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new adventure ideas

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 12:24 am
by Gthomas41571
And Ok, it happens to the best of use, GM block :-\, I got a game comin up in a few days, I've been GMing game for about 23 yrs and some of my player r. New and old player, I need idea..... think outta the box, something unexpected, and very unusual, game is low to mid level 1st to about 6th level and 5 players.. any ideas??? Btw where in the Easter Empire. 20 miles north of Wisdom, Fully suppled.. with possiley a wiesolven in the group( one of the new guys)

I thought about having the new guy as aplant in the group gathering intel on the cities with out the others Players knowledge...any Ideas where to go from here...

Re: new adventure ideas

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 10:16 am
by JuliusCreed
Well since you've already got them supplied and such it kinda gives my idea the boot, but here it is anyway. Used it on my players once when they decided they wanted to start out with new 1st level characters that didn't know each other from Adam.

Everybody wakes up in jail! The guards use old school Marine methods of waking the characters up (loud noises, buckets of ice cold water, etc.) and tells them to get ready, they got court in an hour. The only things the characters have on them is the clothes on their backs. (No 'secret pockets with hidden lock picks' guff from the wily ones either... the guards were VERY thorough in searching the characters beforehand :eek: ) They'll be given a bare bones breakfast of bread and water, maybe a little fruit if they behave and get escorted to court under close guard, lock and key. In court they are presented with the charges of assault and battery, assaulting an officer of the law, reckless endangerment, destruction of property, reckless use of magic (if you have any casters in the group), grand larceny and indecent exposure. Witnesses all line up and describe, quite vividly, a scene that starts as a quiet night in a pub and ends up a chaotic free for all as the players end up nearly inciting a riot over some trifling thing, a racial slur or a bad tasting drink or whatever. It ends up with the characters ending up being identified as the original cause of a massive brawl in the local tavern. The part the tavern owner is really honked off about is that during the chaos he was robbed! Several thousand gold is missing from his coffers and he blames the players! Since they have no viable defense (the characters shoulod have about as much memory of what happened the night before as the players themselves do) and a lot of eyewitnesses pointing fingers at them saying they started the fight, there's not a lot the court can do but put them in the pokey.

HOWEVER... Not a single witness, not even the owner himself, can recall ever having seen the players even come close to the money that they supposedly stole. And it's rather obvious the players don't have the cash on them. It's also obvious they never had time to stash a few thousand in cash away anywhere. So, without the gold, there's an unsolved robbery going on here that the players can't be blamed for. With no other choice, the characters are sentenced for everything but the grand larceny and sent off to a work camp to serve their time (I gave my group a 5 year sentence personally, mostly from the property damages and assaulting an officer of the law)

At some point here the players are going to want to come up with some method of escape. Let them try and fail or succeed as they go... this gives them a chance to start working together as a team, which is usually a prevalent goal for most GM's, especially with a new group. At some point they should, however, run into a guy I like to call Jacob. He's the guy that meets up with them after they break out or even assists in their escape, gives them their gear and apologizes for taking so long to catch up with them. He'll then toss an extra sack to each of the characters with an extra 1000 gold in it. If questioned about it, Jacob will laugh and tell them "It's your cut of the loot from the job we just pulled off, what do you think it is? Geez, you guys really don't remember any of it do you?" He'll then laugh and ride off, leaving the PC's to their own devices, quite possibly dodging guards on a manhunt for the 'escaped fugitives'.

Good luck and great gaming!

Re: new adventure ideas

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 12:48 pm
by Gthomas41571
Thx Julius sounde like a good idea, I'm gonna go with it.

Re: new adventure ideas

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 1:48 pm
by JuliusCreed
Gthomas41571 wrote:Thx Julius sounde like a good idea, I'm gonna go with it.

Glad I could help! Let me know how it turns out!

Re: new adventure ideas

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 1:53 pm
by The Dark Elf

This was a previous Eastern Territory Campaign I ran, divided into sections. Some parts might be useful.