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More than 6 Magic Tattoos + Invocation Casting = Possible?

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 3:02 am
by Giant2005
I noticed an exploit of sorts that may allow a True Atlantean to continue casting invocations after receiving his 7th Magical Tattoo.

Page 107 of Splynn Dimensional Market states that a True Atlantean with Master Psionics can attain and use as many Tattoos as he likes however, they do not become MDC creatures and do not receive additional PPE for those tattoos.
It doesn't state whether or not they effect magical abilities as per the norm but I suspect that is more because being a Master Psionic and Magic User Simultaneously isn't something that is thought to be possible. It is my judgement that a Master Psionic TA which seems to violate the usual rules for having 7 tattoos or more would also probably violate the no spellcasting rule.

With that thought in mind, I went scouring the books to try and find any OCCs that had both Master Psionics as well as Magical Capbilities.
I only came up with two:
The Born Mystic of Mystic Russia and
The Blind Mystic of China 2.

Can anyone else think of any other classes that had both Master Psionics and Magic Abilities that would be available to a True Atlantean? I only checked the Rifts line, I'm sure there are probably others within the other books.
Or does anyone else have any opinions on whether or not this was even possible, or am I just crazy in thinking that a Master Psionic TA could bypass the "7 or more tats = no magic" rule?

Re: More than 6 Magic Tattoos + Invocation Casting = Possible?

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 10:16 am
by Giant2005
Sunu wrote:One big problem I see is he won't have the PPE to activate most tattoos. I am fairly certain that a Master psi won't be able to cast invocation spells because they dedicate to much of there time and energy developing there psionics. The only exception would be some supernatural beings, high lvl demons, demi-god,gods and some dragons.

Yeah that is why I mentioned the Blind Mystic and Born Mystic.
They are both Master Psionics and have invocation based casting (and PPE to use).

Re: More than 6 Magic Tattoos + Invocation Casting = Possible?

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 2:19 pm
by Akashic Soldier
Off the top of your head would it be possible if the character just got the 5% or 10% chance of being psionic? If they get the "highest" category of psi they count as... Master... or?

Re: More than 6 Magic Tattoos + Invocation Casting = Possible?

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 2:32 pm
by Giant2005
Akashic Soldier wrote:Off the top of your head would it be possible if the character just got the 5% or 10% chance of being psionic? If they get the "highest" category of psi they count as... Master... or?

Are you talking about the random roll?
If so True Atlanteans roll the same as humans and the highest it gets is Major Psionics.
You are probably thinking of Sea Titans - they and Amaki (and probably others) have random tables with the potential of reaching Master Psionics.

Re: More than 6 Magic Tattoos + Invocation Casting = Possible?

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 2:35 pm
by Akashic Soldier
Giant2005 wrote:
Akashic Soldier wrote:Off the top of your head would it be possible if the character just got the 5% or 10% chance of being psionic? If they get the "highest" category of psi they count as... Master... or?

Are you talking about the random roll?
If so True Atlanteans roll the same as humans and the highest it gets is Major Psionics.
You are probably thinking of Sea Titans - they and Amaki (and probably others) have random tables with the potential of reaching Master Psionics.


I is sleepy too.

Youre right but I wasn't sure so I guess the only way to hit master psychic is with the help of Mindwerks Psi-tech. Or maybe thats only major too... *strokes his chin*

Re: More than 6 Magic Tattoos + Invocation Casting = Possible?

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 11:35 pm
by eliakon
"Seven or more tattoos totally destroys a practicioner or magic's other mystic powers" Atlantis pg85. It doesn't say "lose when you become MDC, just (#>6)=No Magic.

Re: More than 6 Magic Tattoos + Invocation Casting = Possible?

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 8:51 am
by Anthar
There is the Atlantean Dilettante that can have more than 6 tattoos and still spell cast. It was in a Rifter article.

Re: More than 6 Magic Tattoos + Invocation Casting = Possible?

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 1:50 pm
by random_username
A bit off-topic but the Chiang-Ku Dragon (England) is supposed to be able to be Tattoo Masters (creation and usage) as well as having the ability to possibly know other magics.

Leads to an interesting if a bit odd plausible possibility (innovative version of canon concepts, just for fun):
- Human Spellcaster. (Toss in the World Tree mod in CB2:Pantheons for fun hehe).
- Transformed into a Dragon Juicer via Chiang-Ku blood. With the added effect of basically being treated as having the Chiang-Ku's ability to bypass limitations and requirements for Magic Tattoos.
- Subsequently turned into a Tattoo-Man, T-Archer, etc. With the GM allowing the Chiang-Ku blood used for transformation to have the additional effect of preserve spell casting abilities after obtaining 7 or more magic tattoos. It would also bypass any limitations for being a creature of magic (natural or artificial) and species type (dragon, human, and so forth).
- Probably not fully canon but rather innovative and fun interpretation (minor variation) potentially allowed by a GM.
- Probably more plausible (in terms of story elements) if it was also Ancient Chiang-Ku Dragon blood. The more powerful blood type (nearly doubles the juicer lifespan or so) allowing the extra effect to function.
- The most probably occurrence of this would be if an Ancient Chiang-Ku Dragon had made its way to the Federation of Magic and learned the Dragon Juicer process (or had an underling who knew and performed the conversion process). He could then also gift his Chiang-Ku Dragon Juicers with Magic Tattoos as well.

Simple Explanation - Again This is just for the fun of it:
- Dragon Juicer process essentially uses a small portion of a Dragon's Creature of Magic nature to create an Artificial Creature of Magic. Magic Tattoos are specifically tied to a creature's essence (PPE, etc). Something about the Chiang-Ku's essence as a Creature of Magic allows it to bypass the normal requirements for Magic Tattoos. The primary one being that a Chiang-Ku Dragon can use Magic Tattoos but other dragons cannot. All Chiang-Ku have Magic Tattoos at all times, meaning any blood obtained from one would be 'tainted' by the Chiang-Ku's Magic Tattoos. So does this infused (or 'tainted') dragon blood who's essence is being duplicated in a small way (creature of magic yielding artificial creature of magic) provide the same Magic Tattoo limitation bypassing abilities of the Chiang-Ku.
- These limitation bypassing abilities would be a result of essentially treating the Dragon Juicer as if it was a Chiang-Ku for this purpose:
-- Ability to use Magic Tattoos regardless of species or nature (Dragon Juicer species treated as Chiang-Ku variant and equivalent).
-- Ability to retain all spell-casting abilities (even at 7+ Magic Tattoos) and use Magic Tattoos without hindrance (no double PPE cost) (see Chiang-Ku).
- Balancing Option: Require the Chiang-Ku Dragon Juicer to use the Dragon Experience Table (and Ancient Dragon Experience Table) for its advancement as a Dragon Juicer and any Magic Tattoo OCC. All non-immortal Juicers have extremely short lifespans so if one actually made it to 16th or higher level it wouldn't be around for long anyway.

Ridiculous Convoluted Explanation: May need to - Find Wall, Commence Head Bashing, Repeat As Needed:
- Dragon Juicer conversion process essentially imparts as small portion of the dragon's magical essence upon the converted individual through the process. Essentially creating an artificial or induced creature of magic.
- Since all dragons are simply creatures of magic they do not normally differentiate between the dragon types when creating Dragon Juicers.
- However, Chiang-Ku's nature is such that its magical nature defies normal limitations of magic tattoo usage, both by being a creature of magic and by being a non-human (or similar) being. Something the other dragon types do not benefit from. This is not the standard difference such as a focus on fire, poison, or whatever. This is entirely about its magical nature functioning completely different from any other natural creature of magic.
- The magical essence that allows the conversion process to occur is one that responds differently to magic (in this case magic tattoos) unlike any other magical nature in existence.
- So the magical nature that allows the Dragon Juicer to exist as an artificial creature of magic is derived from a magical essence that permits the usage of magic tattoos on creatures of magic who otherwise should not be able to use them.
- Standard dragon = creature of magic = cannot use magic tattoos due to its nature (a creature of magic, non-human or similar).
- Chiang-Ku dragon = creature of magic = can use magic tattoos and retain full spell casting abilities = since overriding its core nature is inherently impossible its core nature must be slightly different = non-standard creature of magic = whatever that "non-standard" or warped aspect of being a creature of magic is what allows the magic tattoos to function without hindrance when they otherwise shouldn't. Otherwise if it were simply a special ability of the Chiang-Ku dragons then it would be similar to a genetic shapeshifter (like the Auto-G in WB30:D-Bees) being able to qualify for any process that is only available to the species it is currently imitating. Such as imitating a human so now it can get magic tattoos, or undergo human-only juicer processes, and so forth.
- Dragon Juicer = artificial creature of magic = created by using a portion of a natural creature of magic limited to dragons = lesser, artificial version of the dragon's nature.
- Chiang-Ku Dragon Juicer = artificial non-standard creature of magic = lesser, artificial version of the dragon's nature. That artificial non-standard creature of magic equivalent then providing the benefits of eliminating normal limitations on magic tattoo usage = specifically due to species and loss of spell-casting abilities.
- The Chiang-Ku are considered an extinct species of dragon (though there are a bunch in Europe, and South America see Monstershaping Tattoos). Thus the beings performing the conversion process have probably never had Chiang-Ku blood to work with. Even if they did, that Dragon Juicer would need access to a Tattoo Master who was bored enough to try putting a magic tattoo on him. Only then could they realize that such a thing were possible.
- Ultimately its not saying the Chiang-Ku 'Dragon Juicer' is gaining special abilities beyond those of a normal juicer, rather that the very nature of the Chiang-Ku 'Dragon Juicer' is every so slightly different than a standard Dragon Juicer. Something that only reveals itself when someone starts putting magic tattoos on it. The end result is two basic effects:
-- The ability to use magic tattoos as a Dragon Juicer and any subsequent switch to the magic tattoo OCCs (since it ignores the limitation of being a natural or artificial creature of magic and species type for magic tattoos only);
-- and the ability to retain full spell casting abilities while having 7+ magic tattoos (the ability to retain its full spell-casting abilities regardless of magic tattoos).
- Finally, that its just plain fun.
- The only real drawback could be: then why would anyone ever bother being anything other than a Chiang-Ku blood initial conversion to Dragon Juicer.
- Worse Case Scenario: With GM approval just use a slight variation of the Dragon Juicer conversion process, which might be required anyway since the Chiang-Ku's nature is slightly different. The only difference being the two listed eliminated limitations above. Almost all the canon Juicer conversion processes are simply variations on the original basic Juicer conversion process anyway.
- Check out Dragon Juicer ability #10 (WB10:Juicer Uprising) for a particularly interesting reference.

Side Note:
- There is another dragon type who's very nature is radically different than normal dragons. There is a Crystal Dragon (name starts with Z) in the Psyscape book, that is entirely made from crystal, presumably meaning that it doesn't actually have blood. Ironically using part of its hide (presumably ground into a powder and added to the blood mixture; or whatever) as part of the Dragon Juicer conversion process is crazy fun.