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Post your funniest mis-haps while playing

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 4:19 pm
by Gthomas41571
Ok so picture this.... 3 players.. a dwarf, wolven with no patiants and an elf ranger with a long bow. they are in a dark cave. Being pursed by orcs, ambient light is nil, the party refuse to use any so they won't be detected. They aproach a wood door that appers to locked or, or possibley barred from the other side, the door is weakley constructed so it appears a good stout kick would do the job.... the PC peer threw the cracks of the wood and can determine the are 2 orcs about about 10 and 15 feet from the door in what appears to be a larger chamber. So the PC hatch there plan.. the dwarf will kick open the door, the wolven will then enter the area and attack, while the bow man will shoot from the doorway, sounds easy enought.......
Well this is how it played out..... the dwarf rolls a 1 for sdc dmg on the door( if someone rolls a 1 in my game its catastrophic, meaning they failed horribley) and so his foot got stuck threw the door.. the wolven who was pumped up and has no patience decides to slam into the door and break it open, so what happens??? He rolls a 1 and trips over the Dwarf who's foot is still stuck in the door and they both go flying threw the door with the wolven landing on top of him pinning him] to the groung until the wolven gets up.. The Elf longbowman decides to jump threw the door way over the players and initiate the attack.. just when u think it cannot get any worst... you guess it he rolled a 1 ( this has got to be a record) he makes it over the PC on the ground but hits the stone door frame above his head and he. goes down on the wolven........... this had to be the worst disaster I hade ever run (it was a train wreck in slowmotion). Well they lost there suprise attack and took Dmg form the orcs but they did make it out, needles to say they r

Re: Post your funniest mis-haps while playing

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 4:25 pm
by Gthomas41571
They did mke it out, with brused egos..

Re: Post your funniest mis-haps while playing

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 4:29 pm
by Gthomas41571
A lot more careful with dark caverns and opening doors now :lol:

Re: Post your funniest mis-haps while playing

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 10:26 pm
by JuliusCreed
The funniest mishaps from my players? Gods, where do I begin :lol:

I think the funniest was probably the time the players were taking on a small group of mixed bandits headed up by a Troll Merc leading them. One was a Human Assassin on horseback that got the brilliant idea of charging the Troll and leaping from his horse with the intent of driving his short sword and dagger into the brute's chest. The charging in went well enough but the leap to action failed miserably with the Assassin rolling a 1 for the strike and doing a nice little skipscufftumbleflailroll across the ground, ending in a crumpled and dusty heap at the Troll's feet. He even flubbed his Gymnastics and Roll w/Punch/Fall/Impact rolls to try and at least recover from the blunder well enough to not end up a doormat. To make matters worse, the Elven Warlock, using a Short Bow at the time to conserve PPE, managed to goof her shot bad enough with another 1 to strike that she ended up shooting the Assassin in the arse rather than the Troll in an attempt to distract him from bringing his mace down on top of the twisted lump of meat in front of him.

Re: Post your funniest mis-haps while playing

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 10:36 pm
by Gthomas41571
The funny thing is everyone wonders. How and why that happen, I just tell everyone, its just chance of the dice...