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Cyborg Ability Scores

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 3:41 am
by Akashic Soldier

I was just wondering how you guys handle your Combat Cyborgs PS and PP?

Do you roll them like normal and then if they are lower than 10 just raise them to 10 and if they end up higher than 32 do you just lower them to 32?

I know how you handle it in game but I am just not sure how it is handled at character creation. Any clarification would be much welcomed.

EDIT: If something is a House Rule please mention it as such, if it is a canon rule please list what book and where I can find it. That'd be great! Thanks Guys!

Re: Cyborg Ability Scores

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 4:43 am
by llywelyn
I could see rolling PE to determine things if the Central Brain Storage Vat got compromised, etc, but pretty sure the original body's PS and PP are useless, unless you wanted to create backstory.

"Oh, you rolled a three. (a) Add 4 points to your IQ. (b) Explains wanting to get some decent metal legs."

Obviously, that's exploitable: roll chargen until you've got PS and PP 6 or below; add both bonuses from RUE; rebuild the body. Don't know if it's specifically prohibited, though: many people chose OCCs after seeing what their stats look like.

Re: Cyborg Ability Scores

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 7:59 am
by Colt47
PE tends to make more sense for partial conversion cyborgs rather than full conversion. I've always wondered if it would make more sense for all cyborgs to have some base PE and random roll only part of the score, like a PE of 10+1d6, and then certain enhancements would increase the PE score such as a bionic lung, food processing unit, oxygen recyclers, etc. Most borgs probably have pretty high physical endurance scores from the conversion alone just as they have more strength and prowess.

Re: Cyborg Ability Scores

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 9:55 am
by Nekira Sudacne
Yes, you roll for everything. Take a look at the Character creation rules in the book and go down the list. You clearly roll attributes before you pick an OCC. By the books, anyone who decided "I want to make a cyborg" and skips rolling PS and PP are doing houserules. By creation order you can't decide that until after your PE, ect., is rolled.

Re: Cyborg Ability Scores

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 10:43 am
by TechnoGothic
Roll your attributes
Select your OCC/PCC/RCC
Modify Attributes based on OCC, Skills, etc...

In The End ... Full Conversion Cyborgs' PS, PP, PE, Spd will be replaced with the bionic attributes your select or buy up (depending on which version you go with). It is easier to use a Pre-generated Cyborg Body Model Series, and make adjustments to that later on.

Re: Cyborg Ability Scores

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 12:17 pm
by Nightmask
If for no other reason than there's a slight but non-zero chance of a cyborg being restored to full humanity thanks to a handful of spells around a cyborg should roll all stats for their normal physical body before doing the conversion rules for building a full-conversion cyborg body (or purchasing a standard model like Triax has lots of).