard what you wanted. I'll give you ₢1000 for the lot. Take it or leave it." Alternate plot line: Throw in with a shifter, go to Palladium, use the gold to buy magic items, bring back for resale in Lazlo or Atlantis.

Re: A few questions of varying flavor...

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 8:02 am
by keir451
In answer to your questions;
According to pg 208 of the Rifts RPG (NOT the RUE) under the heading of Precious Metals:
Gold is currently worth about 1,000 credits an ounce.
Silver is 500 credits an ounce.
Bronze, 50 credtis an ounce.
Copper, 20 crdits an ounce.
Platinum, about 1,500 an ounce.
Palladium is 3000 an ounce.

Let's use a little common sense here, Full conversion cyborgs are immune to ALL poisons, toxins, gasses, etc. as their ENTIRE body has been replaced (wiht the exception of the brain). Magic can still affect them, at least as long as it is physical magical attacks (again because their body has been replaced).
Do they still get a P.E. attribute? Well technically it IS part of character creation, but FULL conversion borgs really don't need it. Partial conversion 'borgs most likely would still require that attribute.
pg. 238 Rifts RPG; "The new, bionic body is effectively a full functioning robot that responds to the human brain with the precicion of a natural body."

Other than "common sense" I don't know any "official" rule (othere than the twoo OCCs standard) thet prevents it. Under the "Two OCCs" the characters previous skills and abilities become frozen at their current level. In the case of MOM implants vs Juicer impalnts I'd say that the Crazy would have to lose the M.O.M implants, so that defeats the purpose of becoming a Crazy in the first place.
Alos consider this, M.O.M implants drive you insane (and potentially casue you to GET killed) Juicer implants WILL kill you within 5 years or so.

See the "Two OCCs" rule. Joe the Spec Forces guy is now a Mega Juicer, some of his skills may cross over and thus still advance, but he is a Mega-Juicer until the day he dies.
On the subject of the Pycho Stalker, you answered you own question, as it's Psi-Stalker that's been undergone the Psycho Stalker Juicer conversion. It doesn't mater if he's CS trained or not, he becomes a Psycho Stalker. The Psi Slayer is another question, though I'd say he just becomes a Psycho stalker and loses some of his better psionics due to the Juicer implants.

Jet pack altitude falls under the heading of "common sense physics". Consider that ann"Old school" SAMAS only has an altitude of 500 ft., then a jet pack isn't likely to go much higher due to the weight of the pilot/wearer (not enough weight/lift to go any higher).

Re: A few questions of varying flavor...

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 8:02 am
by keir451
In answer to your questions;
According to pg 208 of the Rifts RPG (NOT the RUE) under the heading of Precious Metals:
"Gold is currently worth about 1,000 credits an ounce.
Silver is 500 credits an ounce.
Bronze, 50 credtis an ounce.
Copper, 20 credits an ounce.
Platinum, about 1,500 credits an ounce.
Palladium is 3000 credits an ounce."

Let's use a little common sense here, Full conversion cyborgs are immune to ALL poisons, toxins, gasses, etc. as their ENTIRE body has been replaced (with the exception of the brain). Magic can still affect them, at least as long as it is physical magical attacks (again because their body has been replaced) but those they have a chance at dodging .
Do they still get a P.E. attribute? Well technically it IS part of character creation, but FULL conversion borgs really don't need it. Partial conversion 'borgs most likely would still require that attribute.
pg. 238 Rifts RPG; "The new, bionic body is effectively a full functioning robot that responds to the human brain with the precicion of a natural body."

Other than "common sense" I don't know any "official" rule (othere than the twoo OCCs standard) thet prevents it. Under the "Two OCCs" the characters previous skills and abilities become frozen at their current level. In the case of MOM implants vs Juicer impalnts I'd say that the Crazy would have to lose the M.O.M implants, so that defeats the purpose of becoming a Crazy in the first place.
Alos consider this, M.O.M implants drive you insane (and potentially casue you to GET killed) Juicer implants WILL kill you within 5 years or so.

See the "Two OCCs" rule. Joe the Spec Forces guy is now a Mega Juicer, some of his skills may cross over and thus still advance, but he is a Mega-Juicer until the day he dies.
On the subject of the Pycho Stalker, you answered you own question, as it's Psi-Stalker that's been undergone the Psycho Stalker Juicer conversion. It doesn't mater if he's CS trained or not, he becomes a Psycho Stalker. The Psi Slayer is another question, though I'd say he just becomes a Psycho stalker and loses some of his better psionics due to the Juicer implants.

Jet pack altitude falls under the heading of "common sense physics". Consider that ann"Old school" SAMAS only has an altitude of 500 ft., then a jet pack isn't likely to go much higher due to the weight of the pilot/wearer (not enough weight/lift to go any higher).

Re: A few questions of varying flavor...

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 11:10 am
by llywelyn
keir451 wrote:In answer to your questions;
According to pg 208 of the Rifts RPG (NOT the RUE) under the heading of Precious Metals:
Gold is currently worth about 1,000 credits an ounce.
Silver is 500 credits an ounce.
Bronze, 50 credtis an ounce.
Copper, 20 crdits an ounce.
Platinum, about 1,500 an ounce.
Palladium is 3000 an ounce.

Good find on that.

It means those Colombian coins are smaller than a dime, but at least it's clear and canony.

Let's use a little common sense here, Full conversion cyborgs are immune to ALL poisons, toxins, gasses, etc. as their ENTIRE body has been replaced (wiht the exception of the brain). Magic can still affect them, at least as long as it is physical magical attacks (again because their body has been replaced).
Do they still get a P.E. attribute? Well technically it IS part of character creation, but FULL conversion borgs really don't need it. Partial conversion 'borgs most likely would still require that attribute.

Although this is maybe backwards.

To the extent magic can't get through power armor, the borg should be shielded somewhat/completely from magic; but to the extent you could get a poison, toxin, or gas into his squishy parts, it's fair game. Naturally, borgs should reuse and refilter their air in a contained unit, but is that ever specified? It'd be much cheaper of them to get the oxygen from and vent the CO2 into their environment.

Re: A few questions of varying flavor...

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 11:22 am
by Nightmask
llywelyn wrote:Although this is maybe backwards.

To the extent magic can't get through power armor, the borg should be shielded somewhat/completely from magic; but to the extent you could get a poison, toxin, or gas into his squishy parts, it's fair game. Naturally, borgs should reuse and refilter their air in a contained unit, but is that ever specified? It'd be much cheaper of them to get the oxygen from and vent the CO2 into their environment.

Given you can total a borg's main MDC and the brain remains alive on its life support systems for days as long as that's not also destroyed it seems fairly obvious that borgs have internal oxygen supplies that they run off of like they do for the rest of the brain's nourishment.

Re: A few questions of varying flavor...

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 12:33 pm
by keir451
Nightmask wrote:
llywelyn wrote:Although this is maybe backwards.

To the extent magic can't get through power armor, the borg should be shielded somewhat/completely from magic; but to the extent you could get a poison, toxin, or gas into his squishy parts, it's fair game. Naturally, borgs should reuse and refilter their air in a contained unit, but is that ever specified? It'd be much cheaper of them to get the oxygen from and vent the CO2 into their environment.

Given you can total a borg's main MDC and the brain remains alive on its life support systems for days as long as that's not also destroyed it seems fairly obvious that borgs have internal oxygen supplies that they run off of like they do for the rest of the brain's nourishment.

That's about what I thought, especially considering 'borgs can get built in air filters and artificial lungs. it's just never stated out right (at least as far as I could find :oops: ).

Re: A few questions of varying flavor...

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 7:30 pm
by Mack
MDGiest wrote:So I meant for these to be part of the FAQ, I guess, but I apparently went about submitting them the wrong way. No worries though. I have looked these up via the FAQ ( and incidentally found answers to questions I had not thought up yet!), so none of these should be repeats of already asked questions. So here goes.

Question: What is the exchange rate for gold in North America? Lets assume the measure is per ounce (or troy ounce if you like). I figure it would vary some from one city-state/kingdom to the next, I'm looking for an average for North American really.

No idea.
MDGiest wrote:Question: This is about Full Conversion Borgs; Do they even have a PE attribute anymore now that they are an MDC creature? If not, are they therefor immune to drugs, toxins, poisons, gases, etc? Additionally, how does one handle saves vs. magic, as magic is handled under the PE attribute as well?

Yes, they have a PE but don't use it for exhaustion.
MDGiest wrote:Question: Is it possible, theoretically or otherwise, for a Crazy (circa RUE) to undergo ANY kind of Juicer conversion in addition to having their M.O.M. implants? I've had this one on my mind for a long time now, read over all the game mechanics as well as the background info on both augmentation types, and I can't come up with a reason why not. Other than it being just plain munchkin of course.

The two are not compatible... but at the moment I can't recall where that's written.
MDGiest wrote:Question: Semi-related to the previous question, in the Juicer Uprising book there are costs listed for each of the Juicer conversion types. Lets says Joe the Special Forces O.C.C. decides to go and get himself "juiced" and becomes a Mega-Juicer (further assume he is at least a minor psychic as that is a pre-req for the Mega). Now, is he still Special Forces O.C.C. or is he required to switch O.C.C.s over to Mega-Juicer? I know that if someone goes full conversion with bionics that they are there after assumed/force switch to being a Combat Cyborg O.C.C., but I wanted to double check and see if the same rule set applied or if I missed something in the Juicer Uprising book.

He becomes the Mega-Juicer OCC. (Note, the best rules for this type of switch are in the Bionics Sourcebook.)
MDGiest wrote:Question: Another Juicer related question. The Psycho Stalker Juicer is a Psi-Stalker augmented to be a Juicer. Neat. The Psi Slayer (Psyscape pg. 69) is a derivative of the original Psi-Stalker. That being said, what difference (if any) would there be if a Psi-Stalker were to get the Psycho-Stalker Juicer augmentation done? Assuming he were CS trained or otherwise had the means to even get the augmentation done.

Strictly speaking, that's not allowed. Otherwise, it would take a longer analysis than I have time for right now.
MDGiest wrote:Question: I've run across several jet packs that do not list any sort of maximum altitude. What is the general max altitude for jet packs?

That depends... how long can you hold your breath? :)
(A quick survey says 1000 ~ 1200 feet.)
MDGiest wrote:
Question: This concerns magic weapons created via the PFRPG book. If created on Rifts Earth or brought to Rifts Earth, do these weapons become MDC and/or MD inflicting weapons? If so, are they any complex conversion rules, or do they just do there listed damage in MD & have MDC equal point for point to the original SDC?

Typically it's a one-for-one conversion. SDC damage becomes MDC damage.
MDGiest wrote:
Thank you in advance!

No problem!

Re: A few questions of varying flavor...

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 8:01 pm
by llywelyn
Nightmask wrote:
llywelyn wrote:Although this is maybe backwards.

To the extent magic can't get through power armor, the borg should be shielded somewhat/completely from magic; but to the extent you could get a poison, toxin, or gas into his squishy parts, it's fair game. Naturally, borgs should reuse and refilter their air in a contained unit, but is that ever specified? It'd be much cheaper of them to get the oxygen from and vent the CO2 into their environment.

Given you can total a borg's main MDC and the brain remains alive on its life support systems for days as long as that's not also destroyed it seems fairly obvious that borgs have internal oxygen supplies that they run off of like they do for the rest of the brain's nourishment.

That argues the opposite point: the head obv. doesn't have days of oxygen in a tank. If it survives the destruction of the part of the body big enough t'store one, it must use a small, potentially hinky filter & external air supplies.

Re: A few questions of varying flavor...

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 10:28 pm
by Nightmask
llywelyn wrote:
Nightmask wrote:
llywelyn wrote:Although this is maybe backwards.

To the extent magic can't get through power armor, the borg should be shielded somewhat/completely from magic; but to the extent you could get a poison, toxin, or gas into his squishy parts, it's fair game. Naturally, borgs should reuse and refilter their air in a contained unit, but is that ever specified? It'd be much cheaper of them to get the oxygen from and vent the CO2 into their environment.

Given you can total a borg's main MDC and the brain remains alive on its life support systems for days as long as that's not also destroyed it seems fairly obvious that borgs have internal oxygen supplies that they run off of like they do for the rest of the brain's nourishment.

That argues the opposite point: the head obv. doesn't have days of oxygen in a tank. If it survives the destruction of the part of the body big enough t'store one, it must use a small, potentially hinky filter & external air supplies.

The head obviously doesn't hold the brain in most cases, with it being heavily protected in the torso instead. Even with the brain in the head while the main MDC being reduced to zero immobilizes a cyborg it doesn't constitute actual destruction of the torso, the life support systems for the brain are specially protected and require reducing the main body something like 150 MDC BELOW zero before you successfully destroy the life support systems. Much like an MDC human wearing power armor isn't killed just because you destroyed the power armor's main MDC shutting it down and you have to inflict even more damage to kill the pilot. So until you get it that far below zero you still haven't touched the parts that supply the brain with nourishment including oxygen.

Re: A few questions of varying flavor...

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 8:42 pm
by Cyrano de Maniac
Regarding jet pack maximum altitude: It flies high enough to be useful to the character and potentially deadly to the character if it fails. It doesn't fly so high that it substantially derails the GM's plans. :D

Re: A few questions of varying flavor...

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 7:28 am
by cornholioprime
Nightmask wrote:The head obviously doesn't hold the brain in most cases, with it being heavily protected in the torso instead. Even with the brain in the head while the main MDC being reduced to zero immobilizes a cyborg it doesn't constitute actual destruction of the torso, the life support systems for the brain are specially protected and require reducing the main body something like 150 MDC BELOW zero before you successfully destroy the life support systems. Much like an MDC human wearing power armor isn't killed just because you destroyed the power armor's main MDC shutting it down and you have to inflict even more damage to kill the pilot. So until you get it that far below zero you still haven't touched the parts that supply the brain with nourishment including oxygen.
I don't know of any such Rifts 'borg that doesn't have the brain in the headcase.

Maybe there are, but I got up only a few minutes ago, getting ready to work (I only got 4 hours sleep last night), and perhaps I am not remembering correctly.

Re: A few questions of varying flavor...

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 12:56 pm
by Nightmask
cornholioprime wrote:
Nightmask wrote:The head obviously doesn't hold the brain in most cases, with it being heavily protected in the torso instead. Even with the brain in the head while the main MDC being reduced to zero immobilizes a cyborg it doesn't constitute actual destruction of the torso, the life support systems for the brain are specially protected and require reducing the main body something like 150 MDC BELOW zero before you successfully destroy the life support systems. Much like an MDC human wearing power armor isn't killed just because you destroyed the power armor's main MDC shutting it down and you have to inflict even more damage to kill the pilot. So until you get it that far below zero you still haven't touched the parts that supply the brain with nourishment including oxygen.
I don't know of any such Rifts 'borg that doesn't have the brain in the headcase.

Maybe there are, but I got up only a few minutes ago, getting ready to work (I only got 4 hours sleep last night), and perhaps I am not remembering correctly.

There are some, with it most common in power armors and robots converted to Cyborg use (hardly makes sense when you're converting a Glitter Boy into a borg body to put the brain in the head when you've the entire open torso to put it into instead).

Re: A few questions of varying flavor...

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 2:56 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Question: This is about Full Conversion Borgs; Do they even have a PE attribute anymore now that they are an MDC creature? If not, are they therefor immune to drugs, toxins, poisons, gases, etc? Additionally, how does one handle saves vs. magic, as magic is handled under the PE attribute as well?

Yes and no. The PE attribute, along with all the starting attributes, needs to be recorded for purposes of saving throws, and if the GM gets an "Idea!" and he gets his original body back.

Question: This concerns magic weapons created via the PFRPG book. If created on Rifts Earth or brought to Rifts Earth, do these weapons become MDC and/or MD inflicting weapons? The weapons would inflict MD. As far as I know they do not "become" MDC.

If so, are they any complex conversion rules, or do they just do there listed damage in MD & have MDC equal point for point to the original SDC? If they did "become" MDC they would have MDC equal to the SDC they had.