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Can't find a D-bee

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 7:27 am
by zaccheus
Hopefully someone can help me, and hopefully I'm not just crazy. I distinctly remember there being a cat like D-Bee that travel around the megaverse in bipedal, open cockpit robot vehicles and I can't seem to find them in any of my books. The closes thing I can find are the Arkhon's, the look somewhat similar to what I remember, but the Arkhon's are more canine or weasal like, and these I remember being more feline, also the arkhon's mechs are nothing like the ones I'm looking for. If anyone can give me the book these guys appear in please let me know, I thought it was D-bees of north america, but I've looked through there at least three times now and can't seem to find them. Thanks for your help.

Re: Can't find a D-bee

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 8:33 am
by cornholioprime
I can only think of the In'valians, the Lurgess, the Faerie 'Bots, and of course the Mechanoids that regularly travel around in either environmental armor or full-fledged robot suits...but of course none of those species look feline.

Drawing a blank here...if indeed this species that you speak of even exists as you remember them.

Re: Can't find a D-bee

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 11:35 am
by Gamer
Haven't found anything like that in any Rifts, HU, Manhunter or Mechanoid books, the only place didn't check was the Rifters.

Re: Can't find a D-bee

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 11:51 am
by mobuttu
Amorph or Faerie 'Bots, both in D-Bees of NA.

Re: Can't find a D-bee

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 12:18 pm
by Faceless Dude
Garudans? Did the original sentinels have them with their own mechs outside the REF?

Re: Can't find a D-bee

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 1:05 pm
by ShadowLogan
Japan has a Feline like Robot, but no D-Bee.

South America 1 has another Feline 'bot that is used by a variety of powers, one of which is made up of felines. Said bot isn't open cockpit though.

@Faceless Dude
No the Garudans never had any mecha in the RPG. It was the Perytonians (hovercycles), Praxians (Pegasus Robot Horse, maybe the chariot cycle), and a Haydonite Shuttle. Otherwise the Sentinels equipment is very bare.

Re: Can't find a D-bee

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 1:18 pm
by Gamer
Rappanui wrote:he's thinking of the invalians, but they were never cat like.

There's a few races he could be thinking of and mixing it up not just the one.

Re: Can't find a D-bee

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 4:42 pm
by zaccheus
I very well could be misremembering or mismatching a couple of things together. I think I'm mixing the arkhon from SA with something else that has roughly human sized robot vehicles but with an open cockpit with the dbee's upper body sticking out. The latter d-bee is the one I can't seem to find for the life of me. I can distinctly remember the art but who knows maybe its just my imagination

Re: Can't find a D-bee

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 9:12 am
by Wooly
Rappanui wrote:what you're thinking of is the picture that belongs next to the blood rider.

One of the South America world books?

Re: Can't find a D-bee

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 9:36 am
by Gamer
Wooly wrote:
Rappanui wrote:what you're thinking of is the picture that belongs next to the blood rider.

One of the South America world books?

He'll have to provide page numbers what I'm seeing makes no sense at all.

Re: Can't find a D-bee

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 10:32 am
by ShadowLogan
Wooly wrote:
Rappanui wrote:what you're thinking of is the picture that belongs next to the blood rider.

One of the South America world books?

South America 2 pg 133-138 for the Blood Rider OCCs and their mounts. Though I don't see robotic or feline in any of the illustrations in those pages.

Re: Can't find a D-bee

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 7:36 pm
by Seneca
I think what you want is in a Rifter. One of the alternate races from the deep south article that Josh wrote that did not make it into the D-bees of North America book like the rest. The article had the catfish fishermen, the barbarian d-bees, and the sick nomads in it too.

I think it was somewhere in the 20's, around the timedinosaur swamp came out. One of the races are cat like, little d-bees, that build walking exo-suits to explore with.

Re: Can't find a D-bee

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 7:39 pm
by Seneca
Rifter 33: D-Bees of the Eastern Wilds was the article.

Re: Can't find a D-bee

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 8:08 pm
by Josh Sinsapaugh
Just a note: that D-Bee (Two-Horned Techno-Men) wasn't cut from D-Bees of North America, I never submitted it with the rest that went in.

I thought they worked better as an optional race rather than a canonical one.

~ Josh

Re: Can't find a D-bee

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 8:10 am
by zaccheus
Seneca wrote:Rifter 33: D-Bees of the Eastern Wilds was the article.


Thanks so much, it was driving me crazy. Thanks to everyone for the suggestions, everytime I looked them up and it wasn't what I remembered it started to make me think I'm delusional...finally though I found it, Rifter 33, p 64 the Techno men


Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 10:50 am
zaccheus wrote:Can't find a D-bee...

Dude, seriously? You can't walk half a block in the Chi-Town Burbs without tripping over one... :D

-Mike <8]

Re: Can't find a D-bee

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 7:53 pm
by Colt47
Cat folk riding power armor? Archons, maybe? They sorta look like cats even though they are supposed to be dog like.

Re: Can't find a D-bee

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 9:31 pm
by zaccheus
Rappanui wrote:i think your delusional for wanting to play one

LOL I don't want to play one, I'm running a game, with all new players, and one wants to play a "cat girl with a mech". I'm just trying to find options for her, and this is one of several, sure she could just play a mutant cat robot pilot, but I wanted to give her a several options so the character is as close to what she wants as possible.

Re: Can't find a D-bee

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 9:34 pm
by Josh Sinsapaugh
zaccheus wrote:
Rappanui wrote:i think your delusional for wanting to play one

LOL I don't want to play one, I'm running a game, with all new players, and one wants to play a "cat girl with a mech". I'm just trying to find options for her, and this is one of several, sure she could just play a mutant cat robot pilot, but I wanted to give her a several options so the character is as close to what she wants as possible.

Cat girl?

Do you have Rifts: Manhunter?

There's a cat race in that (the Kirn) which would fit her needs perfectly.

~ Josh